Channel Ten: 30/10/08, Five: 04/02/09
Donna and Bridget see Ringo and Declan with the football groupies at the stadium. Ringo struggles to keep up during training, but insists he's healthy. Declan tells Ringo he won't keep covering for him. Dan announces that he's going to recreate his motorbike race with Lucas. Zeke finds the Pill in the bin and asks Rachel if it's hers. Donna, Didge and Rachel all take pregnancy tests, one is positive but they don't know whose it is.
Bridget, Donna and Rachel are sitting on the sofa in Elle’s living room, each holding their baby dolls for their school assignment. They ponder over the fact that one of them could be replacing their plastic baby for the real thing. Elle suspects the girl are hiding something, and when she suggests a nice girly chat, the girls panic, and Bridget and Rachel leave Donna to go home, with Donna quick to go upstairs to her homework, to escape Elle.


The next day at school, Declan humours Dan over Libby’s lateness, but is told to keep his smart comments to himself. Dan then asks the girls to share their experiences of pretend motherhood with the class. After talking about life with plastic babies, Donna and Ringo learn they were the most successful at looking after the toy babies, but, amidst the panic over the pregnancy tests, Donna brings up Ringo and Declan’s AFL training, and how they saw the boys with some feisty female fans at the footie ground. Declan and Ringo feel irritated at the girls having spied on them.
After class, Zeke confronts Rachel about the contraceptive pills in the Kennedys’ bin, when Donna swiftly steps in to cover for Rachel, telling Zeke that the pills were hers, and that they just didn’t agree with her.
Back at the Kennedys’ Libby comes in from school during her lunch break to find Karl fast asleep in front of the TV, who then wakes up, desperately trying to deny the fact he was watching it, only making Libby laugh more at him. Susan enters shortly after, and starts to ask Libby how her nose-diving relationship with Dan is going, yet Ben overhears Libby’s annoyances about Dan’s decision to race with Lucas again, and over a milkshake at Harold’s, Ben gives Dan the cold shoulder, and wants to go home!




At number 22, Donna, Bridget and Rachel prepare to take the pregnancy tests again, making sure clumsy Donna doesn’t make a mess of things, again! Just after Elle gets in, the girls suddenly act all innocent, with Donna quick to compliment Elle on her lovely top, but a surprised Elle wonders why Donna likes the top this week, but hated it last week. Elle is beginning to see through Donna even more. After such a poor attempt at being innocent, Elle suspects that the return of Donna’s father Matt is the reason behind her sheepish behaviour. However, as smug Paul enters, the girls say they’re going to do a study session in the evening, and ask if Elle will be out then, but it is their chance to take the tests again. Elle has seen straight through them again, and, when the girls leave, she tells Paul she is going to gatecrash their ‘study session’, to find some answers!
Next, at Charlie’s, Elle bickers with Paul about her suspicions of the girls, and as Steve, Karl and Lou come in for a drink, Elle questions them over whether they’ve also seen the girls acting strange, but they just think Elle is being paranoid, and she’s got nothing to worry about!


Over at Erinsborough High, Rachel, Donna and Bridget are panicking over when and where to do the tests, when Ringo and Declan walk in, laughing about the local burger bar being shut down, because of a bad case of dirty meat. It gives Rachel reason to believe that perhaps her recent illness wasn't down to pregnancy. Just as the lesson is about to start at school, Libby is followed into the classroom by Dan, bugged by Dan asking after Ben. Infuriated at Dan’s decision to race with Lucas again, she thinks Dan feels his pride is more important to him than her.


Meanwhile, at the Dingoes' Gym, Ringo is pumping iron, as he and Declan are praised by Steve and Karl for their success at getting training with the AFL. As Declan begins to boast again about his success, Ringo steps in to give him a reality check, but is interrupted by Declan, who warns Ringo that he isn’t going to cover for him again about not eating before his first training session with the AFL.
At number 22, Bridget sits with Donna and Rachel, holding the new pregnancy tests on a plate, and downstairs, Elle arrives home, slyly listening in to the girls’ conversations. She starts talking to Cat about her thoughts over what the girls are hiding!


Upstairs, one of the pregnancy test sticks turns blue, again, this time, without Donna having kicked them into the air by mistake, they now know who's expecting, but Elle bursts in, just as they find out. Elle suspects it’s Donna, after being shocked at what’s on the plate, but the girls freeze her out when she asks whose stick is positive. They plead with Elle to keep it a secret.
At number 32, Ben is refusing to clean his teeth. Libby says that he promised he would, but he points out that she never keeps her promises, so why should he. Dan then comes over and gives a happy Ben a fishing magazine, so he goes off and cleans his teeth. Libby is upset to hear that Dan still plans to race.


Over at The General Store, Karl tells Susan about how his hard dedication at the gym is paying off, only for Susan to mock his efforts, and they end up laughing over the Doctor’s pair of guns! At a table, Donna sits feeling isolated, but worried for Bridget, and as Elle comes over to talk to her, she tells Elle that it isn’t her who is pregnant.
Later, Bridget, Rachel and Donna are standing outside on the street, and they agree to stick together and support each other, particularly Bridget, as she learns she is going to have to grow up pretty quick. As she feels the thought of motherhood beginning to haunt her, Bridget says goodnight, and walks off, distressed.


Regular Cast Credits
Featured Regular Characters: Bridget Parker, Rachel Kinski, Elle Robinson, Libby Kennedy, Daniel Fitzgerald, Declan Napier, Ringo Brown, Zeke Kinski, Karl Kennedy, Ben Kirk, Steve Parker, Lou Carpenter, Paul Robinson
Guest Cast: Margot Robbie as Donna Freedman
by Matt