Magic Moments
> 2011
> Libby, Lyn and Charlie's Departures
Episode 6169
by John Hanlon, Directed
by Gary Conway, Produced
by Neal Kingston
Channel Eleven: 26/05/11, Five: 23/06/11
Paul wants Libby to help him to bring down Michael... Michael offers to become Libby's mentor... Brennan's constant presence is annoying Kate... Tash tells Andrew that he needs to go and get Summer before it's
too late... Andrew stops Summer from going, telling her that he loves her and making Summer want to stay in Erinsborough...
At number 26, Lyn follows Summer inside, telling her that she can't just expect to change everyone's plans because she has a crush on a boy. Summer insists that this is more than a crush and again says that she's not leaving Erinsborough. Andrew
comes in, to see if he can do anything to help, but Lyn says it's none of his business, and Summer sends him away, insisting that she's fine. Lyn again tries to get Summer to come and get in the car so they can leave, but Summer insists that she wants to be with Andrew and isn't going
anywhere. Summer walks out, leaving Lyn frantic.

At Harold's, Sophie is getting some lunch from Kate, when Brennan walks in. He's on the phone, trying to find somewhere new to live, and grabs a muffin from Kate before
leaving. Sophie thinks that Kyle and Jade will be better off without him as a housemate, and thinks number 26 is going to become a real party house.
Libby arrives at the school, where Michael is waiting in the classroom, explaining that he thought it was more friendly than the office. She tells him that she's brought along lists of her medium and long-term goals, but Michael says that they'll
discuss that later - for now, he wants to know her favourite memory from her time at school. She's a bit confused, so Michael tells her his - he was in year 11 and had been out surfing, and was late for physics class. He thought the teacher was going
to lecture him, but instead, he asked him for surfing lessons. He explains that this was when he realised that he wanted to be a teacher. Libby would rather talk about her action plan, and admits that she isn't into making personal confessions at
work, and doesn't remember when she realised that teaching was her calling. Michael says that something - or someone - must have inspired her...

Later, Libby has been telling Michael about her initial career as a journalist, and that it took her a while before she realised that teaching was the path she should
always have taken. Michael asks her why she wants to be a school principal, and she says that it's because it's the next step up the career ladder. Michael isn't satisfied with this, so he asks her what she hopes to gain from the job. She doesn't
know, and would rather discuss her action plan again, but Michael wants her to be honest with him, and he walks out, telling her to come and find him when she's ready to tell him the truth.
At number 26, Lyn is sitting on a crate in the empty kitchen. She hears the front door and rushes out, thinking it's Summer, but it's Kyle and Jade with some of their stuff. They're surprised to see her, and Jade bluntly asks if she's still
going, before Kyle quickly ushers her out. Susan comes in from the back garden, where Charlie is collecting snails, and Lyn thinks that she should go to the Robinsons, as Summer has been there for over an hour. Susan suggests that maybe Summer
just wants to say goodbye to Andrew properly, but Lyn isn't so sure.

At number 22, Tash is amazed to hear that Andrew ran after the car to stop Summer from going. Paul comes downstairs and is surprised to see Summer there, and not too
happy when he hears that she's staying, wanting to know what Lyn thinks about all of this...
At number 26, Susan is trying to get Lyn to calm down, suggesting that they go back to the Kennedy place and have some tea. Lyn doesn't want tea - she just wants her granddaughter back. Susan mentions that teenaged girls can be nightmares, and
Lyn says that she should have realised that by now too - having brought up three daughters.

Back at number 22, Paul and Andrew are at the dining table, with Paul trying to make Andrew see that he and Summer are too young to know whether this relationship will
work out. Meanwhile, Summer waits in the lounge with Chris and Tash, to see what the outcome of their discussion will be...
Susan reminds Lyn that Summer is a sensible girl and will make the right decision. Lyn perks up a bit, thinking that Summer will soon realise that it's impossible for her to stay, and will come with her.

Paul tells Andrew that he's getting in way over his head, over a schoolboy crush. Andrew insists that he isn't, and that he wants Summer and loves her. Summer smiles
as she hears this.
Lyn walks out of number 26 onto the street, greeting Summer as she walks towards her. She hugs her, saying that it'll get easier to say goodbye to Andrew and that Bendigo isn't that far away. Summer says that she hasn't changed her mind - she's
staying. Lyn gets upset, saying that this is going to be difficult for Charlie and for Steph, and she's just trying to keep the family together. Summer says that she needs to give this a chance, to find out if Andrew is the one for her. Lyn is
still refusing to leave her behind, but Summer begs her.


Inside number 26, Lyn and Susan are discussing the situation, and Susan points out that all the upheaval during Summer's VCE might not be the best. She then suggests that
she and Karl could take Summer in - Lyn isn't completely won over, but seems a little happier at the idea. Summer comes in, hearing them talking about her, and Lyn explains the idea. Summer is delighted and hugs Susan, saying that she'll go and
visit Lyn during the school holidays.
At Charlie's, Lucas spots Kyle and Jade, asking them if they've moved into number 26 yet. Kyle explains that Lyn's still trying to talk Summer into going with her. They joke about Andrew chasing down Lyn's car, and about Harold getting married,
and how it's become a lovefest on Ramsay Street lately. Jade pretends to throw up. Lucas then takes a call from Libby, who wants to talk to him about something. He arranges to meet her outside Harold's. Michael then walks in, and Lucas asks him about
his day...

Outside, Libby is complaining to Lucas about how she ever thought it would be a good idea to get mentoring from an idiot like Michael Williams. Lucas tries to defend
Michael, but Libby says that she spent ages preparing her action plan, and all Michael wanted to talk about was 'feelings and revelations'.
Inside Charlie's, Michael complains to Lucas about how Libby blocked every single one of his questions, wondering what she's got to hide...

Libby says that she's not going to share the details of her personal life with Michael. Lucas asks her exactly what Michael was questioning her about, and when she
says that he wanted to know why she wanted to be principal, Lucas points out that Libby should really have expected that.
Lucas asks Michael if he really needs to know all this stuff from Libby. Michael explains that he needs to understand her motivations and he needs her to be honest, otherwise what's the point.

Libby is ready to give up, but Lucas suggests that, if she wants to fasttrack herself into a principal's job, then she might need to play by Michael's rules.
At the school, Libby goes to Michael's office and says that she has an answer for him - she wants to be a principal because she wants to do something with her life, because she feels like a failure. She points out that she has a recent failed
marriage and still lives with her parents in her thirties. Michael reminds her that she makes a valuable contribution to the school, but Libby says that nobody knows about that, apart from him and maybe a few other staff. She says that her parents
are so successful and she always wanted to do something important too. Michael seems disappointed that this is her reason for wanting to be a school principal, and says that maybe the mentorship isn't for her.


Out on Ramsay Street, Lyn is once again preparing to leave, this time with just Charlie, as Summer takes her bags from the car. Andrew promises Lyn that he'll look after
Summer, and Summer says her goodbyes to Charlie and helps him into the car. Lyn hugs Susan and Summer, telling Summer to get enough sleep and eat well, and to avoid caffeine, but also tells her that although school is important, don't study too hard.
She then drives out of the street, with Susan, Andrew and Summer waving her off. Lyn looks back at them in the rear view mirror and smiles.


Later, Tash goes outside to get the mail, and finds Andrew and Summer, delighted that they've finally got together. She reminds Andrew how much she pestered him all
week to get Summer to stay, and decides that they should all go out for a meal to celebrate.
At Charlie's that evening, Brennan is on his laptop looking for somewhere to live. Meanwhile, Paul comes in, asking Tash and Chris if they've seen Andrew. He's surprised to learn that Summer is staying in town, and goes off to find his son. Chris
then gets a text, saying that Summer and Andrew want some alone time and won't be coming to dinner. Tash is upset, claiming that they're already being selfish.

At Harold's, Karl goes in for a coffee, and sees Michael going through paperwork at one of the tables. He joins him, asking about Libby's mentoring and mentioning how
prepared she was. Michael explains that sometimes it doesn't matter how prepared you are, if you don't have the right answers.
As Michael continues to talk to Karl about Libby being driven by the wrong things, Susan arrives home and there's a note from Libby waiting on the kitchen bench.
Back at Harold's, Michael tells Karl that he's stopped the mentoring sessions, as it seemed that Libby was doing it because she felt that she needed to, rather than because it was what she wanted.
Susan sees the note, which says that Libby has gone to visit Ben.


At number 28, Karl arrives home - with some beans he got from Harold's bargain bucket - and hears that Libby's gone to see Ben. Karl explains to Susan that he spoke to
Michael earlier and that the mentoring sessions didn't go well. Libby then calls, and Susan is surprised when she says that she's staying with Ben and will be in touch. Karl points out to Susan that they now have the house to themselves, and suggests
that they find the blue box after dinner - Susan then breaks the news that she's invited Summer to live with them. Karl acts like he's fine about it, but he's clearly not happy...
Featured Regular Characters: Lyn Scully, Charlie Hoyland, Summer Hoyland, Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson, Chris Pappas, Natasha Williams, Michael Williams,
Libby Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Mark Brennan, Kyle Canning, Jade Mitchell, Kate Ramsay, Sophie Ramsay, Lucas Fitzgerald
Guest Cast: None
Trivia Notes
• Janet Andrewartha and Jacob Brito make their final appearances as Lyn Scully and Charlie Hoyland
• This episode also proved to be the final appearance of Kym Valentine as Libby Kennedy, who receives an off-screen departure, due to Kym leaving the cast suddenly,
for undisclosed health reasons
• Lyn's final words are "Don't study too hard, eh?"; Charlie's final words are "Can you please bring snails for Teddy?"; Libby's final words are "You asked for the truth. (Michael
talks about how he was hoping she'd talk more about helping students and improving the school) "Of course... I..."
• Past character Rachel Kinski is mentioned
• Michael's physics teacher at school was called Mr McAllister
by Steve