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Guest Character Profiles > Wei Chan Ferdinand Hoang

Wei Chan 2022
Children: Matt and Ken

After being diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, Hendrix Greyson learnt that he would need a lung transplant, but after finding out that there was a suitable donor, he started to become curious about them. Though he wanted to find out more about them, Karl Kennedy told him that the transplant process was anonymous and covered by strict privacy laws, explaining that the only option Hendrix had would be to write a letter to the donor's family to thank them. Feeling that this wasn't enough, Hendrix, and his fiancee Mackenzie, went to the hospital and tracked down the donor, Ken Chan, but were caught by Ken's brother, Matt. Matt was shocked to see them staring at Ken as he was lying on life support, so Hendrix explained who he was and why he'd visited. Quickly realising that they'd made a terrible mistake, Hendrix and Mackenzie left, and Karl told them that what they'd done was not only illegal but also incredibly selfish. Later that day, word came through that the Chan family had taken Ken's name off the transplant list, so the operation was off.

As she saw the effect that this news was having on Hendrix, Mackenzie decided to take another risk and went to the hospital to speak to Wei, Ken and Matt's father. Though Wei wasn't eager to speak to her, feeling that she and Hendrix had shown little respect for Ken, Mackenzie told him how sorry they were, insisting that they had only visited because Hendrix was so grateful and wanted to see the person who was saving his life. She went on to say that Hendrix also had a lot of life still to live and he was devastated at the thought that so many people would lose their donor organs because of him. Mackenzie's words seemed to have had an effect and, later that day, Hendrix heard that the Chan family had changed their minds and the operation was back on.

Trivia Notes
• Ferdinand Hoang previously appeared in 2000 and 2001 as Hung Nguyen

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