Magic Moments
> 2019
> Gail's Return
Episode 8173
by Anthony Ellis, Directed
by Tenika Smith, Produced
by Natalie Mandel and Natalie Lynch
Channel Eleven: 21/08/19, Channel 5: 21/08/19
Harlow isn't happy when Roxy makes some alterations to Hermoine to put her off driving it... Harlow points out to Roxy that Terese gave the car to them
both... After a driving lesson with Paul, Harlow makes her own alterations to the car... Leo becomes intimate with Carmen, an accountant he met at the Back
Lane Bar... Carmen texts someone saying that Leo is 'falling for it' and then manages to access his bank account... Ned thinks that he recognises Carmen,
but she dismisses it... Leo is horrified after realising that Carmen has emptied all the money from the Back Lane Bar account...
Mark has arrived at no. 32 to talk to Leo about the theft of the Back Lane Bar funds, as David and Aaron listen in. Having recovered from the initial shock
of his money being stolen, Leo reveals to Mark that he doesn't know anything about Carmen other than her claim that she works as an accountant. He realises
that she must have accessed the banking passwords on his laptop when she was setting up the bookkeeping software for him, using an opportune moment whilst he
was in the shower. To make matters worse Mark informs Leo that if he didn't properly secure his account his insurers may not cover him for the loss; Leo
starts to panic and wonders how he is going to pay his staff and suppliers with zero cash. He admits that he will need to close the bar if the situation
doesn't resolve itself, and David adds that he will need to inform Roxy too.

At no. 22, Ned is in the living room ironing whilst Roxy lies on the sofa; she receives a text message from Leo asking her to go over to no. 32. This
surprises them both as Ned assumed Leo would still be on his date with Carmen. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Harlow is struggling to catch her breath and
is using her inhaler, supported by a concerned Terese. She heads out into the living room and accuses Roxy of deliberately leaving her bedroom door open
so that Clementine would deposit cat hair on her bed, despite being allergic. Roxy is outraged by the accusation and asks Harlow why she would do that,
but Harlow sees through the defensive stance by telling her that she's spiteful and is getting her own back after the incident with the car. As they
continue to bicker Terese comes in and admits that she was the one to leave the bedroom door open whilst vacuuming, leaving a red-faced Harlow to mutter
a half-hearted apology to Roxy, before heading upstairs.
Elsewhere at no. 22, Paul is on the patio reading the newspaper as Terese emerges. He asks her if she received the email about her wedding dress and
Terese confirms that she did, although she admits that she is worried about Harlow and Roxy's constant bickering and being at each other's throats. Despite
her worries Paul suggests that she let the rivalry between Harlow and Roxy run its course, but Terese is loath to have the constant tension in the house
and wonders if there is a better option. Paul jokes that she could lock them in a room together to see if they can find common ground, but Terese thinks
that she might have a better idea.

Back at no. 32, Roxy arrives to see Leo, who informs her that they will have to close the Back Lane Bar tonight due to a cashflow issue. He reveals that
he got scammed by Carmen and she managed to empty the business's bank account. Roxy is incredulous with this news and tells Leo that he needs to retrieve
the stolen money, but he tries to assure her that Mark is looking into both the missing cash and the whereabouts of Carmen. He begs Roxy not to reveal his
mistake to Paul, but she once again repeats that he needs to retrieve the stolen money before leaving.
Having implemented her plans to try and stop Harlow and Roxy from continually arguing, Terese is in the garden at no. 22 showing Harlow pictures of her
wedding dress, whilst Paul continues to read the paper. As Roxy comes back in Terese suggests that she and Harlow should go and pick up the dress from
Eden Hills, but Harlow is unhappy with the idea and thinks that she should go alone. Terese insists that this is a two-person job, and that Roxy will need
to drive. Expressing her displeasure with such an idea, Roxy mentions that she was planning to go out tonight as the Back Lane Bar is closed. This peaks
Paul's curiosity, and he asks Roxy why the bar is closed. Having promised Leo not to divulge the issue with the money, Roxy simply tells him that they
wanted to take a break. To remove herself from any further questions from Paul, Roxy reluctantly agrees to go and collect the dress, and she and Harlow
depart. As they do so Paul gives Terese a look, sceptical that her plan to end the feud between the girls will succeed.

At the Waterhole, Aaron talks to David about Leo; he is astonished that Leo could be so gullible as to leave his bank accounts accessible to a stranger,
but David defends his brother by noting that on the surface Carmen seemed nice. Aaron is still incredulous at Leo's sloppy behaviour and even more annoyed
when David suggests that they help Leo financially, pointing out that they have mortgage payments and The Shed to think about. As they continue to discuss
what to do Ned comes in, and they relay the story of Carmen's deception to him. This sparks a note of recognition in Ned, and he realises why he recognised
Carmen when he called round to no. 32 earlier, revealing to the boys that her name isn't Carmen, but he knows who she really is.
Despite Terese's noble attempts at bringing Roxy and Harlow together they are once again bickering as they sit in Hermione outside no. 22, preparing to
leave for the dress shop. Whilst Roxy is more interested in setting off Harlow reminds her that checking her mirrors is a legal requirement, but Roxy is
disinterested and insists that driving is all about confidence. She starts the car and sets off, but accidentally puts the car into reverse, promptly
reversing into a recycling bin and cracking one of the car's taillights! An exasperated Harlow wants to tell Terese about the incident, but Roxy insists
that the crack is barely noticeable, suggesting that they can purchase some superglue whilst at Eden Hill. The girls prepare to depart, although Harlow is
looking less then pleased with the circumstances.

Meanwhile, at no. 32, Ned arrives to see Leo, who is moping after the incident with Carmen. Ned tells Leo that he recognised Carmen when he saw her
earlier, revealing that her name is Carly Abernethy, and she is Vance's cousin. He used to see her at Abernathy Station but didn't recognise her until
David and Aaron mentioned that she was an accountant.
After Ned's revelation David and Aaron are still at the Waterhole, digesting the news about the woman known as Carmen/Carly. Whilst David laments Leo's
run of bad luck with the Back Lane Bar, Aaron thinks that he made a bad strategic decision to go into business with Roxy. Once again David suggests that
they lend Leo some money to help tide him over, concerned his brother thinks he might lose the business. Aaron is still sceptical with this idea and asks
David if he really wants to put money into something that Roxy is involved with.

After the earlier mishap with the car, Roxy and Harlow have returned to no. 22 with Terese's dress; Harlow suggests that they take it upstairs, but
Roxy is keen to open the bag and have a look at it. Despite Harlow's warning that she should look at the dress without touching it, Roxy decides that
she wants to try it on, keen to know how it feels to have this much money up against her skin. Harlow sarcastically suggests that Roxy take up stripping
if she wants to feel this sensation, and an unimpressed Roxy ignores this aside before walking off with the dress, telling Harlow that she's not surprised
she doesn't have more friends.
Over at the Lassiters complex, Terese and Paul are discussing the upcoming wedding, planned for three weeks' time, as Paul mentions that he has brought
Terese a Dior reception dress after hearing her talking on the phone to Piper. Despite Terese downplaying her grand ideas as mere fantasy, Paul suggests
to Terese that she deserves the fairytale wedding she has always wanted. After all the difficulties they have been through, Paul and Terese mention how
relieved they are for the wedding to finally be going ahead and declare their love for each other, before bringing up the topic of their prenuptial
agreement. Although Paul isn't keen on the idea Terese thinks that it would be sensible to talk about it, however they come to an agreement that they
probably don't need one as they will have each other. They share another kiss at their mutual happiness.

Back at no. 22, Harlow is incandescent with rage as Roxy comes into the living room wearing Terese's wedding dress, telling Roxy that she is unbelievable
and that she needs to take the dress off before it falls off, implying that it doesn't fit her. Despite this Roxy continues to twirl around the living
room wearing the dress, informing Harlow that it feels amazing. With Harlow's continued protestations in her ear, Roxy eventually sees reason and prepares
to take the dress off; however, after more bickering between the pair of them Roxy accidentally stumbles and the dress tears, exposing her midriff. They
gaze in horror at the damage done to the dress as they consider what to do next.
A short while later, Roxy has removed the dress and is attempting to downplay the incident by suggesting that no one at the wedding will notice, but
Harlow insists that they tell Terese the truth. Roxy is worried that this will undo all the bridges she has built with Terese recently. As they continue
to decide what to do Paul comes in, curious to see the wedding dress out of its bag. To cover their tracks Roxy mentions to Paul that they were just
admiring the dress and, under the proviso that looking at the dress before the wedding day is unlucky, manages to usher him away. Paul mentions to Roxy
that Leo wants to see them both about the bar, and Roxy divulges that there is more to Leo's story than he initially let on. Paul's curiosity is piqued,
but before he can say any more Roxy quickly leads him out of the house to prevent him taking a closer look at the wedding dress.

At no. 32, Leo is explaining the full story of Carly Abernethy draining the bar's bank account to Paul and Roxy, surprising them both by explaining that
Roxy is fully responsible. He indicates that Carly must have been working for Vance, being hired to try and retrieve the money after Roxy put him in jail.
Roxy becomes worried as Leo mentions that Mark is now investigating and that the police are aware that she used Vance's money to purchase part of the bar.
Upset with Roxy's behaviour, Paul suggests that the money put into the business wasn't clean, and Roxy admits that it was a grey area. To make matters
worse Paul indicates that even if the police do find Carly there is no guarantee that they will be reimbursed for the stolen money. He is furious with
Leo for getting himself into such a predicament but agrees to lend him some money to tide him over, on the condition that he has a controlling stake in
the bar. Leo doesn't seem happy with such an idea, but Paul reminds him that in less than 24 hours he has taken home a relative stranger and given her
full access to his company bank accounts. He adds insult to injury by telling Leo that he has been more than na•ve in his behaviour, and that either he
accepts his offer or tries his luck with the Abernethy family, before walking off. With a pained expression on his face, Leo looks unsure of what to do.
Infuriated with Roxy's behaviour, Harlow arrives to see Terese at Lassiters, revealing that not only did Roxy crack Hermione's taillight but she also
damaged Terese's wedding dress. Surprisingly Terese doesn't seem too concerned with this, suggesting that the damage caused to her dress was probably
just an accident. She understands Harlow's concern but declares that she is the one who will need to discipline her, and that Harlow needs to try and
ignore her. Harlow tries to plead her case by stating that Roxy gets away with everything, but Terese tries to make Harlow see that being the bigger
person is better for everyone, and that as the responsible one she needs to set Roxy a good example.

At the Waterhole an unhappy Leo, still chewing over his conversation with Paul, receives a phone call from Mark, asking him to meet him at no. 32.
Over at no. 22, Harlow is preparing dinner as Roxy walks in, unhappy that Harlow went to Terese about the tear in the wedding dress and damage to the car.
She reveals to Harlow that the reason she did those things was to forget about the difficulties she is going through, including the money that was stolen
from Leo's business bank account and the possibility that her ex-boyfriend Vance was involved. Harlow shows little sympathy for Roxy's plight, becoming
angered as Roxy gives her a few home truths, telling her that she is only living at no. 22 because everyone feels sorry for her, and the reason why she is
so uptight is because she is a psychopath like her dad. This comment angers Harlow further and in her fury, she throws the contents of a jar of passata
all over Roxy, unintentionally staining the wedding dress which is hanging behind her. Shocked at this sudden burst of rage from Harlow, Roxy responds with
a scream and lunges at her.

Meanwhile at no. 32, Mark is talking to Leo, David and Aaron about Vance, admitting that although he has spoken to him, he is giving nothing away about
whether he was involved in the theft of the Back Lane Bar money. He has further bad news as the Northern Territory police have been to Abernethy station
but there is no sign of Carly or the cash. As Leo tries to digest this news, he informs Mark that his insurance firm are waiting for an update from the
police before they proceed with his claim, but Mark is unable to help further and leaves. Worried about what to do next, Leo seeks comfort in Aaron and
David as he admits that he doesn't want to be back under Paul's control; one of the reasons why he withdrew from the backpackers and opened the bar in
the first place being because of Paul's influence. He is surprised as David comes up with an idea, suggesting that he and Aaron lend him some money to
tide him over. Leo is reluctant to accept as he knows how tight things are for them, but David and Aaron insist that they will manage as that is what
families do.

It's chaos at no. 22 as Harlow and Roxy continue to fight one another; Harlow throws more food at Roxy but manages to hit the dress again, before
she shoves Roxy's head onto the kitchen work surface and douses her in mayonnaise. As Roxy tries to escape Harlow's clutches, a familiar face walks
through the door. She is astonished at the scene before her, but, gathering her composure, eventually introduces herself to the girls. After
establishing which of the girls is Harlow, the woman asks if she recognises her, and Harlow realises that she is her grandmother, Gail Lewis.
Before they can say another word to each other Paul and Terese walk through the door, surprised at the scene greeting them. Gail says a tentative
hello to Paul, who, taken aback at seeing his ex-wife standing in his living room, doesn't know what to say next.
Featured Regular Characters: Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka, Terese Willis, Ned Willis, Roxy Willis, Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson
Guest Cast: Fiona Corke as Gail Lewis
Trivia Notes
• Fiona Corke reprises the role of Gail for the first time in 12 years, and
is now credited with her maiden name of Lewis again
• The West Waratah Star newspaper being read by Paul features a front page article about Erinsborough Zoo taking delivery of two Sumatran tigers with
the headline 'The claws are out!'
• Past character Piper Willis is mentioned
by Michael