Magic Moments
> 2012
> Lucas and Vanessa's Wedding
Episode 6532
by Eloise Healey, Directed
by Laurence Wilson, Produced
by Alan Hardy
Channel Eleven: 13/11/12, Five: 11/12/12
Ajay and Priya worry about Rani's relationship with Harley. Vanessa tells Rhys that he'll never understand why she has to marry Lucas. Lucas and Rhys argue about the wedding, and Rhys says that he isn't about to let Vanessa make the wrong decision.
At number 32, Vanessa is looking over her vows again, when Lucas arrives home. He says that Chris is still refusing to come to the wedding. He asks Vanessa is she's still sure about this,
and she reminds him that it's not a normal wedding, so she's not going to get normal wedding jitters. She assures him that it'll be ok, and then Francesca bursts in, asking Lucas why he's
with Vanessa on the night before their wedding. She sends him out the door, telling him that Toadie is waiting for him.

The next morning, the wedding car is parked outside number 32. Lucas emerges from number 30 in his suit, as Toadie arrives back with coffee for both of them. Lucas thanks Toadie for everything,
and says that it's going to be a good day, for him and for Vanessa.
Inside number 32, Francesca is screaming at her daughter to hurry up and get ready. Vanessa points out that all the yelling is only making her later,
and Francesca is alarmed as Vanessa emerges and still hasn't got her dress on. Francesca then gives her daughter some earrings, explaining that she wore
them on her wedding day, and they can be her 'something old'. Vanessa puts them on, as her mother explains how much this day means to her, and how much
worry it takes off her shoulders.

At number 26, Kyle is finishing getting ready for the wedding, when Rhys comes
in with his breakfast. Kyle apologises and says that the only reason he's going is because Lucas is his mate. Rhys insists that it's fine and says
that he's asked work to roster him on for the day.
Back outside, Toadie and Lucas have finished their coffees and are preparing to go. Toadie tells Lucas that Sonya sends her love, and asks if he's really
sure that he's doing the right thing, as marriage is meant to mean something. Lucas insists that this is the right thing for Vanessa and her family, and he's
certain it's right for him too. Kyle joins them, and Lucas asks him how Rhys is doing this morning. Lucas is surprised to hear that Rhys is going to be at work
all day, and the three of them get in Toadie's car.

Rhys watches them from the window of number 26, then runs off to get his suit.
At the high school, Rani and Harley are sitting together and he asks her what she feels like doing. She mentions the movies and a BMX track, and he asks
her if the school has an end-of-year formal. She explains that only the year 12s get things like that, and Harley says that he's disappointed, as he'd love
to take her somewhere special and show her off to people. He suggests that she talk to her mum about it.

Priya is walking onto the school playground when Rani runs up to her, asking
about a year 9 formal. Priya wonders where this idea has suddenly come from, asking if it's someone else influencing her. Rani insists that it's her own idea
and that plenty of other people would like it too. Although worried about the precedent she could be setting, but eventually agrees, telling Rani that she's
going to have to help organise, and that there will only be a very small budget.
At the church, Kyle is the only person sitting on the groom's side, along with a couple of old ladies at the back. Toadie tells Lucas not to worry, and
Lucas takes out his vows, explaining that he's written his own, as a surprise for Vanessa. Toadie wonders why he bothered, as it's not a real wedding and
he's not really in love with Vanessa. Lucas looks awkward. Father Guidotti then comes in, the music begins and Vanessa walks down the aisle with her mum.
Vanessa is clearly very nervous, while Lucas proudly watches her. The ceremony begins and Father Guidotti is talking about the couple, as Lucas asks Vanessa
a couple of times if she's ok. Rhys then walks in and sits down next to Kyle, which throws both Vanessa and Lucas.



Rhys watches as the ceremony continues, and Vanessa continues to keep an eye on him,
though Lucas encourages her not to. Father Guidotti asks if anyone has any reason why this couple should not marry. Francesca, Vanessa and Lucas all look a little
concerned, but Rhys says nothing. Everyone then stands, and Lucas smiles.
Kate and Georgia are having coffee outside Harold's, with Rani, Sophie and Callum talking to them about plans for the year 9 social. Rani's ideas
are quite elaborate, and Kate reminds her that there's not much of a budget to work with. As Callum suggests a Dragon Prophecies theme, and Sophie refuses
to dress as a princess, Georgia realises how important the whole thing is to Rani and says that she has an idea.


Georgia opens up the door to the mens' shed and suggests that they use it to throw
a bush dance. Rani, Sophie and Callum aren't particularly impressed by the idea, but Kate thinks it could work and reminds the kids that they're lucky to be
getting anything at all. Rani agrees to the bush dance, but doesn't seem particularly delighted as everyone leaves.
Back at the church, Vanessa is about to begin her vows, but is clearly very distracted. She begins them, but becomes more and more distressed and starts
to cry, before running out of the church. Lucas goes after her, but Francesca stops him and says she'll go and bring Vanessa back. Lucas then attacks Rhys,
who says that he knew she wouldn't go through with it as she doesn't love him. Kyle drags Rhys out of the church, as a shocked Lucas looks around him.



At number 32, Vanessa is crying and taking the flowers out of her hair when Francesca
comes in and insists that her daughter return to the church. Vanessa blurts out that she can't go back and she doesn't love Lucas, but Francesca says that she worked
that out weeks ago, but she won't have this child born out of wedlock. Vanessa then explains that she and Lucas were just pretending to be a couple, and that she had a
one-night-stand, then fell in love with Rhys, but Lucas has also been supporting her. She asks her mum for her support too, but Francesca is appalled, and says that she
has disgraced herself and her family. She disowns Vanessa and walks out, as Vanessa breaks down.
At the school, Rani has been telling Harley about the plans for the bush dance, but he thinks that it sounds lame. He says that they'll just
have to have a good after-party, away from everyone else. Ajay arrives to collect his daughter, and Harley tells her not to say anything to her parents.
She reluctantly agrees and goes to get in the car.

At number 32, Vanessa is calling her mum and trying to speak to her, pointing out that
she shouldn't deny the baby the right to know its grandparents. Lucas comes in, and she tells him she's sorry, but he tells her not to worry about it, and not to worry
about her parents either, as they'll come round. Vanessa isn't so sure, and she thinks that she's lost her whole family.
At number 26, Kyle arrives home and finds Rhys there, and asks him what all that stuff at the church was about. Rhys says that he knew Vanessa loved him, and he knew
she wouldn't go through with the wedding. Kyle says that maybe she just realised she was doing the wrong thing, but Rhys wants to go over and talk to her, though Kyle tries
to stop him.


At number 32, Vanessa is apologising to Lucas, but can't explain why
she couldn't go through with the wedding. She isn't sure what she wants to do now.
At number 26, Kyle points out how upset Francesca was, and that Vanessa clearly needs time to sort things out with her family. Rhys says that he's sick of waiting
and is going to make Vanessa admit that she still loves him.

Vanessa is sitting outside number 32, thinking, when Rhys comes over, happy that she did something
so brave and happy that she loves him. She's appalled that he wrecked her wedding just to prove a point and tells him that her parents have disowned her, and all he seems to care
about is himself. She reminds him that he's ignored her for weeks and that he couldn't be with her when things were difficult. She calls him an arrogant coward and says that she
doesn't want his love. He walks away from her, stunned.
Featured Regular Characters: Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald, Rhys Lawson, Kyle Canning, Toadfish Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi,
Sophie Ramsay, Kate Ramsay, Georgia Brooks, Ajay Kapoor, Priya Kapoor, Rani Kapoor
Guest Cast: Carmelina Di Guglielmo as Francesca Villante, Justin Holborow as Harley Canning, John Orcsik as Father Vincent Guidotti
Trivia Notes
• Vanessa's full name is Vanessa Francesca Antoinella Villante, Lucas' full name is Lucas Patrick Fitzgerald
by Steve