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Magic Moments > 2021 > Bea's Departure Episode 8627

Written by Jo Kasch, Directed by Chris Adshead, Produced by Andrew Thompson

10 Peach: 24/05/21, Channel 5: 21/06/21

Bea breaks up with Levi, then tells Karl and Susan that she is leaving to spend time with her dad in Broome... Sheila 2 asks Bea if she can join her on the trip... Sheila 1 assures Levi it is not his fault Bea broke up with him... While recording a podcast episode, Sheila 1 questions Bea on her reasons to end the relationship... As the recording equipment keeps running, it records Ned and Sheila 2 discussing Bea and Levi, as well as their own feelings towards each other... Sheila 1 confronts Bea again which results in the recording playing - revealing Ned and Sheila 2's conversation to Yashvi, Karl, and Susan...

At number 28, Yashvi questions what they have all just heard. Sheila 1 is very quick to blame Sheila 2 for the breakdown of Bea and Levi's relationship. As Karl and Susan try to calm the situation down, Yashvi is still in shock at what she's heard. Sheila 1 leaves to track down Sheila 2, as Yashvi asks to hear the recording again. The recording plays: Sheila 2 - 'We crossed a line Ned. And you owe it to Yashvi and yourself to admit it'. Ned - 'We said we weren't going to do this, so let's not'.


At the Waterhole, Sheila 1 confronts Sheila 2 over her actions. Sheila 2 defends herself, unaware of the recording. When Sheila 1 explains she has heard what was said, Sheila 2 explains that the only encouragement she gave Bea was to follow her heart. Their difficult conversation ends with Sheila 1 announcing that Yashvi also heard the recording and knows about Ned.

Yashvi arrives at number 22 and asks Ned if he's been cheating on her. Ned tries to reassure Yashvi that nothing happened, but then admits he shared a moment with Sheila 2. Despite the moment, Ned loves Yashvi and realised it was wrong. Yashvi then realises the reason Ned quit working at the gallery was because of Sheila 2, and blames herself for pushing them together. Unconvinced that nothing more happened, Yashvi leaves.


Sheila 1 returns home and apologises to Levi for bringing Sheila 2 into their lives. Kyle isn't convinced Bea would make the decision solely based off someone else telling her to. Sheila 1 is adamant Sheila 2 is to blame, despite Kyle being unconvinced. Levi begins to consider what his gran is saying.

The next morning at number 28, Susan, Karl, and Bea are still discussing the recording and possibility of Ned and Sheila 2 having an affair. Whether it is true or not, Bea feels she cannot travel with Sheila 2 anymore. Toadie arrives with a leaving present for Bea - toilet paper, insect repellent, and a paper map. Bea thanks him but says she is considering booking a flight instead so she doesn't upset Yashvi by travelling with Sheila 2.


Yashvi and Levi are outside Harold's, discussing their respective relationships. Nicolette is listening in as she clears nearby tables. Levi feels optimistic that Sheila 2 could be the reason Bea broke up with him, rather than his keenness to go on the road trip together. Nicolette is unsure but hopes Levi is right to feel positive about reconnecting with Bea.

In the Waterhole, Sheila 2 is unsuccessfully convincing Bea to change her mind on a phone call. As she ends the call, Yashvi confronts her for crossing a line with Ned. Sheila 2 understands how the recording could be interpreted but assures Yashvi nothing physical happened. Yashvi wants to hear Sheila 2's side of what happened - despite trying to remain professional, she found her feelings too difficult to ignore. Sheila 2 apologises but tells Yashvi she knows Ned loves her very much.


Jane and David pop by number 28 to say their goodbyes to Bea, and are shocked to hear she is postponing the trip. Levi arrives to speak to Bea, so Jane and David leave. Hoping to reunite with Bea, he explains that he understands he was too quick to push their relationship but hopes they can still look to the future. Bea shares her doubts regarding their relationship and confirms to Levi that they are over.

In number 22, Yashvi and Ned are discussing their relationship - Yashvi needs time to consider her feelings. Looking for reassurance, she tells Ned she wants to feel like she is his person and hopes he can prove it to her.


At number 30, Toadie shares his admiration for how Yashvi has handled her current situation. When Bea arrives, Toadie leaves through the back door of number 30. Yashvi appreciates Bea's consideration for cancelling her trip but encourages her to go with Sheila 2. She believes Ned did not cheat on her. The two friends say their goodbyes to each other - promising to speak every day.

As Bea finishes packing at number 28, Karl surprises her with a new guitar for her travels. Susan lets Bea know that Hendrix is on his way home and he plans to make her some treats to have on the journey. David visits again to say goodbye to Bea, with Chloe giving Bea a gift from Elly - a childhood photo. Bea shares that she will miss everyone, to which Karl replies 'Not as much as we'll miss you'. Susan reminds Bea that number 28 will always be her home and they will always be there for her.



Next door at number 26, Sheila 1 is telling Kyle that Sheila 2 keeps trying to contact her. Sheila 2 arrives at the door hoping to speak to Sheila 1. Kyle covers for Sheila 1 and says she is not home. Sheila 2 asks him to pass on her gratitude for the friendship and help Sheila 1 has given her, and that she loves her very much. Once she leaves, Kyle questions his gran for behaving the way she is, especially as Levi doesn't need her to. Kyle reinforces to Sheila 1 that the breakup was Bea's decision.

On the street, Bea is finishing packing up the car as Sheila 2 makes her way over after her failed attempt to speak to Sheila 1. Yashvi appears to say another farewell to Bea. Ned is standing outside number 22, to avoid awkwardness Bea goes to him. She assures him things will improve and they say their goodbyes. Back at the car, Sheila 1 has decided to speak to Sheila 2, and shares her gratitude for their friendship. Sheila 2 knows Sheila 1 is looking out for her family. Speaking in the Nyungar language, they share their feelings, saying 'You're my family, sis' to each other.


Jane, Chloe and Nicolette enter the Waterhole. Nicolette notices Levi drinking and tries to convince him that whisky and heartache are not a good combination, especially with his added epilepsy. She invites him to join them for lunch but he rejects her offer.

Bea says her final goodbyes to Karl and Susan before she leaves. Despite asking for no emotional speeches, Karl still decides to tell Bea that it has been a privilege having her stay with them, and he admires her strength, passion and music. Susan hugs Bea and agrees with Karl's sentiments. Bea then thanks them both for being the 'best surrogate parents' and credits them for helping her be brave enough for her road trip ahead. Getting into the car, both Bea and Sheila 2 put on sunglasses and leave for their trip ahead, as Karl, Susan, and Ned watch on.



Levi is still struggling with the breakup as he sits in the garden of number 26. Kyle lets him know Bea has left and gives him a letter he found at the door. Bea's voice reads the letter: 'Dear Levi, I wish I could have been the girlfriend that you deserved, especially as you gave me so much. You helped me heal after Finn, and I'll never be able to thank you enough. I'm sorry we didn't get to have the adventure you wanted, but you are an incredible person and it's only a matter of time before the right woman comes in your life, I'm wishing you only good things. Bea'. The letter angers Levi, who destroys the nearby billy cart he'd built for Bea.

Featured Regular Characters: Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Sheila Canning, Bea Nilsson, Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis, Kyle Canning, Levi Canning, Jane Harris, Chloe Brennan, Nicolette Stone, David Tanaka, Toadie Rebecchi

Guest Cast: Shareena Clanton as Sheila Canning

Trivia Notes
• Final regular appearance of Bonnie Anderson as Bea Nilsson. The character would return for the 2022 finale and 2023's 'flashback week'
• Final appearance of Shareena Clanton as Sheila Canning
• Past characters Finn Kelly and Elly Conway are mentioned

Summary by Danielle

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