Channel Ten: 23/06/09, Five: 25/08/09
Zeke recalls being found by Phil Andrews and the lies he told him. Reunited with his family, amnesiac Zeke refuses to return home with them. Miranda and Steve reunite. Zeke finds an injured Sunny at the bottom of a cliff, but falls himself. Declan and Ringo leave in search of Zeke. Sunny tries to wake up Zeke, but he is confused and disorientated. Bridget’s waters break. Lucas tries to rescue Sunny but she begins to lose her grip on the rope.
Zeke yells at Lucas to pull Sunny up and for her to hold on. Lucas tries as hard as he can, but it’s no good, she’s beginning to slip. Declan and Ringo arrives just in time to assist Lucas and they successfully manage to save Sunny.


The festival goes on outside, as Donna tries in vain to get reception on her mobile. Flustered, she eventually decides to go the St. John’s van for help, promising to be back as fast as she can. Didge breathes heavily and screams for Declan.
Ringo and Sunny make their way back to the festival. Her ankle’s in pain, but she is only worried about Zeke. Meanwhile, Lucas and Declan lower the rope down to Zeke but he’s unresponsive and rocking back and forth. He has another flashback to Phil finding him after the rafting accident. Finally breaking out of his trance, he starts shouting for Sunny but Lucas informs him that she’s safe with Ringo. He manages to convince Zeke to secure himself in the rope and they begin to raise him up.


Didge sings the Erinsborough Dingoes song in an effort to calm herself. Elle returns, annoyed by how long it’s taking to organise the search party and reveals she got through to Karl. She’s shocked to learn that Bridget is in labour. Didge grabs hold of Elle’s hand as she has another contraction.
Karl is on the phone to Sunny’s furious father, saying that Sunny assured them that she sought her parent’s permission. He promises to call back as soon as they know anything. Karl tells Susan that not only did Sunny’s father have no idea about the festival, he didn’t know about her relationship with Zeke. His phone rings but it’s yet another person complaining about their surrogacy plans. Susan reassures him that everything will be alright and he leaves to tell the other parents about what’s happened.

Steve returns home and Rebecca teases him about the new high standards in the house. Miranda welcomes him with a hug and he’s delighted to see she’s wearing her ring again. Karl comes in and reveals what’s happened at the festival, but is desperately worried about Zeke.
As he reaches the top of the cliff, Declan offers his hand to Zeke but again, he remembers the accident and Libby’s failure to hold on to his hand in the water. Being ignored, Declan returns to helping Lucas pull Zeke up. They’re both confused by Zeke’s weird behaviour and as Declan tries to snap him out of it, Zeke freaks out, shouting at them to stay away from him.

As Didge’s contractions worsen, Elle tries to find something to make her feel better, but can only offer lip balm, mints or a crossword. Didge only wants Declan. Elle begins to try her mobile again and Donna returns with Trisha, a St. John’s ambulance attendant. Their ambulance is in use, but they’ve called for another. Trisha tries to get things ready for Didge and Donna tries to console her worried friend.

In another tent, Ringo tries to make Sunny comfortable and keep her warm. Nearly crying, she thanks him and they both apologise to each other for their earlier behaviour. He assures her that Declan will get Zeke out, but she’s more worried about Zeke beginning to see things again. Still confused about what happened, she asks Ringo what exactly happened after the rafting incident, but he can’t help her. Zeke never said much and all he knows is that Zeke didn’t know who he was for a while. Sunny just wants him to be OK.
Zeke ties his laces and away from him, Lucas and Declan discuss what happened. Lucas notes that he seems better now. They’re about to leave when Lucas receives a phone call from Elle, who tells him to come back immediately, Didge is in labour. Lucas is delighted to inform Declan that he’s about to become a father and they rush off.

Elle tells Karl the good news about Sunny and Zeke, but she says that she must call Steve and Miranda urgently. Karl lets her know that he’s with them at the moment and she tells them about Didge’s situation. Rebecca, Steve and Miranda are extremely worried and they both put on speakerphone so they can hear each other. Elle answers their questions about Didge, who is in obvious pain. Didge tells her parents that she wishes they were there with her. They’re horrified to hear Bridget’s screams. Trisha tells Karl that the head is crowning and Karl says it’s time to push.


Desperate to make her feel better, Donna helps her with her breathing and starts doing it too. Thinking she’s no help, she tells herself to shut up but Didge says that she loves her. She continues screaming and Trisha tells them all that the head is nearly out. Karl talks her through the delivery, pointing out what to do with the umbilical cord, but she’s alarmed that the cord is wrapped tight around the baby’s neck. He wants them to slow down the delivery and they try to get Bridget to stop pushing and start panting. Declan finally arrives and they wrap they arms around each other. Declan gets Didge to concentrate on her breathing. Lucas and Ringo stand nervously, not quite sure where to look...



In the other tent, Sunny and Zeke are reunited. She kisses him, happy that they’re safe and warm. Zeke mentions that’s how he felt when Phil saved him. He didn’t know who he was or who Phil was, but he felt safe. Sunny points out that Phil took care of him, so it’s alright. Zeke replies that he thought he was alright, but he isn’t. His memories have started to return.


The cord is out of the way and Didge is allowed to resume pushing. As she gives birth, she remembers her relationship with Declan: their declaration of love, the pregnancy news, their anxieties about parenthood, their wedding... Their baby arrives, much to their joy. It’s a girl. Everyone in the tent and at number 26 celebrate until Rebecca realises something is wrong, there is no crying. Trisha is obviously worried, but tries to calm them down by saying that the baby just needs time. Away from the parents, she tells Karl that the baby is sloppy and not responding, so she’s calling in an emergency airlift.




The helicopter has arrived and Lucas goes to meet them. Elle tells Ringo to get Sunny and Zeke, and she and Donna will begin to pack. The baby finally begins to cry, but is still floppy and has weak vitals. Trisha hands her to the medic and Didge is upset that she didn’t get to hold her baby. Declan doesn’t want to leave his wife but she urges him to be with their baby. Didge waits behind as they leave, totally distraught.
Regular Cast Credits
Featured Regular Characters: Miranda Parker, Steve Parker, Bridget Parker, Rebecca Napier, Declan Napier, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Zeke Kinski, Elle Robinson, Donna Freedman, Sunny Lee, Toadie Rebecchi, Ringo Brown, Lucas Fitzgerald, Baby Napier
Guest Cast: Katherine Tonkin as Trisha Day
Trivia Notes
• 'Baby Napier' is born, played by Alia and Gabriella De Vercelli, having been added to the regular cast credits in the previous episode, though she would be not be given the name 'India' until episode 5723
• Bands at the Winter Cool Festival, Bitter Sweet Kicks and Jaguar Spring are credited as making a ‘Special Guest Appearance’
• Zeke has previously unseen flashbacks of Phil Andrews. However, Robert Mammone does not return, the character’s face is largely concealed and the actor is uncredited
by Conor