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Magic Moments > 2016 > Josh's Funeral Episode 7346

Written by Sandy Webster, Directed by Chris Adshead, Produced by Natalie Lynch

Channel Eleven: 18/04/16, Channel 5: 18/04/16

Brad and Terese say a tearful goodbye to Josh as he succumbs to his injuries... Pam tells Lauren about Ned's involvement in a burglary at her and Doug's house... Lauren tells Ned that she doesn't like keeping secrets from Brad... Terese angrily confronts Paul and asks him why he deleted CCTV footage from the hotel server, adamant that he is the reason for the hotel explosion and her son's death... Paul is arrested by the police... Steph tells Mark she has too much to lose to let Paul bring her business down and goes to visit him in prison...

Steph goes to visit Paul in prison to hear his side of the story. Paul insists that he is innocent of any involvement in the hotel explosion but has a good idea of who may have done it. Steph thinks he is referring to Tom Quill, but Paul mentions that there may be another person involved and assures her that he is being framed for a crime he didn't commit. Steph asks Paul to prove his theory, but she is reluctant to do so.


At no. 22, Imogen is on her laptop as Paige comes over, asking her if she is working on Josh's eulogy for the funeral; she confirms that she is - but tells Paige that she still has a lot of work to do on it. Paige then breaks the news that Amber won't be able to attend the funeral as Matilda is sick and needs looking after, telling Imogen that she is devastated that she can't be there. As they digest this news, Piper comes downstairs, informing Imogen and Paige that Terese is still in bed - Imogen goes off to make Terese a cup of tea as Paige reads the eulogy that Imogen has written. Feeling that the eulogy is too 'perfect', Paige tentatively asks Imogen if they shouldn't include some of the not so good moments from Josh's life, but Imogen doesn't agree, telling Paige that a funeral isn't the place to bring up someone's shortcomings.

Paul is still trying to convince Steph of his innocence, telling her that the only reason he was captured on the CCTV footage near the boiler room was because he was looking out for Terese by making sure the air conditioning was functioning correctly. Steph isn't happy with the explanation, telling Paul that she would be more inclined to believe his story if he hadn't deleted the footage from Terese's laptop to cover up his whereabouts. Paul explains his decision to delete the CCTV footage was so that Cecilia wasn't captured on film near the boiler room and confirms to Steph that he hired her to sabotage the Citizen of the Year event. He isn't sure if Cecilia was the one responsible for the explosion and implores Steph to try and help him find her, telling her that she has already met her. Confused by this, Paul confirms that he used Cecilia previously to convince Steph that she was suffering from a psychotic episode. Shocked at this revelation, Steph tells Paul that she suddenly doesn't feel like helping him. Paul begs for her help, asking her to think of the victims' families who require justice to be done, but Steph looks unconvinced before leaving the prison.


Over at no. 30, Steph reveals her earlier conversation with Paul to Toadie, indicating that if she doesn't help to find Cecilia she could risk losing the motel. Toadie isn't happy with Steph taking the law into her own hands, reminding her that two people died in the explosion and any investigation should be dealt with by the police. Steph counters that the Willis family deserve to know who was responsible for their recent bereavements, and as such she is obliged to consider Paul's claims about Cecilia's part in the proceedings. She has a problem though; Cecilia left a fake address at the garage and Steph has no way of contacting her. Toadie prompts her to try and remember if there were any distinctive features on the car she had serviced for Cecilia, and this gives Steph an idea.

Xanthe and Ben go over to see a distraught Piper at no. 22 as she prepares to leave home for Josh's funeral.


Meanwhile, at Harold's, Ned, Brad and Pam are also taking a moment before the service begins. Pam is unhappy that Ned isn't wearing a suit, especially as he is going to be a pallbearer, but Brad defends his son by saying that the service isn't going to be a formal affair. Still upset about his choice of outfit, Pam tells Brad that she needs to get some fresh air. Brad tries to defend Pam's behaviour to his son, but Ned isn't happy that she's taking all her frustration and upset out on him. Wondering if there is something else going on, Brad asks Ned if they have had an argument, and tells him that they cannot have any tension on the day of Josh's funeral. Noticing Lauren looking guilty concerns Brad further - he tells both Lauren and Ned that they won't be leaving for the funeral until they tell him what is going on.

Brad's ultimatum forces Ned to confess his part in the burglary at Pam and Doug's house, despite his insistence that he didn't want to tell him on a day such as this. Brad is furious at his son's actions and asks Ned how he managed to get himself involved with such a notorious and dangerous gang. Ned tells him that it started out small with petty thefts and shoplifting after he dropped out of school, but his criminal behaviour escalated when he met the gang in Darwin. They decided to rob Pam's house but thanks to Doug's help Ned was never formally charged with breaking and entering or assault - however this led to a rift within the family as Pam could never forgive Ned for his actions. Ned decided that he needed to return to Erinsborough to take control of his life and absolve himself of the guilt he felt over committing such a crime. After finishing his story Ned asks Brad if he still wants him at the funeral, just as Brad receives a text from Terese about viewing the body at noon.


Back at no. 30, Steph is still thinking about Cecilia's car when she answers the door to Amy, who has just returned from her trip to see Nene. She tells Steph that her mum is getting the help that she needs, and then enquires about whether she is going to the funeral. Steph tells her that she will probably give it a miss due to her business relationship with Paul, and Amy agrees that it may not be appropriate for her to go either. Amy is still upset about Kyle's departure and Steph asks her if she is going to stay in Erinsborough Ð Amy isn't sure after what happened with Kyle and now Paul, and the effect this has had on Jimmy. Steph suggests that she could take Jimmy this afternoon if Amy wants to go to the funeral, but Amy tells her she has already dropped him off at the community centre for his chess club. At these words Steph suddenly has a brainwave and heads off.

Arriving at the community centre, Steph's intuition pays off and she sees Cecilia head into the car park to pick up her son. Understanding Cecilia's plight, Steph assures her that she can see why she might want to keep a low profile, but Cecilia is adamant that she had nothing to do with the explosion. Reminding Cecilia of her arrangement with Paul to cause trouble at the Citizen of the Year Event, Steph implores her to be honest about her involvement in the tragic events. Cecilia once again insists that she had nothing to do with sabotaging the boiler, telling Steph that she had to take her son to the hospital that day as he had an asthma attack. She confesses to Steph that she is reluctant to go to the police as she is sure Paul will try to pin the blame on her, but Steph pleads with her that Paul faces a lengthy jail sentence if he is wrongly convicted of murder charges. She asks Cecilia to go to the police to make a statement in order to prove Paul's innocence, but she refuses to help, telling Steph that Paul is dangerous and she doesn't want to do anything to help him.


At Harold's, Brad tells Pam that Ned has something to say to her. Pam doesn't look happy as Ned tries to apologise for his involvement in the burglary at her and Doug's house, telling Ned that he is just saying this as he thinks this is what she wants to hear. Brad sympathises with Pam's reaction but insists that Ned is trying to turn his life around - however Pam still isn't ready to move on. Ned insists that he won't come to the funeral if it will create any tension and Lauren comes over, telling them that they need to try and sort this out. She tries to make Pam look at the bigger picture, saying that Doug was willing to forgive Ned so maybe she should do the same. Pam tells Lauren that Doug wasn't well enough to make a reasoned decision about Ned's actions and is insistent that she will not be fooled by Ned's act of contrition. At this Ned prepares to storm off, but Lauren pulls him back. She asks Pam to try and put aside her feelings towards Ned for the sake of Josh's funeral.

Steph returns to the prison to inform Paul of her conversation with Cecilia. She tells him that Cecilia has an alibi for her whereabouts on the day of the explosion and won't give a statement to the police, concerned that Paul is planning to use her as a scapegoat for a crime that he committed. Steph is surprised at Paul's reaction to her news - he is happy that Cecilia has an alibi as this means she didn't act on his instructions and absolves him of any involvement in the crime, leaving only Tom Quill as a possible suspect. He pleads with Steph that this is the only possible explanation, insisting that he wouldn't put Terese and Daniel, people that he loves, in any danger. Paul's heartfelt speech has an effect on Steph; she tells a grateful Paul that she believes he is being set up by Tom.


The mourners have arrived at the funeral home for Josh's funeral. Piper bursts into tears as Terese and Brad unwillingly make their way to their seats, helped along by a teary Imogen. They pause at Josh's coffin to share one final moment with their son; Brad mutters a heartfelt goodbye as Terese talks about her beautiful little boy. Paige, Imogen and Piper are inconsolable as they watch on.

At the prison Paul needs Steph's help so that he can tell Terese, Daniel and Amy the truth about what happened at the hotel, as she is the only person who knows of his innocence. He tells her that he needs to post bail before he can be released from prison, and he asks her if they can use the motel as collateral. Steph is reluctant to do so - she advises Paul that if he breaches the bail conditions not only could she lose the motel but also access to her son. Paul counters that if he goes to jail the future of the motel will be put into jeopardy as will Steph's career due to the bad publicity that will ensue. Worried by Paul's comments, Steph considers her next move.



Flowers are laid onto Josh:s coffin as mourners arrive at the service, ready to take their seats so that the service can get underway. Imogen prepares to deliver her eulogy but becomes overcome by tears. Noticing her distress, Daniel goes up to the head of the service to help her deliver her speech. He begins:
"Josh saved my life. They are words I never thought I'd say, not just because we butted heads on just about every issue ever but because I never thought I'd say them in this context. Josh and I weren't even really mates, which makes what he did for me really remarkable. He chose his sister's happiness over his own life, so I'm going to hold onto that choice, I'm going to make Imogen happy, I'm going to look after her every moment I have."
Encouraged by Daniel's words, Imogen returns to the pulpit to begin her eulogy:
"I want to thank you all for coming along today to celebrate Josh's life. I know I don't need to tell you what makes a hero, how Josh lived up to that. I keep thinking about that one time, sort of my earliest memories, we would have been about 2 years old and I woke up from a nap and Josh wasn't next to me. We did everything together, so it felt wrong being on my own, scary, but then I heard him, he was with mum and dad and they were laughing and having a great time and that's when I realised I was okay. I could be my own person because Josh would never be far away, so I'm going to live for the both of us. This is who my brother was; he would do anything for friends and family. He wasn't perfect, he made a lot of mistakes but he knew how to love and be loved and that's enough for one life, it's enough to be a hero."

Brad is next to make his way to the pulpit. He begins his eulogy:
"When Terese and I found out we were having twins we were terrified but the moment they were born it was like I was hit with this wave of the purist love I've ever experienced."
Ned looks unhappy at this as Brad continues:
"It knocked me off my feet. Much too soon Josh's life has come full circle. He died on the same day as his much-loved grandfather. He reminded me so much of dad - his energy, his optimism, his love of life, of family. I know Josh, he would have been an amazing father to his little girl and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that she knows just how much... just how much he loved her."


As he finishes his eulogy, Terese goes up to comfort him, and they tearfully embrace. Terese decides to give her own eulogy at the pulpit, telling the congregation that losing a son is something that no mother should have to go through. As she continues with her speech, Paul turns up at the service - Amy is shocked to see him there and asks him what he is doing. He tells her that he has been released from bail and wanted to be at the service to pay his respects to Josh. Amy insists that he needs to leave the service, and as Paul goes to do so, Terese spots him, furious that he has come to the funeral. She walks over and grabs Paul whilst screaming at him, incandescent with rage at his unwanted arrival at the service. Paul tries to defend himself, telling Terese that he had nothing to do with the explosion, but Terese isn't listening, insistent that Paul should rot in prison for what he's done. As he tries to go over to Terese Brad blocks his path, telling him that he needs to leave.


Overwhelmed with grief and enraged with Paul's actions, Terese buries herself into Brad's arms, as a distraught Paul hastily leaves the service.

Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Brad Willis, Terese Willis, Imogen Willis, Piper Willis, Daniel Robinson, Steph Scully, Paige Smith, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Xanthe Canning, Ben Kirk, Lauren Turner, Amy Williams, Tyler Brennan

Guest Cast: Sue Jones as Pam Willis, Harley Bonner as Josh Willis, Ben Hall as Ned Willis, Candice Alley as Cecilia Saint

Trivia Notes
• Past characters Amber Turner and Matilda Turner are mentioned
• Josh's funeral takes place at Rossmoyne Funerals

Summary by Michael

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