Magic Moments
> 2018
> Jane's Return
Episode 7815
by Sarah Walker, Directed
by Chris Adshead, Produced
by Natalie Lynch
Channel Eleven: 06/04/18, Channel 5: 06/04/18
Chloe alters the job history on her CV to enhance her chances of landing the Lassiters executive assistant job, to Aaron's disapproval... Chloe is offered
the job after a successful interview... Terese asks Piper if there are any underlined paragraphs in her latest book, but Piper says no... Sheila tells Gary
that she wants to keep her memory problems a secret... Gary receives a text message from Terese telling him that she can't see him as she is tied up with
Paul... Fed up with the lack of commitment, Gary tells Terese that she has to promise to be there for him 100% or he's gone...
Exiting the hotel lift at Lassiters, Gary storms outside pursued by Terese. She apologises to Gary, telling him that she was unaware that she was making him
feel insecure. She pleads with him to stop and listen to her. Terese admits that she is worried about losing her job at the hotel and has become obsessed
with doing everything she can to keep the job she loves. She asks Gary why he didn't tell her about Sheila's memory problems sooner, and Gary reveals that
Sheila didn't want anyone to find out until the results arrive today. Gary admits that he is unable to rope off his emotions the way that Paul can, but
Terese tells him to forget about Paul Robinson and instead concentrate on their family. They share a reconciliatory hug as Gary admits that they haven't
told Xanthe about Sheila's tests yet, as he is hoping it's not as bad as it seems.

At the Waterhole, Elly is giving Leo and Mishti her condolences after they reveal the news about the miscarriage. She tells them that she went through it
herself shortly after she moved to Erinsborough and tells Misthi that she's there if she needs reassurance. As they continue to chat Chloe comes into the
Waterhole and heads straight over to their table. Elly isn't impressed with the interruption, telling Chloe that they are having a private conversation.
Mishti says it's okay and Chloe takes the opportunity to thank Leo for giving her a chance with the executive assistant job at Lassiters, telling him that
she can't wait to start. After being introduced to Mishti, Chloe is pleasantly surprised at the offer of a visit to no. 32 to check out the spa. She tells
Mishti that she'll definitely come over to check it out and leaves. Upset that Leo offered Chloe the job at the hotel, Elly tells him that Chloe is a
'nut job' who nearly broke her handbag when they first met. When Elly explains the full circumstances surrounding the incident Leo and Mishti agree that
this was merely a misunderstanding. They look at each other awkwardly as Elly continues to disparage Chloe in front of them.
After her visit to the complex, Chloe has returned home to no. 24 and tells Mark that the neighbours in the street are so nice that it's almost creepy.
Mark is more concerned at the mess he has found in the house and shows Chloe a mandarin peel and dirty sock he found on the sofa. He tells her that she
may find it funny that he is a neat freak, but this is his house and she needs to adjust her habits, telling her in no uncertain terms that he is not her
mother, and that even the people who contribute financially to the household have to pull their weight. Chloe takes this opportunity to tell Mark that she
will be pitching in financially soon as well, revealing that Leo has offered her the EA job at the hotel. Despite leaving an open bottle of apple juice on
the table and walking off, Mark looks impressed that Chloe has found a job so quickly.

Out on Ramsay Street, Piper is annoyed and tells Elly that she would have liked to have been offered the Executive Assistant job at Lassiters to take her
mind off things but was pipped to the post by Chloe. They agree that Chloe only got the job as she has everyone wrapped around her little finger and they
both think that she won't last very long at Lassiters. As they continue to moan about Chloe, Terese leaves no. 22 and heads towards them. She apologises to
Piper, telling her that she will have to cancel their planned shopping expedition as Gary needs her. As she leaves, Elly gives Piper some books that she
found in Ben's room and heads off. Piper looks pleased as she starts rummaging through the books.
At no. 26, Xanthe is practising one of her oral examinations with Ben over video link. He is impressed with the work she has put in and tells Xanthe that
she should come and visit him in Oakey again. Xanthe declines the offer, telling Ben that she needs to concentrate on her studying. At Ben's suggestion,
Sheila tells Xanthe that she should invite Ben over to dinner tonight to help her study. Xanthe has to remind Sheila that Ben is in Oakey and that she made
the same mistake last week as well. A flustered Sheila assures Xanthe that she was only joking, and orders her to finish clearing up the lunch dishes that
she left outside. As she goes to finish clearing up, Terese divulges to Sheila that Gary has told her about the memory loss. Sheila is angry at this, telling
Terese that Gary had no right to do that, but Terese softly tells Sheila that she is family and should be kept in the loop. She also tells Sheila that Gary
can't be expected to carry the burden of this news on his own and suggests that she shouldn't be ashamed to seek help and support. She brings up her own
cancer diagnosis and father-in-law Doug's Alzheimer's, reminding her that there are people who care about and will support her.

At the hotel, receptionist Brandon is putting together security passes and asks Leo for the name of his new EA. As he gives Brandon the name, he asks him
if he could also check on Chloe's references.
Over at no. 24, Chloe is busily picking out clothes to wear for her first day at work. She asks for Aaron's opinion and then picks the opposite choice to
the one he liked. He tells her that he doesn't like the shoes that she's chosen, and Chloe becomes mock-offended, asking him if he really is gay as she thinks
the shoes are 'crisp'! As she continues trying to decide on her outfit, Aaron's phone rings. It's a call from Brandon at the hotel, checking up on Chloe's
references. Aaron is shocked that Chloe has put him down as a fake reference on her CV and decides to go along with her devious scheme, sarcastically
informing Brandon that what he really admires about Chloe is her incredible honesty. As he finishes the call an exasperated Aaron asks Chloe how many fake
references she gave on her job application. She tells him not to worry as she is sure that no-one checks references anymore. Aaron isn't so sure of this,
telling Chloe that Leo and Paul might follow up on the references. He warns Chloe that when Brandon gets to the next name on her list of references, her
job prospects will be history. Aware of the situation she is in, Chloe rushes out of the house, asking Aaron for the name of the person who called as she
heads out.

At the hotel, Chloe saunters up to Brandon at the hotel desk. She starts flirting with him and asks Brandon if he would like to go for a drink later so
that they can swap stories about their travelling experiences. Brandon's demeanour changes as Chloe reveals that she is the person he has been garnering
references for, and he agrees with Chloe's assumption that she may have exaggerated a few details on her CV. To try and smooth things over with Brandon,
Chloe asks him to tell Leo that all her references checked out, and in return she will go for that drink with him. Despite the duplicity, Brandon looks
tempted by Chloe's offer, especially when she mentions a swim with or without bathers. Chloe saunters back out of the hotel looking pleased with her work.
Back at no. 26, Gary has called a family meeting with Sheila, Xanthe and Terese present. With Terese's encouragement, Sheila informs Xanthe that she may
have noticed that she was having some issues with her memory recently, and because of these memory lapses she has had some tests performed and is just
waiting for the results. Xanthe is shocked that she wasn't told about the tests and asks Sheila why she wasn't informed, telling her that she would have
supported her. In response Sheila tells Xanthe that she was keeping it a secret to try and protect her, but with Terese's support decided that now was the
time to bring things out into the open. Sheila admits that she was too proud to admit what was happening and too afraid of what it might mean, but agrees
with Gary's argument that they can deal with things as a family now that they are all on the same page. Becoming tearful, Sheila tells them that if the
news from the test results is bad, she doesn't want them to stop living their lives just to help her as she doesn't want to become a burden. She is
heartened by her family's fierce response, and is particularly touched by Terese, who tells Sheila that if she has a condition such as Alzheimer's the
doctors should be able to slow the deterioration down through medication. Still feeling anxious, Sheila tells them that they won't have to wait too much
longer for the test results as they should be available this afternoon.

At the Lassiters Complex, Elly gives Leo some flowers for Mishti, telling him that she hopes they make her feel better. Considering the upsetting news she
received concerning her miscarriage, Leo informs Elly that Mishti is doing relatively well. Elly consoles Leo by telling him that although miscarriages are
common in the early stages of pregnancy, they can still have an emotional impact. As they finish talking Brandon walks over, informing Leo that all Chloe's
references were 'super-positive' and that everyone thinks that sheÕs a legend! He goes off to organise Chloe's security pass as an unhappy Elly tells Leo
that even though Chloe's references checked out it doesn't automatically mean that she's trustworthy. She suggests that Leo keep an eye on Chloe and walks
off, passing Piper who is at the book exchange. Piper is leafing through some books trying to find some evidence of the mystery underliner, becoming happy
when she finds a book with passages underlined.
At no. 24, Chloe is unhappy to see Mark at home and tells him that she is planning something for later, hinting that she would like him to make himself
scarce. Mark doesn't take the hint and tells Chloe that he would like to sort out the tools in the garage. He asks her what is in the bag she's brought,
and Chloe quickly hides the contents, not wanting him to know what she has in store for her tete-a-tete with Brandon later. At that moment Mishti comes
over, telling Chloe that she is welcome to come over for a drink tomorrow. She explains that she has to work today but Chloe tells her that this is fine
as she has plans already. Chloe then becomes flustered as she receives a text message from Brandon asking for her address. After Mishti mentions her long
shift and the fact that the rest of the family are in Colac, Chloe hits on a brainwave and offers to feed the Rebecchis' dog this afternoon. She then
replies to Brandon's message, telling him to meet her at no. 32 Ramsay Street.

The Canning family and Terese are in Clive's consulting room at the hospital as they anxiously await Sheila's test results. Clive is pleased to inform them
that Sheila does not have Alzheimer's disease or a brain tumour, informing them that her memory loss is due to the statin-based medication that she has been
taking. He tells her that certain medications can have unknown side effects and suggests that a change in medication should resolve the issue. Knowing that
she is in the clear, Sheila hugs her family, feeling relieved that the diagnosis is not as bad as feared.
At Harold's, Piper is telling Elly about the special connection she is making with the mystery book underliner. She mentions that one of her favourite books
has been underlined and suggests that this is a sign that she has found her kindred spirit, although Elly is dubious, telling Piper that lots of people
underline books when they are studying or want to re-read certain passages. She goes on to mention that the book Piper is looking at is a popular one, and
this is the reason for the underlining.

Back at the hospital, Sheila suggests to Clive that the good news regarding her condition is also a relief for him as well. She tells him that she was
sure he wouldn't have wanted to be with her if the diagnosis was bad, but Clive refutes this, telling Sheila that he would not abandon her in any
circumstances. They share a kiss as Gary, Terese and Xanthe observe from the reception area. Terese takes this opportunity to assure Gary that she doesn't
want to miss the big moments in his life, Sheila's health scare having given her a wake-up call. She surprises Gary by asking him if he would like to move
into no. 22 as their relationship is on a solid footing, but Gary declines the offer, telling Terese that the timing isn't right with Sheila's health issues.
Terese is disappointed with Gary's response but respects his decision.
Over at no. 32, Chloe has invited Brandon over for drinks, thanking him for making the right decision regarding her falsified references, and asks him if
he wants to hit the spa. They start taking their clothes off as Brandon notices Clancy sitting on the lawn. He asks Chloe about the dog but Chloe is clueless,
telling him that it's name is Elly and she isn't very obedient as she is never home to look after her. She distracts Brandon with the spa and they head into
the water.

At no. 26, Gary asks Xanthe if she has noticed if Terese has been seeing a lot of Paul lately whilst working at the hotel or at no. 22, but Xanthe tells him
that she wouldn't know as she lives at no. 26. She wonders if Gary is still jealous of Paul and Terese and questions whether he has managed to put the past
behind him. Gary admits that the idea of Paul and Terese is driving him to distraction to the point where he can't stop thinking about it, even though Terese
promised that her betrayal with Paul would never happen again. He tries to smooth things over by assuring Xanthe that his reason for not moving into no. 22
is because of Sheila's health scare but doesn't look entirely convinced with his own argument.
Piper is hanging out at the book exchange in the complex as Elly spots her. She asks Piper what she is doing and after pretending that she is merely here
to enjoy the nice weather with a book, Piper admits that she is secretly curious about the identity of the mysterious book underliner. Elly asks Piper if she
is looking for a connection that is not there, asking her if the loss of Tyler and having to move back home has left a hole in her life that she is trying to
fill. Despite Elly's concerns Piper assures her that she is merely intrigued by the underlining in 'The Girls', a book she said she read before Tyler left.
Still concerned, Elly asks Piper if she is just going to sit at the book exchange all day and wait, but Piper clarifies that she is not waiting, she is
reading. She maintains her vigil at the book exchange as Elly leaves.


Things are hotting up at no. 32 as Chloe and Brandon enjoy some alone time in the spa. As they finish kissing Brandon asks Chloe if this hook-up is merely
the result of him looking the other way regarding her falsified references, but Chloe assures him that she would have wanted to hook up anyway. They
continue to kiss but are suddenly interrupted by an unexpected arrival. It's Jane Harris, who looks down disapprovingly on Chloe and Brandon's passionate
liaison, asking them what is going on here.
Featured Regular Characters: Terese Willis,
Gary Canning, Elly Conway, Mishti Sharma, Leo Tanaka, Chloe Brennan, Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Piper Willis, Ben Kirk, Xanthe Canning,
Sheila Canning
Guest Cast:
Annie Jones as Jane Harris,
Geoff Paine as Clive Gibbons,
Nick Bracks as Brandon Danker
Trivia Notes
• Annie Jones returns to the role of Jane Harris, having left the cast in 1989 and made a cameo appearance in 2005. After further guest appearances
across 2018, 2019 and 2020, Annie would return to the role full-time from mid-2020
by Michael