Magic Moments
> 2016
> John Doe Reveal
Episode 7393
by Sarah Walker, Directed
by Declan Eames, Produced
by Natalie Lynch
Channel Eleven: 22/06/16, Channel 5: 22/06/16
Brad and Lauren try and put things behind them as Ned leaves Erinsborough... Aaron tells Xanthe that Tom isn't going to accept part payment of his missing
money... Paul is jailed for his part in the explosion... Paige assures Mark that John couldn't have been Paul's accomplice... Ellen Crabb tells John that the
police believe he is innocent, although Mark looks doubtful... Mark wonders whether Paul was responsible for the explosion as Wendy Iris admits that she was
paid to lie...
Walking along the Lassiters bridge, John tells Paige that he is certain he had no part to play in the hotel explosion after his conversation with the police.
Paige offers to make him dinner to celebrate, but John isn't sure about her cooking! He tells her that he will see her at seven as he looks across the complex
- he spots Julie Quill walking out of the hotel and there is a hint of recognition between them. John then receives a phone call, it's from Mark, asking him
to meet at the police station.

At no. 26, Ben and Xanthe are being grilled about the money they took from the hotel that belonged to Tom Quill. Sheila and Karl are both shocked that they
could do something so dishonest; Xanthe admits that it was mostly her fault as she was the one keen to take the money despite Ben's misgivings. To Sheila's
surprise Gary proposes that they go to the police station so that Ben and Xanthe can confess the truth about what happened. Xanthe is unhappy with her dad's
proposal, but Gary tells her that this is the only way to teach Ben and Xanthe right from wrong, assuring her that he is only doing this so that she doesn't
turn out like him. Sheila looks pleased at this.
John has arrived at the police station and Mark tells him that there have been some developments in the case, recounting his conversation with Wendy Iris
earlier. He tells John that Wendy has withdrawn her testimony and therefore John no longer has an alibi for his whereabouts at the hotel. Before he goes on
any further Mark opens a folder and asks John if he can identify a name in a report. As soon as John looks at the name his demeanour suddenly changes, he
starts having flashbacks as his memory is triggered.

At Harold's, Paige asks Lauren and Brad if they can go out later to allow her and John to have some alone time at home, telling them that John has been
cleared by the police of any suspicions. She mentions the re-opening of Lassiters and plaque unveiling as Terese walks over. Brad tells them that he doesn't
want to go to the unveiling due to the memories it will bring back, however both Lauren and Terese disagree with this, telling Brad that it will be good to
get some closure for Doug and Josh. Reluctantly Brad agrees to go to the ceremony, and tells them that they should head off soon as the ceremony is about to
commence. As he and Terese depart Lauren mentions to Paige that Brad is still unhappy about the fallout from her kiss with Ned, telling her that it is one
thing to want to forgive someone and another thing to actually be able to do so.
The Lassiters Hotel has been fully refurbished as Brad, Terese and Toadie arrive for the unveiling of the plaque. Terese wishes that Piper could be here but
Toadie tells her that it's probably too much for her to face. As he says this Piper arrives to Terese's relief - she tells her mum that she couldn't let her
face this alone. Julie Quill begins the ceremony:
"The Quill Group thank you for coming to this private family unveiling of a plaque in remembrance of the sad events that we've all experienced recently. We
wanted to hold this ceremony ahead of the public reopening later on today, which I hope that you will also attend. We offer our sincere and profound
condolences for the loss that your family has suffered."
She hands the reins over to Sonya to officially unveil the plaque as the gathered residents become tearful. It reads 'In loving memory of Joshua Willis
and Doug Willis, cherished members of the Erinsborough community'.

Back at the police station, Mark is still questioning John - he brings a backpack into the interview room and informs John that they found it at the address
he gave them, complete with identification documents. He tells a relieved John that his story checks out.
Later, Sheila and Karl enter the police station with a reluctant Xanthe and Ben, telling Mark that they have something to tell him. They reveal to a
shocked Mark that they were responsible for stealing Tom Quill's money on the day of the hotel explosion, but Mark is more interested in their whereabouts
before this and asks Xanthe and Ben if they recognised anyone on their way into the hotel. He shows them a photograph and Ben confesses that he did see this
person as he entered Lassiters. Mark asks Ben to concentrate and try to remember who this mysterious person was.

Xanthe arrives home at no. 26 and tells Gary that Mark wasn't that interested in the stolen money but more concerned about Ben's recollections of the man in
the photo. She tells Gary that they may still be charged if Tom Quill decides to press charges for the theft of his $10,000 but assures her dad not to worry.
Gary is still upset though and tells Xanthe he's not happy with her being in a hotel room alone with a boy, but Xanthe contends that she's still unhappy that
Gary didn't tell her about his parole. She asks him what has changed in their relationship that has allowed Gary to want to spend time with her again, and he
tells her that he wants to be the dad he never was before. Xanthe seems pleased until Gary asks her to fill him in on what has been going on while he's been
At no. 28, Karl is berating Ben for not telling him the truth about the stolen money earlier. He understands that Ben didn't want to say anything due to his
problems with Angus but is still upset that he felt he couldn't speak to him and Susan instead of letting Xanthe railroad him into a series of poor decisions.
Ben agrees that he needs to think a bit more but then surprises Karl by telling him not to worry about the missing money, as Angus left it under the counter
at Off Air to give to Susan. Karl looks confused but then suddenly understands what Ben is implying.

Mark is interviewing Jacka Hills at the police station and tells him that two separate eyewitnesses have placed him at the hotel on the morning of the
explosion. He informs him that he was seen with a person of interest prior to the explosion, and phone records show that he was called by this person twice
the day before. Mark also mentions that John has recalled everything that happened and has given a police statement implicating Jacka in the crime - he
tells Jacka that they now have enough to build a case against him. Jacka tells Mark to go ahead and pursue a case if that's what he wants, but Mark has an
alternative offer, telling Jacka that if he confesses the person who gave the orders, they'll go easy on him.
Over at no. 32, Lauren has dressed up for the Lassiters reopening; Paige tells her that she looks amazing, but Brad looks flustered and tells Lauren that
they better get going otherwise they'll be late for the speech and ribbon cutting. Paige looks sad at the tension still existing between Brad and Lauren as
they depart.

As they arrive at the complex Brad spots Piper and goes to talk to her. Piper tells her dad that Terese is still feeling a bit fragile and had to go and
take a break - she tells him that she will go and find her. Brad asks Piper how she is doing, knowing that it must be hard for her to be back at the complex
so soon after Doug and Josh's deaths. Piper looks upset but tells Brad that Doug and Josh would have wanted her to be there. She departs to look for Terese.
Lauren and Brad join Sonya, Walter and Toadie for the reopening as Terese emerges from the hotel. Brad quickly leaves Lauren's side to go over and check on
Terese, leaving Lauren feeling sidelined as Terese thanks both Brad and Piper for being there at such a difficult time. The formalities begin. Julie Quill
is poised at the head of the ceremony as she starts her speech:
"Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please? Welcome, everyone, to the official reopening of the Lassiters hotel. But we're not calling this a
celebration, because we're all very much aware that this relaunch has come about due to a tragic interlude in our hotel's history. But I also know that we
have the community support to move forward, and with a promise that we will be better than before. So I ask you all to embrace this relaunch, with the cutting
of the ribbon. Mayor Rebecchi, could you do the honours?"
Sonya is poised to cut the ribbon, but before she can do so Mark and a couple of other officers make their way over to the hotel and head directly for Julie.
Mark asks Julie to come with him to the station for questioning regarding the explosion, but she refuses, telling him that they are in the middle of a
ceremony and she can't go with him just now. After repeated requests Mark loses patience and informs Julie that he is arresting her for her refusal to comply
with police orders. The shocked audience watches as Julie is frog marched to the police station, Terese looking stunned at the sudden turn of events.
At the police station, Julie is venomous with rage, telling Mark that he is out of his mind arresting her on the say so of a known criminal. Mark informs
Julie that she will have her chance to tell her side of the story in the interview room and requests that she provide her fingerprints. She spots Jacka going
into another interview room with John and looks surprised - however she soon turns her attention back onto Mark, telling him that he has made a serious error
of judgement and he needs to rectify the situation before things get even worse.

Back at no. 26, Xanthe tells Gary that she was planning to get plastic surgery as she was in such a bad headspace. Gary tells Xanthe that he's disappointed
with himself and her mother for setting such a bad example - he then asks Xanthe if she has heard from her. She informs Gary that she hasn't heard from her
mum and after a moment of silence Gary assures Xanthe that this is where the bad parenting stops. As they share an embrace Gary jokes that Xanthe is now
grounded as she goes to her room, just as Sheila enters the house. An unhappy Gary fills Sheila in on the conversation he just had with his daughter, telling
her that she has been keeping him in the dark about the cyber bullying, plastic surgery and stolen money Xanthe has got herself mixed up in. Sheila contends
that she tried her best with Xanthe as Gary tells her not to worry anymore, he will do the parenting from now on. He tells a shocked Sheila that she can't
handle looking after Xanthe, just like she couldn't handle looking after him and Naomi when they were growing up.
After the fallout at the Lassiters Complex, the residents are gathered at the Waterhole to discuss Julie's arrest and the possibility that Paul might be
innocent. Piper and Sonya both ask whether Paul has been wrongly convicted, but Karl counters that the courts did find him guilty so they must have had some
evidence to substantiate this. Toadie is confused though as to why they decided to arrest Julie. Piper thinks that there must be some new evidence which links
her to the explosion, but Sonya doesn't understand why Julie would want to blow up her own hotel. Rather than continue to speculate, Toadie tells the group
that it's best to wait until they know more about the reasons for the arrest. As the residents mull this over Brad notices Terese in the corner looking upset.
He goes over as Terese tells him what is on her mind, she asks Brad if they were wrong about Paul being responsible for the explosion.

Mark is interviewing a defensive Julie at the hotel - he asks her if there was some kind of motivation for blowing up the hotel such as an insurance payout
or glamorous relaunch. Julie is adamant that she had nothing to do with the crime, asking Mark why it would be in her best interest to attract bad publicity
and kill hotel guests via an explosion. He tells her that things clearly went awry in the plans to tamper with the boiler and the deaths were collateral
damage in the interests of Julie's machinations. Julie argues against this, but Mark points out that he has sworn statements from a witness accusing her of
bribery to give a false statement, and another one from Jacka Hills accusing her of offering him $10,000 to damage the boiler and pin the crime on Paul. He
then brings out his trump card, telling an astonished Julie that he has one more witness who she saw earlier, someone who knows what Julie did and why she
did it. She tells Mark that this witness doesn't remember anything, but Mark informs her that his recollections have returned and he's given his statement.
He then gives a worried Julie an ultimatum, telling her that she needs to co-operate with the police otherwise things could get a lot worse for her.
At no. 32, Paige is preparing for her dinner with John, she's set the table and is all dressed up.

Meanwhile, Mark informs John that Julie has confessed to everything, but John doesn't know how he's going to tell Paige.
As Paige continues to prepare dinner, she is surprised as Mark walks into no. 32. He informs her that John's memory has returned and asks her to come down
to the station so that John can explain everything.

Mark and Paige arrive at the station and Paige demands to know what is going on. Mark tells Paige that John will tell her everything and she needs to wait,
but Paige is unhappy at this, telling Mark that she loves John and needs to know what's going on. Mark leaves her in the waiting area as he goes back into the
interview room. As he departs John enters the waiting area. Paige is taken aback as she looks up at John, he is dressed in a priest's outfit complete with dog
collar. He looks over at a bewildered Paige and weakly smiles.
Featured Regular Characters: Paige Smith, John Doe,
Sheila Canning, Xanthe Canning, Karl Kennedy, Ben Kirk, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Brad Willis, Terese Willis, Piper Willis,
Lauren Turner, Mark Brennan
Guest Cast: Damien Richardson as Gary Canning,
Greg Stone as Walter Mitchell,
Gail Easdale as Julie Quill,
Brad McMurray as Jacka Hills
Trivia Notes
• After nearly three months, John Doe's real identity is revealed as Catholic priest Jack Callahan, with the opening titles updated in the following episode
to change John's name to Jack
by Michael