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Magic Moments > 2018 > Jimmy's Departure Episode 7850

Written by Melanie Sano, Directed by Chris Adshead, Produced by Natalie Mandel

Channel Eleven: 25/05/18, Channel 5: 25/05/18

Rita is disappointed as Susan pressures Karl not to direct the MRI scheme so that he can concentrate on his health... An upset Amy gives Jimmy her blessing to go and live in New York with Liam... An embarrassed Leo and Chloe are rumbled at the Backpackers by Paul, Mark and Terese... Paul decides to retain Leo as head of business affairs, but as part of the deal he has to become Terese's apprentice...

At Lassiters, Terese is unhappy that Paul has asked her to be Leo's mentor, berating Paul that Leo needs to keep it in his pants after his affair with Chloe was exposed. Admitting that he was partly at fault for putting Leo into a job that he wasnÕt ready for, Paul implores Terese to take Leo under her wing so that he has the right direction and better grounding. Terese informs Paul that she doesn't have the time to manage Leo as well as working full time, and is adamant that Paul wouldn't be asking her to mentor Leo if it wasn't for the fact he is his son. He agrees that this is partly the case but feels that giving Leo a mentorship with Terese will allow him to feel that he is being a good dad. Confused as to why Paul isn't mentoring Leo himself, Paul tells Terese that he needs someone to be firm with Leo without risking a breakdown in family relations. He offers Terese full responsibility over his son and promises to have minimal interference.


Returning to the penthouse, Paul informs Leo that after some laboured negotiations Terese has agreed to mentor him at the hotel. Moments later Amy and Jimmy enter the living area; Jimmy tells them that he has decided to go and live in New York with Liam, although Amy chips in that it is only for a period of six months. Paul thinks that this is a good decision and will allow Liam to prove that he is a good father. As Jimmy leaves the room to text David with his news, Amy becomes upset, aware that her son will soon be moving away from Erinsborough.

At no. 28, Karl and Susan are preparing to watch an Icelandic thriller series, although Susan is dubious as to the quality of the show as the detective is a talking sheepdog! As they continue to watch the show Sonya turns up with a flower delivery for Karl from Rita. Suspecting that there is an ulterior motive for the flowers, Susan and Sonya discuss whether this is Rita's way of trying to manipulate Karl into leading the MRI scheme. To try and avoid any conspiracy theories, Karl tells Sonya and Susan that they should take the flowers at face value, and he goes to call Rita to thank her.


Training is underway at Lassiters hotel as Terese informs Leo that despite his nominal title being head of business affairs, in reality he will be working for her as an intern. She tells him that he will have to follow her orders, so instead of agreeing to his suggestion of handling the 'Face of Lassiters' meetings, she tells him that his first task will be to work as a full-time cleaner. Leo is unhappy with the demotion, but Terese assures him that in order to understand the company from the bottom up he must start working in housekeeping, such as she did when she joined Lassiters in Darwin. Despite questioning whether knowing what brand of toilet paper the guests use is worthy of his talents, Leo's complaints fall on deaf ears as Terese hands him a uniform and tells him he starts tomorrow.

Back at no. 28, Elly is discussing Bea's abrupt departure from Aaron and David's engagement party. She tells Susan that she is meeting Bea for lunch tomorrow and hopes that she will feel less uncomfortable if it is just the two of them. Whilst they talk Karl is on the phone to Rita. He finishes the call and tells a worried Susan and Elly that Rita offered him a large pay increase to lead the MRI scheme, however he decided to turn the offer down. Karl admits that it felt nice to be wanted by Rita but assures Susan that he promised to look after his health and nothing's changed in that regard. Despite Karl turning down the offer Susan is still confused as to why Rita needs him in particular when there are other qualified doctors, but Karl doesn't have any answers.


At the penthouse, Jimmy is attempting to teach Amy to play chess so that she can beat Paul when he's gone. As they talk about his upcoming trip Liam arrives, telling them that there has been a problem with Jimmy's school place and unless he starts on Monday he is in danger of losing his spot. He tells them that Jimmy will need to leave with him tomorrow but Amy is adamant that this timescale is too soon as they have lots to organise. Liam tells her that as long as he has his passport he can change over the tickets quite quickly, but Amy is still upset as he originally told her they had two weeks until he was leaving. Despite this Liam reiterates the issue with the school, and Jimmy backs his dad up by telling Amy that he doesn't want to miss out on such an amazing school.

Later in the day Paul suggests to Amy she could fly over to New York to help Jimmy settle in, but she tells him that there is too much work to do with the construction at Robinson Heights. She starts to re-consider the whole possibility of Jimmy leaving but Paul tells her that this is the best thing for Jimmy as it will allow him to rekindle his relationship with his father, and in the grand scheme of things two weeks isn't going to make much of a difference. Still upset that Jimmy is leaving, Amy tearfully tells Paul that she thought she had years left before she had to say goodbye to him. Paul offers to go over to New York with Jimmy and Liam to keep an eye on things and help Jimmy settle in, an offer which makes Amy feel slightly better.


At Harold's, Karl and Susan are sitting at a table as Sheila and Clive arrive. Things are slightly tense between Karl and Clive after recent events, but Clive makes a conciliatory gesture, telling Karl that he appreciates what he has done for the community and would hate to lose him as a friend. Karl is grateful for the sentiment and tells Clive that he too is good for the hospital even if things do need to change at the top. At the mention of the hospital Susan mentions to Sheila and Clive that Rita has been pestering Karl to run the MRI scheme, and doesn't seem to want to look for other viable candidates. Susan thinks that Rita has a hidden agenda and Clive and Sheila agree, although they are unsure as to what the hidden agenda could be. As he did earlier, Karl repeats his stance that he will not be taking Rita up on her offer.

Also at Harold's are Chloe and Terese. Terese is unhappy that Paul is going to New York for a few weeks, leaving her to clean up the problems at the hotel. She starts to talk to Chloe about her recent conduct and Chloe apologises for what happened with Leo, assuring her that it won't happen again. Surprisingly Terese jumps to ChloeÕs defence, telling her that she doesn't hold her accountable but suggests that in future she doesn't rely so much on charm and half-truths to make her way in the workplace, making a subtle dig at her less than honest resume which landed her the job in the first place. Chloe assures Terese that she can do her job properly and remain professional, to which Terese reiterates that it can be too easy to give away your power when you don't realise it. She goes on to tell Chloe that she wants to create a safe workplace in which she can succeed, but sternly warns her not to let her down now that she's back in charge.


Amy has a surprise for Jimmy at the penthouse, she has ordered him room service as a special going away treat. She tells him that she always denied him room service previously as she wanted him to understand the value of things, and feels that he has now become more grounded and mature thanks to her parenting. They both become upset as Amy tells Jimmy that having a son like him was like winning the lottery, and Jimmy agrees that they have always been there for each other and he's scared of leaving her. Amy assures Jimmy that she will always be contactable on the computer but Jimmy tells her that he doesn't want her to be obsessing about contacting him - he wants her to continue having fun when he's gone. Before they become too upset Amy suggests that they start eating the food she ordered, although Jimmy tells Amy he's not feeling that hungry. Upon mentioning that she also ordered dessert Jimmy indicates that he may be able to have a few bites.

At the hotel the next day, Chloe finds Leo cleaning on the mezzanine and is unhappy that he has been demoted while she has been able to keep her job. Leo assures her that he was the one in charge and shouldn't have mixed business with pleasure, but Chloe jokes that she didn't make it easy for him. After the incident at the backpackers Leo tells Chloe that he is now the laughing stock of Lassiters, with the people he used to manage now mocking him. Chloe offers some words of encouragement and tells Leo that by working hard from the ground up he will prove to people that he is not a daddy's boy anymore and will soon earn their success. She offers him some help with his mopping by teaching him how to wring the mop properly, and they smile at each other flirtatiously.


At the lake, Jimmy has brought Kirsha some leftovers from last night's room service, but Kirsha is less than keen on eating a burger before midday. She is upset when Jimmy tells her that he is leaving for New York today, surprised that he didn't tell her sooner. Jimmy explains that he only found out himself yesterday, and promises Kirsha that she shouldn't worry about her problems at school and with Poppy when he is gone, assuring her that she is a better person than she knows. He then hands her an old journal and tells her that he used to write in this when he first arrived in Erinsborough, detailing some of the things that he had to go through at home and school. He suggests that she write some entries of her own, but Kirsha is surprised that he would allow her to go through his personal musings. Jimmy tells her that they are best friends and shouldn't have any secrets, as Kirsha wishes Jimmy the best with his dad, hoping that it works out with him. Jimmy hopes it does too.

Leo is now cleaning outside Harold's as Chloe continues her flirting game from earlier, but Terese catches them doing so. She tells Chloe to keep in mind her conversation from earlier and walks off, leaving Leo to point out to Chloe that he is no longer her superior and they don't have to sneak around anymore. He suggests going out for dinner to see if there is anything real between them, but Chloe is churlish in her response, indicating to Leo that the best part of them hooking up was the thrill of the chase and the danger of getting caught. She admits to Leo that without the thrill the relationship is no longer a viable one, informing him that she is not into commitment at this stage. She walks off, leaving Leo looking thoughtful.


At Rebecchi Law, Toadie hands Sheila some paperwork from his meetings with Rita, telling her that they need to be shredded at the request of her lawyer, as she is no longer a client of his. Sheila suggests that Rita is hiding something, but Toadie reminds her of the confidential nature of the documents and asks her to get on with the shredding. As he leaves Sheila contemplates whether to have a look at the paperwork.

At Harold's, discussions about the confidential files are underway between Sheila, Clive, Karl and Susan. Clive warns Sheila that she can't look at confidential files from Toadie's office, but Sheila is suspicious as to why Rita wants them destroyed, suggesting that there is a hidden agenda. They wonder whether Sheila did take a peek at the files, but she assures them that she shredded them just like Toadie asked her to. There is still confusion as to why Rita is so heavily invested in Erinsborough Hospital and why she is so desperate to have Karl on board - Karl suggests that the only way to find out is by having a face-to-face meeting with Rita. Sheila isn't convinced that Rita will tell the truth, but Karl thinks they should reserve judgement until he speaks to her. Also at the coffee shop is Liam, grabbing some snacks for Jimmy for the plane journey. Elly comes in and tells Liam that she hopes he will do right by Jimmy, as Amy has put a lot of trust in him. He tells her that he won't let either of them down and is glad she will be around to look after Amy when they are gone, as Jimmy is worried that she'll struggle to cope. They decide to make a pact, Liam agrees to look after Jimmy as Elly promises to look after Amy, an agreement which they shake hands on.



Outside Lassiters hotel, Jimmy and Amy are coming out with his packed bags as Kirsha is there to see them off. As Liam loads the bags into the car Amy admits that it is taking all of her resolve to let Jimmy leave with him, but she knows how badly he wants to go to New York. Liam admits that he is lucky to have been given a second chance with Jimmy and he doesn't want to mess it up this time. He is informed by Amy that Aunt Lucy will be in New York as well as her brother and sister if he needs anything, but Liam assures her that he won't let her down. They share a hug as Leo and Elly arrive to say goodbye. As Jimmy starts to say his goodbyes, he promises to message Kirsha once he's settled, before giving his mum an emotional embrace. She fights back tears as Paul, Liam and Jimmy get into the car. Jimmy says a final goodbye, telling his mum that he wishes she could come with them. He tells her he loves her as the car leaves the complex, leaving Elly to comfort a tearful Amy.

After Jimmy's departure, Amy has returned to the penthouse with Elly, who suggests that they go for brunch together. Amy declines the offer, and then turns down the offer of drinks with Elly and Bea later in the day, telling her that she has loads to do at home. Unsure whether to leave Amy alone, Elly tells her that if she changes her mind to call her, but Amy insists that she is okay and will luxuriate in having some time to herself for the first time in thirteen years. She hurries Elly out of the penthouse but looks sad and isolated once she's departed, reflecting on her new circumstances.


At no. 28, Karl tells Susan that he has called Rita and is sure that she is holding something back. She didn't admit what it was over the phone but has agreed to meet Karl in person to discuss it. Susan suggests that Clive should be invited to the meeting, but Karl tells her that Rita only wants to meet with the two of them. Confused as to why Rita would want to meet with her, Karl tells Susan that Rita has some kind of proposition to make, but that they will have to wait to find out what it is.

Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Leo Tanaka, Amy Williams, Jimmy Williams, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Sonya Rebecchi, Elly Conway, Chloe Brennan, Sheila Canning, Toadie Rebecchi, Kirsha Rebecchi

Guest Cast: Geoff Paine as Clive Gibbons, James Beck as Liam Barnett

Trivia Notes
• Final regular appearance of Darcy Tadich as Jimmy Williams, though he would go on to have two short guest stints in 2019

Summary by Michael

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