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Magic Moments > 2018 > Cassius's Departure Episode 7967

Written by Lisa Maroun, Directed by Kate Kendall, Produced by Natalie Mandel

Channel Eleven: 06/11/18, Channel 5: 06/11/18

Sonya is frantic when Nell goes missing after Alice tells her to go and hide somewhere... Alice convinces Nell that they should keep their game a secret... There is tension between Toadie and Sonya as Sonya suggests that a bit of space would do them good... Terese assures Leo that he should continue to live with her... A spiteful Paul assures Leo that Terese is just trying to get back at him by moving him into no. 22... Piper suggests a few lawyers who could help Cassius, but he tells her that he already has one... Sheila divulges to Cassius that Piper might be pregnant...

At the hospital, Piper is visiting Cassius after he sent her a message. He asks Piper if it is true that she is pregnant, but she denies that this is the case, and then wonders how Cassius got this idea into his head. Cassius asks Piper if she has taken a pregnancy test yet and tells her that he has a right to know whether he is the father or not, but Piper angrily replies that he has no right to demand this after what he has done. She storms out of the hospital and is observed by a concerned David as she leaves.


Terese is briefing her staff at the hotel about a forthcoming conference, warning them that guests are now arriving today and not tomorrow, and they need to hustle if they want to be ready. As she continues her delegation work an upset Piper is observing her through the hotel window, but after realising that she is busy decides not to disturb her and instead heads off. Terese finishes her briefing but becomes flustered when an amorous Leo comes over and tries to kiss her in front of assorted staff members. She quickly orders the staff away to begin their preparation for work and then tells Leo that trying to kiss her was a little bit too personal for the workplace. Leo looks sullen as he apologises for his behaviour.

At the Waterhole, Alice is having a drink as Dipi comes over. She asks her if she would be available for another cleaning job, but Alice is surprised that Dipi would want to hire her again and admits that her previous efforts were not her best work. Dipi agrees that she wasn't entirely satisfied with the cleaning work Alice did previously but feels that she deserves another opportunity, and then tells her that she is going away for Diwali celebrations and would love to come home to a sparkling clean house. Although touched by the offer to hire her again, Alice informs Dipi that she has enough on her plate looking after Toadie and his family and wouldn't have time for further cleaning work. She finishes her drink and departs, leaving Dipi feeling confused at the rejection of her offer.


Over at no. 30, Shane tells Toadie that he should look on the bright side of things, arguing that although he and Sonya have things to sort out at least he has Alice to lend a helping hand. He comments on the immaculate state of the house but is then surprised as Toadie tells him that a spot has opened up at the daycare centre for Nell and Hugo. Shane wonders what this will mean for Alice, and Toadie admits that she will be surplus to requirements, and he will therefore need to tell her this evening that it is time for her to move on. He is sure that Alice won't take it personally as she has probably dealt with this before and therefore won't be too upset about leaving. As they continue to chat Alice enters the house and starts fussing after Nell and Hugo, leaving Shane concerned that Toadie may have underestimated how attached Alice is to no. 30.

At the hotel office, Terese is chatting to Pierce on the phone, informing him that the paperwork is still going through the lawyers, but she hopes that it will be ready soon. She finishes her call as David walks into her office. He informs her that Piper has been visiting Cassius at the hospital, although Terese tells him that she is already aware of this. David is concerned however and divulges that Piper looked particularly upset on her latest visit, although he doesn't know exactly what she and Cassius were talking about. Concerned by David's news, Terese tells him that she will check on Piper when she gets home.


Back at no. 30, Alice is busily ironing Toadie's shirts as Toadie tries to broach the subject of the daycare centre to her. Alice becomes concerned as Toadie explains that there may now be a place open at the centre for Nell and Hugo and that they will probably no longer require her services. Despite Alice's offer to lower her rates Toadie tells her that she should go and spend time with her own family, assuring her that she deserves a break after working so hard at no. 30. He goes off to bed, leaving Alice angry and frustrated at the news.

The following day, at no. 22, a concerned Terese chats to Piper in the garden, worried after her conversation with David yesterday about Piper's visits to see Cassius. A teary-eyed Piper admits to seeing Cassius at the hospital and then confesses to Terese that she is 'late' this month, but she doesn't want to do a pregnancy test due to her worries about Cassius being the father. Although Piper is full of anguish about the possibility of being pregnant Terese assures her that she will be with her every step of the way, but in the first instance they need to get her to a doctor to do a test as it's the most reliable way to ascertain whether she is pregnant or not. A grateful Piper agrees with this suggestion, happy that her mum is being so supportive with her dilemma.


At no. 30, an unhappy Alice is cradling Hugo, telling him that she is probably not going to be looking after him anymore despite working like a dog to cook and clean for the family. She continues to feel bitter about Toadie telling her she is no longer needed at the house, but then has a sudden brainwave as she picks up a bottle of cleaning spray.

Alice goes over to No. 32 and tells a surprised Dipi that she has changed her mind and would like to take her up on the offer of the cleaning job after all. She informs her that Nell and Hugo are going into daycare and therefore Toadie no longer requires her services, so she has more free time on her hands. Dipi looks concerned but Alice tells her that she can start right away, as not only will the job give her a new focus, but she can still look in on Toadie and the kids. This speech seems to do the trick and Dipi decides to offer her the job, telling her that there are some shirts that need folding.


Back at no. 22, Terese has phoned the doctor to make an appointment for Piper, and as she finishes the call, she tells Piper that the hospital can fit her in right away. Despite Piper's reluctance to go to the hospital Terese again assures her that they are in this together, and she asks her to wait in the car whilst she finishes a few things. As Piper leaves Leo comes downstairs, surprised that Terese is leaving as he thought they had plans. Terese tells him that she has something urgent to do with Piper and he can't come with them as it's a mother-daughter thing. As she leaves Leo looks slightly annoyed.

At no. 32, Alice is busily helping Dipi out with the household chores before she and Shane go away to Sydney. Grateful for the help she has given them already, Dipi informs Alice that she should keep an eye on the contents in the fridge to make sure the items don't turn rancid. She heads out of the kitchen to leave Alice to inspect the contents of the fridge. Noticing an out-of-date container of casserole in there, Alice goes to put the contents into the bin, but then thinks of a better idea.


Whilst at the hospital with Piper, Terese decides to pay Cassius a visit. She enters his room and tells him that for both his and Piper's sake he had better hope Piper isn't pregnant. Apologetic for his behaviour and the choices he has made, Cassius is expecting Terese to start giving him a piece of her mind but instead she thanks Cassius for his actions in rescuing Piper from the bush, telling him that he saved her life. Emotions are high between Cassius and Terese, but this is broken as Piper enters the room. She is confused as to why Terese is visiting Cassius but then, becoming sombre, tells them both that she has received her pregnancy test results.

At the complex, Toadie is talking to David about Alice leaving, telling him that he hopes she feels a bit better now that the news has taken a bit of time to sink in. As Toadie leaves, David runs into Leo, outside Harold's, who is still feeling upset about Terese cancelling their plans. He tells David that he has the feeling that Terese may not be as invested in their relationship as he thought, but David contends that Terese probably has other things on her mind.



At the hospital, Piper, who it's revealed isn't pregnant, is told by Cassius that this news should allow her to move on with her life. An upset Piper reveals to Cassius how hard it is to love someone but also hate them at the same time, especially when she's not even sure if she really hates them. When she heard that Cassius had been beaten up, she admits that she felt worried, but also guilty for caring about him after everything he did. She admits that the pregnancy scare has allowed her to work out that the hate she felt wasn't about Cassius as a person but the actions that he took in murdering Hamish and then covering it up. After this admission from Piper, Cassius confesses that he wishes he could take back all the hurt he has caused. Piper tells Cassius that he needs to start thinking about himself from now on by getting a good lawyer and fighting for a shorter sentence, pleading with him that he shouldn't let Hamish ruin his life. Picking up her bag to leave, Piper informs Cassius that she has had too many people taken away from her in her life and therefore she needs to control how this relationship ends by being the one to depart. Knowing that he will likely never see her again, a tearful Cassius tells Piper that he will miss her as she leaves the room.

Later, at the park, Piper is wistfully walking along with the sun shining on her face. She looks up at the sky and smiles as she contemplates the next chapter of her life.


At no. 30, an unhappy Dipi asks Alice why she didn't finish all the jobs from earlier that she asked her too. Dipi is confused as Alice informs her that she had to make lunch for Toadie and the kids despite them no longer requiring her services. She pays Alice for half the work and leaves. After she's gone, a concerned Toadie returns from one of the bedrooms to inform Alice that Nell has been vomiting. He wonders if she ate anything for lunch that didn't agree with her, but Alice contends that they all had the same lunch and only Nell is poorly. Toadie wonders whether he should take Nell to the hospital but Alice thinks that the car journey could make her feel worse. She offers to make Nell a homemade ginger remedy and Toadie tells her that this is very generous of her, adding that he doesn't know what he will do without her. As he goes back to check on Nell, Alice looks pleased with her efforts.

Over at no. 22, Terese apologises to Leo for cancelling their plans from earlier, but tells him that she had to deal with a pregnancy scare involving Piper. She admits that she is struggling to cope with all the demands on her time, but Leo has something else on his mind. He asks her if Paul's comment that she only asked him to move into no. 22 to spite him is true, and Terese admits that this was part of the reason as Paul said something provocative to her. However, she assures Leo that she does want him to live with her despite Paul's machinations, and they therefore both agree to be more open with each other to try and stop their relationship from floundering. Happy that they have been able to talk things through, they hold hands and smile at each other.


Back at no. 30, Toadie informs Alice that the ginger remedy she made seems to be having a positive affect on Nell, but he doesn't think that she will be able to start daycare this week. Toadie asks Alice if she would be able to stay on for a little longer until Nell has fully recovered, and she tells him that she would be delighted to. As Toadie leaves to once again check on Nell, Alice chillingly confesses to Hugo that she was the one who poisoned Nell with the out-of-date casserole. She admits that she will continue to keep Nell sick for a little longer as a way of remaining in Erinsborough.

Featured Regular Characters: Cassius Grady, Piper Willis, Terese Willis, David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka, Dipi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi

Guest Cast: Kerry Armstrong as Alice Wells, John Turner as Hugo Somers

Trivia Notes
• Final appearance of Joe Davidson as Cassius Grady

Summary by Michael

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