Magic Moments
> 2018
> Cassius's Arrival
Episode 7848
by Sarah Walker, Directed
by Chris Adshead, Produced
by Natalie Mandel
Channel Eleven: 23/05/18, Channel 5: 23/05/18
David and Aaron propose to each other after a day at the beach... Brandon returns Paul's car after damaging the roof, having blackmailed Leo into letting him
drive it, and mentions that there may be a speeding fine on the way... Mark finds Chloe's bra under the passenger seat of the damaged car and thinks she is
having an affair with Paul, but she admits it's Brandon she is seeing... Sheila is told by Gary that she can't be involved in the management of the Flametree
retreat anymore... Bea is recognised by Susan in the Lassiters Complex... Elly and Susan offer Bea a bed at no. 28, but she tells them that she has already
booked an apartment... It's revealed that Bea has a boyfriend staying in the apartment with her, and that he is a familiar face - Finn Kelly...
At Bea's apartment Finn is listening as Bea complains about Elly, telling him that she always seems to get what she wants and doesn't realise how lucky she
is. Finn asks Bea if her sister is glad to see her, but Bea again complains that Elly has never been interested in her before so it's unlikely she would be
interested in her now she's arrived in Erinsborough. She apologises for obsessing over her sister but Finn agrees that Elly was horrible to her in Sydney -
however he suggests that she may have changed. Bea isn't sure, and wonders whether Finn's decision to persuade her to come to Erinsborough was a good idea.
Understanding how difficult things must be for her, Finn tells Bea that having the opportunity to resolve things with Elly may be a good thing as it will
allow her to move forward with both of their lives. Softening at his words, Bea jokes that Finn better not like Elly more than he likes her when they meet,
and he tells her that will be impossible. They share a kiss.

Over at no. 24, Chloe is excited as her paycheque from Lassiters lands in her account. She promises to send Mark some money for the rent, as well as some
ad-hoc bills that Fay brought over. Aaron tells Chloe that it's his engagement party tomorrow so at least she'll get some free drinks for that, but she
tells him that she still has to buy an engagement present. They are having a champagne breakfast at the Waterhole and Chloe suggests that they should 'party
hard' to celebrate, however Aaron is adamant that he and David are going to have a low-key affair. He mentions to Chloe and Mark that David is keen on the
idea of a long engagement, which is not something he wanted, but Mark advises Aaron that they should take all the time they need. Chloe is of the opposite
opinion and suggests that David and Aaron should just go for it, although Mark doesn't think she is the best advocate for marriage tips. To Aaron's relief,
they both promise to attend his engagement party, as Chloe asks him who else is coming.
At the penthouse, Leo promises David that he won't miss his engagement party, just as Paul arrives with the mail. Paul also promises David that he will
attend the party but then becomes distracted by a letter containing a speeding fine. Realising that he needs to cover for Brandon's misdemeanor, Leo quickly
lies to Paul, telling him that the speeding fine was incurred from when he borrowed his car the other day. This leaves Paul confused, having been sure that
Leo was in meetings on that day. Leo manages to cover his tracks, but Paul is still not entirely convinced by his admission of guilt. He tells a guilty
looking Leo to be more careful in future.

A mysterious man is putting flyers into the residents' letterboxes as he strolls around Ramsay Street.
Gary brings the man over to no. 26 and introduces him to Sheila, telling her that this is Cassius Grady, and that he is looking for gardening work. Still
feeling upset that she is no longer allowed to help out at the Flametree retreat, Sheila sarcastically tells Gary that they don't need to hire a gardener
especially now that she finds herself unemployed. She goes on to tell Gary that gardening is one of her pleasures and she doesn't need Cassius doing it for
her. Cassius overhears the conversation between Gary and Sheila and looks disappointed, as Sheila continues to berate Gary for trying to take away the one
thing that she is still good at.

At no. 28, Karl has arrived home from the hospital and is on crutches. He tells Elly and Susan that he still needs to walk around to stop new blood clots
forming and hopes that his being an invalid didn't put Bea off from wanting to stay with them. Elly explains that Bea has already booked herself into an
apartment and will be staying there for a couple of weeks. It's revealed that Bea cannot get a refund for her apartment stay as she paid for it in advance,
an argument that Karl can wholeheartedly agree with, telling Elly and Susan that she should get her money's worth. Susan mentions that she gave Bea's phone
number to their mum Liz but felt awkward about doing so, although Karl replies that Liz should be the one feeling awkward, disbelieving that she didn't have
her own daughter's phone number. They continue to talk about Bea, hinting that it would be nice if Elly could encourage her to spend more time with them so
that they can get to know her better.
Back at Bea's apartment, Finn and Bea are in bed together. She tells Finn that Elly texted her wanting to catch up, but she doesn't feel like she can put on
a smiley face for much longer without losing it. Finn encourages Bea to practice her meditation techniques and they both start breathing in and out as Bea
tells Finn that she doesn't deserve him, especially after causing him so much pain. Despite this, Finn tells Bea that whatever happened was for a reason and
that they were meant to meet each other. He goes on to tell Bea that she is obviously finding it difficult being around Elly but that she should always
offload to him, assuring her that he is happy to hear anything and everything.

Outside Lassiters hotel, an unhappy Terese asks Paul why the hotel staff are contacting her with complaints when she is on leave, mentioning specifically
the rumour that Brandon has received a pay rise when no-one else has. Surprised by this news, Paul is told by Terese that he needs to take it up with Leo
as she is going to spend some time with Piper. As Paul goes off to investigate, Gary and Xanthe are walking through the complex. Feeling guilty after he
banned Sheila from her role managing the Flametree, Xanthe tells Gary that he did the right thing, although she is worried that Sheila has lost her spark
since she quit the Waterhole. As they walk through the complex they hear a crashing sound coming from Toadie's office and rush over. Seeing an office full
of paperwork and boxes with Toadie rummaging around in the melee, it's soon revealed that Toadie is desperate for someone to help him with his unpacking.
Sensing an opportunity, Xanthe and Gary suggest that Sheila could help with Toadie's problem.
Shortly afterwards, Sheila arrives to lend a hand, but quickly sees the huge task required. As he leaves to go to a meeting, Sheila promises Toadie she
will sort this out but looks flummoxed as to where to start.

At the Backpackers, Leo and Chloe are having a secret tryst upstairs in one of the beds. He mentions to her that Paul received the speeding fine letter
before him, but he managed to resolve the issue so that their secret liaisons can continue, and no-one can link the fine back to Brandon. They start kissing
again but then realise that they need to get to David and Aaron's engagement party sooner rather than later. As they are about to leave they are surprised
by the arrival of Terese and Piper, who have decided to have a game of pool for some mother-daughter time. Aware that they are stuck upstairs until Terese
and Piper decide to leave, an anxious Leo and Chloe start looking at their watches, wondering if they will make it to the engagement party on time.
Bea has arrived at no. 28 and is questioned by Karl, Susan and Elly as to what she has been up to for the past few years. She tells them that she has been
doing some odd jobs and studying but had to drop out of her most recent course as it wasn't a good fit for her. Feeling uncomfortable at the questions being
fired at her regarding her future plans, Bea tells them that she hasn't made any decisions about what she wants to do yet and will take things as they come.
She is relieved when Elly changes the subject and starts talking about David and Aaron and the engagement party they are hosting. Elly asks Bea if she would
like to join them at the party and reluctantly Bea agrees to come.

Drinks are underway at the Waterhole for the engagement party, but David and Aaron are unhappy after receiving texts from Leo and Chloe informing them that
they can't attend as they are working. Mark is confused after overhearing this conversation, telling Aaron and David that he wasn't aware Chloe was working
this afternoon. Upset that Leo and Chloe have seemingly found an excuse not to attend, Aaron and David head to the bar to get some drinks to try take their
minds off the disappointment, but David still looks upset that his brother is likely to miss his engagement party.
Back at the Backpackers, Leo and Chloe are still hiding out upstairs whilst waiting for Terese and Piper to finish their game of pool. They are relieved to
see Piper head off to help Sheila with an errand but annoyed when Terese decides to stay to get some practice shots in! Leo suggests taking a different tack,
walking downstairs and pretending to talk about business, but Chloe tells him that this will never work and Terese will be immediately suspicious. He then
has another option, confess to Terese about their affair rather than miss the party and incur David and Aaron's wrath. Worried about her job at the hotel,
Chloe tells Leo that this option is also not a good one for her and so they continue to wait it out, knowing that they are going to be in trouble with Aaron
and David once they do manage to make their escape.

At the Waterhole, the engagement party is in full swing as Paul goes over to make awkward small talk with Mark. He eventually divulges to Mark that Leo
incurred a speeding fine last Tuesday whilst driving his car, but this leaves Mark perplexed due to the date it occurred. Aware that Mark is hiding something,
Paul asks him to explain what's going on.
Elly and Bea are walking through the complex towards the Waterhole when Aaron bumps into them; Elly introduces Aaron to Bea and talks about how she and Bea
have not seen each other in five years. Feeling more uncomfortable than before, Bea explains that she spent most of her life living with her dad Lars in
Broome but did spend some time with Elly a few years ago. With her anxiety increasing, Bea suddenly announces to Elly and Aaron that she is feeling tired
and will not be able to attend the engagement party after all, before walking off. Elly looks concerned as she goes.

At the Waterhole, Paul is still trying to get answers from Mark but he is not giving much away. He guesses that Leo was the one who damaged his car and got
Chloe to cover for him, but Mark finally admits that it was Chloe who was doing the driving. He goes on to tell Paul that Chloe and Brandon were together in
the car as they are having an affair. Outraged by the size of the deceit, Paul then deduces that the pay rise that Leo recently gave Brandon must be linked
to the incident with his car, but both he and Mark cannot understand why, if Chloe was with Brandon, Leo would take the blame for the speeding fine and car
damage and then give him a pay rise. They go over to David and Mishti to see if they can give them some answers as to where Leo is, but David tells Paul
that Leo is not answering his phone. Mishti still has Leo linked on her phone via her Find My Friend app and reveals that he is at the backpackers. Looking
at his calendar, Paul tells the group that Leo is meeting someone called Elliott Spielberg there, which leaves him even more confused. Mark, however, has a
knowing look on his face, and confesses to Paul that he thinks he knows who Leo's meeting is with.
At the law office, Toadie is astonished to see that Sheila has completely cleared the boxes and paperwork in his office, and he asks her how she did it so
fast. She reveals that she roped in some passing tradespeople to clear the backlog of paperwork and even managed to get Piper to come in to connect Toadie's
laptop to the computer network. Toadie is astonished and impressed with Sheila's handiwork and decides to offer her a job as his new assistant, which Sheila
gratefully accepts.

Bea returns to the apartment and tells Finn that she had to bail from the engagement party as she couldn't listen to Elly talking about their upbringing to
assorted guests for a minute longer. She notices an upturned bowl of cereal spilled onto the floor and apologises to Finn for leaving him by himself and not
looking after him properly. Finn assures Bea that he can look after himself, but she offers to go and get some groceries and cook them a nice meal. She
intimates that looking after him is the least that she can do after he saved her life, and then suddenly tells him that she loves him, calling him 'Patrick'
in the process.
At the Lassiters Complex, Cassius is not having much luck finding clients for his gardening business. He bumps into Sheila as he walks past Harold's, and
she reveals to him that she is now a paralegal and will therefore need someone to look after the garden after all. Looking pleased and grateful at the offer
of work, Cassius thanks Sheila. She smiles at Cassius as she walks off, warning him not to touch her garden gnomes!

The situation for Chloe and Leo has deteriorated further as Mark and Paul arrive at the Backpackers to start searching the dorms. As Paul walks through the
communal area he is accosted by an unhappy Terese, who asks him why the situation with Brandon has not been resolved. She informs Paul that staff are becoming
restless as Brandon has been taking two-hour lunch breaks as well as other company perks, as a worried Chloe and Leo listen in. Mark has finished searching
the downstairs dorms and tells Paul that they are not there. Suddenly they both have a lightbulb moment as to where Leo and Chloe could be hiding, and Paul
shouts out to the dorms upstairs, demanding that Chloe and Leo reveal themselves. The sheepish pair walk out of the upstairs dorm room and head downstairs,
looking embarrassed and ashamed that they have been rumbled.
Featured Regular Characters: Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy,
Elly Conway, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning, Toadie Rebecchi, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Piper Willis, Mark
Brennan, Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka, Mishti Sharma
Guest Cast:
Bonnie Anderson as Bea Nilsson,
Rob Mills as Finn Kelly,
Joe Davidson as Cassius Grady
Trivia Notes
• First credited appearance of Joe Davidson as Cassius Grady,
though the character also appeared as an extra in episode 7726
• Cassius's first words are "Morning. My rates are very competitive."
• Bonnie Anderson is credited in both the opening and closing credits for this episode
by Michael