Guest Character
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Kerryn Braddock Sarah Macleod
Kerryn Braddock 2020
Marital Status: Dax
After Harlow Robinson was wrongly arrested and questioned, after finding a stash of drugs and deciding to burn them, her family were worried about her,
particularly her grandfather Paul and his wife, Terese. As Harlow was kept at the police station overnight, Terese approached Detective Sergeant Dax Braddock
and asked if there was anything at all that he could do to help, as she was concerned that Harlow wouldn't be able to cope. When Harlow was then released
without charge, Terese was happy, until Dax's wife Kerryn turned up at Lassiters for a spa treatment and insisted that it was free, as her husband had done
a deal with manager Terese. As Kerryn then also requested mates' rates on a function room for Dax's upcoming 40th birthday, Terese worried that she'd
inadvertently bribed a police sergeant, and she went to Dax and told him what Kerryn had been doing. Dax insisted that Kerryn must have gotten her wires
crossed and assured Terese that he'd have a word with his wife and get her to stop.
Trivia Notes
• Sarah Macleod was credited as
Kerryn for episode 8399 and as Keryn for episode 8400
Featured 8399, 8400
Biography by Steve