Channel Ten: 21/07/09, Five: 22/09/09
Bridget is forced to spend the night out in the bush with baby India, having been unable to find rescue. The next morning, Steve discovers Bridget curled up by a tree asleep, holding India. Bridget is rushed to hosiptal, requiring emergency treatment with Declan's consent.
Bridget is prepared for surgery.
Bridget dreams about her and Declan having a tea party for India in some gardens. They joke about India's future as an Olympic skater and share a kiss.
Surgery begins on Bridget in the operating theatre.


Meanwhile out in the hospital corridor, Declan glares into space holding India, when Jodie comes over, needing to take her back to paediatrics. A reluctant Declan hands India over and sits, feeling deflated.
The operation continues, as Dr Newton checks Bridget's heart rate.
The teens are standing close to Declan, and, fuelled by him recent outburst, Ringo suggests they all leave. Yet Donna sees past this and wants to stay for Bridget's sake. Susan comes over to console Declan, and asks the teens why they are being so distant. She tells them that although Declan might not be acting the best of friends at the moment, he will need to rely on them for support.
Dr. Newton passes by and informs everyone that Bridget is out of surgery and recovering, but due to complications as a result of the accident, needs to be closely monitored for the time being. When Ringo lets Declan know everyone is there for him, Declan refuses to belive Bridget is in such a serious condition and storms off home, pretending everything will turn out fine, and Susan runs after him.

Outside the hospital, Declan is met by Paul, who, along with Susan, tries to convince Declan that he needs to stay with Bridget. Feeling angered, Declan lashes out at Paul for trying to be a father figure to him, and that he's not as naive as his mum for taking him back.
Back inside, a spaced out Zeke looks on, as he and the others wait for news. Sunny is sitting across from him, alone, and Donna asks her to sit beside her, making her feel less alone. She takes hold of Sunny's and Ringo's hands, and, in the true spirit of former resident Harold Bishop, Donna says a prayer for Bridget, albeit in a very modern, Donna-style way!
Afterwards, Sunny notices Zeke has disappeared.

Zeke has gone to find Declan at home, smashing up boxes, in frustration and despair. Zeke grabs Declan to calm him down, and tells him that he is not alone in what he's feeling. Zeke urges Declan to come back to the hospital, reminding him that he made a promise to be at Bridget's side when she wakes up.
Bridget is out of surgery but still unconscious.

In her bed, an unconscious Bridget dreams of walking through gardens dressed in white, and searching for Declan. She hears the ticking of a clock, and turns around to see one, as it fast-forwards from 10.30 and chimes at 12, and then chimes.
Meanwhile, back at Bridget's bedside, Steve and Miranda notice she has woken and notify Dr. Newton, as Declan comes in.
Remembering the clock in her dream, Bridget asks Declan what the time is - just gone 10.30am. Bridget looks back and forth at the clock on the wall continuously, believing there is some relevance to the dream.

Out in the corridor, Sunny praises Zeke efforts at bringing Declan back, and Donna, in a sudden outburst, leaps from her chair, demanding to see Bridget!
Meanwhile, Bridget talks to Declan about India's welfare, brought on by the dream, and pleads with Declan that if something happened to her, that India will be cared for. Assuring Bridget she has nothing to worry about, Declan walks out with India, as Bridget again looks at the clock, now at 11.15am. She is anxious as to what the next 45 minutes will bring.





Just outside the room, Declan apologises to Donna and RIngo for his alienating behaviour, who accept it. He also lets Zeke know it was right to stay with Bridget. Coming to his senses, Declan realises that his friends were only looking out for him, and is grateful for their concern.
Back in the room, Miranda tells Bridget of Steve's heroics, and how Bridget is worthy of her Wonder Woman title for taking care of India throughout such an ordeal! Miranda asks Bridget if she'd like to see her friends, and as she opens the door, Donna, busy eavesdropping almost falls through, clearly not minding her own business!
Hesitant at first to come close, Bridget tells Donna that hugging is still on the menu, so Donna and Sunny race over to do so. Bridget looks at the clock again, with another 10 minutes gone. Surrounded by her friends, Bridget asks Donna and Ringo to be India's godparents, making Donna jump up and down with joy! Excited at her new responsibility, Donna then hands Bridget some jewellery and clothes, to make up for the poor taste in fashion that the hospital provides.

In the corridor, Karl dicsusses Bridget's current situation with Steve, Miranda and Susan, after speaking to Dr Newton. He tells them that the results of some tests are still being waited on. Amazed and confused, Miranda is told by Karl that the extensive internal bleeding Bridget suffered is what has complicated treatment. Also, the length of time between the accident and treatment made things worse, leading Steve to believe that he was to blame, and he becomes frantic with worry.
Outside the hospital, Toadie and Miranda sit with Steve, and instill it in him that he was not to blame for Bridget's injuries.


Back at Bridget's bed, Declan is curious as to why Bridget has a strong fixation on the clock, with which she tells him about the dream - of India's first birthday. Declan sees that Bridget is growing increasingly tired, so tries to continue Bridget's commentary of the dream to lull her into sleeping again. He walks out to let her rest, whilst Bridget returns to her dream.
She walks up a path, leading to a glistening archway. Telling Declan she has to go, it is a premonition of things to come, as, back in the hospital, Bridget suddenly goes into cardiac arrest, as the others look on in panic.



Shortly after, Dr Newton comes out to reveal the heartbreaking news that Bridget has passed away, from a blood clot caused by her prolonged injuries. Steve, Miranda and Declan are overcome with grief at the tragedy.
Regular Cast Credits
Featured Regular Characters: Bridget Parker, Steve Parker, Miranda Parker, Declan Napier, India Napier, Donna Freedman, Ringo Brown, Zeke Kinski, Sunny Lee, Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Toadfish Rebecchi
Guest Cast: Mary Annegeline as Jodie Smith, Carolyn Bock as Dr Peggy Newton, Lily Wouters as India Napier (Toddler), Adam Thomas as Dr Smith
Trivia Notes
• Final appearance of Eloise Mignon as Bridget Parker
by Matt