Guest Character
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Chester Day Robert Pham
Chester Day 2024
Occupation: Nurse
When Felix Rodwell was stabbed whilst defending another inmate during a brawl at Warrinor Prison, he was rushed to hospital for emergency surgery.
His brother, Andrew, was reluctant to visit, having cut ties with Felix before his latest return to prison, but Andrew's wife Wendy decided that Andrew
might regret this decision. She went to visit Felix and realised that something had changed about him and, when Andrew found out about the visit, he was
persuaded by Wendy to talk to his brother. Andrew agreed that Felix seemed different and the reason later became clear as Felix was chatting to nurse
Chester Day. When Chester mentioned that Felix had been very lucky and must have a guardian angel watching over him, Felix agreed and said that he was
very grateful and had a lot to thank 'the big guy' for, before opening up his bible.
Trivia Notes
• Robert Pham previously appeared in 2019
as Frank Scigliano
Featured 9111
Biography by Steve