Channel Ten: 01/12/09, Five: 23/02/10
Harry is taken into foster care... Lou tells Sophie and Kate that he's going to apply to be their guardian... Libby is scared of being alone... Lucas tells Steph that Libby needs her... A drunk Steph and Dan kiss... Dan and
Steph sleep together - he wants to tell Libby, but Steph doesn't...
At the gym, Dan is exercising to try and forget about his problems.

At number 30, Libby is writing a Christmas card for Rachel and Ty. She almost signs Dan's name with hers, but then changes it to Ben. Toadie asks about the card, and Libby explains that Rachel has passed her exams in London and is going to stay on with Ty,
so she's sending her a scarf with her card, as she'll need some winter woollies. As Toadie leaves, Lucas comes in and explains to Libby that he told Steph about their kiss. Lucas says that, as part of his gamblers anonymous code, he needs to be honest with
people, so he's also going to tell Dan. Libby says that Dan isn't her problem now, but she leaves the house to see Steph.
Libby finds Steph hoovering in an empty number 32. She apologises to her - Steph insists that Libby has nothing to be sorry for, but Libby says that she kissed Lucas knowing how Steph feels about him. Steph insists that they're just workmates, and says that
she understands when Libby tells her that it was just a stupid one-off mistake. Steph tries to end the conversation by starting up the hoover again, but Libby hugs her and thanks her for being so understanding, and then insists on helping with the cleaning.

At the gym, Lucas tells Dan about the kiss with Libby, and he just bursts out laughing. He says that everyone makes mistakes, and that Libby will soon be his ex-wife anyway. Dan walks off to the changing rooms, with Lucas following, amazed that he's got
off so lightly.
In the changing rooms, Lucas tries to get Dan to be honest and get angry if he needs to, but Dan says that the only person he's angry with is himself. He says that he's done things much worse than kiss someone else. Lucas realises what he's talking about,
but Dan doesn't tell him that it was Steph. Dan says that he's not going to tell Libby - all this has been hard enough on her already. Lucas thinks that it might make Libby feel a bit better, but Dan asks Lucas not to say anything.

At number 24, Harry walks in as Sophie and Kate are baking. Kate rushes over to greet him, but Sophie isn't quite so happy. Lou then comes out and asks what's going on - Kate explains that they're making some of their mum's Christmas cakes. Sophie declares
that Christmas sucks, as Lou apologises to Harry that the guardianship issue is taking so long to resolve. Harry decides to try and cheer Sophie up by helping with the cakes, and he points out that they've missed out the cinnamon and they've used white
sugar instead of brown. Kate thinks that he should stay and help - Lou points out that Harry is meant to return to the foster home after work, but Harry suggests that Lou pay him a dollar, and then he's still technically working.
At number 30, Ben is writing a shopping list as Karl, Libby and Susan decide what to have for their Christmas Eve lunch. Susan is annoyed as Karl and Libby decide that they should just get ready-made things rather than let her do too much cooking. Toadie and
Steph then come in, and Susan mentions that she was going to invite her and Lyn to Christmas lunch this year, as Lyn must be lonely without Oscar. Steph is clearly not keen on the idea, but agrees to it when Libby also thinks it's a good idea. Ben then
starts talking about how Dan is coming to spend Christmas with them, but they all try to change the subject and Karl takes his grandson home to hang some Christmas decorations. When they're gone, Libby wonders if Dan is actually going to come to lunch,
even if he did promise Ben he'd come. Susan thinks that they'll just have to deal with it, for Ben's sake, as he's clearly excited about seeing him. Steph looks very awkward as Libby and Susan discuss the situation.


Later, Libby is talking to Steph, thinking that her mum is probably right about Dan coming to lunch for Ben's sake. Libby makes sure that Steph will be there for support, but Steph is non-committal, suggesting that her mum might have other plans for them.
As Steph leaves, Dan turns up and Libby thanks him for coming. She explains that it's not about the divorce, but about Christmas. She asks if they can just put their problems behind them for Ben's sake, to give him one last nice day. Dan isn't sure he can do
it, and says that he'll talk to Ben and explain the situation. Libby is surprised, as she thought that Dan wanted a relationship with his stepson, and if he can't be there for him at Christmas, then when?
At number 28, Harry and Sophie arrive at the door with a Christmas cake. Harry sings 'We wish you a Ramsay Christmas' but Sophie thinks it's lame and doesn't want to join in. Ben notices that the cake is burnt. Karl and Susan invite them both in, and
Karl quickly takes Harry to one side to get him to help hang some more lights, as the Ramsay Street tradition lately has been a lights competition. Ben goes to help, and Sophie tells Susan that she's tired of Harry pretending that everything is normal, as
he won't be there, and their mum won't be there and it all makes her feel sad. Susan suggests that they should come up with a new tradition - gingerbread. Sophie drags Harry back home, leaving Karl with nobody to help hang the lights.

At number 24, the Ramsay kids are happily making gingerbread together, when Harry gets a call from his foster family, and Lou points out that they'll be worried, as he should
have been home hours ago. Harry refuses to answer, so Lou takes the call, then tells Harry that he needs to go now. Seeing how upset Sophie is, Harry refuses to go until they've baked and delivered the gingerbread. Lou and Kate both look worried.
At Charlie's, Dan is looking at teaching jobs in Sydney in the newspaper when Lucas catches him. He says that he can't stay in Erinsborough - Lucas thinks he's overreacting, but Dan points out that Lucas has spent his whole life running away from
things. Lucas tells him that it was Dan who convinced him to stay in one place and sort his life out, and he thinks Dan should stay and do the same. Lucas wonders how all of this will affect Ben, but Dan just says that he'll get over it, as he's not his

In his hotel room, Dan puts together a bike, a Christmas present for Ben. He writes out the card, then sits and thinks about his conversations with Lucas and Libby, and his one-night-stand
with Steph. He looks over at the bike, and then at the job ad, and wonders what to do for the best.
Libby and Ben are outside number 28, and Susan catches up with them to give Ben his wrapping paper. He says that he's going to re-wrap Dan's mug, as he thinks he'll prefer this paper. Lou and the Ramsay kids then come out onto the street, and Sophie
runs over with some gingerbread Santas for them - a new Ramsay tradition. Just then, Harry's foster mum, Jan, arrives in the car and calls out to him. He tells her he'll only be a minute, and he hugs his little sister, telling her to speak to Santa, as
you never know, he might just be home for Christmas. He gets in the car and as it drives out of the street, Kate, Lou and Sophie start singing 'We wish you a Ramsay Christmas', with Harry sticking his head out of the window and finishing with 'And a Ramsay
New Year!'

At number 26, Libby drops off the gingerbread Santas for Steph, who says that Charlie was having a tantrum so she couldn't come outside and see what all the commotion was. Ben
goes to give Charlie some gingerbread, as Steph asks Libby about Dan. Libby says that she thinks that she got through to him, and that he'll be coming to lunch - he loves Ben and wouldn't let him down.
As Libby says this, Dan is outside in the car, with all of his stuff packed.

Back inside, Steph tells Libby that she doesn't think they'll make it to the Christmas lunch - Lyn is too stressed at the moment - but she agrees to pop in.
Outside, Dan is looking at the bike in the boot of his car.

Libby says that she'll just go and tell her mum that there'll be a few less people for Christmas lunch. Steph suggests leaving Ben there with Charlie, as he needs some cheering up.
Libby finds Dan in the middle of removing the bike from his car. He says that he's got a present for Ben - she asks if it's a goodbye present, and he confirms this. She calls him pathetic as she realises that he was just going to drop off the bike and leave.
She slams the boot shut and tells Dan to go. Her screaming brings Steph out onto the street, who for a brief second thinks that Libby knows about the one-night-stand. Dan then gets into the car and drives out of the street, as Steph rushes over to comfort her
crying friend.





Later, at number 30, Lucas is shocked that Dan left without saying anything. Ben runs out of his bedroom with Dan's Christmas present in the new wrapping paper, and Steph
and Libby tell him what a great job he did. He asks if everything's ok, and Libby tells him that it is, and sends him to get changed for bed, telling him that he can watch a little TV tonight. Once he's gone, Lucas tells Libby that she needs to tell
Ben what's happened, but Libby has no idea how she's going to do that.
Featured Regular Characters: Libby Kennedy-Fitzgerald, Daniel Fitzgerald, Lucas Fitzgerald, Ben Fitzgerald, Stephanie Scully, Harry Ramsay, Kate Ramsay, Sophie Ramsay,
Lou Carpenter, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Toadfish Rebecchi
Guest Cast: Paula Gardner as Jan Stevens
Trivia Notes
• Final regular appearance of Brett Tucker as Daniel Fitzgerald, though he returned for several scenes in 2010, which were recorded before Brett completed filming in 2009
• Past characters Oscar Scully, Rachel Kinski and Ty Harper are mentioned
by Steve