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Magic Moments > 2018 > Hugo's Arrival Episode 7872

Written by Holly Alexander, Directed by Jo O'Shaughnessy, Produced by Natalie Mandel

Channel Eleven: 26/06/18, Channel 5: 26/06/18

After ruining Dipi's sponsorship event for her musical, Shane is apologetic and suggests they run a fundraiser at Lassiters... Amy puts forward the idea of a dance marathon... Bea and 'Patrick' get engaged and Bea asks him if he is ready to meet her family soon... Excited at the prospect of trying for another baby, Sonya explains to Toadie that they will try a tailored IVF program... Paul informs Toadie that his associate has found Andrea...

At no. 30, the information containing Andrea Somers' home address and phone number is in an envelope which Paul hands over to Toadie. It reveals that she is now in Perth and contains a photograph confirming that it is her. He tells them that he will start the paperwork for the transfer of their share of the boat to meet their side of the deal.


Over at Bea's apartment, 'Patrick' is interested in a small box which he closes as Bea walks through the door. She mentions to him that Karl and Susan have invited her over for dinner and he should join them, but 'Patrick' surprises her by telling Bea that he is flying to Sydney tonight as the guys who beat him up are due in court tomorrow for their hearing. His idea of going to court was suggested by his therapist to give him closure, but Bea is feeling guilty and says that she would like to be there with him as it was her fault the guys came after him. Unwilling for her to come with him, 'Patrick' insists that she stay and then hands her a present, a dress he thought she would like. He also hands over a box which is revealed to be a tea chest, asking her to give it to her family as Elly might like it, which leaves Bea slightly puzzled as to how he would know that. 'Patrick' manages to rescue his slip of the tongue as Bea tells him that she is still itching to tell her family about him. He is still reluctant, informing Bea that they agreed to do this once they had announced their engagement.

Back at no. 30, Toadie looks thoughtful as he stares at a picture of Andrea. Although upset that Andrea was the one who started this, Sonya tells Toadie that she still really wanted to find her and didn't ever think they would. She hopes that they will be able to recover some of the money that Andrea stole from them, as it would allow them to go ahead with the IVF. They are both unsure of the next best step, worried that if they call the police it might trigger Andrea to run off, but Toadie suggests that calling Willow might be the better course of action. He decides that he will talk to her now so that they can have a definite plan of action for tomorrow, although Sonya is still worried about the situation as she heads to bed. As she goes Toadie puts a call in to Willow, however it goes through to her voicemail.


At no. 28, Bea is having dinner with Karl, Susan and Elly. She asks Susan how the MS trial is going and Susan tells her that she will be tested soon to see whether the medication she's been taking is working, depending on if it is the drug or a placebo. She goes on to tell Bea that if the trial is successful then the drug will become widely available. At the mention of the trial Karl tells them that they will be hosting a medical conference at Lassiters and he has been invited to give a talk - he asks Bea if he can run his speech by her but the subject is quickly changed. Susan and Elly ask Bea what is in the bag she has brought, and she shows them a present; it's a box with a selection of different types of tea. They look pleased as they start looking through the teas.

At no. 32, Yashvi is excited about her match tomorrow and tells Shane that it will be amazing if she wins, although it's more important for the recruiters to see her play. She is aware that her match clashes with Kirsha's guitar lesson and Dipi is caught between the two events, but Dipi assures Yashvi that she is excited to see her wow the recruiters. Dipi goes on to talk about her fundraising ideas for the musical and that she's planning a scavenger hunt, leaving Shane impressed that she never lets a setback get her down. The talk returns to tomorrow's game as a worried Yashvi asks Dipi if she will be able to put her fundraising on hold for the match. Dipi assures her that nothing will stop her.


At no. 30 the next morning, Toadie tells Sonya that he hasn't heard anything back from Willow, although he assumes that she is busy finishing her assignments as it is near the end of term. Sonya suggests that they can try and contact Willow again once she has dropped Nell off at school, but they are both surprised by a knock at the door; it's Willow. She informs them that she flew down this morning after receiving their messages and asks them not to contact Andrea.

Willow reveals that she is in a good place right now without her mum in her life. Sonya and Toadie tell Willow that they need to do this to seek justice and recover the money that Andrea stole from them, but Willow doesn't think that they will get it back. Upset that Andrea could return into her life and ruin everything, Willow implores Sonya and Toadie to reconsider their plan as it could ruin things for them too.


At Harold's, an unhappy Paul seeks reassurance from Dipi that Shane will keep his water invention away from the dance off. She assures him that all water will be personally poured by her but Paul reminds her that a potential lawsuit is the last thing that Lassiters needs. Dipi is sure that the fundraiser will be good at bringing positive publicity for Lassiters as well as giving her a much-needed cash injection for her show. Karl is also at Harold's and Dipi asks him if he will be participating in the dance off, but Karl is despondent and tells Dipi that his leg has just come out of a brace so he won't be able to dance, however he offers his services for the lyrical arrangements. After being told by Dipi that the arrangements are sorted, Karl is surprised as she suggests that he audition for her play once the roles are announced. He jokes that he didn't know there were roles for fortysomethings as Paul sniggers. As they continue chatting Shane and Yashvi rush into Harold's, informing Dipi that she was supposed to pick them up from home to go to the game. Dipi apologises and they rush off.

At the Waterhole, Elly thanks Bea for the tea chest she brought them, unaware it wasn't from her, as Xanthe and Piper join them. They start talking about Cassius who Piper thinks behaved badly towards Xanthe, but Xanthe assures her that after properly understanding his motivations he wasn't as much of a jerk as she previously thought. As they continue to chat about the men of Erinsborough Elly tells them that she isn't very good at dating advice, although Piper contends that Ned is back in town because of her so she must be doing something right. Conversation then moves on to Bea, as Xanthe wonders if she is seeing anyone, but Bea becomes flustered and tells the group that she has nothing to report. She then makes a quick exit to avoid further questioning, leaving Elly suspicious.


Shane, Dipi and Yashvi are on the way to the game with Shane driving. An unhappy Yashvi accuses Dipi of trying to sabotage her chances of making it into the Australian football league, but Dipi is more concerned that she has made a mistake with the directions, forcibly telling Shane to make a U-turn as they enter the wrong suburb. Yashvi starts to panic that she may miss the game, but Shane assures them that they'll get there in time.

Still confused by Bea's abrupt departure earlier, Elly asks Piper if it was strange that Bea rushed off so quickly at Harold's, as if she felt uncomfortable with the line of conversation. She thought at first that Bea was being standoffish due to the time they had spent apart, but now she doesn't understand why Bea is still keeping her at a distance. Piper thinks that Bea could be gay or bisexual and is struggling to comprehend let alone admit these feelings, but Elly is still unsure why she wouldn't have told her as she would be non-judgmental. She is given some reassurance by Piper, who tells her that Bea might not have told anyone yet and therefore finds it difficult and confronting to talk to her big sister about it. As they continue to chat at the Lassiters complex, a frazzled Willow is on the phone as she walks past. She is tying to get hold of Andrea but she isn't answering the phone so Willow leaves a voicemail, informing Andrea that Toadie and Sonya have her contact details but cannot find her.


At no. 30, Toadie and Sonya are concerned about Willow rushing off earlier when she got upset about Andrea potentially coming back into her life. As they continue to worry Paul arrives with the paperwork for the boat, although he was sure they would be on a flight to Perth by now with the information he gave them. They tell Paul that Willow doesn't want them to pursue their search for Andrea, but Paul contends that Willow may never be ready to see Andrea and they should probably just keep her out of it. He reminds them that there is $100,000 of money that they need to recoup, so they should concentrate on finding Andrea and getting their money back.

At the Lassiters park, Elly finds Bea and asks her why she rushed off before, assuring her that she can talk to her about anything. She goes on to tell Bea that she loves her and this doesn't come with any strings, informing her that she will never judge and whatever is on her mind will not alter her opinion of her. Reassured by Elly's words, Bea agrees that she can talk to her as well but is then left confused as Elly asks her if she is gay or bisexual, based on the conversation she had with Piper earlier. Bea tells Elly that she isn't and then reveals that she has a boyfriend, but uses the cover story that he is in Sydney and is really shy. She mentions that her boyfriend would like to meet them all at some point, but can't right now, and then reveals that his name is 'Patrick' and that the box of teas was from him. Happy that Bea has revealed a little bit more about herself and her circumstances, Elly tells her that she will look forward to meeting 'Patrick' and thanking him for the tea.


Dipi and Shane are driving in the car after dropping Yashvi off at the game. They are understanding of why Yashvi didn't want them to stay at the game, but Shane mentions that they were only a few minutes late. Dipi is worried that her focus on other things means that her kids suffer, but Shane tells her that she deserves to put herself first from time to time and the kids need to understand that they have their own lives. Shane assures her that she doesn't need to be perfect to be a great mum or to follow her dreams.

At no. 28, Susan is happy to hear from Bea that she is seeing someone called 'Patrick', but Karl recalls that Rita's new assistant is called Patrick and he doesn't like him as he's too slapdash, although he thinks that maybe he's being a bit too judgmental. Despite Karl's reservations, Bea assures him and Susan that they will like 'Patrick' as she goes to give him a call. 'Patrick' is annoyed as Bea informs him that she has told Karl, Susan and Elly about him, although she tries to placate him by telling him that she didn't give them much information other than telling them he was her boyfriend. She asks him if she should mention to her family that they are engaged, but 'Patrick' says no, still annoyed that she has revealed his name to them. He slightly softens to hear that they are excited to meet him but tells Bea not to give them anymore information until he's returned from the hearing. He ends the call as it's revealed that 'Patrick' is not at the hearing but sitting in his car on Power Road, watching Xanthe and Piper outside Grease Monkeys. As he continues to watch them, he takes out his laptop and uses it to spy on Susan, Karl and Elly who are sitting at the dinner table at no. 28. As Bea goes back to join them it's revealed that his gift of a tea chest has a hidden camera inside, pointing directly at them.


At no. 32, Dipi informs Shane that dance lessons seem like the best prize for the Dance-Off contest. As they chat Yashvi arrives home and tells them that it was the best game that she ever played, and some of the recruiters told her that they were looking forward to seeing her next time. She mentions that they also won the game and Shane and Dipi hug her, although Yashvi is feeling upset for being angry with Dipi earlier and apologises, telling her that she likes that they have their own fun stuff to focus on. Having been inspired by Dipi's lesson of showing how cool it is to have their own thing, Yashvi tells her to keep it up.


At no. 30, Toadie and Sonya assure Willow that they understand what she's scared of but they won't let Andrea back into her life, however they do need to try and recover the money that they lost. Willow is still convinced that approaching Andrea will end in disaster, but before the conversation can continue there is a knock at the door. Toadie answers the door and is surprised to see that it is Sindi Watts and she is holding a baby. She apologises for turning up unannounced but had to introduce Toadie to the baby, named Hugo. Confused by the introduction to Hugo, Toadie asks Sindi if she had a baby, but Sindi springs a surprise on Toadie by telling him that Hugo is Andrea's son - and Andrea is convinced that Toadie is the father.

Featured Regular Characters: Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson, Xanthe Canning, Piper Willis, Paul Robinson, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi

Guest Cast: Rob Mills as Finn Kelly, Marisa Warrington as Sindi Watts, Mieke Billing-Smith as Willow Somers, John Turner as Hugo Somers

Trivia Notes
• First appearance of Hugo Somers, with John Turner continuing to play the role until 2022. Tanner Ellis-Anderson would then take over the role in 2023
• Marisa Warrington also begins a final guest stint as Sindi Watts, having previously left the regular cast in 2005 and returned in 2017

Summary by Michael

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