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Magic Moments > 2018 > Mishti's Departure Episode 7955

Written by Jo Kasch, Directed by Gary Conway, Produced by Natalie Mandel

Channel Eleven: 19/10/18, Channel 5: 19/10/18

Bea is suffering from panic attacks and tells Ned that she will start therapy soon... Mishti is excited when Pavan agrees to continue their engagement, but is then shocked when he tells her he has been offered a dentist job in Sydney... A stricken Terese is forced to hide on the balcony when Paul walks in on her tryst with Leo... Paul informs Leo that he plans to declare his feelings for Terese, but is then shocked to find Leo and Terese in a compromising situation... Terese warns Leo that things could get nasty with Paul now that he knows the truth... A furious Paul declares that Leo is no longer a son of his, ordering him to leave the penthouse and his job at Lassiters...

Outside Lassiters Hotel, an embarrassed Leo is retrieving his clothes after Paul threw them off the balcony, as Terese comes over to see him. He informs her that Paul has fired him from the hotel and ordered him to vacate the penthouse, leaving him with no other option but to stay at the backpackers. As Terese tries to console Leo, a bitter Paul emerges from the hotel, sarcastically telling Terese how lovely it is to see her helping to clean up her toyboy's mess. Despite Terese's pleas for them to continue the conversation somewhere more discreet, Paul instead starts shouting about Terese and Leo's indiscretions to various residents including Elly, Mark and David. He storms off as Leo tries to smooth things over. Terese tells him that she needs to see Piper so she can tell her about the news in person rather than have her hearing it second-hand.


At no. 32, Misthi has just arrived home after dropping Pavan off at the airport, as an upset Dipi starts to put away various Diwali ornaments, informing Mishti that the Diwali curse is 'alive and well'. Mishti is confused by this, but Dipi explains that she is referring to her potential move to Sydney to live with Pavan, telling Mishti that although she will miss her like crazy, she can't stand in her way. They share an emotional hug as Mishti assures Dipi that it wasn't meant to happen like this. She then suggests that they could hold an early Diwali celebration before she leaves, as a kind of goodbye party. Dipi agrees that this is a good idea but then jokes that she will be full of tears when they see her off. She and Mishti share another hug at this.

Over at no. 22, Terese has informed Piper of her secret relationship with Leo, although Piper is slightly confused as she thought it was Paul. Terese is apologetic that she didn't tell Piper sooner, but Piper is more concerned about the age gap, comparing it to the age gap between herself and Tyler that caused so much animosity. Although feeling that Piper's point is a valid one, Terese tells her that this is slightly different as Piper was still at school when she started going out with Tyler, whereas she and Leo are grown adults. She also confirms that this is no mere fling and that she and Leo are in a relationship together as they care about each other, leaving Piper astonished and worried about Paul's reaction. Terese informs Piper that Leo has been forced to move into the backpackers due to Paul's ire, and Piper is curious as to whether she is going to move into the backpackers to be close to him. Adamant that she will be staying at no. 22, Terese asks Piper if she can try and get used to the idea, but Piper admits that it is a lot to get her head around.


At Harold's, Bea and Ned are discussing the situation with Tyler and Piper, which they agree is a tricky one. Bea then talks about her counselling sessions, informing Ned that she and her counsellor have been discussing her stress triggers and things that remind her of her time with Finn. She tells him that the goal of her counselling sessions is to try and be able to feel strong enough to deal with threatening situations such as her run in with Cassius at the garage, and to be able to face the people who have made her feel that way in the past. However, she doesn't feel ready to do this yet and mentions that she wouldn't be able to talk to Finn anyway given what happened. Ned suggests that she should go to the prison and confront Cassius about how he has affected her mental state, but Bea isn't sure about this, although she becomes more agreeable to the idea when Ned offers to come with her. As they continue to chat Leo enters Harold's with David, aware that people are staring at him after what happened at the hotel earlier. He apologises to David for not telling him about his hook ups with Terese, but he didn't want him to be complicit in a conspiracy against Paul. David tries to defend his brother by assuring Leo that sometimes you can't help who you fall for, and Leo agrees that losing his job and home is worth it to be with Terese. He informs David that he will focus on running the backpackers and try and stay out of Paul's way, although David offers an olive branch, asking Leo if he can speak to Paul on his behalf. Although hesitant at first, Leo agrees to this.

Having promised Leo that he would talk to Paul, David is now at the Waterhole trying to make him see reason, but isn't having much success, as Paul confesses that he had previously spoken to Leo about how he felt about Terese and now feels betrayed. He informs David that he doesn't want anything to do with Leo, but David suggests that when he returns from his trip to Darwin he may feel differently about the situation. Paul angrily tells David that Leo can stay at the backpackers indefinitely for all he cares, and that Terese can hand in her notice too if she finds it too difficult working for him. Reminding Paul of what happened with Amy and Gary, David asks him if he wants to alienate another member of his family by sidelining Leo.


At the backpackers, an embarrassed and humiliated Leo is dragging his pillow and duvet upstairs to the mezzanine room, as Paul arrives downstairs, looking furtive.

Over at no. 22, Ned is talking on the phone to someone at the prison, trying to arrange a visit for himself and Bea to see Cassius. As he ends the call Piper comes in, but Ned doesn't reveal the nature of the phone call to her and just says that he is arranging something to help Bea. Also at no. 22 is Terese, who announces to Ned and Piper that she is going to visit Leo to see how he is coping, but neither Piper nor Ned responds. Once she has left Ned suggests to Piper that she could try and be a bit more supportive to Terese and her relationship with Leo, but Piper declares that she finds the whole thing weird and cannot pretend to be supportive of the relationship. Ned is understanding that the timing isn't ideal but implies that Piper should fight Terese's corner, as he is sure that Terese would do the same for her. As Ned leaves to see Bea, Piper thinks about what he has said.


Having arrived at Warrinor Prison, Bea is nervously waiting to see Cassius with Ned by her side. As they wait, Cassius arrives, telling Ned that he isn't surprised when they told him he would be visiting, and then apologises for what happened with Piper. Ned informs Cassius that they are not here to talk about Piper as this visit is for Bea's benefit and nothing else, and then Ned tells Bea that she doesn't have to stay if she feels too uncomfortable with the situation. Bea assures Ned that she is okay for now and then tells Cassius that his actions and behaviour have affected her personally, even though she didn't know Hamish. Apologetic for the way that he shouted and belittled her, Cassius tells Bea that he just lost all control. Aware that Cassius is trying to shut her down, Bea tells him that she is not finished and that she needs to get all her frustration and angst out, informing Cassius that his behaviour triggered memories for her of being on the streets and surviving an abusive relationship. She feels a sense of catharsis at releasing these thoughts.

At the backpackers, Mishti has come to see Leo, informing him that she will be leaving Erinsborough tomorrow to move to New South Wales with Pavan. She invites Leo to her farewell party later tonight and opens the invitation to Terese if she is available. Leo is grateful for the time he had with Mishti and tells her that she has been a good moral compass for him, allowing him to gain more confidence and assurance about his relationship with Terese. Surprised that he is admitting that he is grateful for her help, Mishti gives Leo as a hug as he goes on to tell her that he is thankful she has made him a better person and wishes her well for her new life with Pavan. As they finish their embrace, they are surprised to see guests running out of the backpackers holding their noses.


Having finished their prison visit Ned and Bea are back at the Waterhole discussing their chat with Cassius. Although feeling terrified at her confrontation with Cassius, she admits to Ned that it feels good to get things off her chest as it allows her panic attacks and paranoia to have some validation. Ned is full of admiration for Bea's bravery and asks her if she can now get past what happened with Cassius. Feeling more assured in herself, Bea informs Ned that she thinks she can now get past it, although she wonders if talking to Finn would have had the same effect if there was such a possibility to do so. Having been given second-hand information about what kind of person Finn was, Ned assures Bea that he doesn't think Finn would be capable of taking responsibility for himself having preferred to blame everyone else for his destructive behaviour. Bea agrees that it probably wouldn't be a worthwhile chat, but she still imagines what it would be like to confront him for what he did to her. She tells Ned that for now she just needs to try and get Finn out of her head for good.

Back at the backpackers, Leo is contending with a plumbing issue, for which he has hired some local traders to help fix. As he tries to deal with the issue Terese turns up, wondering what is going on with all the guests leaving. Leo explains to her that a pipe has broken and flooded one of the dormitories, and as the toilets won't flush, he is unable to keep the business running for the time being. He goes on to ask Terese about how her conversation with Piper went, to which Terese explains that Piper is struggling to take the news on board and will need some time to get used to the idea. As they chat Paul saunters up to the backpackers, sarcastically telling Leo that he heard he had a bit of a problem with his plumbing. Leo and Terese exchange a knowing glance, aware that Paul may have played a hand in the incident with the broken pipe.


At no. 32, the farewell party for Mishti is underway, as assorted guests including Susan, Toadie, Sonya, Nell and Bea chat with Dipi, Shane, Yashvi and Mishti. Bea tells Yashvi that she is sorry that they haven't had a chance to chat for a while, but Yashvi assures her that she is glad that she is here, although she asks Bea if everything is okay as she seems different. Regaling her visit to the prison earlier, Bea downloads to Yashvi about her feelings since talking to Cassius. As they chat, Terese arrives with a farewell gift for Mishti, and she is quickly followed by Mark and Elly. Conversation moves on to the situation with Amy and Gary, and Susan inadvertently puts her foot in it by saying that she has certainly seen stranger couplings. Terese takes this comment as a subtle dig at her relationship with Leo but is then surprised as Susan becomes genuinely interested in hearing about the relationship rather than holding any bad feeling. A happy and validated Terese sits down and starts chatting about her newfound relationship with Leo, feeling relieved that she has her friend's support.

After the problem with the plumbing at the backpackers David is helping Leo to clear up. He suggests that Leo should come to Mishti's party to clear his mind from thoughts of Paul, but Leo confirms to David that he has already texted Mishti to tell her he can't make it due to the amount of cleaning he still has to do. David is surprised that Paul would vandalise the backpackers as it's a company he has invested in, but Leo is adamant that Paul is sworn on vengeance and doesn't care about hurting his business interests if it allows him to get some revenge. As they chat, Piper arrives and asks David how Tyler is doing. He tells her that Tyler is mainly staying in his room and keeping his head down, but he assures Piper that he will hopefully be in contact soon. Unsure whether this will actually happen, Piper decides to stay to talk to Leo as David heads off to Mishti's party. Aware that Piper probably wants to talk to him about Terese, Leo waits for the backlash, but is surprised as Piper contends that Leo and Terese could be good together. She tells Leo that she wants her mum to be happy and agrees that Terese has been a lot brighter since seeing him, although she admits it will be weird to see her mum 'bunking' with Leo at the backpackers. She then asks Leo where everyone is and what that smell is.


The farewell party is in full swing at no. 32 as Mishti chats to Yashvi and Kirsha, telling them that she is going to miss them very much and that they are both turning into amazing young women. They share a group hug as Yashvi jokes that she will be planning to live near her and Pavan once she finishes school, as long as they are near to the SCG for her football. As they finish their embrace Toadie silences the room and calls for some farewell speeches. As this begins Mishti becomes aware that Shane and Dipi are no longer in the room and have headed out on to the patio.

Mishti goes outside to find Dipi crying and Shane comforting her, as Dipi jokes that she warned Mishti there would be tears at the farewell party. Although happy to see Mishti starting a new adventure, Dipi admits that she will miss her a lot and things will be different once she's gone. Mishti confesses that she was a mess when she arrived in Erinsborough as she was struggling to get over Zander, but thanks to Shane and Dipi's support she been able to recalibrate and reassess her life. She goes on to say that she believes in her heart that Pavan is the man for her, someone who can give her the support and comfort not dissimilar to the dynamic that Shane and Dipi share. As tears start flowing between Dipi and Misthi they agree to give the 'Diwali curse' a run for its money and light a basketful of candles entwined with flowers, proceeding to set it afloat in the swimming pool. Whilst watching the candle-flowers floating on the water, Shane, Mishti and Dipi share an emotional group hug.



At the Penthouse Paul is looking despondent as he walks around the balcony, feeling angry and bitter at Leo and Terese's betrayal.

Back at no. 32, Susan and Sonya are hounding Terese for details regarding her relationship with Leo, but she jokily tells them that they don't need to live vicariously through her as they have their own relationships to worry about. Susan is still pushing Terese for details as Sonya complains about the lack of romantic intimacy with Toadie at present, due to the demands of work and looking after Nell and Hugo. Humorously Susan suggests that Leo could be a live-in nanny at no. 30 now that Paul has thrown him out, as Sonya hints that Leo could move in with Terese. Despite the suggestion Terese shuts it down immediately, telling Susan and Sonya that it is far too early for the two of them to be living together.


At no. 22, Terese is forced to eat her words as she is shocked to find Leo and a suitcase in her front room, becoming even more astounded when Piper explains that she has invited Leo to move in with them. Piper apologises for her muted reaction to their relationship at first, assuring Terese that she has always wanted her to find someone who makes her happy. She didn't feel right with Leo staying at the backpackers without any running water and hopes that by allowing Leo to move in it shows how progressive and accommodating she is of the relationship. Despite this reassurance from Piper, Terese looks mortified at the thought of Leo living full time with her. She weakly tells Leo that it's wonderful he's moving in but looks stunned by the suddenness of it.

Featured Regular Characters: Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka, Terese Willis, Piper Willis, Ned Willis, Mishti Sharma, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Kirsha Rebecchi, Bea Nilsson, Paul Robinson, Cassius Grady, Susan Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Mark Brennan, Elly Conway

Guest Cast: None

Trivia Notes
• Final appearance of Scarlet Vas as Mishti Sharma
• Mishti's final words are "Fine enough to risk lighting one of these bad boys?"

Summary by Michael

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