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Joe Julians Rory O'Brien
Joe Julians 2024
Occupation: Loan Shark
When Sebastian Metcalfe arrived in Erinsborough, seemingly to catch up with old friend Krista Sinclair, it wasn't long before his past caught up with him
when loan shark Joe Julians arrived from Sydney. Joe tracked down Seb to the Back Lane Bar where he was caught threatening him by Byron Stone. Seb lied that
Joe had been coming on to him and wouldn't take no for an answer, but when Byron, as well as Krista's boyfriend Leo Tanaka, saw Joe threatening Seb again the
next day at Lassiters, Seb was forced to come clean with Leo. However, rather than telling Krista what was going on, fearing that she would immediately help
Seb by paying his debts, Leo told Seb to leave town, both to escape Joe and to stop him from taking advantage of Krista.
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Biography by Steve