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Magic Moments > 2018 > Hamish's Murderer Revealed Episode 7946

Written by Emma J Steele, Directed by Chris Langman, Produced by Natalie Mandel

Channel Eleven: 08/10/18, Channel 5: 08/10/18

Pierce is keen to hire Chloe after he finds out about her side-line company... A worried Ned notifies Terese that Piper has snuck off to meet Cassius... Mark works out that Cassius was in town on the night that Hamish was killed... Ned and Bea are keen to track down the new owner of Cassius's car, as Terese hopes that Ned will be able to locate it... Bea and Ned begin their search for Cassius...

In Terese's office at the hotel, Terese, Leo and Mark are trying to work out how the information they have gathered about Cassius links to Hamish's death, assisted by Bea and Ned on the phone. Worried that calling the police will force Cassius and Piper to run, Terese agrees with the group that the best plan of action is to try and get Piper away from Cassius and then call the police. They end their call with Bea and Ned to allow them to look at more addresses where Cassius may be hiding, but Terese is worried that their plan to snuff out Cassius may backfire. Mark informs her that they won't be able to get any information from the police as they are not talking to him, so the best course of action is just to sit and wait for news from Bea and Ned.


Outside the Waterhole, Chloe tries to let Pierce down gently, informing him that she promised Terese there would be no crossover between her sideline business and Lassiters, and therefore she is unable to take him up on his offer of a date. Looking unhappy at this, Pierce tries to save face as he heads off, telling Chloe that this has been an enlightening conversation. As he leaves Elly comes over and asks Chloe about Pierce, but Chloe quickly summarises that she 'just imploded'.

At Harold's, a relieved Mishti tells Shane that her suspension has been lifted and she will be able to go back to work at the police station. She goes on to tell Shane that she has messaged Pavan but has not actually talked to him; she wanted to meet him in person to let him know her suspension has been lifted and to try and clear the air with his mum. As they continue to chat Leo enters Harold's and comes over to see Mishti. She tells him that her suspension has been lifted and that for her first duty she will be helping with the search for Cassius, but Leo has something that he wants to tell her regarding this.


At the motel, Cassius returns to see Piper in his room, who admits she needs answers from him as she doesn't know what to believe from all the stories she has heard. She asks him if he was the one who saved her when she was lost in the bush, and when he agrees that he was she is curious as to why he disappeared after he called the paramedics, rather than staying to see if she was okay. He admits that he wanted to do the right thing but didn't want to admit the truth. He also agrees that he didn't reveal the exact length of time he had been in Erinsborough but denies that he lied, telling Piper that he just didn't admit the whole truth. He promises to tell Piper everything if she agrees to leave with him, but Piper is adamant that she needs to know everything before they leave. Cassius admits to an impassioned Piper that he was the one who killed Hamish Roche.

Cassius reveals to a stunned Piper that Hamish and his mother had been in an on and off relationship for years, but that he treated her terribly during their time together. He informs Piper that after being gone for so long Hamish suddenly showed up a year ago, managing to charm his mother with a sob story about an unpaid tax bill. Having given Hamish all of her money, Cassius had to comfort his mother after Hamish disappeared again. Feeling angry and upset over what Hamish had done to his mother, Cassius decided to confront him, knowing that it was likely that he would try something like this again with another unsuspecting person. Piper agrees that what Hamish did to his mum was awful, but she cannot comprehend the idea that Cassius committed a murder, asking him how he could do that. To justify his actions Cassius tells Piper that it wasn't just what Hamish did to his mum that contributed to this act of vengeance, it was the way he broke every promise and caused numerous disappointments. He shocks Piper by revealing that Hamish was his father, and a tearful Piper asks him if this means that Tyler is his brother.


Back at the Waterhole, Chloe informs Elly that Pierce owns restaurants and wineries, but that is only the tip of his portfolio. She reveals that Pierce offered to pay for a date with her as part of her sideline business, but she had to turn him down, and Elly assures her that she made the right decision. Chloe doesn't look sure about this and worries that this could affect her position as it is her job to keep Pierce happy, as a curious Elly asks her if she wanted to say yes. She admits that she wouldn't mind spending time in Pierce's company but doesn't understand why he'd pay for it.

At the Lassiters complex, Leo gives Terese some good news that he heard from Mishti; Cassius's passport having triggered a silent alarm at the airport after he tried to change his flight. Leo goes on to say that Cassius managed to evade the police before they could apprehend him, but Terese is reassured that Cassius can't escape overseas and heads off to let Bea and Ned know. As she goes off Amy comes over, telling Leo that she is so sorry for Terese but is glad that she has such a supportive friend in Leo. Without divulging his closer relationship with Terese, Leo agrees with Amy that he is just trying to help.


Bea and Ned are at the builder's merchants but are still unable to find Cassius, so they decide to head over to the airport based on the information divulged by Terese. A panicked Bea is starting to recall her toxic relationship with Finn, but Ned tries to reassure her that Cassius is nothing like Finn. Despite his attempts to calm her down, Bea is struggling to control her panic attack and tries to take some deep breaths.

Back at the motel Piper demands answers to her questions, as an upset Cassius tries to tell Piper about how Hamish made him feel. He admits that when he first arrived in Erinsborough he knew that Tyler was his brother due to the close relationship between Tyler and Hamish. Feeling upset and resentful at the bond between the two men, Cassius admits to Piper that Hamish was everything to Tyler that he wasn't to him, and his jealously started to get the better of him. Piper reminds Cassius that ultimately Hamish used and manipulated Tyler, and Cassius agrees that eventually he worked that out but on the night of Hamish's murder he didn't have the full picture. Recalling the night of the murder, Cassius begins his story, informing Piper that he took a waiter's job at the gala at Lassiters because he had a feeling that Hamish would be there. He recalls Hamish taking a bottle of champagne from him and failing to realise that Cassius was his son. An angry Cassius reveals that after the gala he followed Hamish back to Ramsay Street and no. 26, holding the medallion with his name engraved on it. He decided to go around the side of the house and saw Hamish standing in the garden, but before he could confront him Tyler showed up. Thinking that Tyler was there for a bonding session, Cassius admits to Piper that he was shocked when he saw Tyler hit Hamish, realising that Hamish must have manipulated and cheated him as well. Upset that Tyler managed to get the first punch on Hamish, he confronted him after Tyler left, revealing his true identity and that for years he had dreamt of hitting him like Tyler just did. He informed Hamish of why he was there, admitting that he had decided a long time ago that he didn't have a dad anymore. Cassius tells Piper that he grabbed Hamish and pushed his head under the water in the spa despite his desperate pleas for mercy, telling him that he was dead to him. Feeling upset at his recollection of events, Cassius admits to Piper that he wishes he could take it all back.





Things are getting intimate with Leo and Terese in her office, but they are interrupted by Chloe who asks them if there is any update on Piper. Flustered by the interruption, Terese tells Chloe that they have not had any update yet but are hopeful that Bea and Ned will find her soon. Chloe goes on to tell them that she has a sideline date at lunchtime but promises to keep it away from Lassiters, and then asks Terese about Pierce and whether he was happy with her introductions. She is pleased to hear that Terese received positive feedback from Pierce.

At the builder's merchants Bea is still suffering from her panic attack and Ned tries to calm her down by telling her to relax and breathe. Although Ned is understanding of the bad memories this is bringing up, Bea is still annoyed with herself for letting it get this bad, and she admits to Ned that she will be seeking out some therapy to help her overcome the trauma she has suffered. She suggests that she should get an Uber home so that Ned can look for Piper alone, but he refuses to carry on without her and assures her that they will find Piper together and she will be okay.



At the motel, Cassius wishes he had turned himself in straight away to save everyone from a lot of pain, but he was worried about who would have looked after his mother if he had been sent to jail. Piper is still confused as to how Cassius managed to evade any witnesses on the night of the murder, but he explains that he managed to jump over the backyard fences until he was clear and away from Ramsay Street. His plan had been to go to the marina and hijack the boat Hamish was attempting to flee on, but having made it there he found that the boat was gone. He assumed that Louise had stolen the boat and Piper admits that she was on board the vessel the night it was taken, having woken up onboard the boat in the morning to find it cruising out to sea. Cassius goes on to explain to Piper that he followed the boat around the coast and camped out waiting for a sign that it would be stopping, and this is when he ran into Piper lying unconscious on the ground. Hating himself for what he did to Hamish, Cassius informs Piper that he came up with the brainwave of saving her to try and make up for what he did, as well as managing to rescue a kidnapped Gabe from his captors. Despite this Piper is still angry and tells Cassius that if he was a good person, he wouldn't have let Tyler go to jail for something he didn't do. She suggests that Cassius could have come forward during the trial but decided not to, and then becomes tearful as she realises that the bond they shared could have been a lie also. Cassius assures Piper that he tried his hardest to stay away from her but there was something that kept throwing them back together, and even though his guilty feeling was increasing, he couldn't stop loving her. Although still angry that Cassius didn't say anything sooner, Piper is suddenly surprised as he tells her that he has sent his letter of confession to the police today which should allow Tyler to be set free. He admits that despite his confession he can't and won't do any jail time as he needs to look after his mum, and therefore he needs to leave for good before he is caught. He tries one last time to apologise for the hurt he has caused Piper, but she pushes his hand away and orders him not to touch her, despite his pleas for her to forgive him. Knowing that he has pushed things too far in his confession and acts of redemption, Cassius leaves the hotel room as Piper, close to tears, struggles to take it all in.

At the Back Lane Bar, Chloe is astonished to walk into a completely deserted bar for her date, who turns out to be Pierce. He tells her that he has hired out the whole bar so it's just the two of them. Chloe reminds Pierce that she can't be on a date with him due to the conflict of interest with the hotel, but Pierce is sure it will be okay if nobody finds out. He assures Chloe that he won't divulge their secret tete-a-tete and is sure that she won't either.


Terese is pacing in her office before looking at a picture of Piper, and a little later Paul brings her a cup of tea.

Meanwhile, Ned is trying to help Bea control her breathing and Mark is looking at a picture of him and his brothers.



At the motel, Cassius returns to collect his belongings, worried that since his passport was flagged at the airport, the authorities will soon be looking for him. He is sure that Piper will not want to come with him but asks her before he leaves whether she still loves him. Piper avoids answering the question but then surprises Cassius by telling him that she wants to go with him. She wants them to come up with a plan before they leave however, and Piper starts dragging Cassius away from the door to stop him from leaving straight away. Before they have a chance to discuss these plans there are sirens and the police pull up at the motel. Realising that Piper has double-crossed him, Cassius tries to make a run for the door but it's too late, as the police have already arrived. Upset and broken at the turn of events, Piper admits to Cassius that initially he helped to heal her heart after what happened with Tyler, but now she feels that it was he who broke her heart in the first place. Realising that he is done for, Cassius looks crestfallen at Piper as the police bang at the door.

Featured Regular Characters: Terese Willis, Piper Willis, Leo Tanaka, Cassius Grady, Mark Brennan, Chloe Brennan, Shane Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma, Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis, Elly Conway, Amy Williams, Paul Robinson

Guest Cast: Tim Robards as Pierce Greyson

Trivia Notes
• The characters of Hamish Roche and Tyler Brennan are shown in flashback, but Sean Taylor is not credited, despite some of the scenes involving Hamish being new footage
• Cassius's date of birth is shown as 18th October 1996

Summary by Michael

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