Magic Moments
> 2016
> Amber's Departure
Episode 7275
by Paul Gartside, Directed
by Tony Osicka, Produced
by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 08/01/16, Channel 5: 08/01/16
Tyler and Piper become acquainted... Brad and Terese ban Piper from digital devices as punishment for her role in the school fire... Karl tells Sonya that her interruption of Toadie’s surgery could cause complications...
Toadie gets the feeling back in his toe... Steph tells Belinda she loves her, but can’t be with her... Belinda tells Sonya that Steph’s in love with Toadie, and that’s why she’s back in town...
Lauren encourages Josh to move to Brisbane to live near Amber and the baby... Amber tells Josh he should come with them, so he plants an unwanted kiss on her lips...
At the Willis house, Amber demands to know what Josh was thinking by kissing her; he claims it was automatic. Amber asks if Josh thought they’d get back together if he moved to Brisbane.

At Harold’s, Lauren and Brad are talking about Paige. Brad comments that she’s ‘all set’ for her trauma counselling session. Lauren then reveals that she’s going to Brisbane for a few days,
to help Amber settle in there, and requests that Brad looks out for Paige. Lauren also tells Brad that Josh is thinking of going to Brisbane.
Back at number 22, Amber tells Josh that he shouldn’t come to Brisbane; not just because of the kiss, but everything that’s been going on with him lately. “You’re not thinking straight. You said it yourself. The last few months have been really
tough, and you shouldered a lot of the burden when Matilda was sick. I really think you need to take some time to process all of that on your own,” she tells him.

Back at Harold’s, Brad is excited about the news that Josh is moving to Brisbane, so he can be part of Matilda’s life. He thanks Lauren for suggesting it, and decides to text Josh to
express how proud he is.
At number 22, Josh gets Brad’s text. He reads it out to Amber, which makes him feel even worse. Amber says, “Well, I guess we’d better set him straight.”

At number 28, Sonya is having a cup of tea with Susan, who thinks Belinda’s assertion that Steph is in love with Toadie is ridiculous. Sonya agrees, but doesn’t seem too reassured; she
says to Susan, “She is close to him, though, in a way that I’m not.” “Yeah, a completely different way, a way that is not a threat to your marriage,” is Susan’s reassuring reply. However, Sonya points out their history together, and how they were going to get married.
Susan reassures Sonya that Steph must know she and Toadie were never meant to be and that in any case, he’d never reciprocate, since he’s not that kind of man. Sonya agrees that she just needs to forget Belinda ever said anything.
Tyler and Piper are playing basketball outside Fitzgerald Motors, as Piper mourns all the technology she's missing out on. “I miss screens, Tyler. My eyes – they hurt from the natural light. They burn!” she declares. Kyle and Aaron turn up. Aaron asks Tyler if there’s
any work going at the garage as he’s already asked Kyle, but his business is too quiet to take on anyone new. Tyler tells Aaron that the garage is quiet too, but Aaron persists and Tyler then agrees to ask Lucas to give Aaron some shifts. Aaron pre-empts this conversation
by asking Tyler if he can start today. Tyler agrees, and a watching Piper seems rather taken with him.

Josh and Amber have gathered Lou, Brad and Lauren in Harold’s to tell them that Josh isn’t going to move to Brisbane after all. Amber claims it’s a mutual choice – and while Josh doesn’t
look happy, he explains that his feelings for Amber are putting her under unfair pressure, which will affect baby Matilda too. Brad gets all sulky about the prospect of Matilda growing up without a dad, but Amber reassures Brad that Josh will still be involved. “We both
know that this is the right thing to do. And I’m happy with the decision,” explains Josh. Brad looks anything but happy.
Steph has brought Nell in to see Toadie at the hospital - Toadie’s down in the dumps as he’s getting no feeling in his feet today. Steph reassures him that he’s been told the feeling will come and go, and to stay positive. Sonya comes in and is shocked to
find Nell there, as she was supposed to be at daycare. Toadie reveals he had Steph added to the pick-up list and asked her to collect Nell early. Sonya seems worried about this, but quickly claims it's fine and thanks Steph for collecting her. Steph says, “Oh, it’s no
biggie. I reckon it’s good for Toad to spend as much time as possible with the people that love him, isn’t it?” “Yes, definitely,” says Sonya in reply. Steph goes on to comment that she’s going to cook dinner tonight, since ‘she’s now single’ she’s got lots of spare time.
Sonya looks worried.

At Fitzgerald Motors, Aaron asks Tyler what profit-boosting plans he has for the garage. Tyler says, “Well, I was trying to avoid hiring unnecessary staff!” As the book-keeper, Piper
confirms that there’s not enough work for two mechanics, and Aaron decides that they just need more customers, offering his marketing expertise, which he claims he picked up from Naomi before she left town. Aaron suggests that a new online marketing video is the
way to go, and he and Tyler quickly conclude that expert vlogger Piper is the person to film it for them. Piper reminds them she’s banned from her digital equipment, but Tyler tells her they can use his work laptop and phone, while Aaron has a radio mic they can use
too. Piper says to the brothers, “Oh, you’re pathetic when you grovel! Okay, I’ll do it!” Aaron heads off to get the mic.
In number 32's back garden, Lauren, Lou, Brad, Imogen and Susan are gathered to toast Amber, prior to her departure. Lauren says, “I’m incredibly proud of you, for getting this opportunity, and for taking it by the horns and going for it. And I know
your dad would be very proud too. To Amber and Matilda!” Everyone raises their glasses. Amber goes over to Susan and thanks her for getting her out of the school fire when she was pregnant. They hug. Meanwhile, Lou comments to Lauren that Paige ‘wishes she was here’ and
not stuck in hospital.
Lauren agrees, adding that Amber went to see Paige earlier. Lauren is struggling with the prospect of saying goodbye to Amber, but Lou reminds her she is coming to Brisbane to help Amber set things up, it will help her and Matilda adjust. Looking pensively
at Brad, Lauren comments that having some time away will do her some good. Amber gives Imogen her keys to their shared car, Hermione, and tells her that it’s all hers now. She also tells Imogen not to give up on Daniel, as they’re perfect together. Amber and Imogen hug.



Sonya and Nell are still with Toadie at the hospital, and he explains that the doctors will be discharging him in a few days – but that they’ve recommended he moves into a rehab
facility to help spur on his mobility. However, the closest one is half an hour away. When Steph’s name comes up in conversation, Sonya looks highly peeved and suddenly has a brainwave and says to Toadie, “What if we got some help? What if we hired a professional
person to come and help with your rehab at home?” Toadie seems interested and tells Sonia to ‘keep talking...’ Sonya continues, “I know it might sound a bit out there, but what about Belinda?” “Are you serious?” is Toadie’s shocked reply. Sonya justifies this idea by claiming
Belinda has ‘a lot of different experience in nursing’, but Toadie points out that Sonya thought Belinda was sabotaging his surgery. She claims she got it wrong and would like to give Belinda another chance now she’s jobless and Sonya’s partly to blame. Toadie’s
worried it would be awkward for Steph, but adds that if she agrees, he’ll go along with it.
Piper is filming Tyler as the front-man of the new online video for the garage, but he’s having trouble with nerves. Tyler says to the camera: “Car broken down? Need to get out on the road in a hurry?” Piper yells cut and states that Tyler isn’t convincing enough.
Aaron also chips in with his opinion. In order to help loosen up Tyler’s delivery, Piper suggests that he improvise for a practice run and say the dumbest things that come into his head, so that when they film the real thing, he’ll be less uptight. Tyler agrees, and
Piper starts filming again. Tyler says to the camera: “Fitzgerald Motors is super dodgy!” Piper encourages him to say more. He continues: “We overcharge all the time, and I don’t even know what I’m doing! I don’t even know what this stuff is. I just bash it with a
hammer and charge you hundreds of bucks for it. But hey, even if we trash your car, at least the eye candy is not that bad. Check it out!” Tyler whips off his shirt for the camera and says: “So come down to Fitzgerald Motors, where we’ll trash your wheels and empty your
pockets!” He winks to finish, and Aaron and Piper laugh. Now feeling more relaxed, Tyler tells Piper that he’s ready to start filming the real ad…


On Ramsay Street, Amber and Imogen share another emotional hug, as Lou loads up the taxi ready for their departure. Lauren shares a meaningful glance with Brad before getting into the taxi
with Lou, and Amber gets in last. Josh appears from number 22, and his eyes connect with Amber’s from across the road – both of them looking sad. Josh continues to look sad as the taxi drives away. Brad looks worried for Josh.
Down at the Waterhole, Sonya is telling Steph about how great she thinks Belinda would be at nursing Toadie back to health, and how it would mean Toadie wouldn’t need to stay at the rehab facility. Steph is shocked at the sudden turnaround, but confirms that Belinda
would do a great job. Steph tells Sonya that when you break up with someone, it usually means you spend less time with them, not more. Sonya admits that it's a crazy idea, but they have to think about Jarrod, and she adds that Toadie will be able to stay at home
with her and Nell. Steph says to Sonya, “Look, I reckon I know why you’re pushing this so hard.” A worried Sonya asks what she means. “Cause you’re feeling guilty. You shouldn’t. She’s responsible for everything that’s happened,” explains Steph. However, Sonya says
that either way, it will help Belinda get back on her feet and be good for Toadie too. She begs Steph just to give it a go, and Steph agrees, commenting that it’s worth it for Toadie.

At Fitzgerald Motors, Piper is editing the footage from the advert they’ve filmed, and watching Tyler and Aaron through the window, as they eat outside Grease Monkeys. Unfortunately,
Tyler is still wearing the radio mic that they used for the advert, so, unbeknown to the brothers, Piper can hear everything they’re saying! Aaron is surprised Tyler hasn’t notice that Piper has a massive crush on him. Tyler initially tells Aaron that she hasn’t but
then starts to wonder if it's true. Aaron nods and comments that he can’t believe how oblivious he is to it. Over the road, Piper is increasingly alarmed at the way the conversation is going. Tyler tells his brother that he has never even thought about Piper that way,
and adds that she’s more like a crazy, funny little sister. We see Piper’s heart breaking. Tyler says to Aaron, “She’s an immature kid – practically a baby.” Piper’s almost crying now, and takes off the headphones in anger.
Having spoken to Belinda, who’s agreed to help nurse Toadie back to health, Sonya has come back to Susan for more tea and advice. Susan is judging Sonya for hiring Belinda, and has correctly surmised that there’s an element of Sonya wanting Belinda around so that she
and Steph will get back together, thereby keeping Steph distracted from Toadie. Sonya says, “Look, there may be a part of me – a very small part of me – that would like to see Belinda and Steph reunited, but that doesn’t make me a bad person, does it?”
“No, no, no, no! Of course not! As long as you’re sure it’s not the main reason you’re doing it.” Sonya remains silent.

At the Willis house, Piper is looking to Imogen for advice about what to do ‘if a person made you really angry – punch a wall type of angry!’ Imogen suggests talking to them, but Piper rejects
this on the spot, instead giving Imogen the analogy to work with of a ruthless corporation dumping toxic waste in her backyard. Imogen says, “So first I would recommend some form of arbitration. Then if that doesn’t work, I’d try the relevant ombudsman.
There’s always civil court, but that’s a last resort.” Concluding that Imogen’s advice isn’t going to be of much assistance, Piper leaves, saying she needs to work it out for herself.
At number 24, Brad asks Josh why he didn’t attend Amber’s farewell; he admits he couldn’t handle it but adds that he got there in time to wave goodbye to them both. Brad asks how Josh is feeling now Amber and Matilda have gone. Josh quite coolly states that he is
alright. Brad suggests Josh waits a couple of months, then goes up to Brisbane to fix things. Josh tells his dad that there’s nothing to fix, Amber will land on her feet and Matilda will grow up surrounded by people that love her. Brad reminds Josh that he will still be
part of Matilda’s life. Josh half-heartedly agrees with his dad but Brad says, “What do you mean, you guess? She’s your daughter!” Josh states to his dad that he just needs to give them some time. "Because of your feelings for Amber?” asks Brad. Josh nods. Brad
advises Josh to move past that, since Matilda is going to need him, even if he’ll only be visiting. But Josh becomes tearful, and Brad comforts him. “It’s just so hard, Dad,” Josh confesses. Brad reassures Josh, telling him that things will get easier.

The next morning, Tyler is on the phone to a furious garage customer, who’s told him he’ll no longer be using the garage because of the new video that’s been posted on the website. After
the call, Tyler and Aaron log onto the website and see that Piper’s put up the improvised video, in which Tyler makes out that the garage is ‘super dodgy’ and hits customers cars. Tyler admits to Aaron that he didn’t know she was filming
that part! Aaron states that Lucas is going to be ‘ropeable.’ Tyler agrees and says to Aaron, “Piper’s just totally dumped me in it. This might have just cost me my job, so much for having a crush on me!” They continue to watch in horror as video Tyler whips his
shirt off and declares that he’ll ‘trash your wheels and empty your pockets!’
Featured Regular Characters: Susan Kennedy, Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Steph Scully, Lauren Turner, Amber Turner,
Brad Willis, Josh Willis, Imogen Willis, Piper Willis, Tyler Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Kyle Canning
Guest Cast: Tom Oliver as Lou Carpenter, George Gaitanis as Taxi Driver
Trivia Notes
• Final regular appearance of Jenna Rosenow as Amber Turner, though Amber and baby Matilda would make a further guest appearance by video call in episode 7337
• Amber's final words are "I love you."
• Tom Oliver also departs as Lou during this episode, though the character would return six weeks later for another guest stint
• Past characters Lucas Fitzgerald and Naomi Canning are mentioned
by Kyle