Channel Ten: 04/12/09, Five: 26/02/10
Lyn competes with Rebecca for the best Christmas Spirit prize. Sonya tells Toadie that she doesn't do Christmas as there are too many bad memories. Party organiser, Andrew, tells Donna that she looks amazing and that he loves her during Schoolies week. Ringo gets higher VCE results than he needs to gets into his Paramedic course, but doesn't know whether to stay with Donna or move to Sydney and wonders if she is the one.
At Number 22, Rebecca is talking on the phone to Miranda about India. Declan and Donna tell her to say hi from them and Paul wishes her a Merry Christmas. Rebecca explains that they're just doing the usual Christmas stuff but the place is like Grand Central Station. Meanwhile, Donna receives a text message from Andrew, asking if she wants to catch up. Rebecca wishes Miranda a Merry Christmas, sends her love to everyone and says her goodbyes before announcing that she's ready to go. Paul remarks that it's time to put the final nail in Lyn's Christmas coffin, whilst Declan asks who's judging, but Paul explains that the Prize Department won't tell him. Rebecca says that everyone is raving about Lyn's free food, but Paul comments that the only decent fruitcake in Harold's is Lyn Scully herself. Declan wishes them luck and they leave as Ringo walks in. Donna gives him a hug and says it's good to see him, but he tells her to relax as he had only been gone a day. Declan asks Donna if she had seen Kate as she was acting really weird the night before, but she asks if they can talk about it later as she and Ringo have somewhere to be before leading him upstairs. Declan tells her not to worry about it and jokes to India that it's true love.



Outside of Harold's Store, Lyn serves Toadie with his complementary mince pie and egg nog, wishing him a Merry Christmas as Paul arrives and goads her about the competition, telling her that they are going to blow her out of the water. Clearly wound up by him, Lyn retorts that reindeer might fly as Karl and Susan arrive. Toadie enquires about their carriage ride, before asking Karl if he's ready to get thrashed in the Christmas Lighting competition. Karl comments that he hopes that Toadie is wearing clean boxers for his lap of shame. As Lyn and Paul make jokes about Karl's frugality, he reveals himself as the Judge for the Christmas Spirit competition, spurring Lyn to quickly do her best to make him welcome. Karl asks Paul what he is going to do as he has years of grief to make up for, but Paul says that he isn't going to grovel before calling him a miserable Scrooge. Karl starts to make a note that Charlie's bar were abusive towards him, before Paul offers to get him a complementary glass of mulled wine. As Paul leaves, Susan jokes that Karl is evil, before merrily telling her and Toadie that he loves Christmas.

At Charlie's, Paul tells Rebecca that he never thought that they would be sucking up to Karl Kennedy, but she is preoccupied with the decorations and thinks that they need something more visual before asking Paul if he has seen Lucas as he left his phone at the bar, but he hasn't. As Karl asks Rebecca for some cheese to go along with the wine, Paul wonders what it would take for them to win the competition. Karl explains that given the grief Paul has caused his family over the years it would probably take a miracle, so Paul offers to do something big like hire reindeers or elves as he's sure he can persuade Callum to get into an elf costume. Karl tells Paul that he would have to dress up as an elf to have any chance of winning the competition, which gives Rebecca, who has returned with Karl's cheese, food for thought.



At the Lassiter's Complex, a reluctant Paul emerges from Charlie's dressed as an elf, causing Karl to almost choke on his cheese and crackers as Lyn and Rebecca fuss over him. As he asks Rebecca for more brie, Lyn feels that she has lost, but Karl explains that she hasn't yet, but Paul Robinson in an elf suit is very hard to beat. As Lyn heads back into the store, Karl begins to choke again, which Susan tells him is karma before slapping him on the back.

Meanwhile, Donna, Ringo and Declan arrive pushing India in the pram and burst out laughing at the sight of Paul the elf. As Declan borrows Donna's phone to take a photo to send to Elle, Donna tells Ringo that next time he goes home she'd like to go with him and meet his parents. Ringo comments that she is in girlfriend overdrive, but she tells him that it's Christmas eve and she loves him.

At Harold's Store, Toadie and Callum arrive to help Lyn unveil her trump card, a board wishing all of her customers a Happy Christmas, Hanukkah, Islamic New Year, Pancha Ganapati and Ta Chiu which earns a round of applause. Lyn explains that it's to go outside to remind them all of their cultural diversity. Paul comments that it is all very politically correct, but the competition is about Christmas Spirit; however Susan tells him that the whole essence of Christmas spirit is joy to the world, the whole world and not just their bit of it. Rebecca explains that Charlie's is a very multicultural bar as they employ people from all over the World, whilst Lyn can't resist one last dig back as Karl announces that it is time to present the trophy. Karl thanks all the participants for their promotional efforts and their gifts to the Judge before calling on the Principal Elf of the Erinsborough News to present the 2009 Christmas Spirit trophy to...
...Harold's Store.
As Lyn jumps up and down in delight, Paul reluctantly congratulates her as hands over the trophy, before being forced into a photo for the front page of the paper.

At Number 22, Donna and Ringo return, still laughing at the pictures of Paul in the elf costume. Ringo tells her that she should definitely e-mail them to Elle, she explains that she will later before asking if he wants to watch a movie. As she suggests a movie that he would like, Ringo wonders why she's trying to be an overly perfect girlfriend and asks what is going on. She explains that they've been on different tracks lately and she is just trying to make that up to him. He asks why he doesn't believe her as she receives a phone call from Andrew. She rejects the call and he asks if there is something she needs to tell him.

Still at Number 22, Ringo asks Donna if someone is bothering her, but she lies to him that the call was from Tegan and Simon. Ringo asks if she misses her family, but she explains that isn't the problem, she is just worried about the changes happening in their lives as school has finished and they go to University. Ringo promises that he won't let anything come between them.
In the office at Charlie's, Rebecca thanks Paul for his efforts and tells him that she thought he made a fetching little elf. Paul tells her that he is going to get them to photoshop the photo of Lyn and add a few extra kilos on. She passes him his mail, which Declan had brought it before asking if he has heard from Lucas yet, which he hasn't. Rebecca asks that when he does he tells Lucas that she needs to see him before heading back behind the bar.

As Karl asks Susan to put some food in her handbag, Rebecca tells him to keep his hands of the food and calls him a traitor. Susan apologises for him as she thinks he got drunk on the power, but he explains that he is just trying to help as the food is just going to be thrown out anyway. As Karl and Susan leave, Paul tells Rebecca that Karl is right, it would be a shame to let all of the food go to waste and suggests that they show everybody what great losers they are by throwing a Christmas Party. Disheartened, Rebecca agrees on the condition that Lyn isn't invited.
Later, preparations are underway for the party at Charlie's. Paul asks about the guest list, Rebecca explains that Libby and Steph are unable to make it as they're taking the boys to Carols by Candlelight, Lou has a shift at the store and no-one has seen Lucas for hours. As Paul heads off to speak to the Santa he has hired, Declan asks Rebecca if she invited Kate. Donna tells them that with Harry home its best not to disturb them as they want to spend time together as a family on their first Christmas without their Mum. Meanwhile, Paul returns with a present for Rebecca, a red Sophíe Luí dress for her to wear to the party.

At the party, Rebecca welcomes everyone to the party and Susan comments on her dress. Karl asks about the party and reminds her that the competition is over, which Rebecca points out they are well aware of. Meanwhile, Callum asks Toadie where Sonya is, but he explains that she isn't coming as she doesn't like Christmas. Callum tells him that he called her and asked her to come, which Toadie isn't pleased with and tells him that he will confiscate his phone until his room is tidy as Lyn arrives, sporting her trophy. Susan welcomes her, and comments about how great the party is but Lyn tells her that it would have been nice to have an invitation. As they go the bar to get a drink, Paul calls for everyone's attention as he has a confession to make. As Lyn wonders who he's slept with now, Paul explains that it isn't really a Christmas party and reveals that Santa is actually Eddie, a Marriage Celebrant. Turning to Rebecca, Paul explains that all the paperwork came through that afternoon, and asks if she'll do the honour of marrying him, there and then. Shocked, Rebecca asks whether people think they should do it before looking for Declan's approval, which he gives and so she ecstatically agrees.

As Declan walks Rebecca down the aisle, giving her away, the celebrant asks if both Rebecca and Paul can say that they are free to marry by law. Laughing, they both say that they are before Rebecca delivers her vows:
I first fell for you a long time ago, but then we went our separate ways, but I know that what I feel for you is... it's real, and true. (Crying) Sorry. And um, and it's gonna last for life.
Paul follows:
You showed me the true meaning of real love, and that's a love that I'm going to return to you every single day of my life.
As they exchange rings, the celebrant pronounces them husband and wife to rapturous applause as Lyn slips quietly away.



Later, Paul and Rebecca take their first dance to the Blue Danube before the others join in. As Karl and Susan look lovingly at each other, Donna kisses Ringo and thanks him for being with her, he asks where else he'd be before they declare their love for each other. Feeling left out, Toadie calls Sonya as Karl announces that it's time for the Ramsay Street residents to return to the street for the annual Christmas Lights competition and they make their excuses to Paul and Rebecca. As Toadie lets Sonya know that they are heading back to the street, Callum asks to talk to her, but Toadie tells him to use his own phone. As she leaves, Susan notices Lyn's trophy on the bar and takes it with her.


Back in Ramsay Street, Ringo explains to Eddie, the celebrant that the completion is just between Karl and Toadie this year and that the winner gets bragging rights, plus the loser has to do a lap of the street in their underwear. As Eddie asks if everyone is ready, Karl prepares along with Toadie who is joined by Callum and Sonya who have been getting some finishing touches. They countdown from three and cheer as the lights are switched on, but Karl gloats as some of the lights at Number 30 fail, which Toadie quickly explains is an ironic comment on global warming. Eddie explains that it is going to be a tough decision, but Ringo steps in and asks if anybody really wants to see Karl in his Y-fronts and so in the interest of public decency, Eddie announces that the Kennedys are the winners. As Toadie protests, Sonya drops her trousers to reveal a pair of jazzy boxer shorts and asks him what the hold-up is. Realising they were the finishing touches that she and Callum were up to, he drops his trousers too, followed by Callum and the three of them start their lap of the street. Realising that Christmas in Ramsay Street might be fun afterall, Sonya agrees to stay for Christmas lunch.



At Number 26, Susan has arrived to return Lyn's trophy, she says that she got upstaged a bit by the wedding. Susan asks if Lyn is alright, but she says it's just one of those days and hands Susan the final divorce papers from her solicitor, explaining that she didn't get them until she got home, commenting that Paul didn't wait for the ink to dry. Susan tells her that it's time to let go and get on with her life and stop hating Paul. Lyn tells her that she doesn't hate Paul, Susan changes her wording to angry and says that what Paul did was awful, but it was years ago. Lyn tells Susan that she doesn't understand, she realises what Lyn means. Explaining that she's tried hating him, but she can't and confesses that she loves him, much to Susan's disgust.



Back at Charlie's, Karl and Susan have returned to the reception. Karl asks how Lyn is as Declan brings Susan a stool. Meanwhile, Donna comments on how happy Paul and Rebecca look, and Ringo replies that it could be them one day and they kiss. As they do, Andrew from the Schoolies party arrives, much to Donna's horror. Heading over to him, Rebecca explains that the bar is closed, but he tells her that he is there to see Paul Robinson. She asks if it is for business, but he explains that it is personal so she invites him in. Telling Paul that someone is there to see him, he looks closely at Andrew and asks if they have met. Andrew says that he could say that, as Paul realises who he is, Andrew explains that he is his son.
Featured Regular Characters: Rebecca Robinson, Declan Napier, India Napier, Donna Freedman, Paul Robinson, Ringo Brown, Toadfish Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Callum Jones
Guest Cast: Janet Andrewartha as Lyn Scully, Eve Morey as Sonya Mitchell, Chris Gaffney as Edmund Gwenn, Jordan Patrick Smith as Andrew Robinson
by Callum