Magic Moments
> 2011
> Donna's Departure
Episode 6083
by Anthony Morris, Directed
by Gary Conway, Produced
by Neal Kingston
Channel Eleven: 26/01/11, Five: 23/02/11
Jade tells Sonya that Callum needs to know she's his son, but she won't say anything... Donna interferes in Andrew and Tash's relationship... Andrew tells Tash that he loves her, and she's delighted...
At number 32, Summer is tidying up when Tash breezes in, all dressed up and ready to move on from her depressing, frumpy clothes. She says that her bandages are coming off in two weeks, and she enjoys rubbing it in to Summer as she talks about how Andrew
will probably want to throw a party to celebrate. She drops it in the conversation that Andrew said he loved her, and Summer struggles to hide her surprise. Tash says that she always knew - but it was nice to finally hear him say it out loud.

At number 28, Donna is packing almost everything she owns, and she says that she won't be able to afford to go shopping, and the clothes are her identity - she can't leave it behind. Andrew
then calls by, and Nick, Susan and Karl make themselves scarce, as Andrew asks Donna what exactly she said to Tash. Donna explains that she just told Tash to find out what Andrew really wants - he says that now he's told her that he loves her, as she was so upset, and he
wishes Donna could have just kept her mouth shut. Donna only wanted to help, but Andrew walks out, saying that the sooner she's out of his life and wrecking someone else's, the better.

At number 22, Paul is on the laptop as Andrew comes in, and he gives his son his phone, telling him that there are a lot of messages from Summer. Declan comes in, and Paul tells him
that he's meeting Rebecca for dinner, they seem to have turned a corner lately, and it would mean a lot to both of them if Declan could start to make an effort with Paul too.
Back at number 28, Donna is still packing, and telling her dad about the time she kissed Sunny, but Zeke tells her to stop telling stories and hurry up with the packing. Donna is reluctant to leave anything behind, even an old pair of jogging pants
as they belonged to Ringo. She starts to worry about everything, as Elle will be away on assignment when she gets to New York, and she might not make any new friends. She decides to leave the packing until after dinner, and Nick looks like he's
hatching a plan.

At number 30, Toadie, Callum, Sonya and Jade arrive back from Donna's farewell dinner, and Callum is wondering if he'll ever get to see New York. Toadie drags him off to
get ready for bed, and Jade marvels at how well they get along. Sonya realises what Jade is getting at, and says that they love each other, and she's really lucky that she's part of their family now. She apologises to Jade for being so mean to
her when she first turned up - Jade says that she had good reason. Sonya admits that she's glad now that her sister is around.
The next morning, at number 30, Toadie comes in with Callum's bag from the camping trip and tells him that it's starting to stink and he needs to get it unpacked and washed. He thinks that Sonya should do it, and she jokingly agrees, saying that she'll
make sure his clothes end up smelling of lavender, so he'll be the sweetest-smelling scout in town. Callum finally gives in and goes with Sonya to unpack, and Jade is impressed, remarking that Toadie didn't even need to shout - Toadie says that shouting is the
last resort, if bribery and threats don't work. He tells Jade that she'll have to help out with Callum too, and she seems happy to go along with it.

Later, Jade finds Callum playing a zombie computer game, and she thinks it's a bit violent. She tries to engage him in conversation, but he's annoyed that she's interrupting his
game, and then he loses. Sonya comes in, and Jade suggests they all go down to the lake and play football.
At Harold's, Summer has come in early for her shift so that Kate can go and help Donna to finish her packing. Andrew and Tash come in, and Summer looks awkward as they chat. Andrew offers to order - claiming that he wants to talk to Kate - and Tash goes to get a table
outside. Andrew apologises to Summer over telling Tash that he loves her - Summer isn't convinced and think he'll say it to anyone.
Andrew follows Summer into the kitchen, and says that he'll be honest with Tash, if that's what she wants. He says that he'd rather do that than lose Summer, and explains that he only told Tash that he loves her as he was backed into a corner. He does love Summer,
and he hates this situation.

By the lake, Jade, Sonya and Callum are playing and he's upset as he loses. Jade and Sonya try to flatter him on his football skills, and Jade offers to coach him, but he says that he
already plays at school. Callum walks off, and Sonya thinks that Jade is trying a bit too hard, and should just get to know him normally.
At Harold's, Callum comes in with Sophie, complaining about how Jade is always around, trying to spend time with him. Callum thinks it's weird - Sophie suggests that she might be lonely, and suggests he try talking to her, as she's just walked in. Jade sits with
Callum and Sophie, and he tries to tell her that he just likes hanging around with his friends, but Jade doesn't take the hint and joins them for a cupcake.

At number 28, Karl and Susan are trying to pack, as Zeke, Declan and Kate walk in and find Donna's clothes everywhere. Donna walks in and explains that she just couldn't figure out what to
pack, and then she went to bed and now she's overslept. Her dad calls and explains that he's going to be late, and she's upset, as he was going to help her to pack.
At number 30, Toadie is playing on the computer, when Callum and Jade get back. He's about to get more juice, but Jade thinks that he should cut down as too much sugar isn't good for him. Callum is annoyed by her constantly being around, and Toadie suggests that
Jade should leave the parenting to the parents. Jade pointedly says 'Parents?' and then walks out, as Sonya comes in, wanting to know what all the fuss is about. Callum walks out, telling Sonya that her sister is weird.


At number 28, Declan and Zeke are trying to close Donna's suitcase, when Paul arrives with a gift for Donna - a Macy's gift card. Donna is amazed at the amount, and she's happy that Paul and Karl
have managed to be there for her, even if her real dad wasn't. Nick then turns up with his bag packed, and says that he's coming to New York with her, as he hated the idea of her arriving there all alone. She's thrilled, and everyone groans as she announces that she needs
to repack.




Outside number 28, everyone joins Donna, as she makes sure that she hasn't forgotten her tickets or her passport. She spots Andrew and runs over to him, she hugs him and apologises for sticking
her nose in. She then goes back over to the taxi, where Kate, Declan and Zeke have bought her a charm bracelet, with a different charm to match each member of the gang. She tells them all to look after themselves, and is about to continue her speech when they all tell her
to just get in the taxi. She tells them all that she loves them and waves as her taxi drives her out of Ramsay Street.
Andrew walks into number 32, and he tells Summer that they only have to be apart for another two weeks, until Tash's final appointment for her scars, and then he'll tell her the truth. Summer
says that she can't watch them together, but they're interrupted by Tash, who's making food and drags Andrew off into the kitchen with her.

At number 30, Jade walks in and Toadie tries to talk to her, explaining that, until she's a parent herself, she shouldn't comment on other people's parenting skills. Jade is quite indignant,
and says that she does have some rights, and that Toadie isn't even Callum's dad. Sonya walks in and quickly takes Jade outside.

Outside number 30, Jade wonders how Sonya can stand listening to all of this. Sonya says that she's just Toadie's girlfriend, and that's the way it has to be - she can't believe that she
ever thought it would work out having Jade stay with them. Sonya says that she doesn't need Jade to stick up for her, and Jade agrees to go along with it, though makes it clear that she isn't happy.
Featured Regular Characters: Donna Brown, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Paul Robinson, Declan Napier, India Napier, Zeke Kinski, Kate Ramsay, Sophie Ramsay, Andrew Robinson,
Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams, Callum Jones, Sonya Mitchell, Toadfish Rebecchi
Guest Cast: Brian Vriends as Leigh 'Nick' Nixon, Gemma Pranita as Jade Mitchell
Trivia Notes
• Final appearance of Margot Robbie as Donna Brown, after 618 episodes
• Final appearance of Brian Vriends as guest character 'Nick' Nixon
• Donna's final words are "I love you guys."
• Donna's charm bracelet has ballet shoes (Kate), a microphone (Zeke), a mobile phone (Declan), a stethoscope (Didge) and a guitar (Ringo)
• Past characters Elle Robinson, Ringo Brown and Sunny Lee are mentioned
by Steve