Magic Moments
> 2011
> Lou's Collapse
Episode 6182
by Katrina Foster, Directed
by Jovita O'Shaughnessy, Produced
by Neal Kingston
Channel Eleven: 14/06/11, Five: 12/07/11
Lou tells Harold that he doesn't need his help... Jade accuses Nikki of taking advantage of Kyle... Harold tells Lou that his body is trying to tell him to slow down... Lou collapses at the caryard...
Lou is rushed into hospital on a stretcher, with Harold and Carolyn close behind. Karl can't tell Harold yet whether it's a heart problem. Lou is taken away, and Harold realises that the last thing he did was call him a silly old fool. He
says that he'd been trying to get Lou to take it easy, and he just needs him to be alright.

At number 26, Kyle is decorating for the housewarming party, when Jade returns with the food - and think she managed, even without Brennan's list. Brennan then comes in and checks
she got everything, and she snaps at him, having already argued with Kyle about money. Brennan is annoyed that Jade didn't take the fliers to the neighbours, telling them about the party, so they wouldn't complain about the noise. Jade agrees to take them
with her now, and Brennan says that nobody will be at home - Kyle then offers to do it, and Brennan asks Jade about the atmosphere between them, and reminds her that it won't be much of a party if she and Kyle are at each other's throats.

At number 22, Kyle is giving the flier to Andrew, Summer and Tash, who want to know why they're not invited. Kyle leaves, and Andrew says that it doesn't sound like much
of a party if the music's going to be over by midnight - Tash agrees, saying that she wouldn't want to party with two gym bunnies and a cop. Andrew says that, once he's finished school, he'll be organising parties with Robinson Entertainment, and Summer
says that she can't wait to go to uni. Tash laughs at her, and Andrew admits that he isn't sure about uni, so Summer decides to take him to the local university for a look around.
Harold stands at the window of Lou's hospital room and looks at his friend. He then starts to remember various times from their past - times when they've been in hospital together and Christmasses that they've shared; when Lou hid in Harold's camper van
as he left Ramsay Street; Lou supporting Harold when he had cancer - and Carolyn then walks over to an upset Harold and takes his hand.







Kyle is walking up to number 24, when Jade catches him and gives him a list of her rich, female clients, telling him to get in touch with them about some handyman work. He
throws it back at her; she points out that it was just a joke, and he says that his whole business is just a joke to her. Their argument is interrupted by Kate, who comes running down and tells them that Lou's in hospital. Kyle offers to give her a lift
to the hospital, and they run off, leaving Jade looking concerned.
Back at the hospital, Harold and Carolyn join Toadie in the waiting room. Harold is extremely worried, but Toadie says that Lou is tough and he's not going anywhere. Karl then comes in and tells them that Lou's going to be fine - he has an
electrolyte imbalance, caused by his high stress levels combined with his blood pressure pills. Harold says that he's tried to get Lou to slow down, and he asks that Karl does the same. Karl admits that Lou was lucky to be found in time, and says
that Harold can go in and see him.

A dozy Lou wakes to find Harold standing by his bed, and jokes that at least he's in the right place if he'd given him a heart attack. Harold tells him to stop joking about it,
and reminds him that he's been very lucky, but Lou says that he'll only cut back his hours - he's not going to quit. He says that he has no choice; he's practically broke.
Kate is shocked to hear about Lou's financial problems, and they all agree that Lou can't keep on working. Harold says that he'll have to sell the yard - it's his only financial asset. Carolyn thinks he's going to need some time to get his strength
back, and Harold admits that he's going to need some time to figure out how to convince Lou to sell.

Summer is showing Andrew around the uni, and she thinks it's great, but he and Tash aren't completely convinced that it's for them. Tash then gets a text and says that she
has to go and do some more studying; Andrew wants to leave too, but Summer convinces him to stay and check out some business courses.
Back at the hospital, Harold has brought a magazine for Lou, and takes the opportunity to suggest that he should sell the yard. Lou is completely taken aback by the idea, but
Harold suggests that he can use some of the money to invest in other ventures. Lou doesn't think it's the answer to his problems, but Harold tells him that it's the only answer.

At number 26, Brennan is helping Jade to arrange the furniture for the party, and asks her if she's sorted out the problem with Kyle. She tells him that it's hard to sort stuff
out with someone who isn't talking to you. Brennan thinks it must just depend on how much Kyle means to her, and she wonders why he's giving her such a funny look, until she realises she's in his way and he needs to move some stuff. Kate calls by and says
that Lou is fine - he just needs some rest. Brennan then gets another silent phone call on the landline and looks worried. Jade runs off "to get some olives" and Brennan is annoyed with her as they've still got heaps to do.
Jade is actually visiting Lou in the hospital, and noisily slams down his chart in order to wake him up. She says that he doesn't seem that sick to her, and asks him why he has such a problem with Kyle; stealing his customers, underpaying him and
taking his money. Lou admits that he'd like to pay more to Kyle, but he doesn't have the money or the time. Jade reminds Lou of when he first started his own business, and says that Kyle needs money.

At number 22, Summer tells Andrew that she doesn't have a back-up plan if she doesn't get into journalism; failure is not an option. They look through some pamphlets to find
something for Andrew, and he admits that he likes the sound of marketing, but he hasn't made up his mind. She continues to hassle him, and he wonders why she's so bothered - she admits that she wants them both to go to uni, it'll be a great experience
for both of them. He says that's a good enough reason for him, and they kiss.
Kyle goes to visit Lou, and tells him about a sale he made that afternoon, but he's not returning to the yard permanently, just to help out. Lou explains that he's summoned Kyle to tell him that he's selling the yard, and asks him about his plans for
a handyman business. Lou then gives Kyle the cheque from the bet, and says that he'll invest the rest of the $10,000 that Kyle needs, once he's sold the yard. Kyle accepts, but only on the condition that Lou remains a silent partner. Kyle is happy to
hear that it was Jade who talked Lou into doing this.

Later, at number 26, the party is about to get started, and Kyle arrives home, apologising for not being there to help out. He explains that Lou is buying into his business, and
Brennan goes to get them some champagne. Once alone, Kyle tells Jade that he knows what she did, and he thanks her.
At the hospital, Lou is packing up to leave, and Harold is impressed by what he's done for Kyle. Lou starts talking about expanding the handyman business once it gets going, and Harold gets annoyed, until Carolyn points out that Lou is just winding
him up. Lou is impressed, and admits that he's starting to warm to Carolyn, though he still thinks that he knows more about business than her. Harold breaks up their bickering, and they all leave.

At number 26, the party has started, and Kyle, Kate and Jade are all dancing, as a stressed Brennan looks out of the window. Kate goes over to him and threatens to spill
something on the carpet, just to get a reaction from him. Kyle, meanwhile, asks Jade to dance, but she gets flustered as they get close, and runs off to get a drink.
Kyle finds Jade sitting outside, and he tells her that he wants to thank her properly for helping him out like that. He begins to wonder if he can really run his own business, and she reminds him that he's Kyle Canning and he can do anything. They
share an awkward silence and think about going back inside, deciding to freak out Brennan by making a mess. As they both lean in to grab a drink, they get close and suddenly share a kiss.

Kyle and Jade break the kiss, and Kyle claims it was just a 'party pash'. He checks that they're still OK with each other, and she says it was just a kiss, and it wasn't even
that good. He says that he just doesn't want things to get weird, but Jade looks sad as he walks back into the house.
Featured Regular Characters: Lou Carpenter, Karl Kennedy, Toadfish Rebecchi, Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan, Jade Mitchell, Kyle Canning, Andrew Robinson, Natasha Williams,
Summer Hoyland
Guest Cast: Ian Smith as Harold Bishop, Paula Duncan as Carolyn Johnstone
by Steve