Magic Moments
> 2011
> Brennan's Departure
Episode 6188
by Sarah Mayberry, Directed
by Jonathon Dutton, Produced
by Neal Kingston
Channel Eleven: 22/06/11, Five: 20/07/11
Both Brennan and Kyle shout down the phone as they receive threatening calls. Number 26 is broken into. Sergeant Hayes tells Brennan that he has to go into witness protection. Brennan tells Kate that he doesn't want to leave her. Hayes gives Brennan the time and place for him to be collected. Brennan asks Kate to come with him.
Brennan tells Kate that there's a big police corruption case, and he's the main witness. He says that his life is in danger, and so are those of the people he cares about.
Kate asks where they'd be going, but he doesn't know where or how long for. Kate asks about Sophie, and Brennan says that she can go with them. He knows it's a lot to ask
of her, but it's the only way that they can be together. She agrees to go, but is shocked when he says that they only have half an hour.

In the lounge, Sophie comes in just as Brennan is leaving, and notices the looks on his and Kate's faces. Kate asks her to sit down, but Sophie is already worried
that something terrible has happened. Kate explains that they have to leave Erinsborough - Brennan has to get out of town, and she wants them to go with him.

At number 26, Brennan arrives back home to start his packing.


Back at number 24, Sophie asks Kate if Brennan is in some kind of trouble. Kate says that she can't explain right now, and Sophie is upset that
she has to leave her life and her friends behind without any explanation.
Brennan continues to pack, taking important documents and his passport, before wondering if he should leave them behind.
Sophie is refusing to go. Kate tries to tell her that the decision is made, but Sophie says Kate can do what she wants, but she won't be leaving with her. Sophie storms out of the room, as Kate looks at the clock.
Brennan looks at his address book and contemplates contacting his parents. Just then, Jade arrives home and switches on the lights, and Brennan quickly hides his bag. He tells her that he was trying to save electricity.
Jade accepts this and tells him that her client cancelled, asking if he'd like to see a movie. He tells her he has plans with Kate, and she teases him about this, before spotting the bag and asking what's going on. He manages
to lie his way out of it, saying he has a pull a double shift, and she goes off to have a bath.

Kate is continuing to pack, and Sophie realises that she's going to leave without her. Kate insists that she won't, but doesn't know what else to do, as she can't be without Brennan either. Kate
promises that she won't leave Sophie, before begging her to come. Sophie still isn't sure, and Kate notices that it's now 18:40 and rushes out of the house.

Brennan checks his phone. just as Kate bursts in and says that she needs more time, as Sophie is struggling with the decision.
Jade appears from the bathroom, looking for her shampoo, but Brennan is rude to her and she quickly leaves. Brennan tells Kate that she has to be at the meeting point at 7pm, or they'll leave without her. He kisses
her and tells her he loves her, before she quickly runs back home.

Kate gets back and, when her back is turned, Sophie bolts out of the door. Kate tries to stop her, but Lou arrives back and asks for help with the shopping.

Brennan packs a picture of him and Kate, and then goes to call his parents, telling his mum how busy he's been lately and apologising for not keeping in touch. After
the call, he burns his documents and passport in the kitchen sink. Sophie then walks in and asks how he can do this.
Lou is trying to organise dinner, and asks Kate why she's packing a bag. She lies that she's organising some clothes to drop at the Salvation Army.
Lou says that he can drop them off, and tries to take the bag, but Kate snaps at him, insisting that she can do it herself.

Brennan tells Sophie that the situation is complicated, but she says that she's not stupid and she knows he's in some
kind of trouble at work. She asks why he's making Kate choose between him and her. He insists that he isn't, but Sophie runs out again. Jade then appears and asks what the burning smell is, Brennan
says he's making toast. She asks if everything's ok, and he says that it's fine.
Kate is still trying to call Sophie, just as she walks in. She says that she needed time to think and goes off to her room to pack.

Brennan is packing his final few things, when Kyle walks in. He notices
the bag and suddenly realises that Brennan is leaving because of the police corruption case. Brennan explains that he has to go into protective custody,
but he doesn't know where or for how long. Kyle is shocked to hear that Kate and Sophie are going with him, and Brennan tells him that he can't tell anyone.
He gives Kyle a note with his cover story - that he's received a big promotion - and leaves.

Kate is looking for a photo album, and Lou tells her to try looking in her room. As she goes, Sophie comes in and asks Lou if he would
still be around to look after her if Kate wasn't there. He insists that he'll always be there for her, but so will Kate, and he knows how close the sisters are. He tells Sophie that, if she's had a fight with Kate,
they'll get over it - as long as they stick together.
Sophie finds Kate crying in her room, and says that Kate has done so much for her, and she obviously really loves Mark, so she'll go with her.
Kate is pleased, and sends Sophie off to pack a bag, telling her to throw it out the window.

In the kitchen, Lou is preparing the fish for dinner, and the time on the microwave says 6:52.
Kate throws her bag outside, and Sophie comes in and says she can't find her big backpack. Kate tells her to forget about it, as they have to go, and they can buy her some new stuff.

Lou is surprised when the girls appear and say that they have to go out.
Brennan pulls up in his car at the meeting place.

Kate and Sophie are trying to run, but Sophie is struggling to keep up.
Sergeant Hayes arrives at the meeting place. Brennan gets out of his car and tells Hayes that he just needs to wait for Kate, insisting that she'll be there.

Sophie trips up, and Kate is struggling to call Brennan and tell him they're almost there.
Hayes takes Brennan's keys and phones, and tells him that someone will be waiting for him at the end point, with everything he'll need.
Kate and Sophie continue to run and try to catch Brennan. Sophie says that she can't go on, and tells Kate to go on ahead, and make them wait. Kate
hands over her bag to Sophie and runs off.


Hayes tells Brennan that they can't wait any longer, as he needs to get to the next pick-up point. Brennan shouts at Hayes that
he just needs a few more minutes.
It's started to rain as Kate runs into the car park and finds that Brennan isn't there. Sophie catches up with her and says that maybe he realised
that he couldn't go, and he's back at home waiting for her.
Kate bursts into number 26, shouting for Mark. Kyle appears, shocked to see her, and asks what she's doing there. She breaks down, then a text message comes through from Mark, saying 'I love you'.


In the car, Brennan hands over his phone to Hayes and gazes out of the window.
Kate tells Kyle that Brennan's gone, and breaks down in his arms.
Featured Regular Characters: Sophie Ramsay, Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan, Lou Carpenter, Jade Mitchell, Kyle Canning
Guest Cast: Paul Ireland as Supt. Duncan Hayes
Trivia Notes
• Final regular appearance of Scott McGregor as Mark Brennan
• This episode was primarily shown in real time, with events taking place from 6.30pm, the time that Neighbours is shown on Australian screens
by Steve