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Magic Moments > 2019 > Xanthe's Departure Episode 8012

Written by Sandy Webster, Directed by Gary Conway and Chris Langman, Produced by Natalie Mandel and Natalie Lynch

Channel Eleven: 08/01/19, Channel 5: 08/01/19

After her success at the concert Terese offers Bea a regular gig at the Waterhole... Bea's diary is burnt after Liz reads it... Amy is enraged with Gary after learning he stole from her... Xanthe admits to Ben that if she wasn't so focused on medicine Gary wouldn't have gotten into trouble... Gary pleads with Xanthe not to walk away from her medical career... Xanthe accepts her university offer... Amy is told by Xanthe that she can't avoid Gary forever... A furious Shane orders Gary to stay away from his family as he pushes him to the ground...

In the back yard of no. 26, a concerned Amy checks the scrapes on Gary's leg and hand after he was pushed over by Shane earlier. Despite Gary's earlier confession that he stole from her, a compassionate Amy assures him that Shane was out of line and reasons that resorting to more violence will not sort out this mess. She suggests that Gary give Dipi some space and goes off to get some antiseptic cream, leaving Gary surprised at her generosity in helping him.


Over at no. 32, Shane is still angry and tells Dipi that he doesn't want Gary going anywhere near her, but Dipi contends that who she chooses to see is her decision and no-one else's. As she tries to defend Gary her headache worsens, so Shane helps her over to the sofa. Dipi reminds Shane of the time she punched the obnoxious spectator at Yashvi's football game and how Shane made her see how wrong her behaviour was. Shane doesn't think that this is the same thing and reminds her that they almost lost her after Gary knocked her down outside the Coffee Hut. He becomes confused as to why Dipi continues to defend Gary, thinking that he got off lightly, and, feeling hurt, goes off to get some painkillers.

At no. 22, Piper has some clothes to give to Xanthe but Xanthe tells her that she is only taking the essentials with her. Piper suggests that she could take her euphonium so that she and Ben could get their band back together, but Xanthe doesn't think that she will have time for this due to the intensity of her university course. She is still disbelieving that she will be leaving Ramsay Street soon and all the people that she loves, but Piper tells her not to have second thoughts. They share a hug as Xanthe lets Piper know how much she'll miss her, as Piper admits that it's going to be weird without her being around. Piper thanks Xanthe for everything she has done for her, including helping her after her estrangement with Tyler and keeping her sane after the business with Cassius. They profess their love for each other as they contemplate their final few moments together.


Meanwhile at no. 28, Bea is watching a video on her phone of her concert performance as Ned walks in. She assures Ned that she wasn't googling herself, but Ned thinks that she should do as there have been several posts about her performance. Bea admits that she is feeling nervous about her gig today and hopes that people will turn up; she keeps hearing her mum's voice in her head telling her that she'll make a mistake, or that something else will go wrong. To try and keep her calm Ned assures her that there are more people who believe she can do this then those that can't.

In the back yard at no. 28, Xanthe greets Elly with a hug, informing her that she is the best teacher she has ever had. Grateful for the compliment, Elly tells Xanthe that she is thrilled she is going off to study medicine and says that she is a true inspiration and a really good friend. The conversation moves on to Finn and Xanthe admits that she considered visiting Finn in hospital to prove that he couldn't stop her from achieving her dream, but then realised that she didn't need his validation as he means nothing to her anymore. Feeling vindicated for how strong they have become after their ordeals with Finn, Elly and Xanthe hug as Xanthe tells Elly that she will miss her so much.


Back at no. 26, Amy has finished putting a plaster on Gary's hand, as a thoughtful Gary begins to understand why Shane reacted in the way he did, knowing that he would do anything to protect his loved one. He is just about to lean in to kiss Amy when a mysterious man called Joseph appears and interrupts them, claiming that he's a friend of Gary's and wants a chat. He wants to know what has happened with the stolen invertors that were put in the Coffee Shop, but Amy interrupts him by stating that the invertors have gone. She then tries to scare Joseph off by telling him that she is the daughter of Paul Robinson and that he knows people much scarier than him and will call them in a second if she asks him to. She orders him off the property and Joseph leaves, as an astonished Gary smiles as he watches on.

Amy and Gary have a laugh about what just happened, and Gary asks Amy if they were about to have a romantic moment before Joseph turned up. As they dwell on this, Xanthe arrives and asks them if they have seen Sheila, but she is informed that she is at work. Amy congratulates Xanthe on her university place and imminent move away from Erinsborough as she heads off for work, leaving Xanthe to continue with her packing.


At the Waterhole, Sheila looks troubled as she scrolls through some messages she has received from Xanthe. Meanwhile Bea is preparing for her gig and comments on the large crowd, as Ned admits that he wants everyone to see how amazing she is. An unhappy Sheila comes over and asks Bea if she is here to perform, and then angrily tells her that the hotel staff dumped all the paraphernalia for her performance at the Waterhole without informing her that Bea was booked to play. Ned suggests that this was just an oversight as Terese was probably distracted, but Sheila continues to vent her frustrations on Bea about not being consulted. After she walks off Ned tries to assure Bea that Sheila is probably just on edge due to Xanthe leaving today.

At no. 32, Dipi wakes up from her nap to find Shane looking for the number of Erinsborough Police Station on his phone. He admits that he is thinking of phoning the police about Gary, to show him that actions have consequences, but Dipi doesn't think that this is a good idea as Gary has prior convictions and could go to jail for a long time if found guilty of assault. She tells Shane that nearly dying made her realise that what matters most is family and friendships, and that he should let this vendetta against Gary go for the sake of the girls.


At the Waterhole, Piper informs Ned that she is picking up a little something for Xanthe's send off so that they can party while they pack, and then invites Ned and Bea to join them after the gig. Bea is still having issues with her set up and is told off by an angry Sheila over some of the audio feedback from the microphone. Unhappy with the way that Sheila is talking to her, Bea tells Ned that somehow Sheila has morphed into her mum with the way she is behaving. Ned tries to reassure Bea once again and then kisses her, whilst Piper goes over to ask Sheila what she is doing at the Waterhole as Xanthe is looking for her. She reminds her that this is Xanthe's last day, which should take precedence over a shift at the Waterhole. A reluctant Sheila agrees that she will be there soon for Xanthe's send-off.

Celebrations are underway at no. 26 as Gary opens a bottle of champagne and pours glasses for Xanthe and Piper. After her antics at the new year party Yashvi pours herself some juice.


Back at the Waterhole, Bea fist bumps her keyboard player and starts singing 'I'll be There' to the assembled audience.

The farewell celebrations continue at no. 26 as Xanthe, Yashvi and Piper engage in the festivities. As Piper tries to encourage Xanthe to meet up with Ben when she arrives in her new surroundings, Sheila arrives. Xanthe asks Sheila if she has been avoiding her and Sheila admits that she didn't want to ruin her last day, however Xanthe assures her that she has been like the mum she never had and has always been supportive towards her, whilst giving her the guidance and advice she didn't know she needed. She goes on to tell Sheila that her home will be wherever she is and that she loves her, which leads to a tender embrace between the two of them.


Later in the day, Bea and Ned return from her gig at the Waterhole to join in the celebrations. Sheila is about to start instructing everyone to clean up the mess in the backyard, when Bea confronts her, asking her why she treated her so badly before the gig. She tells Sheila that she was rude, and Sheila admits that she was worried about Xanthe leaving and wanted to try and bury her head in the sand. As a peace offering Sheila assures Bea that she will support every one of her future gigs, which leaves Bea feeling slightly happier. As they finish talking Xanthe comes over to ask Sheila if she is ready to go, as Ned and Bea say goodbye to Xanthe.

At no. 32, Amy has come over to see if Shane has calmed down since his altercation with Gary. He admits that if he had it his way the police would be dealing with Gary, but due to Dipi's interference he has decided not to make that call. Although he understands the position Gary found himself in, he doesn't understand how he could let people get hurt and is even more surprised that Amy is standing by him even though he stole from her and tried to cover it up. Amy begins to waver over her backing of Gary as Shane mentions that Jimmy will be home at some point, and it may not be a good idea to have Gary around teaching him the wrong things. He suggests to Amy that she try and break the pattern and wash her hands of Gary for good.


Farewells are taking place on Ramsay Street as Xanthe says her goodbyes to friends and neighbours as the car is loaded with her belongings. Yashvi promises to visit Xanthe once she has a job and at this Xanthe suggests that she repeat her VCE. However, Yashvi is adamant that she won't be going back to school. Goodbyes then take place as Xanthe asks Amy to look after her dad for her, and Sheila gives her a farewell hug, telling her to fight for what's hers and keep her head held high. She and Gary promise to visit her soon as Piper rushes out of the house with Xanthe's euphonium, suggesting to Xanthe that she can't work and study the entire time she is away. At this Xanthe gives her final waves, telling everyone that she loves them and asking them to visit her soon. There are flashbacks as Xanthe walks to the car; her first encounter with Ben at Harold's; her and Ben at the school formal; the Cannings appearing on Family Feud; finding the money at Lassiters; Sheila soaking her with the hose when she first met her; kissing Ben when he left Ramsay Street. She also has a flashback to her first arrival on Ramsay Street, as she and Piper get into the car to go to the airport. She waves a final goodbye as they drive off, with Sheila looking tearful and Amy glancing uneasily at Gary after her chat with Shane.



At no. 28, Bea and Ned arrive home and begin kissing. She signs her autograph on Ned's hand and, after her various run-ins with Sheila earlier in the day, tells him that she won't let people's negative comments get into her head again. After mentioning to Ned that there is no one at home, she leads him into her bedroom.


Feeling melancholy after Xanthe's departure, Gary is in the backyard at no. 26 and receives a message from her, saying 'On the plane. Love you XXXXX'. As he digests this message, Amy comes over and passes him a beer. She mentions how much she struggled after Jimmy left and how Gary helped her get back on her feet. Grateful for the comment, Gary tells Amy that he will pay her back every cent he owes, and that he can be the man that she needs him to be. Despite this promise Amy confesses to Gary that although she loves him, he broke her trust, and she is unable to get past that. Gary asks Amy if there is anything he can do to repair their fractured relationship, but Amy admits that she can't forgive him, informing him that it's over between them.

Featured Regular Characters: Xanthe Canning, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Amy Williams, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Piper Willis, Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway

Guest Cast: Will Ward-Ambler as Joseph Bullen, Adam Rigley as Keyboardist

Trivia Notes
• Final appearance of Lilly Van Der Meer as Xanthe Canning
• Xanthe's final words are "I love you guys. Please come and visit me soon."

Summary by Michael

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