Magic Moments
> 2019
> Lyn's Return
Episode 8178
by Stephen Vagg, Directed
by Guy Strachan, Produced
by Natalie Mandel and Natalie Lynch
Channel Eleven: 28/08/19, Channel 5: 28/08/19
Mark is forced by Aaron to attend the Back Lane Bar for his birthday... An unhappy Roxy throws a drink over Mark for not retrieving the stolen money quickly
enough... Mark and Roxy take things further back at his house... Paul is caught off guard when his ex-wife Gail returns to Erinsborough... Gary strikes up a
rapport with Gail as he recognises her from Tinder... Gail warns Terese to call off her engagement to Paul... Paul assures that regardless of what Gail says,
they will be married...
At no. 22, Paul and Terese are having breakfast on the patio, discussing how Harlow was out late last night with Gail. Although Terese thinks it's good that
they're spending time together, Paul can see that she's worried and assures her that Gail will have left by the time of their wedding. They continue to discuss
their wedding plans but are unaware of another surprise guest arriving at the house, in the form of Paul's more recent ex-wife, Lyn Scully. As Paul talks to
Terese about their wedding day in three weeks' time, Lyn suddenly interrupts the happy moment, leaving Paul stunned at her surprise arrival. He asks Lyn what
she is doing in Erinsborough, but she is more interested in letting Paul know that he is unable to marry Terese as they are still married. She goes on to take
a picture of Paul's shocked expression before asking them for a cup of coffee, gleefully revelling in the moment.


Meanwhile, at no. 26, Gary is seeking Sheila and Amy's advice on which shirt he should wear for his date, failing to disclose to Amy that the date is in fact
with her father's ex-wife Gail. Although looking slightly uncomfortable with the situation, Amy wishes Gary well, and is grateful for Sheila's interjection
regarding the fact that Gary is wearing an unironed shirt. He tries to defend his attire by informing Sheila that the shirt is meant to be creased, and then
goes off to find a tie. As he goes off to do so, Amy remarks to Sheila that she does find it slightly strange to see Gary going out for a date, but is aware
that he needs some good news after his string of bad luck. Sheila is still sceptical that Gary is going to persevere with his date by wearing a crinkly shirt,
but Amy reminds her that he probably feels reluctant to act on their advice. Realising what they need to do, Sheila suggests to Amy that they must seek
outside assistance.
It's the morning after the night before at no. 24, as Mark lies on the couch topless, whilst Roxy is frantically looking for her underwear. She mentions
how big the house is as Mark manages to find her underwear on one of the kitchen stools, remarking on how much ground they covered last night! They apologise
to one another for the various marks and love bites they left on each on each other and, with things becoming slightly awkward, Mark offers to make Roxy some
coffee. His offer is declined as Roxy mentions that she needs to visit Leo, but seeing Mark's concern agrees to keep their night together on the down low.
Mark thinks this would be a good idea, particularly as he is currently carrying out an investigation for her. They agree that their night together was fun
and try to end things with a friendly hug, however this soon turns into more intimacy as they kiss.

As they share this passionate embrace events rewind to the evening before as Roxy arrives at no. 24, seeking to apologise to Mark for the events at the bar.
He is still unhappy that she ruined his trousers and is not in much of a mood to talk to her, insisting that she goes home. A persistent Roxy admits to Mark
that she was out of line and immature and that as an offer of peace she will help him to clean his trousers whilst he gets a drink. Mark reluctantly agrees
to this offer although looks sceptical at her motivations behind this good deed.
Back in the present Mark and Roxy end their passionate kiss as Roxy eventually heads out the door, promising Mark that she will keep their night together a

Back at no. 26, Sheila has called Kyle over to give Gary some styling advice prior to his date with Gail, although Kyle isn't entirely convinced that he is
the right man for the job. Having found the right tie, Gary comes in and listens to the advice Kyle gives him, with Sheila and Amy discreetly assisting in
the background. Kyle tries to interpret Sheila and Amy's frantic gesturing and suggests that Gary should lose the tie as it might be a little too formal for
a date. He struggles to interpret the next two suggestions and indicates that Gary should have a wash and then go nude, before correcting this to ironing
his shirt and wearing his new pants. Gary is grateful for the advice and goes off to carry out his instructions, leaving a confused Kyle to inform Amy and
Sheila that there was nothing wrong with Gary's attire in the first place.
At no. 22, Lyn is awkwardly filling in Paul and Terese on what Steph is up to, mentioning that she is dating a nice woman but is in no rush to get married.
With prompting from Paul, she gets round to the real reason for her visit, explaining that she is in town to interview some staff for the Flametree Retreat
and needed Terese's advice as they are ex-Lassiters employees. Paul mentions that she could have just emailed such a request, but Lyn admits that she felt it
was a lot more fun to pay a visit. Eager to get rid of Lyn, Terese tells her to leave a list of names, and she will get back to her with the reference
information, but Lyn doesn't read the room and continues to make small talk, this time commenting on the upcoming wedding. She finally realises that she may
have outstayed her welcome and turns to leave, whilst intimating that they have not seen the last of her. Unsure of what Lyn is driving at, Paul and Terese
look worried at what could be coming next.

Over at no. 32, Roxy arrives to meet Leo; he is unimpressed by her claims that she has been partying all night whilst he has been pouring over various
scenarios as to how to save the business. He tells Roxy that they may just be able to get by, but they will have to make some cost savings and not be able
to pay themselves a salary for a while. Roxy is unhappy that he expects her to work for free, but Leo mentions that she isn't making things easy for them
by constantly butting heads with Mark. She assures Leo that she has already apologised to Mark for the events last night, and then has another flashback to
the previous evening.
Rewinding to no. 24 the previous evening, Roxy is busily cleaning Mark's trousers, suggesting to him that the reason for her lack of impulse control is due
to a scientific anomaly, and her ex-boyfriend Vance hasn't helped matters. Mark is unhappy with this explanation and asks Roxy if she has just come over to
feed him a sob story so that he will work harder on her case. Surprisingly Roxy agrees that this was partly the reason for her visit, revealing to Mark that
Vance always made her believe that he would have her back before putting the knife in it. This act of contrition allows Mark to slightly soften, and he
admits to Roxy that he understands how it feels to be let down. They offer to share the bottle of vodka Roxy brought round as Mark begins his story.

Back in the present, Leo feels relieved that Roxy has managed to make amends with Mark, thinking that this will make him more amenable in helping to find
the missing money. He decides to call Mark and ask him to come over for an update on the case, leaving Roxy looking concerned.
At the Lassiters Complex, an unhappy Paul is on the phone to Steph, asking her if she knows of any reason why her mother Lyn is in town apart from the
Flametree job interviews. Having received no useful information from Steph, he ends the call before bumping into Gail. He asks her what she is still doing
in Erinsborough and Gail replies that she hasn't finished spending quality time with Harlow. Paul is still angry that she rocked the boat with Terese, but
Gail admits that she had to speak the truth, and then surprises him by revealing that she is going on a date. To make matters worse for Paul she remarks that
if the date goes well, she may stay in town for a little longer, leaving Paul astonished that two of his ex-wives could be hanging around in the weeks
leading up to his wedding. He is suspicious that Gail could have played a hand in Lyn's return, but Gail is more interested in her date and glances across
the courtyard to see Gary waiting for her. She is unaware that Paul knows Gary and he decides to let this scene play out for his amusement, smiling as Gail
goes off to meet him.

Back at no. 32, Leo and Roxy continue to chat about the situation with the Back Lane Bar, with Leo adamant that they can't make any long-term plans until
the stolen money is recovered. Mark arrives to give them an update, and, slightly misunderstanding Leo's questions about Roxy visiting his house last night,
admits that she did come over to say sorry. As he jokes that her visit certainly did the trick, Leo senses that there is an odd vibe between Mark and Roxy,
but rather than probing further, asks Mark if he has any further news regarding the stolen money. Unfortunately, Mark admits that they have no idea where
Carly Abernethy is, although they do have some leads on where the money may have been transferred to. He indicates that it could take months to track down
the money through various offshore accounts, and even then, there is no guarantee they'll get it back if itŐs found to be dirty. He turns to leave and
thanks Roxy for the 'apology', leaving Leo curious as to what happened last night between her and Mark.
Events once again flashback to the previous night as Mark tells Roxy about his marriage woes with Elly, and Roxy agrees that they have both been hurt.
As they lament their broken hearts they share a kiss.

Back in the present day at no. 32, Roxy insists to Leo that there is nothing more between her and Mark, but Leo worries that Roxy's intervention last night
may have rubbed Mark up the wrong way, and suggests that she apologise to him again.
At the Waterhole, Gary is feeding an impressed Gail with one of his desserts. She is taken aback with his stylish shirt and Gary humbly tells her that it
was just something he chucked on, although he does agree that he wanted to make a good impression. Enjoying the company with Gary, Gail admits that she may
have to rethink her plans to leave Erinsbrough, although she informs him that some people might not like that very much. She doesn't want to go into too
much detail about her family drama though and intends to enjoy her date.

Meanwhile, at the hotel, Lyn is at the reception talking to Steph on the phone. She tries to assure Steph that she doesn't have a hidden agenda and is just
having some fun. As she gives her love to Steph and the boys she ends the call, and then bumps into Terese who has the staff references Lyn was looking for.
Lyn apologises for interrupting her and Paul earlier in the day, but Terese reveals that this seems to be a recurring theme, bringing up the subject of Gail
arriving days earlier. Realising that she has an opportunity to offer some sage advice, Lyn informs Terese that she is an intelligent woman, and she must be
aware of Paul's history. She tells her that she needs to find a way out of the relationship and not marry Paul, as it will save her from years of heartache
and pain. Despite these pleas Terese coldly informs Lyn that she doesn't need her advice, and walks away, looking rattled.
Having finished their date, Gary and Gail leave the Waterhole looking contented; Gail mentions that she had a lovely time and is looking forward to their
next date. They share a kiss and Gail leaves, just as Paul approaches Gary to share his sentiments. He questions Gary about his date and sarcastically asks
him if it is anyone he knows, but Gary confirms that she is from out of town. Unaware of Paul's connection to Gail, Gary informs him that there is nothing
he can do to spoil his blossoming relationship as he walks away. Paul merely smiles and chuckles to himself at this.

At Lassiters, Terese is on the phone to Harlow, who is having problems at the dry cleaners rectifying the issues with Terese's wedding dress. She becomes
worried that this could be a bad omen for her wedding day, just as Paul comes in to hear about Terese's run in with Lyn. Despite Paul's reassurances that
Lyn is nothing but trouble, Terese admits that having two ex-wives telling her not to marry Paul is more than a little disconcerting. Paul is sure that Lyn
and Gail won't be in Erinsborough for much longer, but Terese doesn't share his optimism, concerned that her wedding day could be ruined by the 'ghosts of
wives past' trying to spoil things.
Roxy returns to see Mark at no. 24, informing him that Leo is suspicious regarding the strange vibe between them. Despite Mark's worries, Roxy assures him
that Leo doesn't suspect what really happened between them last night, and suggests that he is having problems controlling himself around her. They stare at
each other for a while before engaging in another passionate embrace.

At no. 26, Sheila is on the sofa, debating as to whether she should delete Clive's name on her phone's contacts list. She eventually decides not to, just as
Gary comes in to let her know how successful his date with Gail was. He correctly guesses that it was Sheila who was the one feeding Kyle style advice, and
Sheila admits that she felt hesitant about butting in. Gary assures her that he was glad for her interference on this occasion, revealing that he was a hit
with Gail, but counters this by suggesting that Sheila doesn't push her advice too far. They share a laugh at this as Gary goes off to make a drink, although
once he's gone Sheila looks slightly worried.

Back at Lassiters, Lyn is outside the hotel about to make a phone call, but quickly puts the phone down when she spots Paul heading towards her. Paul asks
Lyn why she continues to haunt him, but Lyn shrugs this off by telling him that he barely enters her thoughts these days. He doesn't seem fooled by this and
brings up Lyn's attempts to dissuade Terese from marrying him, intimating that she cares more about him than she's letting on. Lyn changes tack and suggests
to Paul that he should call the wedding off for Terese's sake, indicating that all his failed marriages in the past are due to something being broken inside
him, and it's not fair to inflict this on Terese. She becomes deadly serious as she pleads with Paul to be able to love Terese enough to let her go.
Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Amy Williams,
Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Kyle Canning, Mark Brennan, Roxy Willis, Leo Tanaka
Guest Cast: Janet Andrewartha as Lyn Scully
Trivia Notes
• Janet Andrewartha returns for her final guest stint as Lyn
• Past character Steph Scully is mentioned
by Michael