Magic Moments
> 2021
> Amy's Return
Episode 8619
by Megan Palinkas, Directed
by Tenika Smith, Produced
by Kate Kendall and Andrew Thompson
10 Peach: 12/05/21, Channel 5: 09/06/21
Roxy decides to organise a beach volleyball event at the Flamingo Bar... Nicolette encourages Aaron and Chloe to take the competition seriously... Levi gets
annoyed at Kyle taunting him and throws a ball, injuring Kyle's nose... The two Sheilas discuss Sheila 2's 'moment' with Ned... Sheila 2 finds Ned's drawings
of her... Ned says he can't work with Sheila 2 at the gallery, as Yashvi appears and asks what has happened...
Yashvi continues to question Sheila 2 on why Ned wants to quit the gallery. Yashvi is doubtful of the reasons Sheila 2 is giving, which results in Sheila 2
encouraging Yashvi to ask Ned.

Roxy, Terese, Sheila 1 and Kyle are in the garden at number 26. Roxy is sharing her plans for the volleyball event with Terese who leaves abruptly after
seeing Kyle's injured nose - it is kept hidden behind a magazine. Roxy explains to Sheila 1 and Kyle how desperate she is to get the manager job, Sheila is
confident she'll succeed. Kyle wants to pull out of competing in the event due to his injury. Although deflated, Roxy agrees but tells Kyle he still needs to
be there for moral support.
At number 32, Nicolette tells an exhausted looking Aaron and Chloe about the change to the schedule for the volleyball event. David enters the room and is
told he is interrupting a private pre-tournament strategy meeting, he laughs and leaves. Still in a competitive mood, Nicolette rushes Aaron and Chloe into
having an early night so they are well-prepared for the following day.

Ned is sitting on the sofa at number 22 as Yashvi arrives. She wants to know why he has decided to quit the gallery, he is surprised she knows about it.
Yashvi explains she was at the Hive and overheard the end of Ned and Sheila 2's conversation before he left. Ned realises that Sheila 2 has not shared the
real reason and decides to say he doesn't want to work a nine to five job as it takes him away from producing art. Yashvi is unconvinced by Ned's reasons as
it is a great opportunity he has been offered.
The next day in the Waterhole, both Sheilas are discussing Ned. Sheila 1 reminds Sheila 2 that nothing has actually happened between them. Despite this,
Sheila 2 hopes Ned has told Yashvi the truth about his feelings towards her.

At the Flamingo Bar, Terese kicks off the beach volleyball tournament, praising Roxy for organising the event. Roxy then takes the mic to explain the rules,
and introduces the first two teams: Levi and Bea, and Chloe and Aaron. Jesse takes his place as referee. Nicolette becomes very enthusiastic from the
sidelines as the game continues, at which point Roxy asks her to calm down.
Later, inside the Flamingo Bar, David is trying Roxy's new cocktail creation. Terese arrives and shares how she is impressed with the work Roxy has done.
Roxy hopes this means she has been successful in earning the manager role, but Terese doesn't commit to an answer and encourages Roxy to enjoy the day.

Back at the tournament, Nicolette is still discussing strategy with Chloe and Aaron who are less than impressed at her tactics. As the game resumes, Aaron
feels a pain in his back. He winks at David and Chloe who realise he is faking the pain so they can drop out of the game. Nicolette is quick to say she'll
fill in his role and reminds Chloe that she is "pregnant, not impaired" when Chloe expresses concern.
In Harold's, Ned and Yashvi run into Sheila 2. Yashvi relays Ned's reasons for quitting the gallery and hopes they can continue to work together. Sheila 2
asks Ned what he wants to do as Roxy arrives, surprised at Sheila 2 and Ned not being ready for the tournament.

Back in the Flamingo Bar, Levi and Bea are out of the competition and explain to Sheila 1 that Nicolette 'plays like an animal' - causing them to lose 25 to
5. Still with his face covered, now with a bandana, Kyle arrives. As he tells of a child screaming after seeing his face, Kyle removes the banana exposing
his injured face. Levi, Bea and Sheila 1 all gasp at Kyle's very blistered face which has been made worse by the use of pure lavender oil. Bea explains that
the oils needed to be diluted. Kyle quickly covers his face again, and Sheila 1 suggests covering it with makeup instead.
Now dressed for the tournament, Ned and Sheila 2 discuss their situation in Harold's. Although Sheila 2 does not know exactly what Yashvi was told, she knows
it was not the truth. Ned doesn't know how to explain it when he isn't sure himself. When questioned on what he wants, Ned once again states that he is
quitting the gallery. Sheila 2 leaves for the tournament.

David and Aaron are enjoying some drinks - a mocktail for David as he is still due to play. Yashvi tells Aaron she heard about his previous injury, he's
fine and prefers being a spectator. As Yashvi and David begin to set up, both Sheilas discuss the update on the situation with Ned. Roxy introduces round
two of the tournament - David and Yashvi against Ned and Sheila 2. As the game ends, Roxy announces Ned and Sheila 2 as the winners.
Kyle is inspecting his blisters after applying some makeup - although still visible they are not as red. Roxy rushes in with a top for Kyle and explains
she needs him to play as Ned and Sheila 2 have left. He agrees to play.

In the Waterhole, Sheila 1 tracks down Sheila 2 after she left the tournament. Sheila 2 regrets joining the tournament, especially as she has a lot of work
to do for her other businesses after spending so much time working on the gallery. She continues to be critical of herself and how she did not see the risks
of working with Ned. As soon as she can find a replacement for Ned, Sheila 2 plans on leaving Erinsborough.
Back at the tournament, the final round is about to begin. Jesse has doubts over being the referee as Nicolette scares him. Terese introduces the final
competitors - Nicolette and Chloe, and Kyle and Roxy. As the game continues, Chloe begins to get distracted by Kyle's face - his makeup is sweating off.
Roxy realises Kyle's face is working to their advantage, as Chloe and Nicolette are falling behind. She asks him to take off the remainder of the makeup.
Kyle ends up winning the final point - Terese declares Kyle and Roxy as the winners of the tournament.

At Harold's, Yashvi and Ned get some drinks and continue to discuss Sheila 2 and the gallery. Yashvi tries to get Ned to see the potential benefits the
gallery could have for his future, but Ned stands by his decision.

Nicolette looks stunned after her loss, and even after a joke from Chloe, she still thinks her strategy should have been tougher. At another part of the
Flamingo Bar, Terese, Aaron, Kyle and Roxy discuss their victory. Terese continues to praise Roxy and, as she does so, Amy Greenwood is seen walking over.
Roxy asks when the announcement will be made regarding her new role as manager. Terese looks awkward once again at the mention of the manager role, as Amy
joins the group. She also praises the event and, after some initial shock after seeing Kyle's face, tells Roxy she would love to get her advice at the
Flamingo Bar. Amy announces that she has been hired as the new bar manager. Roxy looks disappointedly towards a guilty Terese.
Featured Regular Characters: Yashvi Rebecchi,
Roxy Willis, Terese Willis, Kyle Canning, Nicolette Stone, Sheila Canning, Levi Canning, Bea Nilsson,
Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka
Guest Cast: Jacinta Stapleton as Amy Greenwood,
Shareena Clanton as Sheila Canning,
Cameron Robbie as Jesse Porter
Trivia Notes
• Following a guest stint in late 2020 and early 2021, Amy Greenwood
returns as a regular character, staying until the 2022 series finale. She would also go on to appear as a guest during two flashback episodes in 2023
by Danielle