Magic Moments
> 2023
> Reece's Departure
Episode 8943
by Margaret Wilson, Directed
by Scott Major, Produced
by Andrew Thompson
10: 23/11/23, Amazon Freevee: 23/11/23
Andrew confirms that he and JJ aren't a DNA match... Cara apologises to Remi for lying to her... Remi tells Cara that she's to stay with her parents for a
few days... Sadie encourages Mackenzie to tell Haz about her feelings for him... Haz and Holly kiss... Paul worries that the Sinclair family are still gunning
for him... Tess tells Reece that Conrad's health is suffering... Krista refuses to see Reece... Holly tells Krista how devastated Reece was when she thought
she was dead... Reece tells Krista how worried she's been...
Reece and Byron are headed to the hotel to freshen up, and are then planning to return to the hospital, so Reece can formally introduce him to Krista. They're
met by Paul, who asks after Krista, then says that he's pleased to hear that Eden Shaw is finally in police custody, where he belongs. Reece thinks that Paul
should be joining Eden in jail, but Paul reminds her that she kept secrets too, hiding her search for Krista from everyone, and that the moral high ground can
be a very slippery slope. She doesn't think it compares to what Paul did, reminding him that she never broke the law. As Paul is silenced and walks away,
Reece takes a call from Tess. She then explains to Byron that her father's had a massive stroke and she needs to go back to the US.

At no. 32, Mackenzie arrives back to a seemingly empty house and is helping herself to leftover pizza, when Holly suddenly appears, wearing Haz's t-shirt.
She explains about Krista's text and Haz being nice to her about it, and then they just ended up in bed together. As Haz then appears in his dressing gown,
Mackenzie just stands in shock, not knowing what to say or do.
At the Waterhole, Dex is helping Cara with some shelving, as JJ finishes up a call with Remi. Cara is saddened when Remi ends the call before JJ can pass
the phone to her, and Dex asks if things are going to be ok between his mums. Cara insists that they are, and that Remi hasn't taken off, she's just gone to
stay with her parents in Werribee. JJ blames himself, but Cara tells him not to, and tells them that they need to get on with some work, but Dex decides to
leave them to it.

Back at no. 32, Mackenzie is working on the sofa, wearing ear buds to listen to music, when Holly comes in, asking if she had to wear them to drown out the
noise from her and Haz. Mackenzie says that she was just trying to work, and feigns happiness as Holly goes on about how she was always worried that she'd
inherited her mum's taste is terrible men, but they don't come much nicer than Haz. Mack agrees, and asks if this is going to be more than a one-time thing -
Holly admits that she hopes it will be, and asks Mack if she wants to come and have drinks with her and Sadie. Mackenzie makes a terrible excuse about having
eaten too much pizza, so Holly hugs her and leaves.
At the hospital, Reece has explained the situation with their father to Krista, saying that he's getting the best possible care and that she's headed back to
the US later that day. Krista wants to go with her, but Reece reminds her that she's going through drug withdrawals and she needs time to get better. Reece
asks Byron if he can help out, and he agrees, as Krista says that she can't even remember the last time she told her father that she loved him. Reece then
makes her sister promise that she'll focus on getting better, both mentally and physically.

At no. 24, Aaron is finishing up a phone call with Chloe, as David arrives back with some groceries. Aaron explains that Nicolette and Jane have taken
Abigail and Isla to the park, adding that Jane is really going to miss having Isla around. David realises that this is another attempt to convince him to
stay, but he reminds David that they sold their house and started a business elsewhere - there's nothing left for them on Ramsay Street. Aaron says that
they could just stay with Jane for the time being, and that it would be nice to be close to Leo and Abi again, but David angrily says that he isn't going
to keep going around and around on this subject.
Back at the hospital, Reece and Byron are leaving, and she apologises if she put him on the spot when she asked him to keep an eye on Krista. He says that
it's fine, but he'd half-hoped that he might go to the US with her. Reece says that she'd love that, but the reality is that it's going to be crazy from the
moment she gets home and it would give her a lot of comfort to know that Byron is with Krista. Their conversation is interrupted by a call from the company's
Berlin office, who've just woken up to the news about Conrad's stroke.

At Harolds, Sadie and Holly are catching up - Sadie suggests that they should go to no. 32 for a celebration about Krista being found, but Holly admits
that she and Haz have already had their own celebration. When she clarifies that she and Haz slept together, Sadie struggles to know how to react, and Holly
says that Mack didn't seem that thrilled either. Noticing the awkwardness, Holly wonders if it's because the Eden stuff has put Mack off men, suggesting that
they try to find her someone really great, the perfect guy for her. Sadie says that's going to be difficult, because Mack's perfect guy was the one Holly just
hooked up with.
Holly rushes into no. 32, immediately apologising to Mackenzie, saying that she'd never have hooked up with Haz if she knew that she liked him too. Mackenzie
quickly says that she has no idea what Holly is talking about, but Holly replies that Sadie told her. Mack explains that Sadie is a total romantic and is
blowing things out of all proportion. She adds that she once thought there might be something with Haz, but after she lost Hendrix's rings, she realised that
she wasn't ready to date anyone else yet. Holly offers to back off until Mack is ready, but Mack says that she can't ask her to do that. Holly says that she
lives her life trying not to be like her mother, so she can't move in on someone else's man, but Mack wonders if Holly would be having second thoughts for
any other reason. Holly admits that she wouldn't, so Mackenzie tells her to go for it, saying that she wants her friends to be happy.

At the Lassiters office, Chloe is telling Paul about the rumours of Conrad's stroke. Paul wonders why Reece didn't mention it earlier, but Chloe says that
she might only just be hearing about it now. She wonders what this will mean for Paul and the hotel, to which he replies that 'if the old boy does cark it,
hopefully it'll send her packing for good!' Only a little taken aback by his insensitivity, Chloe isn't sure how to react as Paul says that, even with Reece's
attachment to Byron and her sister, this could be good news for Lassiters.
In the hotel foyer, Reece rushes in on the phone, telling people not to make any decisions yet. She tells Byron that the whole world is going mad and she has
the power of attorney, so Tess can't do much without her. Chloe then appears and introduces herself to Reece, asking if the rumours are true. She offers her
apologies as Reece says that it's true and that she's about to go and pack. Byron says that he's going to give her a lift to the airport, so Chloe hands over
her business card and tells Reece to contact her if she needs anything. Reece then sends Byron off to get her some melatonin for the flight and shares an
awkward look with Chloe before going over to the lift.

At the Waterhole, JJ is helping Cara to put the shelving unit together, and she suggests that next school holidays he could go and spend some time with his
grandfather and cousin, Trav. Realising that she's trying to help him to find some male role models after what he said about finding his father, he says that
this isn't about missing out on doing 'blokey things' but he just wants to find out more about the other half of his DNA and where he comes from. As Cara says
that she and Remi understand that, she puts her hand back on the table and cuts her hand on the knife she'd been using to open the boxes. As JJ goes to find
a first aid kit, David, who was nearby with Aaron, runs over to help.
Back in the hotel foyer, Reece emerges from the lift, bags packed and ready to go. She starts having a flashback to kissing Byron in the lift, but is
interrupted by Chloe, who is impressed by how quickly she packed. Reece says that she's had a lot of practice, and asks Chloe to arrange a car to the
airport in an hour. Chloe takes her bags to put them behind reception and Reece glances over at the painting of Paul, before leaving.

Back at the Waterhole, David is finishing bandaging up Cara's hand, saying that it's only superficial so shouldn't need stitches. She says that it was
lucky a doctor was around and asks if he's a GP, but he says that he doesn't work in general practice and quickly makes his excuses and returns to Aaron.
As they look at the menu, Cara comes over and says that her wife, Remi, is also a doctor and has just started at the hospital, so he might see her around.
David says that they're just visiting, so Cara tells them to enjoy their stay. Once she's gone, Aaron asks why she thought he was still practising and he
replies - with an irritated tone in his voice - that she assumed he was a doctor and he didn't want to tell a complete stranger that he was deregistered for
medical manslaughter.
At Harolds, Byron is telling Haz about Reece's planned departure for the US, and his hopes that, once Krista is in rehab, he can go out and join her. He isn't
sure how long he'll be away, but says that once Conrad is better, they can all get on with their lives. He apologises for missing out on drinks earlier with
Holly and Mackenzie, at which point Haz admits that he hooked up with Holly earlier, though he's not sure what's going to happen next. He says that they're
good friends and she likes Trevor, so he's just going to see where it goes.

At the Waterhole, Dex is helping out Cara by taking her tools out to the ute, as JJ jokes that she's going to milk this injury for all its worth. She then
shows him the profile of donor 85792, who they now believe to be his father, and says that it's been a while since they looked at it. As he reads over all
the things that they do, and don't, have in common, Cara points out the most important part - the donor is said to be one their friendliest and most
considerate, smart and inquisitive but also kind-hearted and generous. She says that she and Remi picked him because he sounded like a decent human being
and he's passed those traits on to JJ. She adds that JJ can always talk to them about any of this whenever he wants to. JJ then asks if Remi is going to be
home soon, and Cara says that she's sure she will be.
In the Lassiters complex, Reece is remembering when she lied to Byron about her real identity, when he took her on a date to eat meat pies by the beach and
when he made a drunken declaration of his love for her in front of everyone. She also remembers Tess telling her that, once Krista was found, Reece's
relationship with Byron would have to end. She snaps back to life as Paul approaches her, saying that he heard she was leaving and that he hopes Conrad pulls
through. She's surprised by this, and he explains that he lost his father too soon and he wouldn't wish that on anyone. Reece pointedly replies that his
sympathy means nothing after what he did to Krista. Paul says that he hopes Krista will be ok too, but Reece says that her hope is that Paul ends up in jail.
Before he can reply, they're interrupted by Byron who hands Reece a coffee and she walks away, before taking a last look around the complex.

At no. 32, Sadie suggests to Holly and Mackenzie that they should all go to the movies that night, but Holly wants to wait and see what Haz is up to. She
notices that looks on Mack and Sadie's faces and says that maybe the movies would be good, as friends should come first. Mackenzie insists that she's happy
about Holly and Haz, just as he walks in, smiling when he sees Holly. As he goes to put his apron in the laundry, Mackenzie suggests that Holly should go
and speak to him. He's happy to see her, and she says that she was just hanging out with her friends, not stalking him or anything. He hopes that things
won't be weird between them now, and they both agree that they had fun and they want to see where it goes. As they kiss, Sadie suggests that she and Mackenzie
should leave, but Mack insists that she can handle it.


At the hotel, Reece and Byron get out of the lift, and Chloe brings Reece's bags over, adding that her car to the airport has arrived. Byron says that
they don't need a car, but Reece explains that she requested it as she hates airport goodbyes. She sends Byron out to the car with the bags, then thanks
Chloe for her help. She tells Chloe that she's heard excellent things about her, and was wondering if she could rely on her for updates and to perform
tasks from time to time. Chloe agrees to this, but says that she thought that Reece would be back soon. Reece admits that she isn't sure when she'll be
back. She then goes and joins Byron by the car, telling him that she doesn't trust herself not to burst into tears at the boarding gate. Byron says that
this has all happened too quickly and they both say that they love each other. She tells Byron that she's going what she has to do and he kisses her,
before she gets into the car and goes, with Chloe and a smug Paul watching from the foyer. Byron then stands and watches as the car drives away.
Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Byron Stone, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Holly Hoyland, Haz Devkar, JJ Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Krista Sinclair,
Sadie Rodwell, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka
Guest Cast:
April Rose Pengilly as Chloe Brennan,
Mischa Barton as Reece Sinclair
Trivia Notes
• Mischa Barton ends a two-month stint as Reece Sinclair
• Past characters Lucy Robinson and Hendrix Greyson are mentioned
by Steve