Guest Character
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Will Attles Charlie Mycroft
Will Attles 2021
Occupation: AA Group Leader
When Glen Donnelly returned to Erinsborough, it was clear that he was holding secrets from his many years away, including the fact that he was still holding
a grudge against half-brother Paul Robinson, and had developed feelings for Paul's ex-wife, Terese Willis and was worried about her being around Paul. Aware
that recovering alcoholic Terese had gone on a binge recently and could be tempted to get back together with Paul, Glen was determined to help her, but she
was in for a shock later when she attended an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. As group leader Will Attles welcomed the group, he invited newcomers to introduce
themselves and, just as Terese walked in, Glen stood up and gave his name, telling the group that he was an alcoholic and addict.
Episodes Featured 8738
Biography by Steve