Channel Ten: 19/11/09, Five: 11/02/10
Harry is taken into foster care and Lou offers to become guardian to the Ramsay kids... Karl hurts his back as he tries to pick up Susan... Zeke decides to go to Korea... Sunny tells Zeke that he can't go with her now, as Susan and Karl need him...
Zeke chases an upset Sunny back up Ramsay Street, telling her that he still wants to be with her, and wondering what will happen to them now. He thinks that Susan and Karl will be fine without him, but she tells him again that they need him. She points out
that Libby and Dan and Ben need him too, as they're all his family. Zeke isn't sure how he can solve any of their problems, and says that he only wants to be with her. She walks away.

Inside number 28, Zeke finds Sunny on the phone. She then tells him that she's booked on the last flight out that night, and she tries to figure out how she's going to pack all of her stuff, as there's a lot of it. Zeke asks if she's going to tell Karl and
Susan that she's leaving, or Donna, Kate and Ringo? Sunny says that Karl and Susan will be fine about it, and the others are all busy anyway. She quickly changes the subject, asking Zeke to go and get her cases from the garage.
At number 24, Kate is cooking, as Sophie waits for a Skype call from Harry, and begins to worry that he's forgotten about them. He then appears online, and Kate joins Sophie on the couch. Harry shows them his room on the webcam, joking about the king-size
bed and the walk-in wardrobe, plus the pool and water slide in the back garden. He continues to try to convince them that he's happy and making friends, and they disconnect, as Harry says he's going to play basketball. Sophie tells Kate that Harry seems
to be having fun and might not want to come back to them. Meanwhile, Harry is clearly unhappy and takes a comic book from under his pillow, looking at a photo of him with his sisters that he's hidden inside.

At Harold's, Lou is having his photo taken with some kids, including a disgruntled Callum, to try and make him look good on his guardianship application. Paul is getting frustrated with the whole thing, as the photos aren't coming out well, and Lou
'looks like someone who flogs stuff out the back of a pub'.
At Charlie's, Paul is complaining about how difficult it's going to be to make Lou look good on the application - this might be one PR situation he can't spin successfully. Rebecca thinks he'll be fine, and jokes about how Paul has been taking India for
walks, and got Donna to come home, and now he's trying to get Harry back too - he's just a big softy. Sophie then turns up - she wants to know how the plan with Lou is going, as she's worried that things are so good for Harry at his foster home that he'll
forget all about them and won't want to come back. Paul agrees to go with Sophie to the store and see if they can speed things up.

Declan finds Harry playing basketball on his own. They play for a while, and Declan asks Harry about the foster home, then bumps into him. Harry is clearly in pain and claims that the bed at the foster home is a bit lumpy. He says that he just needs to
play by the DHS' rules and he'll get to go home eventually.
At Harold's, Toadie has made an appointment with Roz Challis, and Lou jokes about the last time he saw her, during Callum's pirate party. He thinks everything's going to work out fine, but Paul is still unconvinced. Toadie explains that the only thing
still going against Lou is his financial situation - they both look at Paul, who attempts to make a joke about it before going to call his business manager.

At number 28, Sunny has packed and left presents for everyone, and she's baking a cake, when Zeke comes in. He says that she can say goodbye to them all in person, and Donna, Kate, Ringo and Declan come in. They want to say goodbye properly, and can't
believe she was going without telling them.
The gang are sitting by the lake, having a picnic, and they've made a photo album for Sunny - they look back at the school play and the school dance, and remember her and Zeke being locked in the cupboard together, and how angry she was when she first arrived on Ramsay
Street. She thanks them all for everything they've done, but Zeke tells her that there's another surprise to come.



At Harold's, Paul tells Lou that the bank transfer has gone through, and he should have an extra $10,000 in his account. As Paul goes to the counter to get a cake, Lou has been checking his internet banking and is shocked to see that he's accidentally
been given $100,000 instead. Toadie is horrified to realise what's happened, and even more horrified that Lou isn't about to say anything to Paul about it.
At Charlie's, the gang arrive and Zeke runs off to talk to Rebecca. Kate and Donna try to find out why Sunny's being so weird with Zeke, but she doesn't want to tell them. Then Zeke announces his surprise - the Korean band The Black Skirts, Sunny's
favourite group, are going to play for them. They ask Sunny to come up on stage and sing backing vocals, and she, Kate and Donna go up and sing and dance, as Zeke watches sadly.


Later, Rebecca and Declan tell Zeke what a nice thing that was to do for Sunny. Zeke is clearly very upset and walks off, and Rebecca tells Declan that Zeke is going to need his
support for a while.
Paul is at the bar, telling Rebecca that he's not sure he should ever have trusted Lou Carpenter. Sophie arrives looking for news, then Harry walks in and surprises her. As Sophie is telling Harry about Sunny going home to Korea, Lou and Toadie walk in,
both looking very solemn, before Lou announces that he got the guardianship. Everyone's delighted, but Sophie is upset as she realises that it'll still be a few weeks before Harry can return home as there's a lot of paperwork to process. Harry calms her
down, and Rebecca takes her to the kitchen for some ice cream. As everyone goes, Harry looks upset that he's got to put up with the foster home for a few more weeks.
On Ramsay Street, Kate, Donna, Ringo, Declan and Zeke are waiting for Sunny, wondering what can be taking her so long, as the taxi's waiting. Zeke tells them that she doesn't want him to call or stay in touch at all. Sunny then wanders out, and asks
Kate and Donna for a hug. Ringo and Declan hug her too. Zeke tries to talk to her, but she tells him not to, kisses him on the cheek and says goodbye. The taxi then takes her out of the street and everyone waves, but Zeke looks devastated.



At number 28, an upset Zeke finds a video message from Sunny on his laptop. She tells him that she couldn't say these things to his face, as they would both have cried and then
she wouldn't have been able to leave. She tells him that she had to go, and that he changed her world, she'll never forget him and that she loves him. The video ends, and Zeke says 'I love you too.'


At the foster home, Harry goes into his room and finds that it's been trashed. He sees that the picture of his with his sisters has been ripped in half, and on the back is written
'Watch yourself'.
Featured Regular Characters: Sunny Lee, Zeke Kinski, Kate Ramsay, Donna Freedman, Declan Napier, Ringo Brown, Harry Ramsay, Sophie Ramsay, Paul Robinson, Rebecca Napier,
Toadfish Rebecchi, Lou Carpenter, Callum Jones
Guest Cast: Alysia Abeyratne as Jumilla Chandra
Trivia Notes
• Final appearance of Hany Lee as Sunny Lee
• Sunny's final words are "I love you."
• Korean band The Black Skirts make a cameo appearance, with the band making a short trip to Australia just to film the scenes
by Steve