Magic Moments
> 2017
> Andrea Somers' Arrival: Part One
Episode 7520
by Stephanie Carter, Directed
by Chris Langman, Produced
by Natalie Lynch
Channel Eleven: 20/01/17, Channel 5: 20/01/17
Toadie looks at a photo of a woman who could be Dee... Sonya asks Toadie why he is paying a private investigator to investigate his first wife... Toadie
decides not to continue his investigations into Dee as it is likely to be unfulfilling... Brooke confirms to Xanthe that the jewellery she sold to the
neighbours is fake... Gary breaks the news to Karl that the jewellery he brought isn't real... Ben accuses Xanthe of being a cheat just like her mother...
Gary says to Kev McNally that he will do whatever it takes to clear his debts, but then finds the car he is using has disappeared...
Gary is in the Waterhole looking shifty, and spots Tyler at the bar. He asks him if he knows anything about a stolen car as Tyler has previous in that
field, but Tyler is reluctant to help and tells him to phone the police. Gary says that he can't contact the police and is desperate for Tyler's assistance.
Tyler doesn't seem willing to help but upon seeing Gary's anxiety tells him that he may know a place where cars are dumped. Gary is appreciative but Tyler
tells him in no uncertain terms that he will help him find the car but nothing else. Gary is keen to go to the location as soon as possible but Tyler tells
him to wait until tomorrow, Gary's strange behaviour is attracting attention and Tyler insists it's better to meet in a less public place.

Over at no. 30, Toadie and Sonya are in bed, looking relaxed. Toadie notices a strange smell, which is putting him off his sleep. Sonya tells him to relax,
but he finds this odour quite distracting and asks Sonya if she can smell anything. She says that she can vaguely smell something, but it can wait until the
morning to investigate further.
Steph is over at Robinsons when Mark turns up. Mark is in a playful mood and asks Steph if she has made a booking for him, under the name of Grayson Van
Hooten the Fourth! He wants a room with a spa as he is feeling hot and sweaty, and Steph is taken in by his amorous intentions. Mark tries to bring up some
subtle baby talk but Steph cuts him off and tells him this is not the time. She precedes to take him into one of the rooms to continue their activities.

The next morning, at Harold's, Amy, Jimmy and Paul are discussing Erinsborough's latest venture - the backpackers. Paul isn't sure that this is Leo's best
idea, he doesn't seem to understand how a venue full of hippies can make any money. Xanthe comes over with milkshakes, clearly still upset with Ben for his
comments regarding her honesty or lack thereof. Amy mentions that they are going to have a game of dodgeball later at the recreation centre, and Xanthe bluffs
to Ben that she is keen on physical activity. Ben doesn't look convinced, but Xanthe argues that she has always been into sports and he just hasn't noticed.
Paul tells Ben that he's glad he's not in his shoes, Xanthe is clearly on a mission to prove a point at the game later.
Over at no. 30, Sonya is looking for her keys. After unsuccessfully looking in the fridge, she notices that Nell has them. Sonya is in the throws of morning
sickness, but Toadie is still distracted by the smell that he noticed last night. Sonya tells Toadie that it would be nice if he could spend a little bit less
time in the office, and asks him if he can meet them later today. He promises that he will.

Sonya and Nell are walking to the car, where Sheila is doing her morning stretches. Gary comes outside, looking slightly less shifty than last night, and
tells Sheila he's up early as he has some things to do. Sheila asks Gary if he wants to go for a brisk walk with her as she's noticed that he hasn't looked
himself recently, but Gary declines the offer. He also hasn't got time for a game of dodgeball later as he's got to meet up with Tyler. Sheila is confused as
to why Gary would want to hang out with the 'shirtless Brennans', but Gary hasn't got time to explain. Sheila looks even more confused as she sees Gary hop on
to Tyler's bike as she runs past. Sonya is still outside no. 30 when her phone rings. As she's answering, someone appears to be watching her from across the
street. Sonya is too distracted to notice and continues her call.
At Harold's, Steph is having breakfast with Sonya and Nell. Sonya asks Steph how things are going with Mark regarding the baby and their love life. Steph
says that Mark has been very attentive recently in a romantic sense and asks how Sonya and Toadie are getting on. Sonya reveals that Toadie has been rather
distant recently and they haven't had a chance to take time for themselves. Sonya thinks that she and Toadie need a little bit of time to reconnect; and is
subtly hinting to Steph that she needs someone to take Nell off her hands for a few hours so she can have some alone time with Toadie. Steph is more than
happy to babysit Nell while Sonya considers what plans she should make for her amorous rendezvous later.

At the Rec Centre, the dodgeball game is about to begin, with Ben and Xanthe on opposing teams, both looking ultra competitive. Xanthe wonders where Gary is,
but Paul thinks that if he has any sense he will stay away, and then puts in a sly dig about Gary's reliability. The game begins with Jack officiating. Piper
is distracted with her phone, and not paying attention lands her a smack in the head with a dodgeball! The game continues and Ben and Xanthe are eventually
the last two standing. Xanthe uses the sly method of distraction by asking Ben if his mum is watching, using this opportunity to win the game for her team.
Ben looks crestfallen to have lost in this manner.
Toadie is at Harold's, on the phone with Leo, telling him that it is just a simple conveyancing issue and arranging a time to meet. Mark comes over with some
gingerbread for Sonya, he has heard that it is good for morning sickness. He asks how Sonya is coping with the pregnancy, and Toadie replies that everything
is fine, although his reaction gives a different impression and Mark asks if everything is okay with work. However, Toadie is preoccupied with something else;
he's thinking about Dee and asks Mark if he has ever felt the presence of Kate after she had died. Toadie mentions that he has smelt Dee's perfume a few times
at no. 30, and asks Mark if he sounds crazy. Mark tells him it is understandable after the photo of Dee surfaced, and assures Toadie that it can be difficult
to differentiate between what is real or imagined. Mark asks how the investigation into Dee is going and Toadie says that he has decided not to pursue it
further as it's not helping his mental state. He has to cut their conversation short as Sonya is on the phone, she wants him home immediately. He tells Mark
that his recurring thoughts about Dee must be a symptom of working too hard, but Mark doesn't look convinced as Toadie leaves.

Gary and Tyler are at the Industrial Estate. Tyler takes him into a warehouse, where they locate the stolen car. Tyler departs, telling Gary to leave his
name out of this. Gary goes over to the car and opens the boot, but, finding it empty, looks concerned.
Sonya is making herself comfortable at no. 30 when Toadie arrives home. He apologises for being late but Sonya isn't interested in his excuses, she's more
interested in getting intimate with Toadie and gives him some very obvious come-ons! She tells him about an adults only drama that she wants to watch, and
Toadie tries to get in the mood. However it becomes clear that Toadie's mind is elsewhere and Sonya asks him if there is a reason for his lack of enthusiasm;
she wonders if it is has something to do with the pregnancy. Toadie doesn't give her an answer, he doesn't want to upset her with his thoughts regarding Dee.
Sonya can see that there is something wrong but decides not to push Toadie and they settle down to watch the show.

Piper and Ben are at Harold's, debriefing about their dodgeball game from earlier. Ben says that he is still in pain from Xanthe's final shot at him and
Piper tells him to stop acting like a baby. Ben says that Xanthe's win was nothing more than beginner's luck, but Piper disagrees, telling him that Xanthe
beat him fair and square. Ben sees on his phone that Xanthe has decided to join a dodgeball league, and tells Piper he will do the same thing, to show her
how it's really done. Piper sees this as a front; she says to Ben that he obviously likes Xanthe and is only joining the dodgeball league so that he can hang
out with her. Ben denies this but this only riles Piper up more, and she starts teasing him about his romantic feelings for Xanthe. Also at Harold's are
Steph and Mark, who are looking after Nell. Steph says that she liked Mark's spontaneous nature from the previous night, but she doesn't fully understand
the reasoning behind it, and wonders if it is to do with Sonya being pregnant. Mark asks where this is coming from, and Steph quickly backtracks, saying that
she is happy with the extra affection but just wants to know why it's happening now. Mark says that he is in a good place with Steph as they are recently
engaged and about to start a family, and they have got through the initial roadbumps with Sonya and Toadie. Steph puts on a happy smile for Mark's sake, but
she looks apprehensive as Mark switches his focus back to Nell.
Gary is chatting with Kev McNally in the Waterhole, telling him that he found the car but the boot was empty. Kev tells Gary that there were $30,000 worth
of laptops in the boot of the car, and that he's in a bit of trouble. Gary says that he is already paying back his neighbours for the fake jewellery that
Brooke sold them, and says that he'll struggle to come up with that kind of money. Kev says that he's a reasonable guy but tells Gary that he needs to find
the money sooner rather than later as his boss is not so forgiving.


Back at no. 30, Toadie and Sonya are still watching the television, although Toadie seems more interested in his laptop than what's happening on screen.
Sonya tries to engage Toadie in conversation but he's not reciprocating. She tells him that he needs to be more aware of her feelings now that she is pregnant
and that they need to work as a team if they are going to get through it. Toadie agrees with Sonya and tells her that he has been distracted recently, but
from now on he will give her more love and attention than she has been currently getting. As they kiss there is a knock at the door, Sonya assumes it is
Steph bringing Nell back. Toadie goes to answer the door but is given the shock of his life - his ex-wife Dee has turned up...
Featured Regular Characters: Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi,
Nell Rebecchi, Mark Brennan, Tyler Brennan, Xanthe Canning, Gary Canning, Sheila Canning, Ben Kirk, Paul Robinson,
Amy Williams, Jimmy Williams, Steph Scully, Piper Willis, Jack Callahan
Guest Cast:
Madeleine West as Dee Bliss,
Troy Davis as Kev McNally
Trivia Notes
• Madeleine is credited as playing Dee Bliss, though the character she
is playing turns out to be Dee lookalike (later revealed to be her twin) Andrea Somers
• Past character Kate Ramsay is mentioned
by Michael