Magic Moments
> 2024
> Haz and Mackenzie's Departure
Episode 9113
by Shane Isheev, Directed
by Chris Adshead, Produced
by Andrew Thompson
10: 17/09/24, Amazon: 17/09/24
Terese advices Nell to talk to Toadie... Toadie tells Nell that he wants her to understand his reasons for wanting to move away... Paul tells Terese that
Toadie warned him off her... Terese tells Toadie to stay out of her business... Haz finds out that his parents aren't coming to the wedding... Amira explains
that a butterfly landed on their dad's lap and he took it as a sign so the Devkar parents are coming to the wedding... Felix sees that his roommate Wade has a
phone that was smuggled in for him... Felix overheard Wade talking about getting payback before 'they' leave...
At no. 32, Byron is reading out a message from Mackenzie's dad, putting on a voice as they all laugh. Amira then shows up with her parents, Sanjeev and
Reena, leading to a very happy and tearful reunion as Haz greets them. Sanjeev explains that he wanted to fix things between them in person, but he realised
that he was expecting Haz to be the only one to make the effort. Reena says that they have a lot to work through, but she then asks to meet Mackenzie. Reena
warmly hugs her soon-to-be daughter-in-law and says that it's wonderful to finally meet her.

At the hospital, Andrew has come to see Felix as he prepares to be discharged. Felix admits that he can't believe he's about to be a free man again, then
tells Andrew that his roommate seems to be up to no good - he has a burner phone and he was talking to someone about getting revenge before they leave. When
he mentions a wedding, Andrew asks the guy's name and when he hears that it's Wade, he explains that Haz was the reason that Wade ended up in prison. Felix
says that it sounds like Wade is planning something nasty and that Andrew should talk to him.
Andrew pulls back the curtain around Wade's bed, saying that the staff have reported seeing him with a phone. Wade says that they were mistaken, so Andrew
asks if he can have a look around. As he begins the search, he mentions hearing about some concerning conversations about revenge, at which point Wade says
that he's unwell and needs to rest, and threatens to report Andrew for harassment. Andrew finds nothing, but warns Wade against doing anything to Mack and
Haz, saying that, if anything happens to them, then Wade's life will not be worth living.

Back at no. 32, Reena gives Mackenzie a small chest as a 'welcome to the family' gift, as well as a new collar for Trevor. Krista then hands over another
gift - the paperwork to show that Lassiters now owns the cafe. Haz is thrilled and says that the last thing he now needs to do is to sell his car. As they
all chat outside, Holly goes inside, making a cash offer on a car she's interested in.
At the hospital, Andrew tells Felix that he didn't find a phone, so they can't do much without any proof. Felix says that, if he was planning anything,
hopefully he's now been scared off, but Andrew decides to have a subtle police presence at the wedding, just to be on the safe side. He notices that Felix
has his release papers, and Felix confirms that he's just waiting for his lift to the halfway house. Andrew wishes him good luck as he leaves.

Mackenzie, Sadie and Holly are on Ramsay Street, and Mack admits that she can't believe how far she's come since she first arrived on that street. Sadie
says that the universe has a way of providing the right people in our lives, just when we need them. Holly wonders if Mack doesn't need her and Sadie anymore,
now that she's leaving, but Mack insists that she'll always need them both. Sadie says that it's time to spread her wings and Mack nods in agreement, as she
looks around the street.
Inside no. 32, Mack gets a text from Yashvi and Ned, sending their love, and Byron asks where everyone is getting ready. Holly says that she, Sadie and Mack
are getting ready at no. 28 and they go to leave, but Sadie stops them and says that this is the last time they'll all be together in the house. Haz, Mack,
Holly, Sadie, Byron and Krista then join together for a group hug, to mark the end of an era.

Back at the hospital, Felix is still waiting. He looks back over his shoulder at Wade in his hospital bed, and is then given the signal that it's time for
him to go. As Felix leaves, Wade watches him go with a look of disgust on his face.
Everyone is gathered at Sonya's Nursery for the wedding, as Nell admits to her dad that it's going to be strange to see it as a new business. Toadie asks if
she's having second thoughts about them selling it, but Nell unconvincingly says that it's just a place and that it's time to let it go. Elsewhere, Haz
introduces his parents to Karl and Susan, saying that they're 'The King and Queen of Erinsborough'. Susan says that Haz has got it wrong, and that Karl is
actually the jester. Meanwhile, Andrew spots Remi arriving and asks her if there've been any issues with Wade Fernsby, realising that was why she was
asking about him the other day. Remi says that there haven't been any problems but Andrew asks if they can keep it between them. The minibus then arrives
with a few more guests - Terese, Melanie, Aaron, Cara, JJ and Dex. Paul and Toadie both look awkward as they spot Terese arriving, and her smile also fades
when she sees Toadie in the crowd. JJ and Dex also look awkward when they see Nell, who goes over to join them. Dex quickly excuses himself to go and find
a seat, and JJ tells Nell that, although he claims otherwise, Dex is clearly still upset. JJ asks Nell about the move to Colac, and Nell says that her dad
has told her and Hugo that it's their choice if they go.




The wedding car has now arrived and Harold is telling Mackenzie that he's thrilled and very honoured to be giving her away. Mackenzie returns the
compliment, then tells bridesmaids Sadie and Holly that it's showtime.
Byron walks down the aisle with Trevor, closely followed by Sadie and Holly, as all of the guests stand up. Harold then proudly walks Mackenzie down the
aisle as everyone smiles. Haz then begins his vows:
"Mackenzie, it wasn't that long ago that I nearly lost everything. My family, my friends, myself. I didn't think I was worthy of anything good in my life.
But then, you came along. You love me. This smart, inspiring, courageous, strong woman chose me. It gave me permission to love myself again and it helped
me believe that I am a good person. And it absolutely blows my mind that, after today, I get to call you my wife."
Mackenzie then says her own vows:
"It's not always easy to love yourself. It can take a lot of hard work but Haz, with you it is so easy. You give me a reprieve from the self-doubt and
insecurities that can sometimes hit like a tidal wave and that is an incredible gift you've given me. We both have broken hearts, literally, but that
doesn't mean that the love they generate isn't as strong as others. Because I think it's impossible for anyone to love someone more than I love you."
Byron then takes the rings from Trevor's collar and hands them to Haz. Haz and Mackenzie exchange rings and Susan declares that they are man and wife,
before they share a kiss, as everyone claps and throws confetti over them.

At Harolds, the wedding reception is well underway and, as their friends dance, Haz tells Mackenzie that the cafe and Trevor were the lifelines he needed
to start his new life in Erinsborough, and they go to join in with the dancing.
Later, outside, Nell finds Dex and attempts to make small talk, but he insists that he's fine about her and JJ. He says that he heard about her dad's plan
to move to Colac and that he's hoping she doesn't go. Nell looks over at Toadie, who's lost in his own thoughts, and admits that she can see that the move
might be good for him and for Terese, even if she doesn't realise it yet. Meanwhile, a horrified Haz spots his parents with their own instant coffee and
rushes over to try and stop them. Andrew then quietly nods at a couple of undercover police who are watching nearby, as Felix also stands in the distance,
watching the wedding guests from the bushes.

Later, Felix is watching the front of the cafe when he spots Bowser, someone he knows from prison, hanging around Haz's car. He goes over, pretending that
he's in on the plan and that Wade sent him. Bowser doesn't look convinced, and quickly flees when Cara and Remi come over, angrily confronting Felix about
his presence after he agreed to stay away. They refuse to let him explain himself, so he promptly leaves.
Back inside Harolds, Paul goes over to Terese, pointing out that she's surrounded by an ex-husband, a soon-to-be ex-husband and the happy newlyweds, and
is impressed that she turned up at all. He tells her that nobody would mind if she left early, but she's determined to stick it out - though Paul wonders
at what cost. Meanwhile, Toadie is chatting to Mackenzie, telling her that Hugo's looking forward to moving to Colac but it's all down to Nell now. As he
and Mackenzie chat, he insists that he isn't going to force Nell and that he thinks that some space away from Erinsborough might be what they need. Nell
stands nearby and listens to this conversation with interest.

Later, outside, Holly receives a message from the seller saying that he'll take $50,000 for it. Holly smiles to herself and goes back to join the other
guests, where Mackenzie is thanking Harold, Karl and Susan for everything they've done for her. They insist that they're the ones who should be thankful.
Nell then comes outside to find her dad, taking him to one side and saying that she heard him talking to Mackenzie earlier. She asks him if he genuinely
thinks that the move to Colac is the right one for the family, and he says that it is. Nell confirms that they can come back to Erinsborough if it doesn't
work out and Toadie is delighted when she agrees to make the move.
That evening, as everyone gathers for a final farewell with Haz and Mack, Remi and Cara are telling Andrew about seeing Felix and he promises to sort it
out. Meanwhile, Sadie and Holly are telling Mackenzie not to forget about them, while Byron gives Haz a flash drive containing all of the videos he's made
with the locals, telling him to watch them when he gets homesick. Haz tells Byron that he's been the best best mate he could have hoped for, then goes and
says goodbye to his family and to Trevor. As Mack and Haz prepare to go, Toadie tells them that they're getting into the wrong car - Remi and Cara have bought
Haz's car, so a rental has been arranged so the newlyweds can drive to Sydney, stopping to visit Mackenzie's dad and siblings on the way. Everyone then
waves them off as they drive away, while a concerned Felix is still watching from a distance.


The dancing continues inside Harolds, and Cara tells Remi that she's too drunk to drive home. Remi says that she's about to start her shift at the hospital,
but maybe Byron or Krista could take the car back to Ramsay Street. Elsewhere, JJ is surprised that Nell has decided to go to Colac and she admits that she's
surprised too, but her dad's reasons were all good ones. She tells JJ that they could try a long-distance relationship, but he doesn't get a chance to answer
before Terese announces that the courtesy bus is leaving in ten minutes. Nell decides to go and tell Terese about her plans to move away - Terese is clearly
upset about it, but says that she's happy that Nell took the time to think about it. She then knocks over a glass and Toadie rushes in to help with the
spill, as Terese sees him and quickly walks away.
Outside, the courtesy bus is leaving, while Felix appears. He sees that the car Bowser tampered with is still in the car park and he heads off to find

Andrew is getting a bottle of champagne from the Waterhole when Felix walks in. Andrew reminds him that he shouldn't be there, but Felix quickly explains
what he saw earlier and that he thinks that Wade hired Bowser to mess with Haz's car. Andrew agrees to go and have a look.

Andrew and Felix head to the car park but Haz' car has gone and they have no idea who was driving it. Andrew spots some liquid on the ground and he
realises that Bowser must have cut the brakes...
Featured Regular Characters: Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Trevor, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Holly Hoyland, Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone,
Krista Sinclair, Leo Tanaka, Harold Bishop, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy, Toadie Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi,
Aaron Brennan, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Melanie Pearson
Guest Cast:
James Beaufort as Felix Rodwell,
Stephen Phillips as Wade Fernsby,
Maria Thattil as Amira Devkar,
Mark Silveira as Sanjeev Devkar,
Camilla Gautam as Reena Devkar,
John Klotz as Bowser Jones
Trivia Notes
• This episode had no opening titles, with just the 'party popper' Neighbours logo
title screen
• Final regular appearances of Georgie Stone (Mackenzie) and Shiv Palekar (Haz)
• Past characters Sonya Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi and Ned Willis are mentioned
by Steve