Magic Moments
> 2013
> Karl and Susan's Reunion
Episode 6589
by Pete McTighe, Directed
by Tony Osicka, Produced
by Alan Hardy
Channel Eleven: 28/02/13, Five: 28/03/13
Divorce proceedings begin for Karl and Susan... Susan realises that she still wants to be with Karl, but Toadie tells her that Karl's already gone to file the papers... Paul learns that Andrew borrowed $600 from the
bar till... Georgia tells Kyle that she and Scotty have broken up...
At Charlie's, Karl is unhappy and ignoring Susan's calls, as Georgia comes in looking for donations for the camp out. Kyle and Jana then come in, with Kyle avoiding spending any time alone with her. Jana and Georgia have an awkward greeting,
and they all briefly talk about the camp out. When Kyle goes to order some coffees, Georgia quickly leaves rather than stand and chat to Jana.

At Charlie's, Susan comes in, looking for Karl. Meanwhile, Paul is pitching a new job, a project manager for the new apartments at Lassiter's, to Sarah. She isn't sure,
as she already has a job, plus two kids and an estranged husband in the UK, but agrees to think it over. Andrew has been listening in, and, as Sarah leaves, he asks about it, but Paul tells him that it's none of his business. Across the bar, Susan
leaves another message for Karl, asking him to call her back straight away.
Outside Harold's, Jana catches Georgia and says that she really needs to talk to her about Kyle - she thinks they're getting along well, but he doesn't seem to want to be very intimate with her - he kisses her goodnight and holds her hand, but
that's all. Georgia says that Kyle only broke up with Jade a few months ago, and he probably just needs time. Georgia says that Kyle is a great guy, so Jana decides that she'll hang in there. Meanwhile, Karl comes out of the store and rejects another
call from Susan.

At Charlie's, Susan is frustrated as her call is rejected, and explains to Kate that she's trying to stop Karl from filing the divorce papers. Georgia comes in, and Susan
rushes out as she hears that Karl is at Harold's. Georgia sits down and declares herself to be a horrible person, as she just wanted to tell Jana to dump Kyle, as she's jealous. Kate tells her that she has two choices - she puts up with this, or
she tells Kyle how she feels.
Susan comes running out of Harold's and bumps into Paul, who hasn't seen Karl either. She runs off, as Andrew catches up with his dad and asks about the project manager job again. He wonders if he could be considered for the job, if Sarah
turns it down. Paul points out that Andrew stole money from the bar till, but Andrew insists that it won't happen again, and this could be his perfect opportunity for more responsibility. Paul isn't at all convinced, and thinks that Sarah is
going to accept the job anyway.

Andrew walks by Dial-a-Kyle, and Kyle grabs him for a quick chat. Andrew is surprised that Kyle's asking for advice about girls, and Kyle explains about the situation with Jana - he's just not that interested in being with her. He says that
Jana doesn't do it for him, in the way that Tash does it for Andrew. Andrew thinks that Kyle needs his head checked.
At Harold's, Mason is watching Kate, and she asks if she can help. He asks her for a drink, and she says that she doesn't date guys who ask her out in a shop. Lauren,
who's working behind the counter, tells Mason to stop hassling Kate. An amused Kate tells Mason to listen to his mum.

Jana meets with Kyle outside Harold's, and he gives her some flowers. She's happy with them and starts suggesting places they could go out later, until she realises that he's breaking up with her. She's annoyed that he bothered with the
flowers and throws them at him, before storming off, calling the whole thing an 'epic fail'.
Karl is sitting by the rotunda, looking at the divorce papers, when Sarah comes over, saying that she had the same idea about getting some peace and quiet by the lake.
They both agree that it's a good place to come to contemplate and make decisions. She sees the divorce papers and says that she tried to talk Susan out of it. She also explains that Paul's offered her a job, but she doesn't think it's a good idea
to revisit the past, but she hopes that Karl will find happiness again. Karl wishes her the same, and she walks away.

At Charlie's, a worked-up Susan walks in and downs Paul's drink, before realising that it isn't water. He asks her what's wrong, and she says that she's been looking for Karl everywhere - Paul wants to know why it's so urgent, and reminds Susan
that he can be supportive if it's something really serious. Susan's just about to tell him when Sarah comes in, and says that Karl was just down by the lake. Susan runs off, and Sarah then tells Paul that she isn't going to accept his job offer.
At number 28, Andrew shows Tash the job ad on his phone, and he thinks that he should get a shot at it. Tash is amused, and wonders why Andrew would want to take on
another job with his dad. Andrew then starts to hint at heading to the bedroom, but Tash sends him off to talk to his dad.

By Lassiter's, Susan runs after Matt, asking him if he has any spare time, as she needs a lift into the city to stop Karl. Matt isn't impressed and is ready to refuse, until she mentions that she has MS, and he agrees to take her. She wants
him to put the sirens on, but he says no and just tells her to put her seatbelt on.

At Charlie's, Andrew catches up with his dad and shows him his job application and cover letter. Paul says that he's more interested in experience and career
progression, but Andrew says that he won't find anyone who wants this more. Paul doesn't think he can put Andrew in charge of such a big project, but Andrew says he'll do whatever it takes. Paul agrees that Andrew can start at the bottom,
without pay, as Paul's assistant and walks off, telling Andrew to come up with a good name for the development.
Matt is driving Susan through the streets, looking for Karl's car, and she wants him to go faster, but he points out that the limit is 60kph. Meanwhile, Karl is in his car, contemplating things, and he pulls over and looks at the
divorce papers. Just as Susan and Matt are coming along the road, Karl turns his car around, and they do the same, following him. Susan wonders why he's turning back into Ramsay Street and begins to think that he must have filed the papers



Karl pulls up outside number 28, closely followed by Susan and Matt in the police car. Karl is shocked to see her, and she runs over and asks him if he's filed the
papers yet. He admits that he couldn't bring himself to do it yet, and she's delighted, and tells him that Sarah coming back was the best thing that could have happened to them. She explains how she's been storing up the pain ever since he
lied to her about Sarah but now she realises that she's moved past it and she just had to acknowledge it. She forgives him for everything, he forgives her and they reunite with a kiss. Matt then sounds the siren and warns them to get a room before things go
any further.




Kate walks into Charlie's, looking for her phone. Mason jokes that this is a new record for the longest it's ever taken a woman to reply when he asks her out, but then
he gives her back her phone, which he found on a table. Mason tries again, but still gets knocked back, and goes to sit with his mum. Meanwhile, Kate notices a depressed Kyle, who admits that he just dumped Jana and that he's more interested in
someone else. Kate realises that it's Georgia, and sends Kyle off to speak to her.
Kyle arrives at number 30, and wants Georgia to sit down so that he can speak to her. Just then, there's a knock on the door and it's Scotty. He explains that he spoke to Angie and realised that he had to come and speak to her face to face - he
loves her and he wants her back.
Featured Regular Characters: Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Matt Turner, Lauren Turner, Mason Turner, Kate Ramsay, Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson, Natasha Williams, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks
Guest Cast: Nicola Charles as Sarah Beaumont, Rhys Uhlich as Scotty Boland, Kyrie Capri as Jana Noviac
Trivia Notes
• Past character Jim Dolan is mentioned
• The ad for the project manager job reads: Project Manager $200,000-$250,000. Experienced Project Manager role (3+ years experience preferable) for Lassiters Complex
Project. Salary negotiable. Contract for minimum 6 months. Role includes construction co-ordination and liaising with stakeholders.
Susan: "Paul! Have you seen Karl?"
Paul: "Yeah, he's about yea high, a bit vain, terrible lyricist..."
Susan: "I'm serious!"
Paul: "Yeah, so am I."
Susan: "Oh forget it."
Susan: "Everything that's happened is finally making sense. Sarah coming back is the best thing that ever happened to us!"
Karl: "Susan, are you feeling alright?"
Susan: "Just listen to me. I've suddenly realised what I've been doing to you this whole time. Fourteen years ago, I knew you lied to me about Sarah, but I buried it and in that moment, a little piece of my heart turned to granite.
And then with Izzy, I did exactly the same thing, and even though we got back together again, I held onto that pain and I stored it in the same place. And ever since, every challenge we've faced, every bump in the road, I've hidden away another
little piece of myself for protection."
Karl: "Protection from what?"
Susan: "From you! So that I'd be prepared the next time you let me down!"
Karl: "I thought I'd proven I wouldn't."
Susan: "You did! Over and over. But I just didn't believe it. The fear was always in the back of my mind."
Karl: "Susan, if your mistrust runs this deep, how can we get past it?"
Susan: "We are past it! I just needed to say it out loud, to acknowledge what I'd been doing."
Karl: "Are you saying you're prepared to forgive me?"
Susan: "Oh Karl. The question is - will you forgive me? I've treated you so unfairly. I'm very sorry."
Karl: "Of course I can forgive you, I love you."
Susan: "Say that again."
Karl: "I love you!" (they kiss)
Matt: (sounds the police siren) "If this gets any more serious, you guys are gonna have to take it someplace else."
Susan: "Shut up Matt." (returns to kissing)
by Steve