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Magic Moments > 2024 > Harold's Return Episode 9049

Written by Jason Herbison, Directed by Eugenie Muggleton, Produced by Andrew Thompson

10: 28/05/24, Amazon Freevee: 28/05/24

Susan struggles to work with Terese... Susan complains to Karl about the way Terese is treating her... Terese hears from Shirley Burchmore about buying an apartment... Susan suggests to Terese that she sticks with her own responsibilities... Karl asks Aaron to join the YAHMILs and find the real public pooper... Karl asks Aaron to film it if anyone breaks away from the other cyclists... Leo puts JJ to work at the vineyard... Nell skips school to join JJ at work... Krista tells Toadie where Nell is... Toadie suggests that JJ is a bad influence over Nell... A mystery figure injects poison into one of the wine bottles...

As he and Terese drive Nell back from the vineyard, Toadie tries to get to the truth about what happened. Nell is reluctant to say much, and Terese says that they just want to understand why she'd do something so out-of-character.


Meanwhile, Remi and Cara are driving JJ home, and he says that it was all Nell's idea, though Remi isn't sure that Toadie will believe that. She adds that they really don't need another neighbourly feud, and Cara says that they just need to know if JJ encouraged Nell.

Back in the other car, Nell is insisting that JJ had nothing to do with it. Toadie still thinks that he's a bad influence, but Nell reminds her dad of all the times he broke the rules as a teenager. Terese tries to stop an argument before it begins, by suggesting that they just focus on getting home for their dinner guests.


A little later, at no. 22, Toadie answers the door to Susan, who has brought Harold. He's delighted to see everybody, hugging Terese and telling Nell how wonderful she's looking. Nell tells Harold that Hugo says 'greetings' and Harold admits that it was difficult saying goodbye to Sky and Lana. He wonders why he needed to move in on Eirini Rising's opening day, as Susan insists it'll all be fine. He picks up on the tension between Susan and Terese over the issue, but Terese quickly goes to make some drinks, while Toadie offers Harold a hug.

At the Waterhole, Karl is giving instructions to Aaron on how to infiltrate the YAHMILs and find the public pooper, using his eyes and ears. Leo, who is getting some drinks, jokes that another of Aaron's senses might come in handy too. Karl finds this amusing, but Aaron does not. Leo then goes to sit with Krista, who has just heard from Brett Heade, the temporary manager of the hotel while Paul is away. She's amazed that Paul gave her final approval over hiring him and they make a toast to that, and to all of the success Leo is having with the vineyard and his new wine. Krista thinks it's nice that the residents of Eirini Rising will be the first to try the new pinot, and they share a kiss.


At no. 22, Jane and Karl have joined the group for dinner and they're preparing to tuck into a Welcome Home Harold cake. Susan notices that Harold is lost in thought and he says that he was just remembering when he was last in town, and how there was almost a brawl over Terese's plans to buy the school. He admits that things couldn't have turned out better with the school still open and Karl and Susan working at Eirini Rising. Jane tells Harold that he's amongst friends now and that they all love him very much. Toadie then suggests that they eat the cake and all get some sleep, as they have a big day coming up.

The next morning, Aaron is warming up, preparing to go on a bike ride with the YAHMILs. He thanks them all for letting him join them again and Matty says that he did well last time. Aaron then asks if they all stick together as a group, and wait if anyone has to stop for any reason. Matty says that they always have to keep things moving, especially in the morning. They prepare to leave, but Phil is missing, and Jacob explains that he's always disappearing into the bushes, apparently to make work calls. Jacob says that he has terrible phone reception, at which point Phil appears from the bushes and Aaron looks suspiciously at him.


In the courtyard of Eirini Rising, preparations are well underway for the opening, with Terese panicking and Susan trying to calm her down. Karl and Toadie then arrive with Harold and his suitcase, and he's very impressed with his new home. Toadie starts telling him about all of the facilities and Harold jokingly asks if he's on the payroll. Toadie insists that he's just a proud hubby, saying that if he wants the full sales pitch, he should speak to... about to say Susan, he stops himself and says Terese. There's an awkward moment, before Karl quickly suggests that they should go and get Harold settled in. Once alone, Toadie apologises to Terese for trying to make a joke about her work issues with Susan, as it's just made matters worse. Terese insists that it's all fine, and they're joined by Leo and Krista with a wine delivery. Leo asks how much trouble Nell and JJ got into, but Toadie says that everything is fine and nothing is going to spoil this day...

Karl and Susan show Harold his new apartment, and he's clearly quite overwhelmed by the whole thing, but Susan reminds that it'll feel more like home when his boxes are unpacked. Karl says that they'll need to arrange a consultation with his doctor in Queensland too, quickly telling a worried Harold that it's just for a handover. Harold then sees the emergency call button and Susan says there's one in the bathroom too, but insists that it's only for emergencies if he needs it. They start to realise that Harold is finding it all a bit too much, and Susan says that whatever he's feeling is fine, but he then changes the subject, asking her what's going on between her and Terese. She tries to laugh it off and says that it's probably just nerves about opening day, then it's Karl's turn to change the subject - he says that everyone was very intrigued about one of the items that arrived with Harold's belongings, and he happily unveils the tuba.


The cycle ride is underway. Aaron is at the back of the pack when he notices Jacob disappear down a side path, so he follows.

Aaron finds Jacob's bike by the side of the road, then spots him squatting in the bushes. Slightly grossed out by what he's witnessing, he grabs his phone and takes a picture as evidence.


In the office at Eirini Rising, Susan is updating Terese, who's distracted by the possibility of Shirley Burchmore and her friends buying the final few apartments. Leo then turns up with a bottle of wine for each of them, explaining that it's gift to celebrate Eirini's first day.

Outside, Krista is also handing a bottle to Jane and she's delighted. Meanwhile, the Varga-Murphy family arrive and Dex is upset that he's the only one there in school uniform. Cara points out that Nell is also wearing hers, while Jane is happy to hear that JJ has come to volunteer and help out for the day. Toadie, meanwhile, watches from a distance, unimpressed to see JJ. Elsewhere, Aaron rushes over to Karl and shows him the photo from earlier. Karl is delighted, until Aaron recognises Jacob across the courtyard and they realise that he's Shirley Burchmore's grandson.


A little later, Karl, Aaron and Leo, who had been filled in on the situation, are watching Jacob, shocked by his audacity. He comes over to say hello to them, confused by their strange behaviour. Meanwhile, Susan, Terese and Jane take a moment together to prepare for the speeches and a waiter brings them some glasses of wine, including a non-alcoholic one for Terese. They make a toast and Jane is very taken with the wine, wanting to finish her glass as Toadie comes over and tells them that it's time.

Terese begins the speeches by welcoming everyone to the official opening of Eirini Rising. She says that the journey began with a dream, to provide an experience for the beloved senior members of the Erinsborough community. She tells them that it's a privilege to have them in their lives and that the name Eirini means peace.


Susan then talks about how she saw this as a very special opportunity when Terese invited her to come on board. She explains that she knows how it feels to get older, and the uncertainty that it can bring - maybe they thought they'd have a loved one by their side, but no longer do, or maybe their bodies just aren't working the way they used to. She tells them that they'll be safe and supported, and the fact that it's right next to Erinsborough High makes it all the more special.

Jane then begins her own speech, saying that Susan must take a lot of the credit for the school being what it is, and that they're all very proud to be sharing this project with them. As she continues, she starts to struggle to get her words out and Karl is about to go and help, when she composes herself, joking that she shouldn't have had that cheeky sip of wine.


Terese finishes things up, and Jacob calls out to make a toast to Eirini Rising. Everyone joins in and they start to clap, while Karl glares as Jacob.

Karl and Aaron walk into his consultation room and find a bottle of wine from Leo on the desk. Aaron suggests that they have a glass, as it might help to calm Karl down. He pulls a corkscrew from his pocket and Karl says that one glass won't hurt.


Out in the courtyard, Leo is pouring some wine for Remi and Cara, while Dex is still complaining about having to wear his school uniform. Hilary, meanwhile, goes over to Terese and Susan, who are with Toadie and Harold. After an awkward reintroduction for Hilary and Harold, she wants to know where her bottle of wine is. Susan insists that they'll track it down and says that it's a very nice drop, but Hilary says that she plans to regift it to her son. Harold then excuses himself and Toadie goes after him to check that he's OK. As Karl and Aaron emerge from inside, Jacob approaches them with a question about the canapés, as he's on a health kick. Karl starts to make barbed comments and Jacob thinks it's because he wasn't allowed to join the YAHMILs. When Shirley comes over and asks where the bathroom is, Karl finally snaps and tells Jacob to admit that he's the public pooper. Jacob is speechless, Shirley is horrified and a stunned Susan and Terese watch the whole thing unfold from a distance.

Harold is in his apartment, pouring a couple of glasses of wine. Toadie lets himself in, saying that he tried knocking, and Harold apologises, explaining that his mind was elsewhere. He asks Toadie to join him, saying that he must think he's gone mad, a teetotaller pouring out wine. He tells Toadie that he's just been wondering how much Madge would have loved all of this and he feels silly, because she's been gone for so long. Toadie insists that it's perfectly normal, however long someone is gone for, little reminders will keep popping up. They then make a toast to Madge.


Back outside, Karl is watching from a distance as Jacob talks things through with his grandmother. Terese then furiously approaches Karl, saying that she can't believe he chose this day of all days to make such an accusation. Karl reminds her that he's been humiliated for weeks over the pooping scandal, but then Shirley and Jacob approach. Shirley says that her grandson has been 'dealing with the consequences of a high fibre diet' and that it won't happen again. Karl wants Jacob to make a public statement, but Shirley says that he's a barrister and that would harm his reputation. She tells Karl and Terese that, if this becomes public knowledge, then she and her friends will not be buying apartments at Eirini Rising, and it's up to Karl what happens next.


Later, Remi, Cara and Jane are pleased to see JJ doing such a good job of helping out. Jane is impressed that everyone seems to be on their best behaviour, unaware that, nearby, Dex is swigging wine from a bottle. He's caught by JJ and Nell, but he doesn't see the big deal. Nell realises that it's Hilary's wine and she tells JJ to get rid of it, and they can say that it never turned up. Nell goes to check that none of the adults have noticed what they're up to, but when she turns back to Dex, she finds that he's collapsed on the ground and she starts screaming for help...

Featured Regular Characters: Harold Bishop, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy, Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Leo Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Jane Harris, Krista Sinclair

Guest Cast: Anne-Scott Pendlebury as Hilary Robinson, Suzy Cato-Gashler as Shirley Burchmore, Sam Ludeman as Jacob Burchmore, Sean Yuen Halley as Matty Yeo, Billy Bentley as Phil Raymond

Trivia Notes
• Ian Smith returns as Harold Bishop in a semi-regular capacity, meaning that he is included in the opening titles, but is only credited for the episodes he appears in
• Past characters Madge Bishop, Sky Mangel and Lana Crawford are mentioned, Matt Robinson is also referenced thought not by name

Summary by Steve

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