Magic Moments
> 2024
> The 2024 Season Premiere
Episode 8964
by Megan Herbert, Directed
by Tony Gardiner, Produced
by Andrew Thompson
10: 01/01/24, Amazon Freevee: 01/01/24
Chloe and Elly get married... Nicolette finds a key in a shoe outside no. 24's front door... Melanie learns that she and Krista will be interviewed
about potentially being extradited to the UK... Leo tells Krista that she's strong enough to face this... David tells Leo that addicts shouldn't start
a relationship until they've been in recovery for at least a year... Melanie's lawyer tells her to start collecting character references... Melanie tells
Nell that she doesn't want to ask Toadie for a reference... Nell asks her dad for a reference for Mel... Toadie starts writing his reference...
At no. 28, Melanie is ironing her outfit for the interview, when Nell comes by, saying that she's going to go with her, for moral support. Melanie says
that's very sweet, but it wouldn't be appropriate. She asks Nell if her dad knows that she's there, and Nell insists that he wouldn't mind, and that he
told her about the character references. Mel, already quite stressed, becomes more agitated, telling Nell that she asked her not to say anything to Toadie
about the references. Nell says that her dad didn't seem to be into the idea anyway, and Mel says that she already had enough on her plate without having
to deal with this too. Nell tells her not to worry about it, but Mel becomes angry with her, shouting that she shouldn't have got involved. Nell, clearly
very upset, rushes out of the house, as Mel calls after her.

At no. 22, Toadie is worried about the character reference he sent the night before, admitting to Terese that he was just fired up about protecting Nell.
He says that all of the anger and betrayal just came pouring out when he heard that Melanie had been asking Nell about the reference. Terese asks how he's
feeling now, and he admits that he probably should have called Mel, instead of sending off a revenge reference. A shaken Nell then comes running in. Toadie
asks her where she's been, but she just runs upstairs.
At Lassiters, in Krista's room, she and David are going through the character references she's been given. David is surprised that she only has two, from
Leo and from her counsellor in rehab, but Krista shows him a folder full of more references sent by Reece. She says that they were all bought - either with
money or influence - and none of these people actually know her, so she throws them in the bin. She says that, if she wants a fresh start, she has to earn
it. David says that this is a gutsy move, but it shows her integrity. Krista replies that this is the bare minimum she can do, after what happened to
Melanie. David checks that she isn't just doing this to punish herself, but Krista says that it's hard, as she's got the chance to have a future and build
a family, but Melanie had all that taken away from her. David is sure that Melanie is willing to put the past behind her.

At no. 24, Nicolette is staring at the mysterious key, as Jane comes in. Nicolette asks her how long her shoes were outside before the key was found in
them, and Jane thinks it was a couple of days. Nicolette says that she now has a timeline for when it was dropped, and Jane wonders why her daughter is so
worried about this. Nicolette insists that she isn't worried, then spots something that's been slipped under the front door, relieved when she opens it
and finds that it's just a late Christmas card from the Varga-Murphy family.
As Melanie and her lawyer, Lorraine Schmitt, arrive at the Police Headquarters for her interview, Lorraine says that they've done well getting so many
references. Mel asks if there was anything from Toadie, and Lorraine tries to brush it off, saying that they already have enough, but Mel realises that
he sent something negative, and she asks to see it. Lorraine is reluctant, but eventually hands it over and Mel sits down to read it: "I've known Melanie
Pearson for a number of years. During that time, Melanie has demonstrated a lack of honesty and transparency, both personally and professionally. It's a
disturbing pattern of behaviour that just keeps continuing." Melanie bursts into tears as she reads this.

At no. 22, Nell is sitting outside with Toadie and Terese, explaining that Melanie was very upset with her for asking for the reference. Toadie suddenly
realises that Melanie didn't approach Nell about it, and Nell says that she was trying to tell him that before. Toadie quickly phones Melanie, but realises
that she's got her phone switched off until after the interview. Nell wants to know what her dad wrote about Melanie, but Terese suggests that she and Nell
should go out for a while. Once Nell has gone inside, Terese tells Toadie to write another reference and take it to Melanie himself.
At no. 30, Nicolette is asking Cara and Remi if they recognise the key, and whether they might have dropped it when they came to drop off the Christmas
card. They don't recognise it, and Cara suggests that Byron might have lost it when he came to visit. Nicolette says that she'll just have to ask everyone,
and she leaves. Remi then tells Cara that they need to start taking down the Christmas decorations, but Cara points out that this is the first time they've
been alone in ages. They start to kiss, but Remi insists that nothing will be happening on the awful reclining chair, so they head off to the bedroom.

Back at the interview, Melanie is still lost in her thoughts, as David and Krista arrive, with her lawyers. Krista gets a good luck text from Leo, much to
David's displeasure. They sit down, and Krista is worried that Melanie won't even make eye contact with her. Lorraine, meanwhile, is trying to tell Melanie
that the interview, Matthew, isn't a very patient man, so to keep her answers clear and concise. Matthew then appears to call Melanie in, but she suddenly
decides that she'll be going in alone, as she doesn't want Lorraine putting a positive spin on what she's done. When Lorraine insists that it's her job to
defend Melanie, she gets fired and Melanie goes in on her own, as a worried David and Krista watch.
At Harolds, Terese apologises to Nell for not giving her the chance to explain fully what had happened. Nell wonders why her dad would write something so
negative about Melanie, and Terese explains that he was very badly hurt when she left. Nell asks if this is his way of getting his own back, but Terese says
that this was all about protecting Nell, and that Toadie is a human being with big feelings and, like everyone else, he makes mistakes. Nell says that Melanie
has never gotten angry with her like that, and that she must have been very stressed about the interview - which is why she wanted her dad to write that
reference. She says that, if they send Melanie back to the UK, she'll probably go to prison - Terese tries to put a positive spin on things, but admits that,
if she is extradited, it's not going to be good for Melanie.

At the interview, Melanie is giving her name and address, and Matthew the interviewer gets irritated when she isn't sure whether to give her current address,
telling her that he wants to know where she was living at the time of the offence. As she continues to make mistakes, he asks if she is sure that she wants to
continue without legal counsel. She insists that she's fine, but then also mixes up the dates of when she worked for the Sinclairs. Matthew asks why, if she
was employed as housekeeper, did she take it upon herself to look after Krista. Mel explains that she was a vulnerable teenager, and needed a mother figure
to keep an eye on her.
Lorraine, Krista and David are still waiting in reception, as Toadie bursts in. He sees Lorraine and hands over the new reference, relieved that Melanie's
interview hasn't started yet. Lorraine explains to a stunned Toadie that she's been fired and Mel went in alone.

On Ramsay Street, Terese and Nell arrive back in the car, talking about what they're going to watch - Terese says that they've up to disc 3 of WrestleMania,
but Nell says that she's found a 'really old' (from 1985) documentary about Rowdy Roddy Piper. Nicolette then approaches them and asks Terese about the key,
but she doesn't recognise it. Terese asks if Nicolette if she's heard anything from David about the interviews - she says that he sent a text earlier, and
that Melanie fired her lawyer and went into the interview by herself. Terese looks worried.
Melanie's interview continues, and she is saying that, when she found out that Krista was still alive, her first thought was that she was relieved, and she
wasn't thinking about the charges against her. Lorraine and Toadie then burst in, with Matthew reminding them that there's an interview going on. Lorraine
asks to speak to her client, and Toadie says that some new evidence has come to light, which may change Melanie's mind about representing herself. He adds
that he wouldn't want there to be any grounds for appeal, so Matthew and the other interviewers leave the room. Toadie then sits with Mel and apologises for
the first reference he sent, saying that he was trying to protect Nell and he thought Melanie was being underhanded. He hands her the new reference, and
she says that he must really hate her to think that she would do that to Nell. Toadie insists that he doesn't hate her, and that the fact that he's done
all this to try and fix his mistake must prove that. She reads the new reference, becoming tearful, and asks if he really means what he's written. He says
that she's a good person who made a mistake - several mistakes, she correct him - and Mel apologises to Lorraine and asks if she's still willing to represent
her, as she's ready to fight now.

At Harolds, Nicolette has been asking Andrew about the key; he doesn't recognise it and wishes her luck with her hunt as she leaves. He then goes over to
chat to Remi and Cara to ask if they had a good Christmas. They confirm that they did, with Cara smiling as she says that the homecoming was even better.
Remi quickly asks Andrew if he and Wendy had a good Christmas - he says that the break was exactly what they needed. Cara says that it sounds like they'll
all ready to hit the ground running in the new year.
Krista is now being interviewed, and she explains that Melanie tracked her down when she was buying some drugs, and asked the dealers to stay away. Matthew
wonders why a housekeeper would do that, and Krista explains that she was sixteen and out of control, and Melanie was the only one who knew or cared. She's
asked why Melanie didn't just go to the police, and Krista explains that it would have been all over the newspapers. Matthew then confirms that Melanie was
arrested after being seen on CCTV with the drugs, and she then called Krista. Krista explains that Melanie wanted her to tell the truth about what had
happened, but Krista asked Melanie to say that the drugs were hers - because she didn't want her dad to know that she was using drugs. She becomes upset
as she says that she took advantage of Melanie, and ruined her life to save her own. She says that she paid Melanie's bail and helped her to get out of
the country, though Melanie wanted to stay and be honest about everything. She says that she wants the record to state that Melanie was in no way
responsible for any of it.

Nicolette is walking up Ramsay Street when she spots an unfamiliar woman getting into a car. She rushes over and confronts her, only to learn that she
was delivering a pizza to no. 22. She apologises and walks away, answering a call on her phone as she heads into the house.
Inside no. 24, Nicolette walks in, finishes her call and tells Jane that the school protest charges against her have been dropped. Jane is delighted
and hugs her, before saying that she hopes this is a lesson learnt. Jane hopes that the good luck is catching for Melanie and Krista, saying that it would
be awful for Mel to end up in prison after everything she's been through. Nicolette then points out that everyone always tells her that she brought it on
herself when she gets herself into trouble, but Melanie is somehow the innocent victim. Jane says that the situations are very different and she goes off
to phone the council. Nicolette, meanwhile, looks at a photo of Kiri, then starts a search for the name 'Sasha McLain' on her phone, but then changes her

At The Waterhole, Leo asks Melanie and Krista what happens next - Melanie says that they just have to wait to see if they think it's worth the effort to
extradite them. Krista adds that they aren't sure how long it will be before they find out, so for now they're going to focus on moving on and making things
right. Melanie says that she heard what Krista said to clear her name, and Krista says that she's glad that she could finally be honest. She adds that she
needs to start thinking about finalising the plans for the New Year's Eve party, then goes to get everyone some drinks, and David goes to help her. Leo
leaves too, and Melanie is left sitting with Toadie, and she thanks him for saving her from herself - if he hadn't shown up when he did, then things could
have turned out quite different. She realises that she also owes Nell an apology, and Toadie says that Terese is looking after her and she'll be fine. At
the bar, David asks Krista if she feels good about herself, as she should - facing up to the past and working through her addiction is a big deal. He tells
her that he's there if she needs to talk to someone - better him than Leo. She says that she just needed a friend when she confided in Leo, and David says
that's fine, but it would unwise for anything more than friendship at this stage in Krista's recovery. Krista wonders if Leo has said something about her,
but David says that Leo is his twin and he felt that there was a vibe. Krista insists that there's no attraction on her side, and says that she'll keep her
distance from now on.

At no. 22, Nell is waiting for news when Terese gets a text from Toadie. It says 'Crisis averted. Home soon' and then she gets another text from Jane,
saying that the councillors are back from their Christmas break and they need to chat. Terese asks if Nell wants to watch the wrestling documentary, but
Nell would rather go upstairs and spend time with Hugo. Once alone, Terese sees Toadie's laptop and decides to have a look at the new reference he wrote
for Melanie: "Melanie Pearson was a central part of my life, first as a trusted employee and later as a loving partner to me and an exceptional stepmother
to my children. Her positivity and resourcefulness was what drew me to her, but it was her love and care for those around her that bonded us so fiercely.
Even our separation came down to a misguided act of self-sacrifice on her part. Melanie Pearson is integrity and generosity personified." Terese gets
emotional as she reads this.
Featured Regular Characters: Melanie Pearson, Toadie Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Terese Willis, Krista Sinclair, David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka, Nicolette Stone, Jane Harris,
Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Andrew Rodwell
Guest Cast:
Daniel Cosgrove as Matthew Childs,
Isabel Dilena as Alice Camm,
Faran Martin as Lorraine Schmitt
Trivia Notes
• Although not strictly a season premiere, as there was no broadcast gap at the end of 2023,
this was the first episode to air in 2024
• Although the episode aired in 2024, the events are still taking place on screen in 2023,
with a New Year's Eve party happening a couple of episodes later
• In the scene in which Melanie reads Toadie's negative reference about her, and in the final scene in which Terese reads the new reference, voiceovers are
provided by Ryan Moloney
• Melanie's address when living with the Sinclairs in London: 76 Stockley Rise, Primrose Hill
• Melanie worked as housekeeper for the Sinclairs between 2009 and 2014
by Steve