Magic Moments
> 2024
> Hope's Memorial
Episode 9022
by Elizabeth Packett, Directed
by Eugenie Muggleton, Produced
by Andrew Thompson
10: 10/04/24, Amazon Freevee: 10/04/24
Chelsea tells Krista that there've been complaints about the sauna, so Krista goes to check it... Paul finds Krista passed out in the sauna room... Paul
offers to take the memorial service for Krista's baby, Hope... Chelsea offers to look into the sauna incident for Paul... Chelsea is jealous as she sees
Paul catching up with Terese... Haz listens in on Mackenzie and Byron's conversations via their phones... Andrew tells various residents that malware was
used to get access to their devices... Haz receives an email, supposedly written by Mackenzie to Harlow, saying that she'll never love him the way she loved
Hendrix... Haz angrily tells Mackenzie to stop wasting her time, as she'll never work out what's going on...
At no. 32, Mackenzie is preparing food and there's tension in the air as Haz arrives home. Mack says that she managed to get hold of Byron and his phone had
the malware on it too, so she did some research and, contrary to what Haz said, that type of malware can't be installed remotely, so somebody had to
physically get hold of their phones. She adds that, on the day it was installed, Krista lost her baby and their phones went missing, so she's going to
speak to Andrew about it. Haz quickly says that he isn't sure that's necessary, but Mackenzie disagrees. Their conversation is cut short by Leo and Krista
walking in. Mackenzie says that dinner will be another hour, but Krista says it's fine and that she isn't that hungry, with Leo adding that they've just
been going over the final details for tomorrow's memorial.

At the Waterhole, Paul and Chelsea walk in, talking about their plans for dinner, when he spots Terese sitting alone at a table and decides to ask if she
wants to join them. Terese explains that she's meeting Jane for dinner, as they have a lot to catch up on. Paul asks how the WorkSafe meeting went and, as
Terese is replying, Karl and Melanie come in. She's joking about Karl's unfortunate reaction to their salmon supper, when she spots Terese, who then also
spots Melanie and decides to leave. Chelsea, not entirely convincingly, then says that it must be awful for Terese.
At no. 32, Krista has received flowers from Reece, with Leo saying that it would have been nice if she could have flown out for the memorial. Meanwhile,
Haz is about to pour some wine, but Mackenzie tries to stop him, and Krista quickly notices that there's something going on. Mack explains that they thought
that, with everything Krista is going through, they should lay off the alcohol for a while, as a way of showing support. Krista points out that they weren't
exactly throwing parties and having shots every night, so if they want to have a glass of wine with dinner, it's fine with her - but as Haz starts pouring
the wine, Krista is clearly uncomfortable.

At the penthouse, Paul asks Chelsea which tie he should wear to the memorial. She offers up her thoughts, then says that she was meant to be seeing Cara that
evening, but she's having problems with JJ, so she's not much fun right now - a bit like Paul. He apologises and says that he's a bit nervous about conducting
the memorial, so Chelsea asks if she can help. She offers to do a run through with him, but he turns her down, saying that he'd rather just get an early
At no. 32, Mackenzie sits down to watch television, but notices Haz's laptop on the table. She tries to guess the password but fails, then she hears someone
coming so she puts it back down. Haz walks in and Mackenzie tells him that she couldn't sleep as there's so much going on at the moment. Haz says that he'll
leave her alone, picks up his laptop and goes, pausing briefly behind Mackenzie as it he wants to say something. Mackenzie waits, but Haz says nothing and
leaves the room.

The next morning, at the penthouse, Krista is lost in her thoughts as she, Leo, Paul and Chelsea prepare to leave for the memorial. As Leo and Krista get
into the lift, Chelsea stops Paul and says that she's been thinking and that, as much as she wants to support Paul, she doesn't think she should be there.
She explains that it would feel a bit forced as she isn't that close to Krista and that she can take care of business at the hotel. Paul says that it's very
thoughtful of her and he leaves, as an overwhelmed Chelsea falls to her knees, struggling to deal with what's happening.
At no. 32, there's still tension between Haz and Mackenzie, as he goes to get ready for the memorial. Mackenzie, meanwhile, decides to go through his bag,
where she finds a hard drive. She connects it to her own laptop and is shocked to find the deepfakes of Jane and David, as well as the video of Haz trashing
the cafe. She's interrupted by Holly arriving, so she puts the hard drive in her bag and tells a surprised Holly that Haz is running late so they'll have to
go without him.


At the Botanical Gardens, Krista's friends have gathered for the memorial, as she stands alone, staring into the distance. Melanie goes over to join her -
they share a hug, and Mel tells Krista that she loves her and asks if she's ready. Krista nods, and they walk over to join Nicolette, Aaron and Remi. Remi
hugs Krista and tells her how sorry she is and how she wishes that she could have done more. Krista insists that Remi has been amazing, and hugs the other
attendees, telling Aaron that it means so much that he came. Aaron takes a moment away from the group and Leo goes over to him, saying that he thinks about
David all the time too. Meanwhile, Haz arrives, sarcastically thanking Mackenzie for leaving without him. Holly is surprised that Mack didn't even send him
a message to let him know, but Mack just walks away. Paul then asks everyone to gather and form a circle.
In the hotel office, Chelsea receives a visit from a man looking for Paul. He introduces himself as software technician Jeffrey Swan, explaining that Paul
asked him to look into the recent technical glitches at the hotel, and particularly the malfunctioning lock on the sauna room. Chelsea quickly takes an
interest as Jeffrey says that he has a hard copy of the report. She explains that Paul is out but she's the acting manager so she can take it from him, but
he suddenly changes his mind when he finds out her name. She asks if there's a problem, but Jeffrey explains that he'd prefer to wait and deal directly with
Mr Robinson, and Chelsea looks worried as he leaves.


At the memorial, Paul starts to speak:
"There's a Buddhist principle. The first noble truth, that says all life is suffering. I believe that's true. Because I don't think there's no of us here
today that hasn't known pain, loss and grief. Part of being human. We all feel it. And yet, there's a particular grief that comes with the death of a baby,
especially one who hasn't had the chance to take their first breath, feel the loving touch of their mother. But you know, as deep as this grief is, I'd like
us all to focus on the name that Krista chose for her precious baby girl: Hope. Hope is such a beautiful name, in fact it's a beautiful word because it means
that, amongst all the darkness, there's a knowing that one day, someday that light will come again."
As the mourners become lost in their own thoughts, Paul starts to sing 'This Little Light Of Mine' and slowly, everyone else starts to join in. The song
ends and a grateful, and tearful, Krista looks across at Paul.
At the Waterhole, Chelsea walks in to find Jeffrey sitting at the bar. She says that Paul is at a memorial service and won't be back all day, so there's
no point in him hanging around. Jeffrey stops her and says that he won't be giving her the report, but if she buys him lunch, he might consider telling her
what's in it.

The guests are leaving the memorial, as Krista thanks Paul for everything he did for her. He tells her that he just wanted to make things right, and he
also starts to leave, as Leo thanks his father and joins Krista. Mackenzie, meanwhile, is waiting for Haz and, after explaining that Krista is going to
stay behind for a while, she tells Haz that they need to talk, but it can wait until later when they're alone. As they walk away, Leo asks Krista if she
wants to go for a walk, but she says that she's too tired and she'd rather just sit and be still for a while.
At the penthouse, Terese arrives to visit Paul, saying that she knows how difficult it must have been for him. He says that he had David on his mind the
whole time, and Terese says that she's there to support him, for which he's grateful.

At the Waterhole, after finishing his meal, Jeffrey explains to Chelsea that his report shows that the IT profile used to deadlock the sauna door was hers.
She says that there must have been a glitch, but Jeffrey insists that he thoroughly investigated the situation. Chelsea tries to claim that she was hacked
by fired employee Penny, but Jeffrey won't have it and says that it's obvious it was her - why else would she buy him lunch? He then gets up to leave,
saying that he was paid by Paul Robinson to deliver the report, so that's exactly what he's going to do.
At no. 32, Holly is tired of the tension between Haz and Mackenzie, so she leaves, telling them to sort it out. Mackenzie is standing at the table, holding
the hard drive she found earlier. He asks what it is and she says that she found it in his bag. He's shocked that she went through his things, but she
explains that she had her suspicions about him and, after seeing the files on the hard drive, it seemed to confirm them. She asks him outright if he's
the hacker...

At the hotel, Jeffrey walks into the office, closely followed by Chelsea, and there's no sight of Paul. Jeffrey says that he'll just have to return the
following day, but Chelsea stops him, confirming that she did lock the door remotely, but she had no idea of the full ramifications. She closes the door,
saying that, if Paul reads the report, it'll be the end of her, so she's a desperate woman, who'll do anything to hide the truth. She walks towards Jeffrey,
kisses him and says that she'll be a lot more delicious than a free lunch...
Featured Regular Characters: Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar, Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson, Holly Hoyland, Nicolette Stone,
Aaron Brennan, Remi Varga-Murphy
Guest Cast:
Viva Bianca as Chelsea Murphy,
Tim Potter as Jeffrey Swan
Trivia Notes
• Past characters David Tanaka and Reece Sinclair are mentioned
by Steve