Magic Moments
> 2015
> Lauren, Brad and Terese
Episode 7202
by Jason Herbison, Directed
by Declan Eames, Produced
by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 01/09/15, Channel 5: 15/09/15
Brad meeting Lauren again after both of them return to Ramsay Street with their respective families... Lauren and Brad tracking down their long lost daughter Paige... Matt telling Terese that something doesn't feel right
with Paige and Terese replying that they need to get rid of her... Matt being run over and killed after pushing Brad out of its path... Brad taking Matt's request to look after Lauren too literally, giving into temptation and sleeping with Lauren
after Terese's drinking spiralled out of control...
Brad and Lauren wake up together in bed at Number 32, taking a few moments to stare at each other. Lauren begins talking about Amber and thinks that if they talk about the children it will be like nothing has changed between herself and Brad. Brad continues to look at
Lauren and replies that things have changed. Meanwhile, Terese wakes up at Number 22 alone on the sofa, an empty wine glass on the table in front of her. She pushes herself up and goes over to the side, sadly looking at a photograph of herself and Brad during happier

A little later, Brad steps onto the patio at Number 32, looking up to the sky as something flies overhead. Lauren brings a tray of coffee outside and tells Brad that she still doesn't know
what he and Terese were fighting about. Brad replies that Terese hasn't attended her AA meetings and confirms to Lauren that Terese isn't admitting any of her problems. Lauren wonders if Terese will assume that Brad stayed over at the motel and points out that nobody
will be any the wiser about the night they spent together. She hands Brad a coffee as she says that their night doesn't need to go any further than them, but Brad points out that these things have a way of coming out. Lauren asks if he is prepared to face the
consequences, but Brad explains he won't do anything unless Lauren is in total agreement. Lauren tells Brad their night could mean the end of his marriage and he gets ready to go and do it before the younger family members return from their camping trip. Lauren
stops him, wishing him good luck.


As Brad walks into Number 22, Terese pours her wine down the sink and turns to him, admitting that she is ready to face the fact she has a drinking problem. She goes on to say that when she
pictured him in a hotel room she felt terrible as the whole situation is down to her. Brad goes to the sofa, reassuring Terese it is not all her fault, but Terese replies that for the most part it is and that she understands because she needs to make a change and is
determined to do so. Brad retorts that they can't just go back and Terese accepts that. Brad asks if they can sit down together and Terese replies that they can, although there is something she has to do first, because otherwise she might not, urging Brad to take a
shower and freshen up first. Brad agrees, and slowly walks up the stairs.
Lauren is sitting alone and quiet at Number 32 when she hears Terese call out, asking if she can come in. Lauren jumps up as Terese walks around the corner apologising for the early call. Terese explains that she has just had a chat with Brad: Lauren, who is very
nervous stumbles back into a chair at the dining table. Terese realises she is making Lauren jumpy as she asks her if she has ever had an epiphany, finally realising that she has been treating everyone very badly. Lauren asks Terese why she is there and Terese
replies that she is talking about her drinking and wants to get counselling and was wondering if Lauren could recommend somebody because of what happened with Bailey. Lauren agrees and walks over to the phone to retrieve the numbers of counsellors she and Matt had
researched, still acting very anxiously. Terese asks Lauren if she has been ok on her own in the house as it was the first time Lauren had been without the younger Turners or Matt. Lauren doesn't reply, but hands over numbers for Terese, who thanks her, promising
she will make an appointment straight away. Terese heads off, leaving a guilty Lauren standing by herself. She calls Brad, telling him that they can't tell Terese today. At Number 22, Brad replies that he thought they agreed and tells Lauren he will be over in a second. He hangs up just as Terese returns, having arranged an appointment with a counsellor on the walk across the street. Brad is pleased Terese has taken the step of calling the counsellor and she asks if he is hungry, offering to whip something up before they have a proper talk. Brad agrees and takes out the last of the empty wine bottles that are in the kitchen.


A few moments later, Brad is urgently telling Lauren that they are doing what he didn't want by sneaking around. Lauren retorts that Terese is seeking professional help and that it changes
things. Brad replies that he doesn't want to use it as an excuse not to tell Terese but Lauren is concerned that by revealing their affair, Terese could be derailed and will never get the help that she needs. Brad states that he doesn't want to take the easy way out
and is also trying to save the younger members of the family from the worst of what has happened. Lauren points out that Terese has no support network with her at the moment and again tries to make Brad see that they need to wait and pick a better time.
Back at Number 22, Terese is setting the table until she glances at the laptop which is open in front of her: she has received a message from Paul, the email containing two photos - one from the previous day and one from that morning. Terese sits on a stool, preparing
herself for the contents of the message, having read Paul's message that she really needs to see the photos and that he is sorry for having had to send them to her. She looks at the first - from 4.50pm the previous day, which shows an aerial photo of Brad and Lauren
kissing by the pool. The second, from 7.35am that morning shows Brad striding out of Number 32. Terese gets up in shock. Meanwhile, at the same time, Brad is telling Lauren they will tell Terese the following day, as he doesn't want any more toxic secrets between them.


Terese, still in shock at her discovery, is busying herself in the kitchen as Brad returns, telling her that something smells good. Terese replies that it is nothing fancy, and casually
asks him how he slept the previous night. Brad explains that it wasn't great, because of what hotel beds are like, and asks Terese, who has still not looked at him, if she is having second thoughts about counselling. Terese replies that she hasn't and adds that she
was thinking about how they used to look forward to having the house to themselves, and that when their children were at sleepovers they would rarely get out of bed, being able to get their relationship to the right place even when they were upset with each other.
Terese says that she thinks they can do it again and begins to kiss an unresponsive Brad, who pushes her away, asking if something is burning. He walks over to the oven and opens it as thick smoke begins to pour out from within. The fire alarm begins to sound as
Terese marches purposefully towards the front door and across Ramsay Street.
Lauren is surprised to see Terese standing in Number 32 and asks if she is ok. Terese says that the front door was open and that she was wondering if she could borrow some of the jam that Lauren and Brad had made as she is making breakfast for Brad. Lauren replies
that most of it was given to Susan, but she thinks there is some in the cupboard. Lauren collects it, turning round to see that Terese has sat herself down on the sofa. Lauren gives the jam to Terese as Terese apologises for being weird about Brad and Lauren making
the jam together. Lauren sits on the sofa next to Terese. Terese adds that she was being silly because nothing would ever happen between Lauren and Brad because Lauren has just lost Matt and she and Brad still love each other, despite their problems. Terese asks
Lauren if she would ever betray Matt's memory and Lauren slowly stands up, realising that Terese knows what happened.


At Number 22, Brad notices that Terese is gone once he has finished dealing with the smoky house by opening windows and turning on the extractor fan. He calls out to Terese and when no reply
is forthcoming he happens to glance at the computer: the picture of him and Lauren kissing by the pool is open...
Terese begins following Lauren around the kitchen, saying that she wants to hear from Lauren what happened, believing that it was more than just a kiss and not as innocent as someone falling asleep on another person's couch. Terese demands to know how Lauren could
have done it: Lauren replies Brad told her that he and Terese had been arguing and that she hadn't been thinking straight. Terese yells at Lauren that when she woke up she convinced herself she had been the irrational one and that everything she had accused Brad of
was paranoia. Lauren desperately tries to apologise but Terese is apoplectic with rage and shouts that she trusted Lauren because she is supposed to be her friend. Just then, Brad arrives asking Terese to let him explain. Terese hurls the jar of jam at him, the glass
smashing against the door. He rushes to get to Terese so they can talk about it, but Terese runs out of the back door into the garden. She finds the wooden statue that Brad had made and as he and Lauren find Terese, she comments that it is funny remembering to the day
they first met, reuniting after twenty years, because all the signs were there. Brad urges Terese to talk to him at home, saying that they don't need to revisit everything that's happened in the past, but Terese retorts that they do because she accepted every single one
of Brad's lies and so did Matt. She goes to storm over to Lauren, demanding that she admits she has had feelings for Brad the whole time, but Brad restrains her as Lauren blurts out that she did. Terese demands to know how long Lauren and Brad have been sneaking behind
her back: Lauren replies that it was just the previous night. Terese is unconvinced and runs to the pool, desperately picking up Lauren's phone to get the proof she needs. Lauren and Brad follow her in, Lauren reaching for the phone as Terese asks if Paige helped the
affair along. Brad reassures Terese there was no affair and Lauren struggles to retrieve the phone, falling into the pool in the scuffle. Terese shouts that she hopes Lauren feels clean now. Terese runs off and Lauren tells Brad to go after her.


Back at Number 22, Terese pulls down Lauren's portrait of Brad as he arrives, telling Terese he was going to tell her what happened, but Lauren had told him about Terese wanting to see a
counsellor. Terese retorts how convenient it was and acidly tells him it was considerate of him to make her wait another day before telling her. Brad asks Terese to put herself in their position: Terese sarcastically demands to know when, suggesting it was when he
and Lauren were getting it on in the back garden the previous day. Brad apologises for Terese finding out the way she did and says he would have owned his part in it if he had had the chance to tell her earlier. Terese asks what he would have said - that he had
wanted the affair all along. Brad replies that he didn't, but Terese points out that Lauren did because of her confession. Brad admits to not having put Terese first a lot of the time, but highlights the fact that Terese almost threw him out of the house the day
before. Terese yells that it was because Brad refused to take any responsibility and refuses his suggestion that it was more complicated than that. Terese reminds Brad that Matt's promise would not have included what he did. Brad stops Terese, telling her they
are not getting anywhere, and urges her not to let what has happened put her off going to counselling. Terese shouts that Brad would love for her to be a mess and orders him to get out and go back to Lauren, adding that she is not going to give him the satisfaction.
Brad walks off as Terese sits down and cries.
At Number 32, Brad asks Lauren, who is now wearing a towel, if she meant what she said earlier. Lauren nods and Brad explains that he had no idea. Lauren explains that although she loved Matt, she saw an alternate life when she bumped into Brad again. She goes on to
say it wasn't lust or love, just a case of longing and that it was about both him and a baby she thought had gone. Lauren says she thinks Terese is right because she is attracted to Brad and still is. Brad sits down at the table next to Lauren and tells her that over
the past year, something had changed between them since they met Paige, but that he doesn't know what it is. Lauren asks Brad to decide if he is going to stay with her or go to Terese and save his marriage. She points out he will need to decide quickly, though, if
he has a chance of salvaging anything from his marriage.


Terese wanders through Number 22 with a glass and bottle of wine. She looks at a photo of the Willis family as she does, before dumping the portrait of Brad on the front lawn of Number 32.
Walking back home, she phones Josh, telling him that she needs the younger members of the family to come home as there is something she needs to tell them - about Brad and Lauren.
Featured Regular Characters: Brad Willis, Terese Willis, Lauren Turner
Guest Cast: None
Trivia Notes
• In a first for Neighbours, this episode features only three characters
• The opening recap features a voiceover from Stefan Dennis (Paul Robinson), and clips dating back to 2013, showing a potted history of the Brad, Lauren and Terese love triangle
• Past characters Matt Turner and Bailey Turner are mentioned
• This episode was written by Neighbours producer Jason Herbison
by Alex