Magic Moments
> 2017
> Andrea Somers' Arrival: Part Two
Episode 7521
by Sandy Webster, Directed
by Chris Langman, Produced
by Natalie Lynch
Channel Eleven: 23/01/17, Channel 5: 23/01/17
It's 2003 and Dee and Toadie are getting married.... As they drive away for their honeymoon, Toadie crashes the car over a cliff... He survives the crash,
but Dee disappears... In the present day, Stonie confirms that the lady in the picture could be Dee, but Toadie isn't convinced... Sonya asks Toadie why he
is paying a private investigator to investigate Dee... Toadie confesses to Mark that he's been smelling Dee's perfume at home... A surprise visitor at no. 30
is revealed to be Dee, 13 years after being missing presumed dead...
At no. 30, Toadie is in a state of shock and unable to fathom any words to the visitor at the front door. As he struggles for something to say Sonya goes to
the front door to see what is happening. The visitor speaks to Sonya, revealing that she knows her name. Sonya is confused and tells the visitor that she
isn't sure who she is, as Toadie finally manages to say something, telling the visitor that he knows who she looks like. The visitor confirms his suspicions
and tells Toadie that it is indeed the person he thinks it is. At this a tearful Toadie mumbles the word 'Dee' as the visitor smiles.

On Ramsay Street, Karl is also looking confused; he tells Susan that he saw a woman going into no. 30 who was the spitting image of Dee Bliss. Susan assures
him that he is probably reaching for answers after he saw Stonie's photo of the woman on the park bench, and Karl half-heartedly agrees with her. She wishes
Karl a good day at work, but he still looks puzzled by what he saw.
Back at no. 30, Toadie invites Dee into the house. She tells him that the house has changed so much from when she was last there, but Toadie doesn't buy into
her small talk and reminds Dee that in 2003 their car went over a cliff, but she didn't resurface from the water. Dee asks Toadie to give her a chance to
explain so that everything will begin to make sense.

At no. 28, Susan goes over to the bookshelves and pulls out a photo album.
Dee begins her story. She tells Toadie that after the car went over the cliff she managed to escape before she was dragged down. Despite hearing Toadie's
cries for her to answer him, she was unable to reply as the waves kept pushing her down. Toadie reminds Dee that there was a massive police search as
officers combed the area, and she agrees that she heard lots of commotion including rescue helicopters. She tried to summon help, but her wedding dress
kept dragging her down, and then the weather worsened. Dee becomes upset as she recalls the next part of her story, telling Toadie that it got cold and
dark and she thought she was going to die. She then reveals that after the tide changed, she smashed her head against some rocks and everything went black,
not waking up until she reached the shore. Exhausted and cold, Dee tells Toadie that she saw a light and walked towards it, but due to her fatigued state
kept collapsing as she tried to summon the energy to walk towards it. Stunned by what he has heard, Toadie abruptly curtails Dee's reminiscences, telling
her that what she is describing cannot be possible.

Back at no. 28, Susan is looking through photos from Dee and Toadie's wedding. She looks wistful as she pores though the happy pictures of Toadie and Dee
on their special day.
As Toadie tries to digest Dee's story, Sonya asks Dee if somebody found her when she washed up on the beach. Dee tells them that somebody did, a lady called
Emily, who she says saved her life. Toadie is confused as to why she or Emily didn't call the police to let them know she was safe, but Dee tells him that
Emily was too scared to call the authorities and looked after her on her own. She reluctantly divulges that Emily was escaping an abusive ex-husband and
that she was worried about alerting the authorities, so instead she and Dee took off to Western Australia. Dee implies that Emily was trying to protect her
from Toadie, as Emily was under the mistaken impression that Toadie deliberately crashed the car to hurt her. She tries to apologise for her actions but
tells Toadie that at the time she was scared and confused and thought that going with Emily was the best course of action. Sonya defends her husband,
telling Dee that Toadie wouldn't hurt another living soul, especially his wife, and Dee agrees. She mentions that when she smashed her head on the rocks
she suffered a brain injury, and therefore was unable to convince Emily of the truth about her life when she couldn't even remember it herself. Recalling
the memory loss and mood swings that she suffered, Dee goes to her bag to find some pictures that Emily took of her injuries. She takes a picture out and
shows it to Sonya and Toadie; it shows a woman with a bruised forehead and bloodied face. Toadie stifles a sob as he tries to take in the image, reeling at
the revelations he has heard.

At no. 28, Susan finds the service card for Dee's memorial service and takes it out of its sleeve. She looks contemplative as she does so.
Toadie, Sonya and Dee are sitting down mulling over their conversation. Toadie mentions the photo Stonie had and the possibility that it could be her, but
Dee doesn't understand what he is talking about. He explains that the photo was taken a few weeks ago in Colac and Dee suddenly remembers, telling Toadie
that she was going to visit Ramsay Street at Christmas but lost her nerve, so decided that staying in his hometown was the next best thing. A visitor arrives
at the house, and Dee recognises the voice of her old friend Steph. Before Steph can enter the living room Sonya ushers her outside, allowing Toadie to
continue to talk to Dee in private. As they leave, Dee becomes tearful at the familiarity of the people and surroundings as Toadie asks her a question -
he wants to know if it is really her. She nods her head as both she and Toadie become overwrought in emotion. Dee tells Toadie to ask his questions and she
will try and tell him anything.

At no. 28, Sonya has brought Nell round to Susan's house as she is babysitting for her. Susan asks Sonya if everything is okay and Sonya assures her that
it is, telling her that she is just worried about her ultrasound. Susan mentions to her about Karl seeing who he thought was Dee earlier, but Sonya tells her
that it is a long story and promises that she will catch up with her later. She says a quick goodbye to Nell and heads out of the house.
Back at no. 30, Toadie brings some drinks into the living room as he asks Dee another question, he wants to know why she didn't try to find him when her
memory started to come back. Dee surprises Toadie by informing him that she was present at the wedding of Steph and Max but didn't want to disturb him,
noticing how happy he looked with Sindi Watts. Perplexed that Dee didn't make her presence known, Toadie angrily tells her that she should have at least
let him know she was alive. Dee admits that Toadie did indeed have a right to know, but she defends herself by telling him that her brain injury was making
her depressed and anxious and causing mood swings, and she didn't want to cause another upheaval in his life when he looked so happy with Sindi. Not knowing
who she was any more due to her injuries and psychological trauma she instead decided to settle down into a quiet life with Emily in Western Australia.
Toadie asks Dee why she has chosen this occasion to finally come forward, and Dee tells Toadie that she needed to see him to try and make amends for the

Sonya is having her ultrasound at the hospital in the company of Steph and Mark. Mark asks her if she is okay, noticing that she was on edge in the car,
but Sonya assures him that she is fine. The nurse indicates from her monitor that everything is as it should be for an 11 week gestation but tells them that
it is too early to determine the sex of the baby. Mark looks happy and excited at the images of the baby and Steph is also very pleased at what she has seen.
Despite their happiness, Sonya looks troubled as she watches proceedings, her mind seemingly elsewhere.
At no. 30, Dee wants to know what Toadie is thinking after their conversations. He tells her about the perfume he has been smelling around the house in the
weeks leading up to her arrival, and Dee confirms that is the same perfume she wore when they were last together. She is touched that Toadie has been thinking
about her and he agrees that his thoughts have been on her ever since he saw the photo from Stonie. Going to her back pocket, Dee pulls a ring out of her
pocket and shows it to Toadie, it's her wedding ring from that fateful day. She tells Toadie that she has treasured it for years as it was her only link to
him. Toadie changes tack and asks Dee if she knows about the death of her parents. She admits that she paid a visit to her home town in Tasmania but after
vainly looking for them found out that they had died in a car accident. Dee becomes upset that her parents spent the last year of their life grieving for her,
as Toadie asks her about her sister Cecile. She tells Toadie that she tried to track her down, but she disappeared. Having lost all of her links to the past
and the people she loved, Dee tells Toadie that she fell into a deep depression which she is only now trying to overcome. She informs Toadie that the main
purpose of her visit is to find closure, to try and fill in the gaps of who she was and who she is now. She asks Toadie if he will help her with her task.

Back at the hospital, Sonya is very upset as Steph and Mark re-enter her room. Concerned about why she is so upset, Mark asks Sonya if it is the ultrasound
that is making her emotional. Unsure whether she should tell them the truth, eventually Sonya admits to Steph and Mark that her tears are due to the events
that happened earlier with the arrival of a woman claiming to be Dee Bliss. Mark is confused, having convinced himself that the picture Stonie took in Colac
was a lookalike of Dee, but Sonya confirms that this appears not to be the case. She goes on to tell them about the unbelievable and bizarre story that Dee
has just relayed to her and Toadie, and confirms that her actions earlier in ushering Steph out of the house were due to Dee's unexpected arrival. Shocked
at what she has just heard, Steph asks Sonya to repeat what she has just said. Sonya confirms that the lady at their house is claiming to be Toadie's
supposedly dead wife Dee, leaving Steph stunned.
Outside the hospital, Karl is on the phone talking to someone about Sonya when by chance Mark, Steph and Sonya exit the hospital. Karl asks Sonya if it
is true that the lady he saw going into no. 30 was indeed Dee Bliss, and Sonya confirms that this is what she is claiming. Steph questions Karl about the
woman and he admits that even from a distance she looked like Dee, but Mark isn't convinced, telling them that she may have just dug up the information about
Dee from somewhere and is trying to pass herself off as her. Unsure whether this person is really Dee, Steph tells the group that Dee was one of her best
friends and that she would recognise her from anywhere. She assures them that if this is some kind of sick joke then she will be the one to shut it down.

At no. 30, Toadie and Dee continue chatting; Toadie tells Dee that it might take a while for the neighbours, especially Karl and Susan, to get their heads
around her return. He assures her that people still do care about her, and uses this moment to give Dee a hug. He tells her that she still needs to give him
some time and wishes that she had come forward sooner, as it would have saved him from a lot of heartbreak, but he can understand that her issues may have
prevented her from reaching out. As they contemplate this Sonya, Steph and Mark enter the house. Steph is astonished as she sees her old friend once again
after such a lengthy time, and after an initial hesitation, goes in for a heartfelt embrace. They continue to hug as Mark and Sonya awkwardly look on,
struggling to digest this sudden turn of events.
Outside no. 28, Karl and Susan are unsure whether they should go over to no. 30 to see what is happening; Susan is reluctant to do so as she is looking
after Nell and Karl agrees that it may be best to give Toadie and Sonya some space. Despite the police and coroner's conclusions, Susan asks Karl whether
it is possible that the lady at no. 30 could be Dee, and Karl admits that after what happened with Harold, what seems improbable may not be impossible,
although he admits that the length of time she was missing without coming forward is strange. Susan informs Karl that she needs to see Dee in person so
she can be sure it is her.

Reminiscences are underway at no. 30 as Steph and Dee catch up on old times. In the kitchen Mark and Sonya are less than thrilled with proceedings,
but they are in agreement that the evidence suggests that the person sitting in the living room could be Dee. Mark walks into the living area with cups
of tea as Dee confesses to the group how she has been dreaming of this day for so long, but has been struggling to work up the courage. Concerned about
the story that Dee has been telling, Mark asks her if he can question her privately. Steph tells Dee that Mark is a policeman whilst Toadie asks Mark what
questions he needs to ask. Mark replies that he wonders if Dee has reported herself into the police and suggests that they could go down to the station
straight away to do this. Steph is unhappy with Mark's procedural stance but Toadie agrees that going down to the police station is a good idea and he
is sure that Dee will be happy to assist. Mark also asks Dee if she can give him some information on Emily, and reluctantly Dee offers him her phone number,
telling Mark that she is a good person who helped her a lot. Taken aback by Mark's questions, Dee heads outside for some fresh air. As she does so Steph
offers her a room at her motel for the night, which Dee happily agrees to. However, once Dee is outside away from everyone, she becomes concerned.
At the motel, Steph and Mark have managed to get Dee into a room for the night. As they leave the room Steph tells Mark that she has no doubt that the
person she's just met is Dee Bliss, distinctly aware that Mark has suspicions. Mark tells Steph that this is a police matter and if Dee is lying it needs
to be proven, but if she's telling the truth it means she has been living a fraudulent existence for over a decade. Unhappy that Mark is playing judge and
jury with Dee's life, Mark assures Steph that he is just worried about Sonya and the effect it could have on her unborn child. Still not convinced by his
argument, Steph tells Mark that he is unlikely to be impartial as he is already sure Dee is pulling the wool over everyone's eyes, but he tells her that he
has to do his job. Steph sternly tells Mark that he should let his colleagues deal with it rather than involving himself.

Dee is settled in the motel room as she goes to remove her jewellery.
Meanwhile at no. 30, Sonya and Toadie are struggling to sleep. Sonya asks Toadie if everything he remembered about Dee was the same. He tells her that
it is and asks Sonya if she is having doubts about her story. Sonya admits that it's strange for Dee to return after all these years but also sad. Toadie
tries to change the subject by talking about Sonya's day, but she tells him that she is tired and asks if they can talk about it in the morning. Toadie
decides not to push it and they kiss before settling down to sleep.

Back at the motel room Dee is staring at herself
in the mirror before she begins to cry.
Featured Regular Characters: Toadie Rebecchi,
Sonya Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Mark Brennan, Steph Scully
Guest Cast:
Madeleine West as Dee Bliss,
Laura Edwards as Lee Darwin
Trivia Notes
• Madeleine is again credited as playing Dee Bliss, though the character is
later revealed to be Andrea Somers
• Past characters Stonie Rebecchi,
Max Hoyland and Sindi Watts mentioned. Reference is also made to Dee's mother, Magda and sister, Cecile, who previously appeared as guest characters
by Michael