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Guest Character Profiles > Zenin Alexio Axel Whitehead

Zenin Alexio 2020

After Ned Willis became involved with a fight club, his girlfriend Yashvi Rebecchi became concerned about him, managing to get the fight club closed down and even managing to record evidence for the police. The whole incident led to Yashvi deciding to train to become a police officer, but Ned and Yashvi's actions drew interest from Zenin Alexio. Zenin followed them around for the day before confronting Ned at home, explaining that he'd been at the fights and needed to know what else Ned had witnessed while he was there. With Ned insisting that he had no idea what Zenin was talking about, he received a warning and was told to make sure that Yashvi kept her mouth shut too, or things were going to get ugly for both of them.

Ned decided to confide in Paul Robinson, explaining that clearly Zenin was under the impression that he or Yashvi had seen something at the fight club, when neither of them knew anything. Paul told Ned to keep the police out of it, and to try and find some leverage and make a greater threat against Zenin in return. Ned decided to listen to Paul's advice and visited Kane Jones, the organiser of the fight club, in prison. Unfortunately, Kane was little help but pointed out that Ned needed to think about whether he'd seen anything unusual at the club. After remembering seeing some guys loading some boxes into a van one night, Ned realised that he'd unwittingly witnessed something. Though still unaware of what exactly he'd seen, Ned realised that he and Yashvi were in a lot of trouble unless they could convince Zenin that they knew nothing about his illegal activities. Worried about how he was going to get out of the dangerous situation, Ned spotted some notepaper, belonging to Yashvi's uncle, lawyer Toadie, and came up with a plan. He took some and typed up a letter claiming that Toadie had received a letter that would only be opened and sent to the police in the event that Ned or Yashvi received any significant injury or threat. Ned told Zenin that he'd written down everything he'd seen - the van, the boxes and he even claimed that he'd kept note of the licence plate. He explained to Zenin that Yashvi knew nothing about it and that he wasn't going to put her in danger by telling her.

Though it seemed that Zenin had taken Ned seriously, he later watched as Ned and Yashvi arrived at Lassiters in her dad, Shane's, car. With them both out of sight, Zenin went over and tampered with the car and when Yashvi then went to drive it to her police exam, she had to stop when smoke came billowing out from under the bonnet. Ned then started to wonder if it was a warning as mechanic Bea Nilsson pointed out that it was an oil leak that could easily have caught fire and Yashvi was very lucky. When Kyle Canning was running the Buddy Club and found a gun in one of the kids' bags, he initially thought it was a toy, until he pulled the trigger and it fired. Fortunately, the bullet hit a tree and nobody was hurt, whilst Caden, the kid who had it in his bag, claimed that he'd found it in the bushes and thought it was a toy, later admitting that he'd actually found it in his sister's car. As the police discovered that the gun had been created on a 3D printer, Toadie, whose foundation ran the Buddy Club, learnt that the police were already investigating a criminal gang for 3D printing guns. When Ned then found out that Caden's sister was Greta Hutchins, another member of the fight club, he began to realise why Zenin had been so desperate to keep him quiet - he and his gang had been printing the gangs and operating out of the same warehouse as the fight club. After Toadie's office was then broken into, Ned realised that it must have been Zenin, looking for the letter that Ned had claimed to have given to the lawyer, and he confided in Kyle about everything that was going on.

Though Kyle wanted to tell Toadie, Ned pointed out that this would also drag Yashvi into the whole mess, which was something he desperately wanted to avoid, especially as she'd just passed her exams and was about to become a police cadet. Ned decided to meet up with Zenin, who was convinced that Ned had told Toadie the truth about the guns. Though Ned insisted that he hadn't, and that Toadie was only speaking to the police because of the Buddy Club, Zenin was unconvinced, saying that he would try searching the Rebecchi house for the statement next, claiming that he could just deal with Toadie and Yashvi at the same time. Ned then decided to try a new tactic, arranging for Kyle to meet with Zenin, claiming that he wanted to buy a gun. As Zenin handed him a note, telling him the location where he could find the gun, Ned filmed the interaction then waited at home for Kyle to collect it and return. Unfortunately, as Kyle returned with the gun in a box, Yashvi also arrived, having arranged dinner with Ned to celebrate her police cadetship. When Yashvi saw the box, she assumed it was a gift for her and, despite Ned's protests, she grabbed it and opened it, seeing the gun. After learning the full story, Yashvi pointed out that they could both have handled the situation a lot better, particularly with Kyle's track record with the police and Ned being on a suspended sentence.

After they took the gun to the police and explained everything, Kyle and Ned both received cautions, and they all waited for the news that Zenin had been arrested. As time passed and there was still no word from the police, Ned and Kyle began to worry for their own safety and Ned decided to send Zenin a message. When Ned heard back from Zenin, who claimed that everything was now fine between them, Ned was confused, but Yashvi pointed out that maybe he was unaware that he was under police investigation. As more time passed, Ned became frustrated that the police didn't seem to be doing anything, unaware that Yashvi was working with Zenin, having gone to him claiming that she needed to protect her family and that it would help his business to have a cop in his pocket. However, Ned soon found out after overhearing Yashvi talking to Zenin, then checking the messages on her phone. After failing to talk Yashvi out of her plan, Ned tried to talk Zenin into letting him take her place, but Zenin pointed out that a cop was far more valuable to him. Ned then decided, after seeing a warehouse address on Yashvi's phone, to go there himself and try again, desperate to keep her safe. When Kyle then let slip to Yashvi that Ned had gone to the warehouse, she and the police raced there just in time to find Zenin pointing a gun at Ned's head. With the police keeping Zenin's attention, Yashvi managed to sneak in and distract Zenin enough that he could be disarmed and arrested. As Yashvi explained that the whole thing had been a sting operation to bring down a huge illegal weapons ring, and that she hadn't been working for Zenin at all, she told Ned that he could have been killed and that he almost jeopardised the whole thing, so he'd have to answer to police from three different states.

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