Magic Moments
> 2018
> David and Aaron's Wedding
Episode 7921
by Paul Gartside, Directed
by Chris Adshead, Produced
by Natalie Mandel
Channel Eleven: 03/09/18, Channel 5: 03/09/18
Karl finds out that he has a half-sister after looking online, and he and Susan try and track her down... Susan cancels a meeting with David and Aaron but
assures them that she will be there first thing in the morning... Leo is sure that Terese felt something when they were in the sauna, but after things become
awkward Terese tells Leo that nothing romantic can happen between them...
At no. 24, preparations are underway for David and Aaron's wedding, although Aaron is sure that the whole day is heading for disaster as Mark tries his best
to reassure him. Unhappy that there is no celebrant, and feeling his back is sore, Aaron's mood doesn't improve as Chloe informs him that her attempts to find
a replacement celebrant have so far been unsuccessful. There is some better news for Aaron as his mum Fay arrives at no. 24, still disbelieving that her
beautiful boy is getting married. She tells them that Tyler is upset that he can't be there for his brother's big day, but she has promised to send him lots
of photos of the ceremony. To try and keep things upbeat Chloe distributes glasses of champagne and proposes a toast to Aaron and David.

Similar preparations are underway at the penthouse as Paul makes a toast to Aaron and David, as Amy passes Jimmy's best wishes on to David and his regrets
for being unable to attend. David mentions to Paul his worries about not being able to find a celebrant, but despite his desperation he tells Paul that he
doesn't want him to intervene, as Amy reassures him that Chloe will be able to find a replacement. As they continue to worry about the lack of a celebrant,
Leo returns to the Penthouse, and hands over a card to David which he procured at reception. It is from their mum Kim. David reads the card aloud:
"Dear David. Please know how much I love you even if I'm not good at showing it. And I believe that if Hibaachan had lived, to see how happy Aaron makes you,
she'd be proud of you as well."
David is happy for the card and tells his family and friends that the most important thing is that he likes who he is now, and he has everything and everyone
he needs in his life.
At no. 28, Karl and Susan are talking to Elly about their wasted trip to Echuca; despite the disappointment of not finding his half-sister Karl is upbeat,
telling Elly that the knowledge she is out there is enough to keep him looking for her. Susan mentions that she has finished her wedding speech for Aaron
and David's wedding and Karl states that the boys should be lucky to have her as their celebrant.

At the Waterhole, Gary is annoyed at a customer who offers him cooking tips as he tries to set up the desserts for the reception later. This same customer
is also unhappy with the flower arrangements. Also at the Waterhole are Chloe and Aaron, who are becoming exasperated at the difficulty in finding a
replacement celebrant. Chloe even offers to volunteer for the role of celebrant until Aaron mentions to her that she isn't a proper officiant. He admits to
Chloe that he wants today to be a proper wedding ceremony and not just a 'show' that will have to be rectified at a registry office at a later date. Although
she is understanding of his desire for a proper wedding and not just a sham ceremony, Chloe sadly points out that they have exhausted all their options.
In Terese's office, Leo mentions to her that there have been some complaints about the occupants in one of the hotel rooms. Surprised that Leo has come to
see her on official hotel business rather than anything untoward, she promises him that she will deal with it and then tells him that he looks terrific and
will do his brother proud. Flattered by Terese's comments, Leo heads off.

Over on Ramsay Street, Fay is keen to talk to Susan about the celebrant issue, but Mark stops her by mentioning that Chloe has already resolved the issue.
A limo has arrived to take Aaron and family to the wedding, but before they enter the limo the assembled group take a family selfie for Tyler. Mark excitedly
tells Aaron that it is time he was married, and they head into the limo, although Aaron is still feeling pain in his back and is worried whether he will make
it down the aisle.
Assorted guests have arrived at the Pavillion for the wedding ceremony as Paul tries to calm a worried David, who is still unsure if the celebrant issue will
be resolved. He is then surprised to see Susan and Karl arrive for the ceremony, as Susan complements David on his outfit. There is confusion from both Susan
and David's side, as David informs her that Aaron was certain that Susan was unable to be their celebrant due to the text she sent him. However, Susan
confirms that she was only cancelling a planned meeting, not cancelling her role as celebrant, and she assumes now this issue is resolved she can once again
resume her place as the celebrant. Unfortunately, David has some bad news for Susan, informing her that they had to make other arrangements and at the last
moment Chloe and Aaron managed to find someone at the Waterhole who could be the celebrant, and who was happy to step in. David introduces Susan to their new
celebrant, who he tells her is known as The Wedding Whisperer, although an unhappy Susan still wants to be reinstated as celebrant and goes over to talk to
the woman. She is quickly brushed off as The Wedding Whisperer bluntly tells her that the gig is hers! An awkward David tries to appease Susan, who looks
upset and shocked that another celebrant has taken her place.


Guests and residents take their seats as Karl tries to placate a wrangled Susan, assuring her that at least not being celebrant means that she can enjoy the
ceremony. Meanwhile Leo goes to give David a brotherly hug, telling him that he is so happy for him before he goes to sit next to Elly. The music begins for
the ceremony as David takes his place to begin his walk up the aisle, but he is shocked to see Aaron arriving in a wheelchair. Aaron assures David that he is
okay as he manages to stagger out of the wheelchair, telling David that he doesn't want to be pushed down the aisle and should be able to walk this short
distance. He walks with Fay down the aisle with Mark and Chloe following behind them, as David is escorted down his side of the aisle by Paul.


Having made their way up the aisle, David and Aaron stand happily as the replacement celebrant begins her speech, telling the congregation that they are
here today to celebrate and honour the love between Aaron and David, although she is confused as to which one is Aaron and which one is David. She starts
to read Susan's prepared speech but is put off by the fact that it doesn't rhyme, and to the astonishment of Aaron and David she starts changing the speech
to something more bespoke. Disbelieving at what they are witnessing, an unhappy Susan tells Karl that the new celebrant is butchering her original words,
putting in lines such as 'Love can be like a suit of armour or like a safe haven, it's a kind of forgiveness when you've been misbehaving' and 'Love is a
fierce weapon and a peaceful prayer... especially for two blokes with such amazing hair! When our lives are blessed by love, every one of us is equal...
and let's hope this marriage lasts because none of us wants a sequel'. Susan tries to mouth an apologetic 'sorry' to David and Aaron to assure them that
this speech was not the one she prepared, but they are understanding as they laugh it off.
As the comedic speech from the celebrant ends, David and Aaron begin their vows. Aaron starts with his speech:
'I Aaron James Brennan choose to share my life with you, David Yoshi Tanaka. I promise to trust you with all my secrets... even bad ones... especially the
bad ones! I promise to make you smile when times are tough, even if that means dancing around in a dumb costume... especially if that means dancing around
in a dumb costume.'
David then gives his vows:
'And I promise to support you... always. And to turn to you when I need support. And I promise your secrets are safe with me... and so is your heart. I
will honour, value and love you for all my days.'


As they conclude their vows, Mark and Leo step forward with the rings, which Aaron and David place on their respective fingers, although David has to force
the ring on to Aaron's finger. The celebrant rounds things off with the final confirmation of the union:
'The blessings love brings are always the same no matter who we are. After so many years of inequality, change has finally come and partnerships like Aaron's
and David's can be celebrated as legal unions as they always should have been. And on that note, it is my very great pleasure to pronounce you married.'
She shouts to the crowd for them to give her an 'Amen' and they oblige, as well as joyously clapping the newlyweds who share a kiss with each other on their
happy union.


It's later in the day and most of the guests have now departed, as Aaron reveals to David the painful bank spasms which have forced him into a wheelchair.
David assures him that the pain medication he has prescribed should be working soon and therefore a private consultation is unnecessary, however Aaron
cheekily tells him that a one-on-one consultation is exactly what he needs. As they revel in their happy occasion Amy, Leo and Chloe are watching them from
a distance, commenting on how nice it is to see them together as a married couple. This bubble is soon broken as an unhappy Paul storms over and orders Leo
back to the hotel, telling him that the guests he told Terese about earlier have trashed their hotel room and he needs him to meet Terese and the police to
go through the incident. Leo is unhappy about this but agrees to Paul's request.
Meanwhile, Karl and Susan are walking towards the Lassiters lake as photographs are about to be taken of the happy couple and assorted guests, but Susan is
still unhappy that 'The Wedding Whisperer' stole her thunder by being celebrant. She then steps into some dog mess and wonders if her day can get any worse,
which inevitably it does as the car she is leaning on to clean her shoes suddenly loses its front grill. It turns out that the car belongs to the replacement
celebrant, who is unhappy at the damage caused. Karl agrees to cover the costs as he hands over his business card, and there are surprises all round as the
celebrant reveals to a stunned Karl that she is Jemima Davies-Smythe, his sister. There are smiles and laughter between Karl and Jemima at this revelation,
although Susan isn't looking particularly thrilled at the way the day's events have panned out.

At the lake are various residents, as Paul suggests that they take some photographs whilst waiting for Leo and the official photographer to arrive. As Mark
leaves to find David, a pained Aaron is offered some painkillers from Chloe and some help from Paul, although Aaron assures Paul that David will take good
care of him. The group gather round and start taking photographs.


At the hotel, Terese is attempting to tidy up the trashed hotel room as Leo arrives. He tells Terese that she shouldn't be the one cleaning up the room, and
then goes on to tell her about the wedding ceremony and the amount of 'love in the air'. Aware that Terese may not want to hear too many details of the
ceremony, Leo tries to downplay the wedding, but Terese tells him that she doesn't mind and advises him to go and be with his family. Before he does so,
Leo decides to pick up a bottle of champagne that is lying on the bed, just as Terese goes to do the same. As they do so there are sudden sparks of passion
between Leo and Terese as they share a kiss. After a passionate embrace Leo admits that he shouldn't have done that, whilst Terese heads to the door seemingly
escaping the awkward situation. Surprisingly she doesn't leave the room, but instead locks the door on the inside so that she and Leo are not disturbed. They
head back into their passionate embrace, removing each other's clothes and letting their lust get the better of them.
Featured Regular Characters: Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan,
Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson, Amy Williams, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway, Gary Canning,
Xanthe Canning, Terese Willis
Guest Cast:
Magda Szubanski as Jemima Davies-Smythe,
Zoe Bertram as Fay Brennan
Trivia Notes
• In the UK broadcast of this episode,
Especially For You by Kylie and Jason was played as David and Aaron walked down the aisle
• A wedding album style closing titles accompanied this episode,
a couple of images from which can be seen above
• Past character Tyler Brennan is mentioned
by Michael