Channel Ten: 11/03/09, Five: 13/05/09
Miranda tells Steve that she wants a divorce. Susan suggests a supervised organised fight between Zeke and Ringo. Andrew proposes to Rebecca. After Didge asks him to leave, Declan and Rebecca move out of number 26. Rachel decides to turn down the scholarship. Zeke tells Ty that Rachel is refusing to take the offer to protect him. Ty breaks up with Rachel.
Ty insists that he and Rachel aren’t right for each other, saying that he is giving up on both his music career and their relationship. Rachel believes that he still cares for her, but he corrects her, claiming that he used to. Rebecca arrives for work just in time to see Rachel run away, upset. Ty refuses to go after her and breaks his guitar in a rage.

At number 28, Susan tries to talk Zeke out of the fight, reminding him of all that he and Ringo have been through together. Zeke is oblivious to Susan’s argument, wishing to fight Ringo till death, if necessary. Rachel enters, angry with her brother, blaming him for Ty’s behaviour. Zeke thinks he did the right thing because he knows that Rachel wanted to go on London. He leaves, and Rachel says that all she wants is her little brother back.

Rebecca comforts Ty after his outburst, allowing him to have the day off. Declan arrives prior to his AFL assessment, but immediately guesses that Rebecca is keeping something from him. They sit down to talk and she tells him about her engagement to Andrew. Declan is shocked at how quick it is, but she defends her choice, saying that he’s a nice guy and she can trust him. Declan says that as long as she’s happy, he’s happy, and asks for a school note in return. He congratulates her and they hug.
Miranda tells Steve about her job interview at Lassiter’s and says that she invited him round to speak to Bridget, not to ask questions. The three of them sit for breakfast and Steve confirms that they’ve decided to go ahead with the divorce, but wants Didge to know that they still love her and she shouldn’t let this influence her decision about the baby or her studies. She thinks they’re making the right decision, stating that ‘happy endings are for fairytales.’

Libby promises she’ll let Dan know if works gets too much for her, as Declan rushes by on the way to his assessment and they wish him luck. He notices Didge looking unhappy, but she doesn’t want to talk about it. Ringo comes over and Declan tells him to go on ahead to the assessment and he’ll catch up. He goes back to Didge, who can’t understand why she is so upset about the divorce when she thinks it is the right thing, but feels like it is one thing on top of the other at the minute. He assures her that everything will be alright and that babies survive being born into family war-zones all the time. She forces him to go to his assessment. Zeke tries to convince Rachel that he was only trying to help and says she needs to learn how to put herself first. Donna is confused...

Rachel, Donna and Didge look at flight details on the internet. Donna thinks it’s way too soon and sudden, but Didge thinks staying will mean she’ll go to university and never take any risks. After silently thinking it over, Rachel clicks confirm. Didge says that she isn’t allowed to forget about them and they all hug.

Declan arrives late to the assessment and Nathan refuses to give him another chance. He’ll have to go back to the Dingoes where he can have a laugh and turn up when he feels like it, his AFL career is over. Ringo comes over and Declan tells him what happened. He wishes Ringo good luck and leaves.

Karl and Susan discuss Rachel’s break-up and Zeke’s lack of sympathy. Susan’s phone rings: it’s Rachel and she wants to see them at home. As they leave, Rebecca comes in and finds Declan. He says it was his own fault and explains what happened earlier with Didge. Rebecca tells him that she didn’t need her son to be a football star anyway, but he says that he wanted to be able to support her through school and then she could do whatever job she wanted. She states that she is happy working at Charlie’s, and that she has a son who is kind, thoughtful and generous. She jokes that with an AFL career, all it takes is one injury and it’s all over and now he can have a career that uses his ‘gigantic intellect’ or ‘beautiful handsome face.’ She tells him that it won’t always hurt this much.

Karl and Susan are shocked at the suddenness of Rachel’s decision to leave. Susan hugs her, saying that she can come home any time she wants to. They’re very proud, but they’ll miss her. She tells them not to be too hard on Zeke as he only did what he did because he cares. Rachel goes off to pack but Susan doesn’t think she’s ready for Rachel moving on.

At the park, Declan kicks a ball round. Didge sees him and comes over, clapping. She tells him that she knows and calls him to her. They hug and he begins to cry. He says that he wanted to be somebody, but she tells him that he already is. They both admit that they’ve missed each other and kiss.
At Harold’s Store, Miranda and Steve make awkward conversation about dinner and the job interview. Zeke invites them both to Rachel’s farewell party. He then goes to Ty, thanking him for what he said to Rachel, as she deserves this opportunity. Ty states that what he said to her is killing him and wants to let her know that he cares. Zeke suggests he finds a way of telling her after she’s gone.


At the party, Susan and Libby convince Rachel that there will loads of people around to care for Libby during her pregnancy. Rachel says she’ll try to come back for when she has the baby and Libby tells her not to ‘do a Mal’ and stay over there. Susan says that if Alex were alive, he’d be saying ‘Next stop: Oxford’ and Rachel promises not to waste this chance. Karl jokes that they should get an exchange student and Donna suggests they consider it because having an English guy living on the street ‘would be so cool... and hot.’ Rachel tells Donna that she can come and stay with her whenever she likes. Didge and Declan arrive to say their goodbyes. Declan points out that it will feel weird without her and her issues. They all leave for the airport.


At the airport gate, Rachel breaks down in tears and hugs Susan, thanking her for everything and apologising for all the trouble she caused. Susan tells her not to say sorry, reminding her that she was just growing up. Karl tells her to call any time, day or night. She hugs Didge, Donna and Declan and gives Ringo a kiss goodbye. Zeke hands her a letter from Ty, but she’s not allowed to open it until she’s on the plane. Crying again, she tells him that she forgives him and wants him to stop fighting with Ringo and look after himself, and Karl and Susan. Zeke cries too and after one final hug with Susan, she tells them that she loves them all and goes through the gate. She opens and read Ty’s letter:
“I hope somehow that you knew that what I said this morning was a massive lie. This is so cool what you’re doing and it’s right for you. I put myself first too many times, now I’m putting you first. I’ve written you some song lyrics. Maybe you can put a tune to them some day and think of me. I love you, Rach. And I’ll never forget you.”


Ty runs through the airport and Rachel turns round in time to see him, but the security guards refuse to let them through to each other. They stand on either side of the glass door, placing their hands by each other’s. They mouth ‘I love you’ to each other. Getting an idea, Zeke leaves his backpack on a chair and tells security that he found it left there by some weird guy. When security go to check it out, Ty and Rachel kiss and hug. The guards return and separate them. Rachel tells Ty that she loves him and crying and waving, leaves. Ty begins to cry.
Regular Cast Credits
Featured Regular Characters: Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski, Libby Kennedy-Fitzgerald, Daniel ‘Fitzy’ Fitzgerald, Donna Freedman, Steve Parker, Miranda Parker, Bridget ‘Didge’ Parker, Rebecca Napier, Declan Napier, Ty Harper, Ringo Brown
Guest Cast: Lyall Brooks as Nathan Black, Jason Green as Security Guard #1, Steve Syson as Security Guard #2
Trivia Notes
• Final appearance of Caitlin Stasey as Rachel Kinski
• According to her internet booking, Rachel’s flight departs Melbourne at 12:00, arrives in Brisbane at 13:10, departs Brisbane at 18:00 and finally arrives in London at 00:25
• Karl and Donna discuss the possibility of the Kennedys taking part in a student exchange programme
• Donna says that Topshop is her spiritual home
by Conor