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Magic Moments > 2019 > Beverly's Return Episode 8062

Written by Rene Zandveld, Directed by Scott Major, Produced by Natalie Mandel and Natalie Lynch

Channel Eleven: 19/03/19, Channel 5: 19/03/19

Paul informs Terese that Vera thinks she's made a mistake going after Leo after her accident, but Terese can't believe she is suing the hotel instead... An upset Leo is grateful that he can offload to Piper about how he feels... Sheila feels privileged to be going to the ballet with Gary... Having done some research, Paul thinks that a doctor from his past might be able to help with Finn... Finn implores Susan to believe that he has amnesia... Karl vents his frustrations at Finn by telling him to drop the act of his memory loss... Clive and Karl are shocked to find that Finn has disappeared from the hospital...

At the hospital, a bewildered Karl is on the phone to Susan, who is at home with Shaun, informing her about Finn's disappearance and letting her know that the police are searching the hospital and grounds for him. Susan doesn't understand how Finn could escape when he could barely walk, but Karl suggests that Finn may have been exaggerating the extent of his injuries. Although understanding of Karl's scepticism Susan doesn't seem convinced that Finn could have faked his coma for four months; despite this she promises to lock all the windows and doors at no. 28 just in case. As she ends the call, she promises Karl that she will let Bea and Elly know what is happening, and he in turn agrees to keep her updated. As Susan struggles to take in the news of Finn's escape, Shaun suggests that he will go and look for him, but Susan isn't convinced that this is the best idea, reminding Shaun that the last time she went looking for Finn she ended up with her back at the edge of a cliff. She asks Shaun to check the windows and back door to make sure they are securely fastened.


In Terese's office at the hotel, Paul and Terese discuss Vera Punt, who has responded to the lawsuit and agreed the settlement they have offered. She has made some conditions however, including requesting that Leo make a public apology and attend anger management therapy. Paul isn't convinced that Leo will agree to this and as such Terese offers to talk to him, seeing this as a good opportunity to talk through things properly since they broke up.

Sheila and Gary are making their way to the ballet performance although Sheila is concerned that Gary used the parking machine on the first floor when their car is parked two levels higher. Seeing that Gary is unconcerned by this but worried about something else, Sheila asks him what the matter is, and he admits that he had planned this ballet show for him and Amy, but his plans were scuppered by Paul. Sheila indicates that Gary should take his bad mood out on Paul instead and tries to console him, suggesting that they can use this ballet performance as catharsis for their ongoing struggles. She doesn't help Gary's mood when she mentions that he doesn't have much of an understanding of ballet and that this show will go over his head; Gary suggests if the show is really bad, they can leave at the interval. Sheila agrees to this suggestion.


Back at the hospital Karl goes over to talk to the police officer outside Finn's room, introducing himself and asking for an update on Finn's whereabouts. The police officer has no further news, but Karl becomes angry and is confused as to why Finn wasn't restrained, and how he managed to slip past the guard who was permanently stationed outside his room. The police officer apologises for this and informs Karl that a new guard will be posted once they find Finn, but Karl is unhappy and hopes the new guard can do a better job.

At Harold's, Piper asks Leo what he would like to watch for their movie marathon later that evening, but Leo is slightly surprised that she planned such an event on a school night. She reminds Leo that he doesn't need to be up at an early hour and proposes that they watch the movies at the Backpackers, to which Leo agrees, although he asks her if he can choose a couple of the movies. After his run of bad decisions Piper jokes that this probably isn't the best idea, just as Terese walks into Harold's. Terese asks Piper to leave them alone for a minute so that she can have a word with Leo in private. She informs Leo that Vera has agreed a settlement agreement with the hotel and he can resume his duties, but she mentions the conditions that come with this including the anger management course. Although happy to be going back to work Leo isn't pleased with the additional conditions and refuses to adhere to Vera's request for anger therapy, but Terese assures him that this is the best way to resolve the issue rather than going to court and enduring a potentially costly and humiliating experience. Leo tells Terese that he isn't worried about the issue of money, but Terese once again pleads with him to consider his future and not get bogged down in an unnecessary lawsuit, suggesting that his behaviour towards Vera was out of character but the anger management course will allow him to move on with his life. She asks him if he will accept the offer, but Leo is resigned to his fate and informs Terese that she should make the decision, adamant that she will overrule him anyway.


A worried Karl is walking through the hospital grounds and phones Bea to make sure she is aware of what's going on. He advises her to stay at the Waterhole with Ned and then heads off to his car, his intention being to try and find Finn on his own. Before he gets to his car he sees that Finn has collapsed on a nearby slope with his walking frame to one side, and calls out to him to make sure he is okay. A confused Finn stirs and apologises to Karl for his behaviour; Karl assures him that help will be with him soon. Finn has seemingly remembered his recent conversation with Karl and is disbelieving of the things he has done in the past, telling Karl that he can't make sense of it all. He mentions how kind Susan and everyone else has been to him, but Karl deflects this and promises to discuss it later once Finn is back inside the hospital.

It's the intermission at the ballet and Gary is keen to know what Sheila thinks about the performance so far. She informs him that she has enjoyed the show, but Gary admits that he is struggling to feel the same enthusiasm, although he does agree that the storyline is impressive and the dancing quite emotional. Sheila thanks Gary for inviting her to the ballet and Gary suggests that they should do it more regularly, despite Sheila's reservations that he is not really enjoying her company and would rather have Amy beside him. They start reminiscing about the times they used to spend together when Gary was a child and Sheila admits that it wasn't much fun as she always seemed to be getting Gary out of difficult situations. Gary wonders why Sheila is bringing up the past and she tells him that the self-help book she is reading suggested it, and it has also made her realise that she would like to do things differently if she had her chance again. Feeling unconvinced by the self-help book, Gary receives a text message informing them that the show is about to resume, and they head back inside.


At the backpackers retreat, Piper isn't happy with Terese trying to force Leo into agreeing to the settlement agreement with Vera Punt, thinking that both she and Paul are being patronising. Leo apologises for downloading his problems on to Piper, but she tells him not to worry and suggests that he should apologise to Vera directly to resolve this issue. Although Leo isn't initially keen on publicly humiliating himself, Piper reminds him that he did knock an elderly lady over, and her persuasions convince him to think seriously about apologising. The conversation then moves on to the movie night; Piper tells Leo that she has avoided purchasing movies which have a romantic theme and has instead brought over a selection of cheesy and cringy movies that will showcase how love is lame! Piper doesn't think that they will be able to hear the movies over the noise of other people and Leo suggests that they watch them on his laptop in the loft.

Having done his research to try and find a suitable doctor for Finn, Paul meets up with a face from the past, his former stepmother Beverly, at the hospital. They greet each other warmly as Beverly mentions that Paul hasn't changed a bit, although Paul jokes that he has got a bit mellower in his old age. Paul informs Beverly that he hadn't realise she had returned to Melbourne until he did some research, and admits that this reunion has been a long time coming. The conversation moves on to Finn and Beverly asks Paul why he recommended her for this patient; Paul mentions that she has special experience in the psychiatric effects of brain injuries and has also covered amnesia. Beverly doesn't agree with Paul's assessment of her credentials, insisting that there are other experts in this field of medicine and feeling surprised that the hospital contacted her. She asks Paul for the real reason for this reunion and Paul concedes that she has been on his mind recently due to her connection to Jim, but Beverly comments that it has been 25 years since Jim died. Paul brings up the housing estate created in Jim's memory and Beverly softens, surprised that Paul could be so sentimental regarding his late father. They agree to catch up later as Beverly, fascinated by Finn's diagnosis, goes into the hospital to check on him.


Meanwhile Susan is glad that Finn is okay, but Shaun is confused as to how he managed to escape from the hospital. Karl admits that the guard became distracted but Shaun is still baffled as to why Finn would want to wander off, and Karl confesses that he may have played a part in Finn's disappearance by reminding him of his past misdemeanours. Both Shaun and Susan are unhappy with the part Karl played in Finn's escape from the hospital and Susan becomes convinced that he has made the situation worse. Karl tries to placate Susan by telling her that he was scared for her sake, but Shaun is convinced that Karl just wanted Finn back in handcuffs. After her talk with Paul, Beverly arrives outside Finn's room and introduces herself to Shaun, Karl and Susan. She tells them that she will go in to see Finn and will then have a chat with Shaun after that, leaving Susan to continue shaking her head at Karl after his actions earlier.

Entering his room, Beverly sympathises with Finn's plight, suggesting that things must be stressful and confusing for him right now, to which Finn agrees. She asks Finn to try and remember the events that he can recall, and Finn brings up memories from the time he was stressed about his university exams during his second year studying to be a teacher. He is still of the mindset that he is training to become a teacher and is living in student accommodation, and is then confused when Beverly shows him an iPad which he isn't familiar with due to his memory loss.


As Beverly and Finn continue to chat Karl and Susan are in the hospital waiting area. Susan still considers the possibility that Finn is genuine in his assertions of suffering from memory loss, and Karl promises to respect that analysis. He asks how she is after the scare and Susan admits that she is shocked at how weak Finn is, although Karl reminds her that he was still strong enough to escape from the hospital. As they debate this Beverly arrives and informs Karl and Susan that she needs to make some more assessments of Finn's condition before she reaches a final decision. After their chat Beverly is puzzled that Finn is aware of the crimes he has committed, and Karl admits that he is responsible for Finn knowing this. She goes on to tell them that Finn has further questions, mainly regarding how he ended up in a coma, and suggests that Susan be upfront with Finn about how he ended up in this condition. Susan is worried about divulging the information that she was the one who pushed Finn off the cliff and caused his injury, but Beverly implies that this kind of honesty is necessary in order that she have a full picture.

The ballet performance has finished, and Gary and Sheila are discussing the ending; Gary admits that this was the ending he was hoping for, but he has also been thinking about what they discussed earlier. He is convinced that Sheila is being too hard on herself regarding his behaviour when he was younger, confessing that getting into trouble at school was the only thing he was good at. Sheila still worries about how impatient and short tempered she was with all of her children, but Gary concedes that they were a lot to deal with. Feeling regretful that she didn't do more of the things that her children may have enjoyed, Sheila is touched as Gary assures her that despite everything, he still loves her very much. They both blame the ballet for making them so sentimental and head off to the car park.


Back at the backpackers, Leo and Piper are relaxing on the bed in the loft as they agree that they have just watched the worst movie. Piper jokes that Leo is going to hate romance when she is done with him, but Leo is still grateful for Piper looking after him tonight. They both agree that there is no one else to hang around with as Piper laments to Leo about the exciting things Xanthe and Toadie are doing and how she's stuck in a rut in her life. Leo tries to cheer Piper up by assuring her that she'll have work soon, but Piper admits that this is still not the career she is hoping for. Despite Leo's attempts to cheer her up Piper feels run down with things and considers her time spent with Leo as the highlight of her day. They look at each other in mutual agreement of their own predicaments before they settle down to watch another movie, Leo going off to get them another drink.

At the hospital, Shaun asks Finn how he is doing, but Finn doesn't think that he genuinely cares about his wellbeing, particularly with everything that has happened. Despite this Shaun points out that there are other aspects to the story which may explain Finn's behaviour, not just Karl's interpretation of events, and reminds Finn that he used to be a great teacher whose students loved him. Finn asks Shaun what happened to change things, and Shaun divulges that something transpired, but Finn wasn't to blame. As they discuss this Beverly arrives; she tells Finn that she wants to help him and reveals the course of events that led him to the hospital, informing him that there was an altercation in the bush and that someone pushed him off a cliff, causing significant head injuries. She reveals that the person who pushed him was Susan.


As Finn tries to digest this revelation Beverly is talking to Karl and Susan outside Finn's room, informing them that although Finn seems resilient, he does have a lot to take in. Having studied his demeanour Susan admits that she is unsure how Finn took the news about her being the one to cause his injuries, but Karl is still convinced that Finn hasn't forgotten about what happened in the first place. As they continue to debate this Finn is being pushed along the hospital corridor in a wheelchair. He asks them to stop so that he can talk to Susan, with Karl reminding Susan that she can refuse to speak to him if she so wishes. Susan assures Karl that she is happy to talk to Finn and waits to hear what he has to say. Finn reveals that after his chat with Beverly he now has the full picture of what took place in the bush, understanding why Susan did what she did. He admits that despite the extent of his injuries and the trauma of the event he forgives Susan, which leaves her astounded.


The film has finished at the backpackers as Leo declares that this movie was the cheesiest one yet. He quickly realises that Piper is asleep and shuts the laptop, and then starts twirling her hair in an attempt to wake her up. Piper tells Leo to stop doing that and then admits that despite falling asleep she has already seen this film before. Leo is surprised that Piper fell asleep when she was the one wanting to watch back-to-back rom-com films, however she insists that this movie event was for his benefit. As they snuggle up, Piper asks Leo if her plan for cheesy romantic films worked, and he agrees that he can't think of anything worse than being attracted to someone. Feeling glad that her plan worked, Piper and Leo continue to snuggle up as they gaze into each other's eyes. Aware that there is a budding romantic spark between the two of them, they quickly give in to their urges and lean in for a kiss.

Featured Regular Characters: Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Piper Willis, Leo Tanaka, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning

Guest Cast: Rob Mills as Finn Kelly, Shaunna O'Grady as Beverly Robinson, Brad Moller as Shaun Watkins, David Lamb as Constable Andrew Rodwell

Trivia Notes
• Shaunna O'Grady returns as Beverly Robinson, having last appeared as a regular character in 1990, and previously made a cameo appearance as Beverly in 2005
• This episode sees the second of three appearances of David Lamb in the role of Andrew Rodwell. In 2020, the role would be taken over by Lloyd Will, who would become a regular cast member in 2022

Summary by Michael

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