Channel Ten: 23/04/09, Five: 25/06/09
Paul goads Lucas over the situation with Elle. Lucas tells Elle to choose between him and her father. Steve announces to Steph and Toadie that Bob needs an ultrasound. Steve tells Toadie that Bob has cancer. Steve calls Steph to say he thinks they're going to have a problem with Toadie.
Having got a second opinion from a different vet, Toadie is sitting quietly with Bob. Steph calls him, but he ignores it and he is clearly upset. Dan and Libby draw up and Libby shouts out to him that they've been looking for him. Toadie wanders off, Dan says that they should let him have some time alone.

At the store, Rebecca and Elle are discussing Elle's decision to throw out Lucas instead of Paul. Rebecca is trying to make her see that Paul provoked the whole argument with Lucas. Rebecca points out that maybe Paul is scared of losing Elle and sees Lucas as a threat which explains his behaviour. Steph then bursts through the door asking if they've seen Toadie. She starts to explain about Bob.

At Charlie's, Libby and Dan have been having a drink with Susan telling her about Bob. Steph interrupts with Rebecca, wondering if they've found Toadie. Libby and Dan admit that they did but that Toadie did a runner from them. Steph says they have to find him so Steph, Susan, Libby and Dan leave to find him. Rebecca passes Paul on her way back to the bar and he enquires about what was being discussed at the table. Rebecca doesn't let on and instead criticises his parenting skills. Paul then leaves the bar, Rebecca admits to Ty that Paul drives her insane. Lucas walks into the bar, Rebecca trying to play cupid again asks for Ty to call Elle and make up an excuse for her to come to Charlie's.
Later, Lucas has been joined by Elle and they are trying to talk through things unsuccessfully at one of the tables. Rebecca admits to Ty, this isn't working out as she planned. Ty is not interested saying he couldn't care less. Meanwhile Lucas is challenging Elle to see if she is interested in making a total commitment to him. Lucas is still trying to change her mind about throwing him out, Elle says he can't make her choose. Lucas says he knows this but if he doesn't hear from Elle he'll know where he stands. At that point he leaves.

At the park, Toadie is sitting chatting to Bob when he is joined by Steph and Libby. Steph tells him everyone is really worried and offers to take Toadie home. Libby offers to get Callum down to the park, both offers are declined. Steph says that he needs to tell Callum the news. At that point she and Libby prepare to leave, Libby makes a phone call to call in the "big guns".
Later, Toadie is still sitting with Bob as Susan approaches him, she was the "big guns" being called in by Libby and Steph, who then leave. Susan tells Toadie that everyone is worried about him. They both reflect that Bob has had a good life and Susan points out that Toadie wouldn't want Bob to suffer. Toadie says that he worries about Callum, if anything happened to Toadie what would happen to Callum? Susan says that is something everyone worries about but they can't do anything about it, what will happen will happen. Susan tells him to enjoy the time he has with Callum. Toadie is clearly scared of taking Bob to the vets as it's final. Susan points out that everyone in Ramsay St will still love him and they'll support him. She is visibly upset when saying this and has tears in her eyes.


At the clinic, Toadie has just explained to Callum that Bob has cancer, is dying and needs to be put down. The pair of them are stroking Bob and Callum is visibly upset. Callum is trying to persuade Toadie that Bob doesn't want to go. Toadie pats him on the back and leaves. Steve, Susan, Steph, Dan and Libby are all outside the door and Steph sympathises with Callum. Steve suggests a send-off for Bob which proves to be a popular idea. Toadie walks back into the vets room and suggests to Callum that they take Bob to the park for one last time. The pair of them gather up Bob and leave.
Callum and Toadie arrive with Bob and sit on a bench. Toadie points out that Bob is unable to run around so Callum runs around with him. The two of them get upset though when they see a boy playing with his dog properly. Toadie and Callum then spend their final moments with Bob.

There are reminders of Bob strewn all over Toadie's living room. Miranda, Didge, Toadie and Dec are all sitting on the sofa with Dan in the chair, Miranda notices Bob's basket. Steph walks in saying that the kids are making a Bob internet page. Toadie says that he'd like to scatter Bob's ashes at the lake and have some drinks with everyone. At this point everyone leaves. Toadie then starts to cry after looking at Bob's basket.
At the store, Dec and Didge walk in noticing Elle on her computer. Elle admits she is trying to unmask the Lost Boy. Didge tries to persuade her not to, saying she likes the fact he's anonymous. Elle thiinks she's found him, Didge asks her who it is but Elle doesn't answer the question. Dec and Didge sit down at a table, Elle says they are lucky they have their life mapped out. Didge says their life is not mapped out, she did not plan to fall pregnant, a few months ago Dec was going to be in the AFL and she was going to be a doctor.


Meanwhile at number 22, Elle throws a suitcase on her bed and she is obviously thinking of putting Lucas' things in it. She can't bring herself to do it.
Later, Elle is lying on her bed awake when Paul knocks on the door. He enters with a cup of tea for Elle. Paul notices Lucas' stuff is in a box and says Elle has made her choice. Elle turns her back to him and thanks him for the tea, Paul leaves.


Dan, Libby, Miranda, Didge, Toadie and Steph are all in the living room of number 30, having drinks and food to celebrate Bob's life. Dec walks in announcing he's loving the food, Miranda tells Didge they should think about a baby shower for her. Steve walks in carrying Bob's ashes in an urn and hands them to Toadie. Toadie goes to put the urn under his arm and accidentally drops it smashing it in pieces when the urn hits the floor. Everyone is stunned into silence for a few seconds before Steph announces that no-one should move so they don't disturb him. Dan points out that they can't leave him on the floor! Susan has an idea and leaves the room returning with a lunchbox and a hand held hoover. Libby suggests a dust pan instead but Dan points out that a dust pan would not be any more respectful. Toadie gives Susan permission to start the vacuum.
Toadie, Callum, Susan, Libby, Steve, Steph, Charlie, Dan, Dec and Didge all wander to the lakeside, Callum is holding the ashes in the lunchbox. Toadie makes a brief speech about the meaning of life before taking the lunchbox from Callum. Toadie slowly opens the lunchbox saying "Take it easy Bob. We'll love you. We'll miss you." Bob's ashes are then scattered in the lake.


Rebecca, Lucas and Libby are talking about Bob's send-off and are laughing that the urn broke. Ty is still looking miserable, Libby asks him if he's heard from Rachel. Ty simply replies "oh I've heard from her" and walks off. Libby leaves to go to the school just as Elle arrives. Elle tells Lucas she's made a decision, she's chosen him! The two hug and make up.

Elle is telling Paul that she's chosen Lucas and tells him he needs to move out.
Regular Cast Credits
Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Elle Robinson, Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy-Fitzgerald, Stephanie Scully, Charlie Hoyland, Ty Harper, Daniel Fitzgerald, Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadfish Rebecchi, Callum Jones, Miranda Parker , Steve Parker, Bridget Parker, Rebecca Napier and Declan Napier
Guest Cast: Cody Derrick as Boy with Dog
by Louise