Guest Character
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Toby Adams Nick Antipas

Toby Adams 1985
Con artist Brian Hardy phoned the Ramsay house, speaking to youngest son Danny Ramsay, pretending to be a man named Edward Campbell from
Radio 1208. He told Danny that if he could answer a simple question, he would win tickets to a show of his choice, for everyone in his house. With a little help from his mum Maria, Danny got the answer right, and
requested two tickets to A Backstage Musical. Though Maria was unenthusiastic about going, Danny convinced her that she'd enjoy it, and the pair of them ended up having a wonderful time. Unfortunately, while the house was empty, Brian and his
mate Toby Adams had broken in and were busy taking anything of value. When Maria's ex-husband Max interrupted them by phoning, Brian even went as far as to answer the call and pretend that
Maria was there with him, but was in the shower. When Maria and Danny returned home, they were horrified by what had happened, but the burglary did have a silver lining, as Maria ended up in a new relationship with Richard Morrison,
the insurance assessor.
Trivia Notes
• Nick Antipas returned in 1987 as Ivan and in 1990 as Bob Craven
Episodes Featured 96
Biography by Steve