Channel Ten: 03/11/09, Five: 26/01/10
Elle and Paul both try to make Lucas realise that the long-distance relationship won't be easy... Ringo is surprised to hear about Donna's mediation... Donna wants Saffron to apologise... In the bathrooms, Saffron confronts Donna
and says that she knows all about her past - false claims and stolen police cars - and tells her to drop the case...
The mediator, Stella, returns and tells Donna and Saffron that she's been impressed with their conduct so far. Donna suddenly stands up and says that she made the whole thing up - Saffron didn't hit her. She walks out, with Elle and Toadie close behind,
just as Ringo arrives. Saffron looks at her assistant, Nicci, and smirks.

Outside, Ringo, Toadie and Elle catch Donna, asking her what's happened and why she's suddenly changed her story. Donna blurts out that nobody will believe her, and runs off with Elle going after her. Ringo and Toadie, meanwhile, watch Saffron yelling
at one of her assistants, Lindsay. They approach her, once Saffron has gone, and try to get her to talk, asking why she puts up with Saffron being so horrible to her. Lindsay is reluctant to talk, but agrees to give Ringo five minutes.
At Harold's, Lindsay points out that she'll lose her job - and any hope of a career in fashion - if she speaks out against Saffron. Ringo thinks that she'll still make it, if she's good enough, but Lindsay disagrees, and says that she'll let Saffron
bully her if that's what it takes. Ringo asks her how many times she's given up her time and personal life for Saffron, who hasn't thanked her and has made her feel worthless. Lindsay tells him that she's worked too hard to give up now, and she goes to
leave, but stops when Ringo asks her whether she has any self-respect.

Back at the mediation, Stella asks Donna to confirm that she made up the allegations against Saffron. Donna confirms it, and Elle is disgusted. Donna and Elle start to argue about it, with Elle saying that she can't let Saffron slap her and get away with
it. Just then, Saffron walks in, demanding that Elle stop spreading such lies about her. Stella is satisfied that the mediation is at an end, but then Ringo and Toadie walk in, with Lindsay, who says that she has something to say. She admits that she didn't
see Saffron hit Donna - but she says that Saffron hit her, pushed Nicci and Marcel and threw coffee over Fern. Saffron is furious as Lindsay adds that Donna seemed to cop it worse than any of them, so if she claims that Saffron hit her, it's probably true.
Donna rushes over to hug Lindsay.
At number 22, Donna, Elle, Ringo and Toadie celebrate the win, along with Lucas, Paul and Rebecca. Paul is surprised that Donna accepted just an apology, and no money, from Saffron, but Donna is satisfied. She and Ringo go to the kitchen, where she
awkwardly thanks him before saying that he should probably get back to his studying. He reluctantly leaves. Meanwhile, Elle says that she should go and finish her packing, but Lucas tells her that he needs to take her somewhere first, for a surprise.

At the garage, Lucas takes some photos of him and Elle, joking that he wants them to put on the internet.
Steph and Charlie find Lucas and Elle at Harold's, looking at the photos. Steph is surprised to hear that Lucas is going to be sticking around for a while, as Elle is going to travelling around with her job for a quite a long time. As Elle goes to get some food for
a romantic picnic lunch (at the garage, as it's raining), Steph talks to Lucas about how he feels over staying behind. He admits that he isn't sure that a long-distance relationship is going to work for him, but he doesn't want to say anything, as this is
Elle's dream job and she might not take it if she thinks it's the end of them. Jumilla comes over and asks if Lucas would like to put a bet on the Melbourne Cup, but he tells her that he doesn't gamble. As she walks away, Steph tells Lucas that he really
needs to talk to Elle.

Elle and Lucas are sitting on a blanket in the garage, having finished their picnic, and she says that she's glad they did this. She then asks him if he's OK, and he asks her if she thinks this can work for them. He says that he still wants her to take the
job, but that he won't be going out there to join her. She realises that this has all just been a final goodbye between them. As they both try not to cry, she thanks him for the picnic, stands up and walks away.
At number 22, Donna is talking to Cat, trying to work out whether she should go and see Ringo, and annoying Paul in the process. Elle then comes in and tells them that Lucas isn't coming to New York. Paul tells her that Lucas is just trying to do the
right thing - he doesn't want to be a distraction, stuck in an apartment whilst she's out travelling the world. Donna points out that sometimes it's good to have a distraction, and Elle realises that she's been so focused on her career that she's been
ignoring Lucas - the best thing in her life. Paul urges her not to throw away such an amazing job opportunity, but she decides that she's not going to throw away her relationship. She goes upstairs to unpack, and Donna decides to go and see Ringo, leaving
behind a frustrated Paul.

Donna arrives at number 28, asking Ringo how his exam went. She then tells him that they should be together again, and she's going to study with him, to prove that they can
be together without her distracting him. He says that he likes it when she distracts him. They decide that they should just give up on all of this, and they kiss.
At number 22, Lucas finds Elle unpacking, telling her that she shouldn't give up the job, as nobody will give her another chance like this. He also points out that one day she'll resent him for allowing her to pass on this opportunity, and that obviously
the time isn't right for them, but maybe they can be together one day in the future. He asks her what she's going to do.

Later, Lucas brings Elle's case down the stairs, and Paul is happy that his daughter has taken the job. Donna and Ringo walk in, and Donna is upset to realise that Elle is
going. Rebecca and Donna comfort Elle as she says that Lucas won't be going with her, whilst Paul quietly thanks Lucas. He then declares that they need to get to the airport. Everyone else leaves, and Elle tells her dad that she'll be out in a minute. She
then says a final goodbye to Cat, telling her to look after everyone.



At the airport, the group arrive, and Elle sees that her flight isn't boarding yet, so they still have some time before she has to say goodbye. Moments later, Lucas points out
that the flight is boarding now, but she wants just a few more minutes, and they go to sit down together. As Elle struggles not to cry, she realises that it's time to go, and she goes to hug Donna, Ringo and Rebecca, then her dad, who tells her that he
loves her. She shares a hug and a kiss with Lucas, and starts to walk away, before returning to kiss Lucas again. Elle then goes through the boarding gate and goes down the escalator with one final wave. Paul checks that Lucas realises that she isn't coming





Later, at Charlie's, Toadie and Steph see Lucas, sitting alone, looking very upset. Neither of them particularly know what to say to him, so Toadie decides to call Dan. Meanwhile,
Lucas is caught up in a crowd of people celebrating the Melbourne Cup. He picks up a betting guide and starts to think about gambling...
Featured Regular Characters: Rebecca Robinson, Paul Robinson, Elle Robinson, Donna Freedman, Ringo Brown, Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadfish Rebecchi, Steph Scully, Charlie
Guest Cast: Kate Tinkler as Stella Marshall, Shanyn Asmar as Saffron Jankievicz, Vanessa Crouch as Lindsay Stace, Alysia Abeyratne as Jumilla Chandra, Miranda Louey as Nicci
Trivia Notes
• Final regular appearance of Pippa Black as Elle Robinson, though she returned in a video message in episode 5834, which was recorded prior to Pippa leaving the show
by Steve