Magic Moments
> 2011
> Harold and Carolyn's Wedding
Episode 6176
by Rene Zandveld, Directed
by Lucas Testro, Produced
by Neal Kingston
Channel Eleven: 06/06/11, Five: 04/07/11
Harold introduces Toadie to his fiancee, Carolyn... Brennan asks Kate if she can convince Paul not to print the newspaper story about the police corruption...
Brennan walks out of number 26 and goes to collect the newspaper. Paul also leaves his house - the two men looks at each other, and Paul gets in his car and drives away. Brennan, meanwhile, opens the paper and relieved to find that there's no story about
him. He walks up to number 24, picking up Kate's newspaper on his way, and she then walks down the driveway towards him. He says that Paul didn't print the story, and she's also relieved, as she wasn't sure what Paul would do. He thanks her, and she tells
him not to worry about it, then goes back inside.

At number 30, Lou walks in and finds Carolyn sitting at the table. He makes a few jibes about Harold getting cold feet and backing out of the wedding, but she
tells him that nothing is going to spoil her day. Toadie comes in, looking for Harold - Lou again thinks that he's probably done a runner, but Carolyn says that he'll still be asleep in the van. She leaves to go and get ready at the
Kennedy house and, once she's gone, Toadie tells Lou that Harold wasn't in the van - he really has gone missing!
Outside Harold's, Kate is serving some customers and Brennan is watching her. She goes over to his table and he asks her when her shift will be finished, as he's having drinks with Kyle and Jade later and they're going to be playing some board games.
Kate is a little confused by this, but Brennan quickly explains that they'll need a fourth person. She agrees to come.

At number 26, Kyle and Jade aren't exactly thrilled to hear about the proposed afternoon of board game, even when Brennan tries to tempt them with chips
and dips. Jade explains that she's got other plans, but both of them suddenly perk up when they hear that Kate's involved - with Brennan lying that it was all Kate's idea. Kyle rushes off to get ready, with Jade sadly watching him,
and his excitement about spending time with Kate, leave the room.
At Harold's, Lucas is having breakfast when Toadie and Lou come in, looking for Harold. Lucas explains that he hasn't seen him, and Lou again starts making comments about how Harold's done a runner, and they should probably just let him go. Toadie
snaps at Lou to stop it, saying that Harold and Carolyn are meant to be together, and if it doesn't work for them, then there's no hope for anyone.

At number 28, Carolyn has shown her dress to Sonya and is trying to engage her in conversation, but Sonya clearly doesn't want to talk. Carolyn realises that this is about the
money and the attempt to bribe Troy to leave, and she insists that Harold only has her best interests at heart. She says that Sonya and Toadie are meant to be, and that Harold loves this street and wants its residents to be happy. She spots the bracelet on
Sonya's arm and asks where she got it, but Sonya doesn't want to talk. Toadie and Lou then walk in, and Toadie asks to speak to Carolyn, who's annoyed at them invading her 'woman only' zone. Lou and Toadie tell her that Harold's disappeared, but Carolyn
insists that she's not worried - he'll be at the wedding, as it's true love - and true love always wins in the end. Sonya can't help a little smile as she says this.
At Charlie's, Brennan is buying some drinks for the party and Paul comes in, saying that there's always tomorrow's paper. Brennan looks worried, but Paul says he's just joking. Paul admits, though, that he's intrigued about why he couldn't run the story
and says that he only did it for Kate - if she hadn't come to him, the story would have gone national. Brennan thanks him, and Paul warns him to never hurt Kate.

At number 28, Lou is on the phone, trying to track down Harold, and Toadie apologises to Sonya for the way he handled things with Troy. Sonya insists that it's fine, and that
they can talk about it properly later. Lou gets off the phone and says that none of Harold's Salvation Army friends have seen him - Toadie and Sonya begin to wonder if they should start calling the guests to cancel, but Carolyn tells them that she's sure
that Harold loves her - she's never been so sure of anything in her life - but Lou thinks they should be on the safe side. Carolyn, however, insists that there's no safe side with love; you just have to take the leap.
Harold, meanwhile, walks up to Madge's gravestone with some flowers. He says that there's something he needs to tell her.

At number 26, Brennan gives Kate a bowl from which to choose a piece of paper and pick her teammate. She picks his name, and Kyle goes to join Jade. As Brennan puts the bowl down,
we see that every piece of paper had his name on it. Later, Kyle and Jade are struggling, as she attempts to describe the word 'cross' to him, but he doesn't get it and they run out of time. When it's Brennan and Kate's turn, she immediately guesses all 4
clues, and Jade gets annoyed. She wants to go out, saying that the games aren't fun anymore.
Harold is talking to Madge, and admits that, when she died, he didn't think he'd ever meet anyone else. He thinks that Madge would have liked Carolyn, as they both have a fire in their belly, and she makes him feel loved, which is something he's missed
a lot. He tells Madge that he loves Carolyn very, very much, and that he knows Madge will be watching over him today, as she always loved a good get-together. He then folds up his chair and leaves, saying goodbye to Madge and telling her that he'll always
love her.


By Lassiter's Lake, Carolyn is greeting guests as they arrive, but Harold still isn't there, and Karl, Susan, Toadie and Lucas are worried. Toadie decides that he has to do
something, so he goes over to Carolyn and tells her that this is very out of character for Harold, who's normally so reliable. Lucas drags Toadie away, saying that Carolyn doesn't seem that worried, and maybe Toadie should take a leaf out her book, where
Sonya is concerned. Harold then suddenly arrives, apologising to everyone for being late. He tells Carolyn that she looks beautiful, and she straightens his tie, then they all get ready for the ceremony to begin.


Carolyn and then Harold give their vows, and all the time, Sonya and Toadie are stealing glances at each other, with Lucas watching them both and shaking his head. The celebrant
asks if anyone has any objections, and Lou jokingly raises his hand, then quickly puts it back down again. Harold and Carolyn then kiss, and everyone claps. Lucas leans over and tries to talk to Toadie about Sonya, but he ignores him and goes over to
congratulate the bride and groom. As they wait to speak to Harold, Toadie compliments Sonya on the flowers. They look at each other for a few seconds, but neither says anything.


Jade walks out of Charlie's and joins Kate at a table, telling her that the boys are getting some drinks and snacks. Kate jokes about her and Brennan wiping the floor with Jade
and Kyle, and Jade replies that Kate clearly had an advantage, as the whole board game afternoon was her idea. Kate looks a little confused, but doesn't say anything.
Back at the wedding, Carolyn thanks Sonya for the flowers, and Sonya apologises for snapping at her earlier. Carolyn tells her to just be happy. Sonya is starting to walk away from the wedding, and Lucas spots this, so he suddenly makes a speech about
not giving up on happiness, even if it's difficult. He talks about how Harold and Carolyn are clearly meant for each other, and he makes a toast to love and to second chances. Toadie and Sonya both look very awkward.

At Charlie's, Harold, Lou and Carolyn are at a table together, and Lou and Carolyn are already bickering again, but Harold stops them and reminds them that it's been a lovely
day and they shouldn't spoil it. Carolyn says that it's been perfect, and she tells Harold that Lou was convinced that he'd done a runner. Harold wonders where Toadie has gone, but Lou insists that he's fine, and then makes another toast, and Harold
and Carolyn kiss again.

Sonya is standing by the lake, and Toadie joins her. She takes his hand, and then they kiss.
Featured Regular Characters: Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay, Paul Robinson, Lucas Fitzgerald, Lou Carpenter, Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy
Guest Cast: Ian Smith as Harold Bishop, Paula Duncan as Carolyn Johnstone,
Jane Menze as Marriage Celebrant
Trivia Notes
• The Erinsborough News headline is 'Council Rates Furore'
• Past character Madge Bishop is mentioned, and her gravestone is shown
by Steve