Magic Moments
> 2018
> Bea's Arrival
Episode 7845
by Keir Wilkins, Directed
by Gary Conway, Produced
by Natalie Lynch
Channel Eleven: 18/05/18, Channel 5: 18/05/18
An angry Yashvi bans Dipi from any of her future football matches after she hits a spectator... David and Aaron get back together... Elly informs Liam that
she doesn't think Amy will ever let him take Jimmy overseas... Jimmy mistakenly thinks that Liam has accepted the job in New York... Amy confronts Liam, angry
that he could be taking Jimmy away from her... She tells him to pack his bags and to never come near her and Jimmy again...
At the Waterhole, Elly informs Amy that she's heard from Liam that he's about to leave town. Amy tells her that she's glad he's leaving and that the sooner
he's gone the better. She informs Elly that she knew Liam wanted to take Jimmy away from her but is angry that he didn't let her know face to face. In trying
to defend his actions Elly explains that Liam turned down the first job offer in New York and only just found out about the second offer including Jimmy's
school fees whilst they were at camp. She goes on to tell Amy that Liam has been mulling over the offer and whether to raise the idea with Amy, but in the
end rejected the job offer. She implores Amy to let Jimmy say a proper goodbye to Liam, telling her that he deserves the opportunity to explain himself.
Unhappy with Elly's defence of her ex-husband, Amy angrily tells her that she doesn't know Liam the way she does and how she had to pick up the pieces after
he left. She storms out of the Waterhole despite Elly trying to reason with her.

Also at the Waterhole are Mark, Aaron and David. Aaron asks Mark if Chloe is at work and he agrees that she is, sarcastically joking that this should be the
case unless she has found a new way to get into trouble. They are referring to her supposed work relationship with Brandon, unaware of her secret liaisons
with Leo. In Chloe's defence, David tells Mark and Aaron that it is not illegal for colleagues to date as long as things are kept professional, but Aaron is
dubious as to whether Chloe can ever keep things professional. As their conversation about Chloe ends, David and Aaron announce to Mark that they are going to
the beach, and Mark tries to invite himself along. He quickly picks up the hint that they want some alone time and tells them to have fun as they depart.
At Harold's, Piper is interested in going to Yashvi's football match later today as she wants to do a vlog about women in sport. She asks Yashvi if she would
be available for an interview after the game and Yashvi halfheartedly agrees, although she warns Piper that she's not very good in front of a camera. Piper
assures her that she will be fine as she goes off to buy Xanthe a birthday present, telling Yashvi that she will see her at the game later. As she leaves
Paul comes in and spots Dipi; now that the boycott has died down he wants to arrange a photoshoot with her family for the 'Face of LassiterŐs' brochure
campaign. Dipi tells him that this may not be possible as Shane is away visiting Jay at his school, and Yashvi is busy with her football match. Paul has
another idea, suggesting to Dipi that they can work the football angle into the photoshoot, and proposes sending a photographer to the match. She tells
him that this is not possible as Yashvi will not allow her to attend any more matches after she punched a spectator, and she needs to respect her wishes.
Paul reluctantly accepts this.

Aaron and David are enjoying their time at the beach, although Aaron complains that he has eaten too much cheese. David jokes that he hopes Aaron will 'feel
feta' soon and then apologies for being too 'cheesy' and that from now on he will 'brie-have'! They start to reminisce about the possibility of having kids
together and then buying their dream house, imagining what their life could be like together. Aaron is interested to know what has brought on all the
daydreaming from David, and he confesses that he had a lot of time to think when he was in New Zealand and after seeing Susan sitting with Karl at the
hospital he started to imagine what their life could be like thirty years from now. He admits that the life they could have years from now could be good,
and they kiss.
At the penthouse, Amy is still angry after her conversation with Elly earlier, relaying to Paul about the audacity of Liam wanting to take Jimmy to New
York and whether she did the right thing in telling him to leave Erinsborough immediately. Despite her fury at the time, Paul tells Amy that maybe she can
now see where he was coming from when he paid off Liam to leave town the first time. He assures her that sometimes you have to make tough decisions and hopes
that Liam will not come crawling back this time after Amy's frankness with him. Amy still looks pensive and worried that she went overboard with her words
to Liam.

Over at no. 24, Mark receives a phone call from Aaron and is surprised when he tells him that he has decided to propose to David. Although excited at the
news Mark asks Aaron if he is prepared for this, worried that his decision to propose may be a bit too spontaneous. Despite Mark's pessimism Aaron assures
him that he and David are meant to be together and that as soon as David is back from his walk he is going to get down on one knee and propose. Aware
that he will not be able to dissuade Aaron from his plan, Mark instead wishes him good look as the call ends.
Back at the penthouse, Liam has come over to say a final goodbye to Jimmy, but Jimmy isn't interested and heads towards his room. He tells Liam that he
heard about his job offer and that he is leaving again, but Liam assures Jimmy that this isn't the case, informing him that he decided to turn down the job.
He admits that he is still leaving Erinsborough but will only be living a few suburbs away. This leaves Jimmy confused as to why he is not staying close to
them if he is not going to New York, but Liam tells him that it is complicated, covering his tracks by saying it's work issues. Jimmy is not happy with Liam's
reasoning and ignores him when he tries to say goodbye to him. As Liam leaves Jimmy heads back over to his schoolwork, with Amy looking guiltily concerned at
the broken relationship between father and son.

At Harold's, Toadie has stepped in to be the football game's official videographer in the absence of Shane. As they prepare to leave for the game, Toadie and
Mishti ask Dipi if there is any chance that Yashvi will change her mind and allow her to attend the match, but Dipi tells them that she doesn't want to push
her luck. Despite her reluctance, Toadie advises Dipi that she should attend the game, to prove to Yashvi that she is a reformed character after her
altercation at the last match. He suggests smuggling her into the game in a disguise, but Dipi doesn't seem too enthusiastic about the idea and wonders
whether this won't make matters worse. Toadie, however, convinces her to give it a try.
Cars are arriving at the football field for Yashvi's match as Toadie, Mishti, Kirsha and a heavily disguised Dipi exit the vehicle. To help complete Dipi's
ensemble Kirsha adds a scarf to her hat and sunglasses, as Mishti tells her that she looks like a celebrity dodging fans at an airport. Dipi tells them that
she will try not to yell at the match but Toadie suggests that she will have to stand on her own in order for Yashvi not to suspect it's her. They make their
way to the field for the start of the game.

Upset after his conversation with Liam earlier, Jimmy is sitting on the couch in the penthouse as Amy comes over to comfort him. Confused as to why Liam has
turned down the job in New York but is still moving away from Erinsborough, Jimmy asks Amy if he did something wrong. She assures him that he hasn't done
anything wrong but then admits that she was the one who told Liam to leave as she was worried that he was going to take Jimmy to New York with him. She goes
on to ask Jimmy if he would have been interested in living in New York with Liam for a few months, but Jimmy is adamant that he wouldn't have wanted to leave
his mum. Touched by Jimmy's loyalty to her, she hugs him.
At the football match Yashvi is having an excellent game.

The players head into the changing room at half-time, joined by Piper, who commends Yashvi's performance in the match. She goes on to talk about how amazing
it is that women are being valued for being strong and then goes on to say that she wants to do a whole series of vlogs on inspiring young women, beginning
with Yashvi's journey to becoming a football star. She asks Yashvi if she can interview her coach and parents, but Yashvi interjects, telling Piper that her
mum isn't allowed at any of her games. She admits to Piper that she misses having her mum at the games despite what happened. As Piper tells Yashvi to think
about doing the vlog, a teammate called Marisa walks over and sarcastically implies that Yashvi is getting special treatment once again. She leaves, and Piper
asks Yashvi if that is the girl who works at the hotel, and what her problem is. Yashvi tells her that she isn't sure.
Having returned from his walk, David is lying next to Aaron on the beach. Aaron opens a bottle of drink and removes the ring pull, whilst David gets up to
find the chocolate sauce and strawberries. Before he can do so Aaron gets down on one knee and presents the ring pull to David as an impromptu engagement
ring. He asks a surprised David if he wants to get married, telling him that he loves him and can't imagine a future without him in it. As he finishes his
speech David has a surprise of his own, and gets down on one knee himself, hurriedly searching in his bag as he does so. He admits to Aaron that when he was
on his walk earlier, he was ready to ask him something as well. He goes on to tell Aaron that he wants to spend the rest of his life with him, admitting that
he feels happier and a stronger person when he is with him. Presenting Aaron with a watch, he also proposes marriage. They both agree to the marriage
proposals they have given to one another and kiss.

At no. 24, Aaron and David have returned from the beach and tell Mark that they had a perfect time together, happily breaking the news that they are engaged
to be married. Mark is ecstatic at the news and goes over to hug the happy pair, telling them that he can't wait to write his embarrassing best man speech.
Feeling excited and impetuous, Aaron is ready to inform friends and family of the happy news, however David is more circumspect and tells him that there is
no rush, and they should savour every moment. They continue to bask in their happy news as Mark goes to get some beers to celebrate.
Back at the football game, Yashvi and her team are doing well, and as the full-time whistle sounds they head back into the changing room to celebrate their

Yashvi is congratulated by Mishti, Kirsha and Toadie, and then Dipi appears, revealing her true identity. She apologises for attending the game against
Yashvi's wishes but tells her that she wasn't sorry to see her playing so well, telling her that she was unbelievable. Rather than being upset Yashvi appears
amused that her mother made such an effort to attend the match and did so without making a scene, informing her that her match ban is over. The family wait
outside as Yashvi gets changed, but Marisa is in the changing room also and heads over to her. She tells Yashvi that the umpires gave her an easy ride in the
game and there is one reason for that. Yashvi is confused and doesn't understand what Marisa is implying, but Marisa tells Yashvi to look in the mirror and
hopefully then she'll be able to figure it out.
At The Flametree Retreat, Liam is on the phone to his business contact in New York, telling them that he won't be able to take up their offer of a job. As he
does so, Amy comes over to apologise to him for losing it before, but in her defence tells Liam that she had a right to be upset as she was worried he wanted
to take Jimmy away from her. Appreciative of her honesty, Liam tells Amy that he better get moving. Amy informs Liam of her conversation with Jimmy earlier
and says that if he still wants to take the job in New York she can help him and Jimmy stay in touch. Liam reiterates to Amy that he will not be taking the
job in New York as he wants to rebuild his relationship with his son. Aware that Liam may not be wanting to move far from Ramsay Street after all, Amy asks
him if he would be happy to stay in Erinsborough, and Liam tells her that he would like to if that is okay with her. Amy tells him that it is.

Over at the penthouse, Kirsha is telling Jimmy how cool it is that Liam wanted to take him to New York to live with him, but Jimmy tries to remain nonplussed
despite feeling a slight tinge of regret. As they chat Paul comes over and tries to cheer Jimmy up by telling him that Erinsborough is a great place to live
as well, but Kirsha continues to highlight all the fun things you can do in New York. Paul soon realises that Jimmy may not be as happy as he seems in staying
in Erinsborough and asks him if his primary reason for staying is because he doesn't want to leave Amy on her own. Jimmy disagrees with Paul's assessment,
telling him that New York probably isn't as good as it seems in the movies, but Paul can see through his bravado and wonders if Jimmy is regretting his
decision to turn down Liam's offer to live with him overseas.
At the complex, Amy is apologising to Elly for losing her rag with her earlier, understanding that she was in a difficult position, but Elly tells her that
she would have reacted in the same way if she was in a similar situation. She asks Amy how she feels about Liam staying in Erinsborough and Amy brushes this
off by saying it will be good for Jimmy and that is all that matters. They go on to start discussing Aaron and David's engagement news and agree to catch up
at the Brennans' house for champagne later. As Amy leaves Elly is given the shock of her life as she recognises a young woman on the other side of the
courtyard. The woman looks worried when she notices Elly and quickly hurries off. Elly tries to stop her by calling out the woman's name 'Bea', but as she
chases after her the woman disappears round a corner, leaving Elly confused and uneasy at this surprise arrival.


Back in the changing room at the football match, Yashvi is alone and upset after her conversation with Marisa earlier. Piper comes into the changing room
and asks Yashvi what the matter is. After Marisa's cutting remarks earlier Yashvi tells Piper that Marisa started implying that her favouritism in the match
was due to the colour of her skin. Upset at the racist comments, Piper tells Yashvi that this is unacceptable and she needs to tell her coach, but Yashvi
vehemently tells her that she doesn't want to make a fuss. Piper is adamant that she cannot let this go, informing her that it is blatant discrimination.
She offers to include this in her vlog but Yashvi becomes upset and walks out, telling Piper in no uncertain terms that she just wants to forget it ever
Featured Regular Characters: Elly Conway, Amy Williams,
Jimmy Williams, Paul Robinson, Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Toadie Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi,
Kirsha Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma
Guest Cast:
Bonnie Anderson as Bea Nilsson,
James Beck as Liam Barnett,
Shannon Barker as Marisa Taylor
Trivia Notes
• First appearance of Bonnie Anderson as Bea Nilsson, though she does not have any dialogue in this episode
by Michael