Magic Moments
> 2019
> Mark and Elly's Wedding
Episode 8058
by Elizabeth Packett, Directed
by Scott Major, Produced
by Natalie Mandel and Natalie Lynch
Channel Eleven: 13/03/19, Channel 5: 13/03/19
Sonya succumbs to her illness and passes away on the beach as Toadie cradles her... Toadie tells the mourners at the memorial service that Sonya made him a
better man and he misses her... Elly finds a note from Mark informing her that he has gone away for a few days... Mark texts Elly to let her know the wedding
is off... Chloe and Elly share a kiss... A letter from Kate puts things in perspective for Mark, and he returns to Ramsay Street to ask Elly to marry him...
At no. 28, a stunned Elly is in tears and doesn't know how to respond to Mark's proposal of marriage, asking him how they are supposed to be married after
everything that has happened. Despite Mark's attempts at an apology a furious Elly admits that after receiving his text message she was sure things were
over between them. Mark admits that he was a coward and, coupled with the news that Sonya had just died, felt that shutting down and fleeing Erinsborough
was the best course of action. He promises Elly that this will never happen again, but Elly is unsure about this, admitting to Mark that they cannot undo
what has passed in the last few days, a slight intimation at her secret tryst with Chloe, and feeling annoyed that he didn't seek her help when he felt
cornered. Mark once again seeks to apologise by telling Elly:
"When I ran away, I was trying to protect myself and you. I thought you were better off without me, but I know it was unfair to make that call. I love you,
Elly - more than anything."
Unconvinced by this sudden turnaround, Elly believes that Mark's disappearing act was a cry for help after his difficult and painful relationships with Kate
and Paige, rather than him trying to protect her, but Mark again argues his point by assuring Elly that despite his behaviour he is committed to her and is
keen for the wedding to go ahead. He asks her once again to marry him, promising her that he will spend the rest of his life making sure that she never doubts
him again.

A tearful Elly lets Mark draw her into a hug whilst Karl, Susan and Bea wait pensively in the garden for news. After a short while, Mark's persuasions
have been successful as Elly emerges into the garden to let her family know that the wedding is back on.
After the surprise wedding announcement preparations are underway at no. 24 as Mark, Aaron and David get ready for the ceremony. As they do so Fay and
Chloe arrive, both surprised to see Mark home. He tells them that the wedding is back on and there are contrasting reactions from Fay and Chloe who are
thrilled and appalled in equal measure, something that doesn't go unnoticed by Aaron. Before he finishes getting ready, Mark informs the group that there
is something that he needs to do as promised to Elly.

Back at no. 28, a worried Bea asks Elly if marrying Mark is what she truly wants, reminding her that Mark really hurt her by cancelling the wedding and
fleeing Erinsborough. Although she agrees that Mark's behaviour upset her, Elly argues that there were mistakes on both sides and that the important thing
is that they both love and are committed to each other and a life together. Bea is satisfied by this response but warns Elly that Mark cannot pull this
kind of stunt again, although Elly is adamant that he won't waver this time and he wants to marry her.
Mark has made his way over to Lassiters Lake and is sombrely looking at the floral display that has been left near the lake in memory of Sonya. He is
talking aloud, as if Sonya were beside him, informing her that he is getting married after all but before they perform the ceremony, he wanted to come
and say goodbye to her as he wasn't at her memorial service. Mark becomes tearful as Toadie approaches him, but he continues to talk to Sonya, reminiscing
about how much her friendship meant to him and how the thought of letting her go was just too much for him to deal with. As he tries to apologise to Sonya
for not being there for her and her family, Toadie makes his presence known by putting his hand on Mark's shoulder. He tries to assure Mark that he
understands the reason for his absence, but Mark is still adamant that he let Toadie and the kids down due to his selfish behaviour. Toadie tries to
lighten the mood by mentioning to Mark that he still has the flowers at home that Sonya picked for him and asks him if he still wants them. A grateful
Mark thanks Toadie and agrees with his summation that Sonya would hate for him to cancel the wedding on her account, admitting that he is trying to
embrace all the happiness he can for both himself, for Elly and for Sonya's memory.

At no. 28, Chloe has arrived to see Elly, asking her if the wedding is going ahead even after Mark abandoned her, intimating that he could do the same
thing again. She goes on to tell Elly that she is not trying to be difficult or saying this because she is hurt, but is warning her because she doesn't
want either her or Mark to make a big mistake. Although Elly can understand where Chloe is coming from, she confirms that she loves Mark, and despite the
intimate evening they spent together tells Chloe that she wants to be with Mark and that she was only using her for comfort, going on to tell her that it
shouldn't have happened. She becomes worried that Chloe is going to divulge their one-night stand to Mark and pleads with her not to tell him, implying
that if Mark finds out it will be a complete betrayal of their trust. Chloe becomes upset that Elly wants her to keep quiet about their night together
and play the happy bridesmaid, warning her once again that she and Mark are going to end up hurting each other. Despite this Elly asks Chloe to keep quiet
for the sake of her and Mark's happiness, asking her to continue being bridesmaid to save face.
Feeling upset after her conversation with Elly, Chloe chats with Aaron at no. 24 and admits that she is annoyed with him for bringing Mark back for the
wedding. Although understanding of Chloe's plight, Aaron reaffirms to her that Mark loves Elly and he couldn't just ignore that because Chloe has a thing
for her. At this point Chloe finally reveals her secret, disclosing to Aaron that she and Elly slept together whilst Mark was out of town.

On Ramsay Street, Toadie sees Shane and Callum hanging out and goes over to join them. He asks Callum if he is thinking of heading back to America soon to
resume his job, but Callum deflects this by joking that Toadie is just trying to get rid of him. Although Toadie admits that he would be happy to see
Callum remaining in Erinsborough for a while longer, he thinks that it is time for him to start getting back into a normal routine. Worried after his
conversation with Yashvi a few days ago about his work issues, Callum decides not to say much in response to Toadie's questions. Instead, Shane changes
the subject and reminds Toadie that if he isn't feeling up to it, he doesn't need to go to the wedding today, but Toadie's positive mindset indicates that
he doesn't see the point in sitting around crying. He goes off to get dressed for the wedding, leaving Nell and Hugo to be looked after by Shane and Dipi,
although Shane looks worried for his brother.
Back at no. 24, Aaron is trying to digest Chloe's confession, feeling annoyed that she didn't tell him about this before he went to Silverton to find Mark.
Chloe pleads with Aaron for his help to postpone the wedding, assuring him that Mark is going into it without thinking clearly and Elly is under the
delusion that everything is going to be okay. She is also of the belief that the night she and Elly shared together meant something despite Elly's profuse
denials and attempts to sweep it under the carpet. As they continue to debate this David comes over, confused as to why Chloe and Aaron aren't dressed for
the wedding yet, wondering if there was a problem at Elly's. Despite his probing Aaron tells David that there is nothing to worry about, although Chloe's
guilty expression suggests otherwise.

Over at no. 32, Shane is still worried about Toadie and talks to Dipi about it; he feels that Toadie is trying too hard to move on by going to the wedding
but in his opinion shouldn't go at all. Dipi suggests that this may be Toadie's way of coping with the loss of Sonya by having a good time and being around
his friends. As they continue to chat Toadie appears and asks them for their advice on which tie to wear to the wedding. Although looking tired and drained
after recent events, Toadie tries to maintain a brave face for the sake of his family as he prepares to head to the ceremony.
Ned, Leo and Piper have arrived at the wedding venue and are welcomed by Susan, who diplomatically reminds them that there are some guests at the ceremony
who don't know that the wedding was nearly cancelled. The wedding venue leads out to a platform over the river, and this is where Fay, Mark, Aaron and
David are waiting for the ceremony to commence. Fay notices the flowers in Mark's lapel, and he explains that these were a wedding present from Sonya who
gifted them to him on the day she died. He tells Fay and the others that he is ready to go, and goes over to speak to Aaron, telling him that he still can't
believe that he is getting married after what happened in the last few days. He admits that he put Elly through a lot by lying to her and pushing her away,
but feels grateful that she decided to forgive him and go ahead with the wedding, as he believes that she must have been in turmoil at his sudden
disappearance. As Aaron listens he is reminded of Chloe's confession from earlier and looks concerned as Mark continues to enthuse about his upcoming

At no. 28, Elly is showing off her wedding dress to a tearful Bea, who is dressed in her bridesmaid's outfit. They share a hug as Bea tells Elly how
happy she is for her, but before they can talk further Chloe comes over, looking grave and asking Bea if she can speak to Elly alone. After their conversation
earlier Elly thanks Chloe for agreeing to still be a bridesmaid, understanding that she has a million reasons not to do so. Still feeling upset that Elly
is prepared to cover up their secret tryst, Chloe tries to warn her that lies have a way of coming out, but Elly is adamant that as long as she doesn't say
anything to Mark then he'll never find out. Chloe agrees that she won't say anything but again warns Elly that if she really cares about Mark then she will
tell him the truth, as they shouldn't start their married life on a lie.
Back at the wedding venue Mark and Susan are worried as to where the bridal party has got to. Whilst Susan goes to send a text to Elly and the others, Mark is concerned with Aaron's demeanour and asks him if he is okay as he looks more nervous than he is. Before Aaron can say anything by way of response, Elly appears at the venue accompanied by a concerned looking Chloe and a happy looking Bea. The assorted guests stand up as the bridal party makes its way down the aisle closely followed by a conflicted Elly. She reaches the end of the aisle and holds hands with Mark, who tells her that she looks beautiful and that he has no doubt in his mind that he wants to spend his life with her. Elly nods in response to this as Susan begins her speech:
"Today is a celebration. A celebration of love, of commitment, of friends, and of family. And of two people who are in this forever."


Mark begins his vows, telling Elly that above all else he promises to live in truth, to communicate fully and without fear, pledging his love, devotion
and faith to her. In response Elly tells Mark that despite the ups and downs they have been through she is glad that they have managed to stick it out,
and is admiring of what a wonderful man Mark is. She begins to falter with her vows as she promises to love and cherish Mark more than anything in this
life, but manages to regain control and composure as she promises to build an amazing life with him, one that they both deserve and one where they can
learn from each other, be patient and forgive. As the service reaches its conclusion, Aaron brings over the wedding rings and Mark and Elly place them on
each other's fingers, whilst reciting the last part of their vows. As an irritated Chloe watches on, Susan concludes the ceremony by telling the congregation:
"Mark and Elly have expressed their love for each other with the commitment and the promises that they've made today. So, with those in mind, I proudly
and joyfully pronounce you husband and wife. Mark, that's your cue!"
At Susan's words, Mark kisses Elly as the ceremony reaches its conclusion. Despite the happiness of the occasion a forlorn Chloe looks on in despair at
Elly's decision, her demeanour not going unnoticed by Aaron, who looks worried at the secrets being hidden from Mark.
Outside no. 30, Callum walks down the drive and sees Toadie, dressed in his wedding suit, sitting behind the wheel of his car. Callum asks Toadie if he is
back from the wedding already, but Toadie confesses that he didn't go as he was running late anyway, and then had a stark reminder of times when Sonya was
running late because she needed to go to the toilet or put the slow cooker on or change her shoes and had to remind himself that she's not here anymore to
wait for. Feeling upset at his moment of realisation, Toadie admits to Callum that he didn't want to go to the wedding without Sonya. Callum takes this
opportunity to open up about his own troubles, admitting to Toadie that he is having problems with his job in America and he would rather be at home with
him, Nell and Hugo as it makes him feel like Sonya is still around. They share a tearful hug at their heartfelt confessions.


Back at the wedding venue, Aaron checks to see if Chloe is okay, although neither of them seem particularly happy with the course of the day's events.
Meanwhile Mark suggests to Elly that they should take the official photographs, but Elly is looking concerned and informs Mark that she needs to touch up
her make-up first. Mark kisses Elly and tells her not to be long as he heads off to chat to the other guests, but Elly looks worried and guilty at her
duplicitous behaviour and glances over at Chloe for some kind of reassurance. This has the opposite effect however and as she and Chloe make eye contact
the guilt becomes too much for Elly and she rushes out of the venue in tears.
At no. 32, Hugo and Nell are playing in the garden as Toadie talks to Shane, Dipi, Callum and Yashvi on the patio, informing them that he is planning to
take Hugo and Nell back to the USA for a holiday, allowing them to spend some more time with Callum before he goes back to his job. After his conversation
with Callum earlier they agreed that this was the best decision, allowing them to spend some more time together without Callum losing his position at the
app company. Feeling happier with these issues resolved, Toadie goes on to tell them that Piper will be taking over his admin work while he's gone, and
he'll be employing an interim lawyer to deal with his legal work. Feeling lighter of mind, Toadie goes off to play with Nell and Hugo on the lawn, leaving
Dipi and Shane feeling concerned. It transpires that they have been withholding some information about Andrea and Dee and they agree that they will not
divulge this information until Toadie returns from his trip.


A tearful Elly is sitting on a bench outside the wedding venue as a worried Mark comes over to talk to her. He is confused as to why she is crying and asks
Elly to explain the reason for her upset, insistent that she talk to him. Elly pleads with Mark to give her a minute, but he becomes even more concerned at
her distress and presses her to tell him what is going on. Having reached breaking point and feeling guilt ridden and ashamed with her actions, Elly finally
confesses to Mark that she cheated on him whilst he was away, spending the night with Chloe. Mark looks astounded at this revelation.
Featured Regular Characters: Mark Brennan, Chloe Brennan,
Aaron Brennan, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson, Toadie Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi,
David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka, Ned Willis, Piper Willis
Guest Cast: Zoe Bertram as Fay Brennan,
Morgan Baker as Callum Rebecchi,
John Turner as Hugo Somers
Trivia Notes
• John Turner (Hugo Somers) is credited in both the opening and closing credits
by Michael